Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday, March 12th

I got into Haas! Yay! I woke up at freaking 7 today to do club stuff and the site never posted admissions. Then I came home in between classes and I checked and I got in! I didn't really think anything - it was one of those things where I would have been really sad if I didn't get it but when I did get it, I was like "oh ok." Anyway, my floormates are SOOO CUTE.

I told Caroline on my way to film studies and she was so much more excited than I was. She was like "I'm going to buy you a Haas shirt! I've seen them!" And then when I came back from film studies I was walking back to my dorm and I saw people playing football and it took me a few seconds to realize they were my floormates and before I know it, Paulo comes running at me and hugs me and lifts me off my feet. I reacted by screaming "OH MY FUCKING GOD AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and then it was cute. And then Christine was sitting on the balcony and I waved and she was like "CONGRATULATIONS." HEHEHE and then when I got back to my room, I had three missed calls, one from jonathan, christine, and alvin. Alvin's message was cute! Aw I just remembered he left a really cute message two years ago when he was waiting to see if we could eat souplantation together but it got deleted. Boo. Anyway...

So we were like OK Let's go eat! and I had spent the entire film studies class thinking about where I wanted to eat, and I came up with: Cafe Intermezzo, Chipotle, Raleighs, Brazil Cafe. We were debating and finally we were like "let's just walk" and in the end we got CHIPOTLE. HAHA Before we left, Caroline's mom called her and Caroline told her I got in and her mom was like "tell her congratulations" and I was like "THANK YOU MRS. JABLONICKY" Caroline's mom found out before my mom. Christine told her mom before too. HAHA I guess my mom is the third mom to know. Caroline was like "we're going to Chipotle" and her mom was like "really? chipotle? maybe you should take her somewhere nicer." And on the way to Chipotle, we were still debating and Christine was like IB Hoagies? and Paulo was like "why are we going lower? I thought we were looking for more upscale." HAHA

Jonathan paid for my meal AWWW. I tried to be crafty too. He was like "do you know what you're getting" and I was like "NO. I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO DO" but he just told the guy that he was paying for my tacos. And I held out a $20 and the guy was like ... he paid for you. HEHE

THENN after eating (and breaking Paulo's Chipotle virginity) we went back to Bear Market for the ice cream night we've been planning for days. We got three pints - one with chocolate and malt balls, one with chocolate peanut butter cup, and one with drumsticks, which I TOLD THEM "NO DON'T GET THAT" because we got it at Danny's the night before I left for Berkeley and I remembered we were all like THIS ONE IS GROSS and we all liked the ice cream sandwiches one. So we sat on the benches outside and shared three pints between five people. IT WAS CUTEEE. I was like "AWW I wish we all lived together" and they were like "... we do" and I was like "NO I MEAN NEXT YEAR."

Ok. HEHEHE I'm happy now. I think I'm happier that I have such cute friends at school who care about me! More than the actual getting into Haas. AWWW


tinggg said...

you are so amazingly loved.

coonie said...

AWWWW. you seem very happy. :D i am very happy for you. i got very excited for you. hehee