Thursday, March 27, 2008

Kanye West

AH NO! I'm starting to like Kanye West. NOOO I used to think his music was super annoying. I hate the way he sometimes draws out the word and it's NOT MUSIC. But then Will's ringtone is Flashing Lights and that "flashing flashing lights lights lights" part is so annoying that it becomes catchy. AND SO FUN TO SING WITH PEOPLE. Damn

And in all of spring break I've only gone running TWICE. AGH. I don't understand why gyms can't have lower daily rates. The one here charges $15/day I think, and the RSF charges $10/day. NO ONE PAYS THAT MUCH TO GO TO THE GYM FOR AN HOUR. I would totally do it for $5 a day. And for $5/day, it would still be $150/month, which is still ridiculously more than their monthly charges. SO OBVIOUSLY IT'S STILL A WIN WIN TO CHARGE $5 -_______-

Ok, end of spring break is like, the mark for a school year. AH! I really have to solidify my housing for the summer, figure out what classes I want to take, finish up club stuff, and GET MY GRADES UP AH. I have a solid B in UGBA which is my most important class; probably a B or A- in IEOR, and I want an A DAMNIT; P for physics, P for edu196, and I'm not sure what for Film Studies. I hope it'll be an A though!

OH NO I've somehow deleted my labels for "class." This label thing is really stupid. I don't use them and I don't think people who read this do either. LAME AGH.

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