Friday, August 28, 2009

New Blog

I made a new blog. I feel like making a second blog (in my case, I guess this is my third public blog) is something people think about for several days before deciding to take the plunge. It's like moving. Is it really worth uprooting yourself and starting completely anew? Couldn't I just remodel the current blog and keep the base intact?

I kind of just created one in a flash. I was actually going to make a second blogspot, but when I was faced with having to choose a new theme, I realized that there are no other themes I like on blogger and I don't have the patience or the skill to create my own. So I decided to use wordpress. Wordpress is really confusing so for now, the site will look very bare since I don't know how to add side modules. I also don't save any interesting pictures that could make nice background images. All I have in my laptop are pictures of pretty celebrities, clothes that I want to buy one day, and kitchens.

For the past few weeks I just haven't had any incentive to blog. I'll write a bit, delete it, write again, delete it, and then give up. My life just isn't that interesting. I wonder if I can blame part of this on twitter - I don't feel like people gain anything from reading all these paragraphs, and when I submit a post, it's like I purport to have something interesting to say, when I'm not saying anything at all. But when I use twitter, it's assumed that whatever I say is useless, so there's no pressure to be entertaining or interesting or even grammatically correct.

But I made a new blog anyway, because now I have a THEME! The theme is life lessons (yes I know that is not a theme). The idea is kind of based on a list I keep in my food diary, titled: THINGS I HAVE REGRETTED. I have only ever made one entry on the list, and it's "eating an entire Gypsys calzone for dinner." The idea was that I would write down all the things I regretted doing food-wise, so I wouldn't repeat my mistakes. That never really happened. I still eat entire calzones for dinner. I guess for the blog, I hope I can read it over one day and think "how silly I used to do that!" instead of "guess not much has changed."

Anyway, the address I wanted "" was already taken. Wasted on a one-post author. seemed really redundant. So my new blog is


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