Monday, August 17, 2009

Another day in summer part 3

This trailer makes me feel like my life is moving too fast and I don't have enough time in the day to do all the things I want to do.

But once it's over, I return to my routine of sitting in my room, trying to think of things to look at online, and reading Harry Potter between naps and eating little snacks I find in the house. The highpoint of my day is around 9:30 when it's finally cool enough for me to go running. I can usually take one day of pure relaxation before my body starts to freak out and tries to set goals to accomplish.

This is the second time I've read the final book of the Harry Potter series and I am amazed by how I remember absolutely nothing. In all honesty, the only thing I remember from the book is that it ends happily and the names of their children are kind of lame. I haven't even had a single trigger of "OH! This is going to happen." Kind of sad how quickly we forget things.

I think normally, I'd be itching to get back to Berkeley, but as of right now I prefer this current state of in-betweenness. I don't look forward to the coming semester, which will only bring me closer to one of my greatest fears, unemployment (which slightly trails behind loneliness and sustaining an injury that leaves me incapable of exercising).

The internet at home is really shoddy and it makes me really angry.


FL said...

I was going to put this song on your mix CD. darn.

meltang said...

OOO a mixed cd! put it on anyway :D