Saturday, February 23, 2008

The worst thing ever has happened

How fucking typical. A few days ago I was talking to Chrystal and I was like "I think my most prized possession is my TMV ring. Or ... actually maybe my music." If I lost my ring, I would be super sad for a very long time. If I lost my music, I would first be insanely angry, like wanting to drop my laptop from Campanile angry, and then sad, and then super super depressed the first time I download a new song. And I was like "I bet something is going to happen to my music."

ANDDDDDD yesterday night I fell from my bed. And I sleep on the top of a bunk bed. I oddly got up with only a small bruise on my arm from hitting the table. I sprayed it with bactine, which Danny gave me after he found out I had gotten an ear piercing. It stung a lot, whichh makes me wonder why he used it for his ear piercing. I don't think that's that it's used for. Good thing I never used it for my ear.

Anyway, some time during my fall, I knocked over a cup of water ... all over my laptop. I didn't notice until a minute later and all I did was kind of shake it and wipe off the keyboard with a paper towel. I went back to bed because it was 5:45 in the morning and I wanted to just go back to sleep and pretend none of this had ever happened.

Now of course, my computer will not turn on. I'm using my floormate's computer - I woke them up but I think they don't mind considering my story was pretty hilarious to hear. I am insanely sad right now because if I lose my music, I think I'm going to cry. Seriously cry. Also more ironic (I've heard so many 'that's not the right use of ironic' that now I'm not at all sure what it means and I know this is the wrong use but I don't care, I will be the average American and misuse phrases left and right) it's taken me a month to force my floormates to watch Memento and FINALLY we were about to ON SUNDAY. NOW the movie is unaccessible from my computer, none of us have a copy, and they are too scared to use DC++. ARGHHHHHHH

I was extremely unstressed but now I suddenly have everything piled up at once
1) Gym immediately after this, even though all I want to do is stare at my laptop and hope it magically turns on
2) Do laundry
3) RCSA club event at 2:00
4) Homework? I can't even think about what I have to do. Econ reading, econ homework, Physics and Music hw. Thankfully I don't have a giant paper due
5) Look for apartments

I'm going to gym now ... and be very sad. On top of this sadness, I ate a chili bread bowl last night even though my brain was clearly telling me "DO NOT EAT THAT. YOU CAN JUST SLEEP AND THIS HUNGER WON'T EVEN BOTHER YOU ANYMORE. DO NOT EAT THAT!" But I did. And now I am fatter than I wish

1) Leave my computer top open
2) Leave open cups of water near my computer ... I've actually spilled several
3) Eat at late night
4) Sleep so close to the edge of my bed

Going to cry. Goodbye

1 comment:

FL said...

something like this happened to my laptop once but it got fixed. I had to delete and reboot everything but I was able to extract my files first. :)