Thursday, February 21, 2008

My week until the end of the semester

Lesson of the day: One bowl of seaweed salad is enough. No one really wants to eat four bowls of seaweed salad.

It's the last Thursday where I can wake up, gym, and then sit in my room slowly doing work until my class starts at 5:00. I begin work on Monday, and while the renewed source of income is more than welcome, I'm dreading the impact it'll have on my schedule. For now, I'm planning to have my week go something like this:

Everyday, wake up any time between 7:00-8:00. Get up, go to the gym, return home with a cup of yogurt parfait in hand, do some situps, shower, eat yogurt parfait while checking websites.

Monday: Class begins at 11:00 and I absolutely detest this professor. He goes over the lecture slides so slowly that he's never finished them all. In the last half hour of the lecture, he'll realize that he's only been through 4 of 16 slides, and then proceed to skip over a few, saying "we'll get back to that in a minute." We never do. He'll pass over concepts that are harder, and will take more time to discuss. Instead, he'll talk about things you would never be quizzed on for a midterm or things that are common knowledge. This class makes me want to scream.

Go to the library at 12:30 and get new books to read. Class from 1-2, then office hours for my ASUC Grants until 4:00. For now, I'll go home, do homework (that is, play tetris and do nothing), swim, eat an apple, do more homework, sleep. Depending on how much time I need to do homework, I may start working on Mondays too.

Tuesday: After the everyday morning routine, I go to work at 11:00 until 4:30. I then have 30 minutes to get something (small and nonfattening, no matter how hungry I am) to eat, before walking up the giant hill that is Hearst Ave. to my IEOR class. There are very few classes I would have the patience to sit through between the hours of 5-6:30, but luckily, this is one of them. Go home, play on the computer, swim at 8:00, come home, either talk to people or do homework. Repeat on Thursdays.

Wednesday: Wednesdays are terrible. I had a taste of what ti'll be like yesterday and by 6:00 I was really impatient and wanted to kick a wall just to get the pent-up energy out. Wednesday is my "sit in a chair very still" day. It goes, morning routine, class at 11:00-12:30, then 1:00-2:00. Do film studies reading in the hour before film class, while eating salad. Go to film class and try very hard to stay awake for three hours. Then, either club meetings or dinnertime before going to another class from 6:30-8:00. At 8:00, walk very quickly from Tolman, make sure I don't get mugged or sexually assaulted on the way back, then enter dorm and don't do anything but socialize because there's no way I can sit and do more homework.

Friday: Morning routine again, class at 11:00-12:00, then 1:00-3:30. Go to work at 4:00 until 7:00. Go to gym and swim. Come home and begin to do as much homework as I can before the weekend.

So that's my week. There's very little room for homework time, because whenever I swim, I'm way too exhausted to do any homework after. The good thing is that this semester is freakishly easy. Out of five classes, I only have one with a legitimate final or midterm, which is my econ class. The next most legit class is film studies, and I only have a few papers to write for that. After that, the classes can't even really be counted on a scale of legitimacy - they're mainly fluff. If you read through all of that and retained any of it in your memory, you are a good friend. Or a very bored person.

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