Monday, April 14, 2008

The sun is gone! Yay

Before you start reading, pause whatever music you have and just hit play here. Don't watch it though, there's no one pretty.

Yay! According to msn, I will have the #4 best job to have after college. The #1 is consulting, which I might do after a few years of accounting/auditing, since I hear that is what most people do. I just need to go through two years of school :(

I am torn between really wanting school to end and not wanting it to end. I thought we had four weeks of school two weeks ago, but starting THIS monday, we have four weeks of school. So in my mind, school's like twice as long now. I really hate economics, especially now that I don't get it all. I guess econ1 knowledge only takes you up to the 11th week of UGBA101b. I kind of wish I had gone to my GSI office hours, but I still don't know when they are and I don't care anymore now. I just want school to be over now so I can get my B in the class and move on. I don't feel like doing work for any of my other classes, but they are all very fun classes so it's not that painful.

On the other hand, I don't ever want the year to end. I can't believe we ONLY have FOUR weeks of school left because OMG I freaking love living with my floormates. Part of me is like "we should live with all of our friends FOREVER. Just buy a giant apartment complex!" There's still so much to do - we've had plans to go to all these different places around the Bay Area for the past three months but every day, we end up hanging out in room 306 and the study lounge and it's enough for us. And unlike high school with TMV when we went out to eat a lot, most of what we do is sitting around in someone's room so I never bring out my camera and there are not that many pictures of us. I will probably take like 500 pics when we go to Boat Dance (yay!) which is a semi-formal dance for people who live in residence halls, and it's on a ship out in the SF Bay. Should be AWWWWEEESOMEEE. And you know me, I really hate dances. I'm so happy that my floormates kept pushing me to go - I probably wouldn't have gone if Caroline didn't decide to go, but I heart my floormates for immediately saying "OK NOW YOU HAVE TO GO" instead of being like "whatever we don't care if Melissa goes." :D

And then I have RCSA friends, two of whom are like some of my closest friends and they are GRADUATING. :( My life would have been very different if I had not met Li-Ting in the beginning of freshman year, and if I had not went to the SF trip and waited at the bus stop with Angelica.

Boo the wonderful overcastness of the morning is leaving. But it's supposed to be less warm today, so yay.

Anyway, what did I even want to write about? I got distracted with nail clipping. I feel like I just have all these blogs that are like "OMG THESE PEOPLE ARE GREAT" but they don't actually have any memories in them. I guess if I'm not going to write memories, I'll just write plans.

What I want to do in the summer:
I still need to finalize my apartment and call that landlord X__X Judging by how most of my life has turned out, I'll get the apartment and realize that I've been stressing out for nothing. I still need a third roomie and I'm trying to take Jon from our floor, although it'll be stealing him from his current roommates. HEHE time to work some charm. I feel like an employer trying to steal someone from a rival company. I totally have all these visions for the summer which in my mind, will be AWEESOMEEEE.

So I get the apartment, but the landlord has said he wanted to do revonations, so I will maybe live in Alvin's place since that is the most convenient. I will work all day, make tons of money, and then every other day, go the Media Resources Center and just watch a new movie every day. Seriously, that place is fun-fucking-tastic. I realize that was not even a word. But it's two floors below the ground level of Moffitt, and it's what looks like 10 HUGE bookshelves filled from top to bottom with dvds. The DVD collection is in that link. You "borrow" one and watch it in the room adjoined to it, which is like tons and tons of booths with its own dvd player and television with headphones.

Besides that, I'm going to spend the summer getting really fit - swim, run, and exercise classes EVERY day. I swear it.

Then I'll visit my Norcal floormates on the weekends. Who lives in Nor Cal: Eric, Christine, Jon, Paulo, Joe. I really really want TMV to visit me, hopefully after I move into my actual apartment. I'd also need to start buying furniture/appliances for the apartment (EXCITING! EXPENSIVE!) and it would be like a week of feasting/fun having. Then I have summer school, where I will hopefully make lots of new Haas friends.

I'm looking forward to this summer. :)

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