OMFG I GOT A B- IN MACROECON. Seriously, I'm half torn between cheering for not getting a C, and crying because it's a B MINUS. I could have lived with a B but a minus is like "HELLO SHE ALMOST GOT A C, DON'T EVEN LOOK AT HER RESUME" FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK. I talked to Li-Ting, who is like my go to person for anything business related and she was basically like "well. Just don't get anymore, and get A's in accounting courses." BUT OMFG. I have only TWO SEMESTERS including summer to get my GPA up to a point where my resume doesn't land in the automatic reject pile. FUCK. OMFG.
There's the part of my brain that is really freaking out right now, residual from middle school self pressure, and a scarier thing is happening where the other part of my brain is just starting not to care about things anymore. AGH. But I can't not care, because I don't have a JOB YET, HELLO. Stupid brain. AGH. Well, all I can say is that I did poorly this semester because I assumed all my classes were easy, and I focused more on socializing. I have really good friends now, which means I can put grades back in my first priority. I hope it was worth it. I really hope this isn't the first thing I put in my REGRET list, because I've enjoyed saying I've lived without regrets, but if this B- is what stands in the way of living the way I've planned, that is one big regret.
Priority list for the summer:
1) Getting A's in both classes
2) Making friends in summer school
3) Lowering error rate at work
4) Making friends in sublet
5) Making friends at work
6) Keeping in contact with other friends
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The illiterate college student
Agh! I kind of had plans to just sit around the house and read all day for this week that I'm at home. I've really liked being at home and keeping to myself. It's a very abrupt change from the days when I talked to people for several hours straight at the dorms. After my floormates left, I had dinner with my mom on Tuesday at Ichima. I've decided that I will only order one sushi roll if I go out for sushi, because two is way too filling. Wednesday, I ate with my aunt, uncle, and mom at a Thai restaurant. Today I'm eating with my RA who happens to be in San Gabriel ... Friday is Erica day, and then hopefully people will be able to do things on Saturday. I realize that I just wrote out all of this after saying "I've liked keeping to myself," but half of it is family, and I don't really count that as going out.
Point of blog: Agh! I can't read anymore. I went to the library, got two books, and returned them the next day. I'm really picky about books now. For fiction, I can't stand all that chick lit stuff I used to read. And then I don't like it when the author is clearly writing about him/herself, just through a made up name. And then I can't stay awake for the "good" writing, where it's all beautifully written descriptions of things or thoughts that just put me to sleep. All that's really left are books similar to those on Oprah's booklist - decently well-written, but for the common person who can only read so many words in a sentence.
For nonfiction, I realized that the only things I enjoy reading about is health, food or biographies on chefs. I like to read about neurology or psychology but I generally can't find books that are interesting and written in laymen terms. I'd also like to pick up a book on politics or world issues, but once I actually look inside, I already know that I shouldn't even bother checking it out. To be honest, I don't really care and I know so little that all the material is very hard to get through and I'd end up wikipediaing every other term.
So, I'm currently reading the Beekeeper's Apprentice, which is pretty interesting. I got it once at the Berkeley library but I delayed and ended up having to return it. Well I found it at Arcadia library, and it looked relatively clean so I got it. But every time I pick it up, or any other book, my mind just starts thinking about a ton of other things. Every time the character does something, I think to myself "hey! I want to do this! I should write this down in my list of to dos" or it'll remind me about something I want to blog about, or it'll make me think about my life. A good book should make you reflect, but I reflect while reading, and I end up just trying to speed read so I can get on with my life. If anything, reading just stresses me out because it reminds me of all the things I wish I knew about or all the things I wish I could do.
Character in book meets Sherlock Holmes
Me: Wow she befriends Sherlock Holmes. I kind of want to meet someone that intelligent. I'm just sitting in this house all day. Maybe I should be going out and trying to talk to strangers. But I'm not as intelligent Mary is. Maybe I should try to become smarter. I should try reading more. Which is why I'm reading this. But I should probably read some sort of nonfiction book, which would teach me more. Or I should read some articles on The Economist. I'm kind of hungry. No! Must continue reading. I just thought of a song I want to download though. And I kind of want to blog. Eyes ... closing. Nap time.
I kind of think studying hard in high school messed up my love for reading. My reading level peaked at Animorphs, and after all those AP books, I just read blogs and gossip articles. Which is probably why I write the way that I do. I figure that I really don't need to know very much about the world. Interviews for auditors are mainly behavioral questions, like "describe a time you had to work with someone who didn't do things the way you liked," and answering questions like that requires going outside and doing things, not reading. If I were going into finance, I'd be completely fucked, but thankfully, I'm not. And I make enough friends by talking about TV anyway, and that's conversation that interests me, not things like what stances politicians are taking or who won the last debate.
So instead of reading this past week and learning a little bit, I've just woken up at 8:30 every morning (eeK! I just realized that this is an hour later than I did at school - must wake up earlier tomorrow!) just to turn on my computer and spend about 3-4 hours downloading music. I don't think I could do this another day though, and good thing because tomorrow is Friday. But every time I want to do something, I just check facebook, then gmail, then lie around. At least I only have a few days left of this, before I start work.
So that's that. I'm going to write in my electronic diary now, before Yu picks me up. This was not a "oh woe is me" entry, but it was more of "hey I have this thought that I want to put down because if I don't, my mind will explode from too many thoughts."
Songs I've really liked:
Estelle ft. Kanye West - American Boy (thanks to Owen, who doesn't read this which is why I will say: I'm not sure exactly why, but after he came to my house to drink with my floormates, I really started to like Owen more. He's probably the person I know the least in TMV, but for some reason, I've realized that even Owen loves TMV and is a better guy than a lot of guys in the world)
Jonathan Clay - Back to Good
You can always count on a sappy scene from The Hills to have a really good mellow song
Panic at the Disco - Nine in the Afternoon
What! It's a good song to run to, and sing to in an empty house
Baumer - Take What's Mine
Test Your Reflex - Thinking of You
Point of blog: Agh! I can't read anymore. I went to the library, got two books, and returned them the next day. I'm really picky about books now. For fiction, I can't stand all that chick lit stuff I used to read. And then I don't like it when the author is clearly writing about him/herself, just through a made up name. And then I can't stay awake for the "good" writing, where it's all beautifully written descriptions of things or thoughts that just put me to sleep. All that's really left are books similar to those on Oprah's booklist - decently well-written, but for the common person who can only read so many words in a sentence.
For nonfiction, I realized that the only things I enjoy reading about is health, food or biographies on chefs. I like to read about neurology or psychology but I generally can't find books that are interesting and written in laymen terms. I'd also like to pick up a book on politics or world issues, but once I actually look inside, I already know that I shouldn't even bother checking it out. To be honest, I don't really care and I know so little that all the material is very hard to get through and I'd end up wikipediaing every other term.
So, I'm currently reading the Beekeeper's Apprentice, which is pretty interesting. I got it once at the Berkeley library but I delayed and ended up having to return it. Well I found it at Arcadia library, and it looked relatively clean so I got it. But every time I pick it up, or any other book, my mind just starts thinking about a ton of other things. Every time the character does something, I think to myself "hey! I want to do this! I should write this down in my list of to dos" or it'll remind me about something I want to blog about, or it'll make me think about my life. A good book should make you reflect, but I reflect while reading, and I end up just trying to speed read so I can get on with my life. If anything, reading just stresses me out because it reminds me of all the things I wish I knew about or all the things I wish I could do.
Character in book meets Sherlock Holmes
Me: Wow she befriends Sherlock Holmes. I kind of want to meet someone that intelligent. I'm just sitting in this house all day. Maybe I should be going out and trying to talk to strangers. But I'm not as intelligent Mary is. Maybe I should try to become smarter. I should try reading more. Which is why I'm reading this. But I should probably read some sort of nonfiction book, which would teach me more. Or I should read some articles on The Economist. I'm kind of hungry. No! Must continue reading. I just thought of a song I want to download though. And I kind of want to blog. Eyes ... closing. Nap time.
I kind of think studying hard in high school messed up my love for reading. My reading level peaked at Animorphs, and after all those AP books, I just read blogs and gossip articles. Which is probably why I write the way that I do. I figure that I really don't need to know very much about the world. Interviews for auditors are mainly behavioral questions, like "describe a time you had to work with someone who didn't do things the way you liked," and answering questions like that requires going outside and doing things, not reading. If I were going into finance, I'd be completely fucked, but thankfully, I'm not. And I make enough friends by talking about TV anyway, and that's conversation that interests me, not things like what stances politicians are taking or who won the last debate.
So instead of reading this past week and learning a little bit, I've just woken up at 8:30 every morning (eeK! I just realized that this is an hour later than I did at school - must wake up earlier tomorrow!) just to turn on my computer and spend about 3-4 hours downloading music. I don't think I could do this another day though, and good thing because tomorrow is Friday. But every time I want to do something, I just check facebook, then gmail, then lie around. At least I only have a few days left of this, before I start work.
So that's that. I'm going to write in my electronic diary now, before Yu picks me up. This was not a "oh woe is me" entry, but it was more of "hey I have this thought that I want to put down because if I don't, my mind will explode from too many thoughts."
Songs I've really liked:
Estelle ft. Kanye West - American Boy (thanks to Owen, who doesn't read this which is why I will say: I'm not sure exactly why, but after he came to my house to drink with my floormates, I really started to like Owen more. He's probably the person I know the least in TMV, but for some reason, I've realized that even Owen loves TMV and is a better guy than a lot of guys in the world)
Jonathan Clay - Back to Good
You can always count on a sappy scene from The Hills to have a really good mellow song
Panic at the Disco - Nine in the Afternoon
What! It's a good song to run to, and sing to in an empty house
Baumer - Take What's Mine
Test Your Reflex - Thinking of You
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Memories of Priestley Second Year
In the order that my memory remembers:
- Playing hallsports in the hall (first volleyball, then soccer via a volleyball, then with a small bouncy ball, then frisbee)
- Baby penis!
- "Thanks for inviting me to your birthday Brian!" *next day* "OH MY GOD CAROLINE! I called Paulo "Brian" yesterday!" "Yeah I thought I heard that but I didn't say anything" "WELL he looks like a Brian! Who looks like a Paulo!?"
- Boat Dance
- "Studying" in the study lounge
- Heatwave on the third day of studying, when no one did any work and we just went to Bear Market to get ice cream
- Brunches at Cafe 3 during finals week
- Giving up on studying and taking a floor trip to Strawberry Canyon pool
- SF with a a bunch of guys
- *gasp!* "That was a gay gasp" "No, that was just a gay"
- *looking at a Happy Birthday Angela poster in our hall* "Do you know who Angela is?" No, do you?" "No ... I think she's one of the Koreans" "Are you Angela" "... yes" "Happy Birthday!"
- Everyone lying on Jon's bed like it's a couch
- Wendy and Jeremy
- Vacuuming a bunch of people's rooms one night
- "I talked to a swimmer today!"
- "Do you think the swimmers tell each other when they talk to one of us?" No, I don't think they go to each other saying 'I talked to one of the Asians today!'"
- Walking to Ben and Jerrys on Free Cone Day and waiting an hour in line
- My congratuations card signed by everyone on the floor when I got into Haas
- Eating Chipotle on March 12th
- Eric and his rubik's cube
- Christine rushing past us first semester always staring at the ground; "I didn't want to look at people and make it awkward!"
- Impressions on a Third Floor video
- Talking to Caroline in the bathroom: our friendship started with me going "Are you a swimmer? Oh ... you look like one" blah blah blah "We should watch Friday Night Lights together!" blah blah blah "Where are you taking your parents for breakfast? NOAHS?! OMG NO. GO TO CAFE DURANT"
- Watching Durant Square porn in Paulo's room
- Really long talks between me, Paulo, and Eric
- "Caroline! What's the farthest you've ever gone with a girl?" "I have never tried to go anywhere with a girl"
- Crepevine for Eric's birthday
- Me being in at a club event, and Caroline going from door to door in a frantic craze to watch the Office: "Sorry, she's not here right now" "Sorry ... we watch Grey's anatomy" *Main lounge watching Grey's* "Hey is Caroline here?" "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?"
- Chrystal: "You need to make a sign that says whether you're in the room or not. People keep knocking on our door every hour with a big expectant look on their faces and ask me "Is Melissa here?" And when I say no, their faces just fall"
- Late night dining with the floor; discovering the deliciousness of an omelette
- At my first late night: Chrystal "MEL. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE."
- Christa's Hey Girl Hey!
- Watching the worst tv ever, things that even I wouldn't watch, in Paulo's room
- Getting hit in the eye with a frisbee
- Getting hit in the head with a volleyball and not speaking to Jerry for about a month
- Going with Caroline to Cafe 3 and inviting Paulo to eat with us, which is how I became friends with Paulo
- Trying to eat at La Note, then moving onto Jupiter, then deciding to eat at Venus
- Looking at the gay guy house with Paulo, Jon, Caroline, Eric, Christine, and Devon
- Driving to Emeryville to watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall
- Late night vaccuming on the last day of school
- Talking secretly to Paulo and Caroline on Paulo's bed
- Watching How I Met Your Mother
- Caroline trying to watch an episode with me but waiting because Paulo and Eric kept going "wait ... we need to tell her something"
- Caroline: "wait do you really agree or are you just patronizing me?" "Um ... actually I didn't hear what you said so I just nodded"
- Being able to see Jason and Caroline from our floor balcony
- Paulo: "I think Jason and Caroline totally have a thing going on" "NO! That's just friendship" *week later* Christa: "Don't tell her I told you this, but she's going out with Jason"
- Going to the library once with Paulo and Jon and actually getting work done
- Going to the library with Christine, Paulo, Joe, and Eric and getting nothing done
- Caroline falling on her knee and me telling Eric that a dog had tried to bite her leg. Him believing it. Even after we told him the truth then retold the lie.
- Going to the gym to play volleyball
- Gymming together at night
- Swimming with Caroline first semester
- Caroline's junior mints
- Sharing three pints of ice cream at the volleyball courts
- Pizza party on the last day
- Grey's Anatomy finale in the main lounge
- Tetris competitions in the main lounge
- Scattegories with alcohol, leading to Christine's fun dancing
- Making mac&cheese with Paulo in the downstairs kitchen
- Playing hallsports in the hall (first volleyball, then soccer via a volleyball, then with a small bouncy ball, then frisbee)
- Baby penis!
- "Thanks for inviting me to your birthday Brian!" *next day* "OH MY GOD CAROLINE! I called Paulo "Brian" yesterday!" "Yeah I thought I heard that but I didn't say anything" "WELL he looks like a Brian! Who looks like a Paulo!?"
- Boat Dance
- "Studying" in the study lounge
- Heatwave on the third day of studying, when no one did any work and we just went to Bear Market to get ice cream
- Brunches at Cafe 3 during finals week
- Giving up on studying and taking a floor trip to Strawberry Canyon pool
- SF with a a bunch of guys
- *gasp!* "That was a gay gasp" "No, that was just a gay"
- *looking at a Happy Birthday Angela poster in our hall* "Do you know who Angela is?" No, do you?" "No ... I think she's one of the Koreans" "Are you Angela" "... yes" "Happy Birthday!"
- Everyone lying on Jon's bed like it's a couch
- Wendy and Jeremy
- Vacuuming a bunch of people's rooms one night
- "I talked to a swimmer today!"
- "Do you think the swimmers tell each other when they talk to one of us?" No, I don't think they go to each other saying 'I talked to one of the Asians today!'"
- Walking to Ben and Jerrys on Free Cone Day and waiting an hour in line
- My congratuations card signed by everyone on the floor when I got into Haas
- Eating Chipotle on March 12th
- Eric and his rubik's cube
- Christine rushing past us first semester always staring at the ground; "I didn't want to look at people and make it awkward!"
- Impressions on a Third Floor video
- Talking to Caroline in the bathroom: our friendship started with me going "Are you a swimmer? Oh ... you look like one" blah blah blah "We should watch Friday Night Lights together!" blah blah blah "Where are you taking your parents for breakfast? NOAHS?! OMG NO. GO TO CAFE DURANT"
- Watching Durant Square porn in Paulo's room
- Really long talks between me, Paulo, and Eric
- "Caroline! What's the farthest you've ever gone with a girl?" "I have never tried to go anywhere with a girl"
- Crepevine for Eric's birthday
- Me being in at a club event, and Caroline going from door to door in a frantic craze to watch the Office: "Sorry, she's not here right now" "Sorry ... we watch Grey's anatomy" *Main lounge watching Grey's* "Hey is Caroline here?" "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?"
- Chrystal: "You need to make a sign that says whether you're in the room or not. People keep knocking on our door every hour with a big expectant look on their faces and ask me "Is Melissa here?" And when I say no, their faces just fall"
- Late night dining with the floor; discovering the deliciousness of an omelette
- At my first late night: Chrystal "MEL. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE."
- Christa's Hey Girl Hey!
- Watching the worst tv ever, things that even I wouldn't watch, in Paulo's room
- Getting hit in the eye with a frisbee
- Getting hit in the head with a volleyball and not speaking to Jerry for about a month
- Going with Caroline to Cafe 3 and inviting Paulo to eat with us, which is how I became friends with Paulo
- Trying to eat at La Note, then moving onto Jupiter, then deciding to eat at Venus
- Looking at the gay guy house with Paulo, Jon, Caroline, Eric, Christine, and Devon
- Driving to Emeryville to watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall
- Late night vaccuming on the last day of school
- Talking secretly to Paulo and Caroline on Paulo's bed
- Watching How I Met Your Mother
- Caroline trying to watch an episode with me but waiting because Paulo and Eric kept going "wait ... we need to tell her something"
- Caroline: "wait do you really agree or are you just patronizing me?" "Um ... actually I didn't hear what you said so I just nodded"
- Being able to see Jason and Caroline from our floor balcony
- Paulo: "I think Jason and Caroline totally have a thing going on" "NO! That's just friendship" *week later* Christa: "Don't tell her I told you this, but she's going out with Jason"
- Going to the library once with Paulo and Jon and actually getting work done
- Going to the library with Christine, Paulo, Joe, and Eric and getting nothing done
- Caroline falling on her knee and me telling Eric that a dog had tried to bite her leg. Him believing it. Even after we told him the truth then retold the lie.
- Going to the gym to play volleyball
- Gymming together at night
- Swimming with Caroline first semester
- Caroline's junior mints
- Sharing three pints of ice cream at the volleyball courts
- Pizza party on the last day
- Grey's Anatomy finale in the main lounge
- Tetris competitions in the main lounge
- Scattegories with alcohol, leading to Christine's fun dancing
- Making mac&cheese with Paulo in the downstairs kitchen
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I don't know what to talk about
I have a lot of random thoughts but nothing that is really a reason to blog. I just feel like I have to blog, since my Berkeley friends just came to socal and writing about it would be fun to reread a few years from now. But I hate those xanga-like entries that just recounts the day without actually saying anything. They're very tedious to read (and write).
But first, Hit play! It was on Grey's anatomy. I really can't believe this is a man singing. I almost didn't download this song because I didn't think the artist matched the sound. But I really like this song
So Paulo, Christine, Joe, and Eric came down. I thought Paulo's car was super cute and he is a really good driver. I thought it was interesting that at this point of my life, I have friends who learned how to drive before I met them, and then I have the friends who kind of learned how to drive while I knew them. It's a really strange way to categorize friends, but it kind of implies who you grew up with and who you met as an adult.
Drove down, went through a lot of weather patterns like sunshine, then these weird small wind tunnels, then pelting rain, then light showers then the overcast of Arcadia. I don't usually see accidents on the highway, which is strange since I live in socal, but we passed one and the car had completely flipped over and it was pretty depressing to look at. We also got lost because a truck that got in an accident completely threw us off and we ended up passing the same exit twice, trying to take local, getting more lost, and finally having Alvin tell us the way home.
My mom cooked a huge dinner and Alvin came over and then we went to his house. They were kind of like O__O at his house. We realized that SD kids wouldn't be getting back anytime soon so we went back to my house, and we were all pretty tired anyway. Took some time to decide how to sleep but we finally did. Next morning was Six Flags which was one of the few times I've actually had fun at an amusement park. It was probably because most of them had never been to Six Flags so they were realllllyyyy excited about it. I kind of realized that I hate amusement parks though - everything is so expensive and I don't think it's a great way to spend time with friends. No one really talks while in line anyway. But it was still fun and we were able to ride all the major rides. I had my own personal satisfaction when we finished Tatsu and everyone had been kind of like "no let's not ride this, the line is too long" but after, everyone was like "SUCH A GOOD RIDE."

You would think that staying at Six Flags from opening to closing would be enough. But they still wanted to do things. I had TMV people come over and some of them stayed to talk for a bit and Owen and Alvin stayed to drink. We ended up sleeping at freaking four am, and even then, Paulo still wanted to do stuff. And he's our freaking driver. We slept anyway ... and we were supposed to go to the beach at 11...
But we ended up waking up around 10:30. We eventually got out though, and drove to Newport Beach. So we parked where TMV went last time, but HA. Funny. Not so funny. But that place is actually Balboa, not Newport. So there was a huge mess of Caroline going "we're to the left of the pier" and I was like "we're here! where are you? Do you see lots of kids? NO?! Do you see ... NO?! WHERE ARE YOU?" before we realized she was at the other pier, about two miles away. We tried walking it, but decided to drive over instead. Very oddly, right when we decided this, we climbed up the sand and found ourselves directly across from the car. Almost like it was miraculously put there. Looking for parking sucked though. Very depressing to give up our awesome FREE parking spot. I love Balboa beach.
Beach was crazy. My norcal friends stepped on the beach and were all like "OMG THE SAND! IT'S WARM! THE WATER IS SO WARM!" and I was like uhh because it was pretty overcast and windy. So I stepped in the water and went "OMFG IT'S COLD." I thought it was actually really good beach weather, at least for taking pictures. When we finally found Caroline, she was with her cousin in a SWEATSHIRT huddled together on a beach towel. HAHA. But we went in the water, and Caroline had four boogieboards which they used. Pretty fun. Then we played two actual games of ultimate frisbee which was ridiculously fun. I actually ran! It was the most activity I've ever had at the beach. I really like having TMV friends to sit around and eat with, but I'm also really happy to have made friends who get me active and do those stereotypical sporty things.

Went home, ate at BJs, went home again, played 10 fingers. Kind of interesting where that game actually reveals things, rather than playing and finding out that "WOW! ___ has never ridden a bike!" We played one game and then just started telling stories and asking each other questions. Eric wanted to keep it within us five, and we probably wouldn't have found out as much if my friends had been there. But most of the night I was like "hohum my friends are about twenty minutes away and I'm in my house." Oh well. Christine thought that it was interesting that everyone in TMV seems kind of different, whereas I feel like we're all fairly similar. We talked about what kind of friends we have, and it's interesting because most of them have large group but only a few close friends. And you might think that about TMV because there's always a certain group of people who go out. But I realized that we actually want everyone to go to everything, it's just that certain people aren't able to go out most of the time. Which I guess makes it really crazy that such a large group is so close.
I really like my floormates and loved having them in Socal. It made me realize even more how nice Arcadia is. I know a lot of people go to college and meet other people and kind of look back at Arcadia like "ugh what a snotty place, people don't even realize how good they have it." If anything, while driving around with my floormates in Arcadia, I was just really proud to have been able to live in Arcadia. Why feel bad about growing up in a nice place? I've grown accustomed to living in Arcadia but I'm not unappreciative of it. Paulo was like "my parents would love to live here" and before they left he was like "do you hear that?" and I was like what? and he was like "there's birds here, it's so nice"
Paulo also kept saying "dang your friends eat out a lot" which I think is another way of saying "you guys spend a lot of money." I guess that's true. I think it would be fun to call up people to play basketball or tennis or whatever but I don't think we're competitive enough to get a really good game going. When we want to do active things, I guess it's more like "hey let's go run or go to the gym" or "let's ride our bikes around!" which is fun. I'm sure you all know that I freaking love TMV but after this weekend I'm kind of like wow... I realllyyyy freaking love TMV. I'm a little sad I wasn't able to hang out with them this weekend, especially since about half of them were back and everyone has finals soon. =L but oh well, I essentially saw everyone who came home, even if it was for a short time.

I look acceptably thin here
So what shall I do for the next five days? In the past 12 hours, I downloaded about 250 new songs, almost all of which I really like. YAY! Now it's time for me to go to the library. I also want to go to Berkeley at my ideal weight, and if I can maintain my current stomach and continue to run every day, that JUST MIGHT HAPPEN!
Happy summer
But first, Hit play! It was on Grey's anatomy. I really can't believe this is a man singing. I almost didn't download this song because I didn't think the artist matched the sound. But I really like this song
So Paulo, Christine, Joe, and Eric came down. I thought Paulo's car was super cute and he is a really good driver. I thought it was interesting that at this point of my life, I have friends who learned how to drive before I met them, and then I have the friends who kind of learned how to drive while I knew them. It's a really strange way to categorize friends, but it kind of implies who you grew up with and who you met as an adult.
Drove down, went through a lot of weather patterns like sunshine, then these weird small wind tunnels, then pelting rain, then light showers then the overcast of Arcadia. I don't usually see accidents on the highway, which is strange since I live in socal, but we passed one and the car had completely flipped over and it was pretty depressing to look at. We also got lost because a truck that got in an accident completely threw us off and we ended up passing the same exit twice, trying to take local, getting more lost, and finally having Alvin tell us the way home.
My mom cooked a huge dinner and Alvin came over and then we went to his house. They were kind of like O__O at his house. We realized that SD kids wouldn't be getting back anytime soon so we went back to my house, and we were all pretty tired anyway. Took some time to decide how to sleep but we finally did. Next morning was Six Flags which was one of the few times I've actually had fun at an amusement park. It was probably because most of them had never been to Six Flags so they were realllllyyyy excited about it. I kind of realized that I hate amusement parks though - everything is so expensive and I don't think it's a great way to spend time with friends. No one really talks while in line anyway. But it was still fun and we were able to ride all the major rides. I had my own personal satisfaction when we finished Tatsu and everyone had been kind of like "no let's not ride this, the line is too long" but after, everyone was like "SUCH A GOOD RIDE."

You would think that staying at Six Flags from opening to closing would be enough. But they still wanted to do things. I had TMV people come over and some of them stayed to talk for a bit and Owen and Alvin stayed to drink. We ended up sleeping at freaking four am, and even then, Paulo still wanted to do stuff. And he's our freaking driver. We slept anyway ... and we were supposed to go to the beach at 11...
But we ended up waking up around 10:30. We eventually got out though, and drove to Newport Beach. So we parked where TMV went last time, but HA. Funny. Not so funny. But that place is actually Balboa, not Newport. So there was a huge mess of Caroline going "we're to the left of the pier" and I was like "we're here! where are you? Do you see lots of kids? NO?! Do you see ... NO?! WHERE ARE YOU?" before we realized she was at the other pier, about two miles away. We tried walking it, but decided to drive over instead. Very oddly, right when we decided this, we climbed up the sand and found ourselves directly across from the car. Almost like it was miraculously put there. Looking for parking sucked though. Very depressing to give up our awesome FREE parking spot. I love Balboa beach.
Beach was crazy. My norcal friends stepped on the beach and were all like "OMG THE SAND! IT'S WARM! THE WATER IS SO WARM!" and I was like uhh because it was pretty overcast and windy. So I stepped in the water and went "OMFG IT'S COLD." I thought it was actually really good beach weather, at least for taking pictures. When we finally found Caroline, she was with her cousin in a SWEATSHIRT huddled together on a beach towel. HAHA. But we went in the water, and Caroline had four boogieboards which they used. Pretty fun. Then we played two actual games of ultimate frisbee which was ridiculously fun. I actually ran! It was the most activity I've ever had at the beach. I really like having TMV friends to sit around and eat with, but I'm also really happy to have made friends who get me active and do those stereotypical sporty things.

Went home, ate at BJs, went home again, played 10 fingers. Kind of interesting where that game actually reveals things, rather than playing and finding out that "WOW! ___ has never ridden a bike!" We played one game and then just started telling stories and asking each other questions. Eric wanted to keep it within us five, and we probably wouldn't have found out as much if my friends had been there. But most of the night I was like "hohum my friends are about twenty minutes away and I'm in my house." Oh well. Christine thought that it was interesting that everyone in TMV seems kind of different, whereas I feel like we're all fairly similar. We talked about what kind of friends we have, and it's interesting because most of them have large group but only a few close friends. And you might think that about TMV because there's always a certain group of people who go out. But I realized that we actually want everyone to go to everything, it's just that certain people aren't able to go out most of the time. Which I guess makes it really crazy that such a large group is so close.
I really like my floormates and loved having them in Socal. It made me realize even more how nice Arcadia is. I know a lot of people go to college and meet other people and kind of look back at Arcadia like "ugh what a snotty place, people don't even realize how good they have it." If anything, while driving around with my floormates in Arcadia, I was just really proud to have been able to live in Arcadia. Why feel bad about growing up in a nice place? I've grown accustomed to living in Arcadia but I'm not unappreciative of it. Paulo was like "my parents would love to live here" and before they left he was like "do you hear that?" and I was like what? and he was like "there's birds here, it's so nice"
Paulo also kept saying "dang your friends eat out a lot" which I think is another way of saying "you guys spend a lot of money." I guess that's true. I think it would be fun to call up people to play basketball or tennis or whatever but I don't think we're competitive enough to get a really good game going. When we want to do active things, I guess it's more like "hey let's go run or go to the gym" or "let's ride our bikes around!" which is fun. I'm sure you all know that I freaking love TMV but after this weekend I'm kind of like wow... I realllyyyy freaking love TMV. I'm a little sad I wasn't able to hang out with them this weekend, especially since about half of them were back and everyone has finals soon. =L but oh well, I essentially saw everyone who came home, even if it was for a short time.

I look acceptably thin here
So what shall I do for the next five days? In the past 12 hours, I downloaded about 250 new songs, almost all of which I really like. YAY! Now it's time for me to go to the library. I also want to go to Berkeley at my ideal weight, and if I can maintain my current stomach and continue to run every day, that JUST MIGHT HAPPEN!
Happy summer
Thursday, May 22, 2008
GT Interview
Ok. I'm not going to post this entry unless I get into the program. So... this is written Monday, May 19th at 1:39 PM. Today is the day of my 2nd final, Film Studies, which will be at 5:00. Lots of little things to do today, but overall I am :):)
I had an interview today at 10:00 for a footsteps program at Grant Thornton. If I get it, I basically get to shadow someone for three days at the SF office. When I first applied for it, I was kind of whatever, but I've grown increasingly hopeful about it. I REALLLLLYYYY want to get it.
So I had a crazy dream this morning that kind of shows how stressed out I am about this. It felt very real too. So the dream was that I was back at home, and the day was today. I don't know why I went home, but I was sitting at home with my mom when I was like "Oh! I have to go to my interview now" and she's like "what interview" and I'm like "the one for Grant Thornton! I have to catch the bart to get to the Embarcadero" and then she goes "the Bart? But you're in socal!" And I totally freak the shit out. I really really thought I was in So Cal. And I was like "WTF WHY DID I GO HOME EARLY? DID I FORGET ABOUT MY INTERVIEW?!?!?!" So I freaked out for about five minutes and I was super sad and really disappointed. Then, the dream mel thought, "OMG I even have a FINAL TODAY TOO! AT FIVE! HOW AM I GOING TO GET HOME?!" And then that was when I realized this was a dream and I woke up.
When I woke up, I even felt afraid to open my eyes. Like, I was worried that I would open my eyes and realize that I was actually at home. So I slowly opened them and tried to look around n the darkness. Then I saw Chrystal's bed and I was soooo relieved. It's kind of funny that that was the most stressful nightmare I've ever had. The dream where I missed my interview.
Oddly, a few seconds after I woke up, I suddenly had the realization that my TMV ring was last seen in the shower. I remember taking it off ... I don't remember putting it back on. I'm really hoping I'll start moving things and then find it somewhere near my bookshelf. I'm kind of losing hope though... Which makes me sad because it's like one of my most prized possessions =L I was kind of sad to leave without finding it, because I wear it as a "good luck charm," and I always wear it when I want to look pretty or go to interviews.
Well, woke up, got some money, then waited for Bear Market to open so I could get an Odwalla. I ended up talking to a swimmer for a little bit since it wasn't open yet. Umm bought an Odwalla orange juice then walked to the bus stop. I was like "today must be a good day" because the bus came right after I got to the stop. Then, I was trying to pay my bart ticket but one dollar wouldn't go in, so I was like "eff this I'll add more money on the way back" right when the SF bart came. I raced down the stairs and made it right before the doors closed. I hadn't brought my iPod because I don't have a purse and there are only so many things I can put in my suit jacket pocket, so I sat on the bart just thinking.
Got to the Embarcadero around 9:40 and found the Beale St. exit fairly easily. I asked a person for directions to 1 california suite, and I walked around for a bit. I was super excited because I was like "this might be the first day of the rest of my life walking around the SF Financial district." I was all in business wear too, so I fit in. Found 1 California Suite. Very large building. It was the first time I've ever been in one of those large business buildings. It's insaneeeee. The door is one of those rotating ones you have to push and go in a circle around. The ground level room is just security guards and a receptionist with this huge computer panel in front of her. The person at the front will ask you to sign in and then she'll call an elevator for you. So she says "you're on floor 23, elevator G" and you walk over and just wait for your elevator to arrive. The elevator doesn't even have buttons for other floors. Just open, close, fire alarm. CRAZY. I guess it keeps the stalkers from floating around from floor to floor.
It runs up to floor 23 extremely quickly. Kind of like the Empire State building. The reception area has four very comfy individual seats with a round table with newspapers. There's also a board room right in the front with glass walls and very comfy looking leather chairs. I made some small talk with another girl there, and I was thinking to myself "good, I feel very sociable today so maybe I'll do well." Well, my interviewer came to get me and then we had our interview in an office. Also with glass walls. I was kind of :( when I saw the inside of the office, it's just cubicles. Tons of cubicles - I guess I had dreamt up that everyone gets their own pretty office, which is pretty unlikely. Well, my interviewer was super nice and very easy to talk to. She started with "We'll just talk about your achievements and what you've done in the past" and I thought to myself "oh... that sounds super easy." The questions were not as intense as they would be for a normal interview. It really felt like they just wanted to know what you do in life.
I don't know how but somehow we started talking about tv shows and how she should watch How I Met Your Mother. That was a fun moment for me. I'm so glad I have a job at Equilar too - I was like "I look at def-14a's and 10-k's" and she was clearly like "wow" and asked me what I do at my job. I'm also very glad I have learned what I do at my job - I wouldn't have been able to answer that a year ago. Anyway, fun interview! She seems very nice, and this is a little weird, but when I was talking to her, I could totally imagine her as someone else's bridesmaid or maid of honor. I would want to work there and be friends with people like her. Eek! I want to make work friends!
So the interview ended and I went to the elevators and kind of stood there for a few seconds not knowing that to do. Instead of up and down buttons, it's just a numeric keypad. Requires higher intelligenece. I just pressed 1 and it came to get me. And then ... I just walked out. Kind of an uneventful ending. Well, it was a freaking beautiful overcast day. HAHA so I walked around the area. But then my feet hurt so I just walked back to the bart, where I almost fell asleep and missed my stop. Came back, basically ran for the bathroom to pee, then ate with friends and I haven't really started studying yet.
So that's my day. I have such an interview high. It's starting to die out and will probably completely die out when I go in for my film studies class. But :) I HOPE I GET IT! *crosses fingers* And if you are reading this ... that means I got it!
I had an interview today at 10:00 for a footsteps program at Grant Thornton. If I get it, I basically get to shadow someone for three days at the SF office. When I first applied for it, I was kind of whatever, but I've grown increasingly hopeful about it. I REALLLLLYYYY want to get it.
So I had a crazy dream this morning that kind of shows how stressed out I am about this. It felt very real too. So the dream was that I was back at home, and the day was today. I don't know why I went home, but I was sitting at home with my mom when I was like "Oh! I have to go to my interview now" and she's like "what interview" and I'm like "the one for Grant Thornton! I have to catch the bart to get to the Embarcadero" and then she goes "the Bart? But you're in socal!" And I totally freak the shit out. I really really thought I was in So Cal. And I was like "WTF WHY DID I GO HOME EARLY? DID I FORGET ABOUT MY INTERVIEW?!?!?!" So I freaked out for about five minutes and I was super sad and really disappointed. Then, the dream mel thought, "OMG I even have a FINAL TODAY TOO! AT FIVE! HOW AM I GOING TO GET HOME?!" And then that was when I realized this was a dream and I woke up.
When I woke up, I even felt afraid to open my eyes. Like, I was worried that I would open my eyes and realize that I was actually at home. So I slowly opened them and tried to look around n the darkness. Then I saw Chrystal's bed and I was soooo relieved. It's kind of funny that that was the most stressful nightmare I've ever had. The dream where I missed my interview.
Oddly, a few seconds after I woke up, I suddenly had the realization that my TMV ring was last seen in the shower. I remember taking it off ... I don't remember putting it back on. I'm really hoping I'll start moving things and then find it somewhere near my bookshelf. I'm kind of losing hope though... Which makes me sad because it's like one of my most prized possessions =L I was kind of sad to leave without finding it, because I wear it as a "good luck charm," and I always wear it when I want to look pretty or go to interviews.
Well, woke up, got some money, then waited for Bear Market to open so I could get an Odwalla. I ended up talking to a swimmer for a little bit since it wasn't open yet. Umm bought an Odwalla orange juice then walked to the bus stop. I was like "today must be a good day" because the bus came right after I got to the stop. Then, I was trying to pay my bart ticket but one dollar wouldn't go in, so I was like "eff this I'll add more money on the way back" right when the SF bart came. I raced down the stairs and made it right before the doors closed. I hadn't brought my iPod because I don't have a purse and there are only so many things I can put in my suit jacket pocket, so I sat on the bart just thinking.
Got to the Embarcadero around 9:40 and found the Beale St. exit fairly easily. I asked a person for directions to 1 california suite, and I walked around for a bit. I was super excited because I was like "this might be the first day of the rest of my life walking around the SF Financial district." I was all in business wear too, so I fit in. Found 1 California Suite. Very large building. It was the first time I've ever been in one of those large business buildings. It's insaneeeee. The door is one of those rotating ones you have to push and go in a circle around. The ground level room is just security guards and a receptionist with this huge computer panel in front of her. The person at the front will ask you to sign in and then she'll call an elevator for you. So she says "you're on floor 23, elevator G" and you walk over and just wait for your elevator to arrive. The elevator doesn't even have buttons for other floors. Just open, close, fire alarm. CRAZY. I guess it keeps the stalkers from floating around from floor to floor.
It runs up to floor 23 extremely quickly. Kind of like the Empire State building. The reception area has four very comfy individual seats with a round table with newspapers. There's also a board room right in the front with glass walls and very comfy looking leather chairs. I made some small talk with another girl there, and I was thinking to myself "good, I feel very sociable today so maybe I'll do well." Well, my interviewer came to get me and then we had our interview in an office. Also with glass walls. I was kind of :( when I saw the inside of the office, it's just cubicles. Tons of cubicles - I guess I had dreamt up that everyone gets their own pretty office, which is pretty unlikely. Well, my interviewer was super nice and very easy to talk to. She started with "We'll just talk about your achievements and what you've done in the past" and I thought to myself "oh... that sounds super easy." The questions were not as intense as they would be for a normal interview. It really felt like they just wanted to know what you do in life.
I don't know how but somehow we started talking about tv shows and how she should watch How I Met Your Mother. That was a fun moment for me. I'm so glad I have a job at Equilar too - I was like "I look at def-14a's and 10-k's" and she was clearly like "wow" and asked me what I do at my job. I'm also very glad I have learned what I do at my job - I wouldn't have been able to answer that a year ago. Anyway, fun interview! She seems very nice, and this is a little weird, but when I was talking to her, I could totally imagine her as someone else's bridesmaid or maid of honor. I would want to work there and be friends with people like her. Eek! I want to make work friends!
So the interview ended and I went to the elevators and kind of stood there for a few seconds not knowing that to do. Instead of up and down buttons, it's just a numeric keypad. Requires higher intelligenece. I just pressed 1 and it came to get me. And then ... I just walked out. Kind of an uneventful ending. Well, it was a freaking beautiful overcast day. HAHA so I walked around the area. But then my feet hurt so I just walked back to the bart, where I almost fell asleep and missed my stop. Came back, basically ran for the bathroom to pee, then ate with friends and I haven't really started studying yet.
So that's my day. I have such an interview high. It's starting to die out and will probably completely die out when I go in for my film studies class. But :) I HOPE I GET IT! *crosses fingers* And if you are reading this ... that means I got it!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
(almost) The End of Sophomore Year
Hit play!
This entry would be a lot more depressing/heartfelt if I had written it when I first had these feelings an hour ago. Instead, I tried to encapsulate my feelings into a failed slideshow, which entailed uploading pictures onto both flickr and photobucket. I couldn't figure out how to put the album onto a pretty slideshow, and now, instead of feeling 100% mopey/sad for unknown reasons, I am instead 50% sad, 20% feeling fat, and 30% annoyed that I wasted two hours of my life.
I don't know why exactly, but I was feeling kind of :( yesterday. Probably not PMS. Probably a lot of little factors thrown together. I'm pretty sure I've lost my TMV ring forever, which makes me super, super sad. It was like "the one thing you would save if you were to lost everything" item. Well that and my folder of music, but even music can be somewhat replaced, if only a small fraction of it. Then, school is ending and people are slowly leaving. Most of them are coming back to my house tomorrow, but it's still really sad to think we'll never live together again.
Eric J had posted a blog about how sad he was for the year to end. While reading it, I was like "eh I don't really feel the same way but I see his point." It's interesting because his blog kind of suggests that as you move through life, you lose the friends you had while you make a new set of friends. Jackie's blog is more like hey, you actually can keep all your friends. I'm leaning more towards Jackie, I guess because we're both part of TMV. The greatest friendship of all. HAHA jk I'm not that lame. I love my floormates and we've had really great moments that would probably never happen with TMV. But TMV is like the group I'll always compare all of my friends to. If something huge happened and I were sitting alone, I'd probably go to the TMV facebook group first before going to the Visitors of Room306 group. I was going to write more, but I'll just end it with "heart!" <3
And yesterday I went to Angelica's 22nd birthday dinner. While talking to Li-Ting I realized that I have no friends who are my age from college. At the dorms, I'm the oldest, and when I hang out with my other college friends, they're all older. Even the people I met in my IEOR class are all older than I am.
Angelica all night: and that's Mel. She's only 19!
Me: Aw Ryan you're not that old! I have a friend who's 25... wait. Are you 26?
Ryan: Yeah
Sidenote: wholefoods cakes are INSANELY DELICIOUS. Now I'm sad I didn't buy one for Eric's bday. I'm tempted to buy one for myself in September. Best fruit tart ever. Are there Whole Foods in Arcadia? Why am I even asking - I won't even be in Arcadia for a time that requires cake.
Anyway, so I'm also partly sad because my good friends are graduating from college! So far, every time I've had a graduation, I never thought it was that sad because we're not REALLY leaving each other. But wow. College graduations. It's so crazy to know that I have friends who are graduating from COLLEGE. Some are going to grad school and some are actually starting work. Insane.
Ok. So my feelings of sadness have dissipated because I ended up leaving the computer about three hours ago to eat at CU Sushi. Omg. CU Sushi is my favorite sushi place here. But it's not my favorite restaurant in Berkeley - that is designated for Crepevine. Delicious Crepevine. My favorite restaurant of all time is Roy's Restaurant from the time we ate there for our RCSA SoCal Interviews. I would go there for birthday celebrations once I have a real income. And my favorite restaurant in Arcadia is Ichima Sushi. I think my favorite places are mainly sushi because it's food that I can't make myself, and it's light so I don't leave the restaurants feeling heavy and fat, as I usually do other times.
Well. Now that I've ruined my "boo hoo I'm sad" entry with a digression of food, I guess I'll have to wait until the next time I'm sad and blog about it then. But anyway, I don't think there are many other reasons why I'm sad. This sounds pathetic and I'll only say it once: I kind of wish I were in a relationship. I never really say this to people, even TMV people, because it just sounds sad when you say it out loud. But I kind of want an excuse to eat out with someone. HAHA That's not the reason. I'm just joking. But hohum. Time to finish studying a bit more, then Jonathan and I are going to ride a random bus for a few hours until it reaches the final stop. Which is something I've always wanted to do but never had the time to do. And I feel like the day before my most important final is the best time to do it.

I put my camera on a pole in the street and set the self-timer. People clapped when they saw the picture. HAHA
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Pillow Making
It's 1:15am and I just finished my first pillow! So that's one thing I can cross off my to do before I die list. Yay! I had attempted to make one for Caroline but that one failed. So I made hers into a bag that is fairly useless but super cute. Then Angelica's birthday and graduation is coming up so I decided I'd make a second attempt. Plus she's my lifelong friend. So things I've learned...
1) The best thing about making a pillow is choosing a fabric that the person will like
2) Cutting is permanent. Try harder not to fuck up
3) Never "eyeball it." I am usually wrong
4) Use new, fluffier pillows or the letters will be offplaced
5) Fabric at Walmart is super cheap and fairly nice
6) Double layering looks fantastic
7) Thread color matters
8) Sewing for 7 hours straight will damage eyesight
Will post picture of pillow later
1) The best thing about making a pillow is choosing a fabric that the person will like
2) Cutting is permanent. Try harder not to fuck up
3) Never "eyeball it." I am usually wrong
4) Use new, fluffier pillows or the letters will be offplaced
5) Fabric at Walmart is super cheap and fairly nice
6) Double layering looks fantastic
7) Thread color matters
8) Sewing for 7 hours straight will damage eyesight
Will post picture of pillow later
Saturday, May 17, 2008
What am I like?
Yesterday was a GREAT day. I didn't study much, again. I for sure flunked my final. It was insanely hot, again. But, I have about three buffer days where I don't have to study and I can still be on schedule. My final was for a P/NP class. And at least it wasn't hotter than the day before.
I woke up really early, because now I don't close my blinds and I basically wake up every day at 6:30. Which is actually kind of fun. I had a final at 12:30 (I realize now that I already blogged up to this point yesterday). Ok. So instead of studying before my final, I watched the season finale of The Office. Took the final and I didn't know about half of the problems. Watched Grey's Anatomy, with a few technical difficulties. Paulo's internet wouldn't work so we used mine. Then, about 10 minutes before the end, Lexie confronts Cristina and just as she opens her mouth to talk back, my computer just freezes then shuts down. HAHA Stupid battery. Can't even last for a 1-hr online episode.
Then I packed a little, then went back to the study lounge to watch Lost. SO. EFFING. Good. I realized there are two things that always make me tear up in movies/tv. 1) Scenes where masses of people are trapped/slowly killed, like in I Am Legend when the bridges collapse. Or when Titanic goes down. 2) Scenes where characters I care about are reunited, like yesterday's episode of Lost.
I realized that I don't really like what I wrote there because it was very xanga-like. But I don't really want to delete it. I think I will try writing this in a different format.
I also keep listening to this song. I think I really like it because of the part at 3:08. It is the climax of the song! But, Hilarious!
So yesterday was awesome because I talked to two people on the floor that I never really talked to before. I really regret not going around to each room and introducing myself at the beginning of the year. I came a few days after welcome week started, and then I felt kind of awkward. I remember about a year ago I was like "Alvin I regret not talking to my coworkers at Equilar more" and he was like "you always regret not talking to people. It's the only thing you regret" which is very true. I pretty much do whatever else I want to do but I'm not as outgoing as I would like to be. I've become more outgoing since I was young, but :( that I didn't really speak to the swimmers on the floor because they all seem nice and interesting.
Anyway, besides those two awesome conversations, the fun, gossipy one I had with Paulo while buying dinner and then cooking mac&cheese with him, I ended up talking to Jon and Chrystal for about an hour last night too. Jon is my roommate next year and he was like "is there anything I should know about her?" and then we ended up reminiscing about the past two years, focused on me, which was really fun because Chrystal has nearly perfect memory. So things she told me about me. This should be fun to read for those who are friends with me.
-I make noises when I sleep. Seriously, this was the first thing she said. I can't believe this is what pops into her head. Sigh.
- "Will you guys have a mirror in the bedroom?" "OH I plan on buying a full-length mirror" "Because if you have a mirror, you will see her do this ALL THE TIME *clutches stomach* 'Oh no... why am I so fat?'"
HAHA Seriously, my life IS determined by my stomach. I've decided not to go to parties because my stomach was too big. My life, diet and mood is basically determined by the hourly changes of my stomach.
- I have a giant list of "NEVER AGAINs" for food, including ice cream, Raleigh's Chicken Caesar Flatbread, Cafe Intermezzo. But every month three days before I get my period, I end up consuming an entire pint in a sitting.
- I'll go crazy on one food and think it's the most healthy thing to eat ever, and just eat it every day. And then one day I'll find out how unhealthy it is and ban it from my life. (ex. Granola Bars)
- Also, before my period I will get bloated but not realize it's because I'm about to get my period. So there's always a period where I majorly freak out about how fat I am, and then constantly say "OMG I really need to exercise. And starve myself" and then I'll find out it's just period bloating and then I'll consume that pint of ice cream mentioned above.
- I will draw pictures for people
- I sit around for a long time just looking for split ends to cut
- I sleep very little (which I found untrue - I sleep maybe 7 hours a day)
- When I get angry, I lie about being angry but give people the silent treatment. Which brought about the story of "when Mel got mad at me during finals and didn't speak to me for three days until the season finale of Survivor when the silence was broken"
- People shouldn't antagonize me during finals. (which is untrue this semester because all I do is play)
- I have a terrible memory except when it comes to tv faces and songs. That is, I can recognize the face of an extra and I can place a song in a show, but when it comes to real people I meet them and then I forget them. Very true. Because once I was watching Gilmore Girls and I suddenly went "OMG IT'S HIRO FROM HEROES!" He was this Asian nerd in the back of the classroom and had like a 3-word line.
- I can rewatch episodes a ridiculous number of times. In fact, an episode will come on tv, I'll watch it in real time, then I'll rewatch the entire thing the next day. Also, I'll just come home and watch a random episode because something during the day reminded me of it.
I think that's when we started running out of things to say. But yup. That's me summed up in twelve bullet points. Time to study, go to Oakland Chinatown, then study some more.
I woke up really early, because now I don't close my blinds and I basically wake up every day at 6:30. Which is actually kind of fun. I had a final at 12:30 (I realize now that I already blogged up to this point yesterday). Ok. So instead of studying before my final, I watched the season finale of The Office. Took the final and I didn't know about half of the problems. Watched Grey's Anatomy, with a few technical difficulties. Paulo's internet wouldn't work so we used mine. Then, about 10 minutes before the end, Lexie confronts Cristina and just as she opens her mouth to talk back, my computer just freezes then shuts down. HAHA Stupid battery. Can't even last for a 1-hr online episode.
Then I packed a little, then went back to the study lounge to watch Lost. SO. EFFING. Good. I realized there are two things that always make me tear up in movies/tv. 1) Scenes where masses of people are trapped/slowly killed, like in I Am Legend when the bridges collapse. Or when Titanic goes down. 2) Scenes where characters I care about are reunited, like yesterday's episode of Lost.
I realized that I don't really like what I wrote there because it was very xanga-like. But I don't really want to delete it. I think I will try writing this in a different format.
I also keep listening to this song. I think I really like it because of the part at 3:08. It is the climax of the song! But, Hilarious!
So yesterday was awesome because I talked to two people on the floor that I never really talked to before. I really regret not going around to each room and introducing myself at the beginning of the year. I came a few days after welcome week started, and then I felt kind of awkward. I remember about a year ago I was like "Alvin I regret not talking to my coworkers at Equilar more" and he was like "you always regret not talking to people. It's the only thing you regret" which is very true. I pretty much do whatever else I want to do but I'm not as outgoing as I would like to be. I've become more outgoing since I was young, but :( that I didn't really speak to the swimmers on the floor because they all seem nice and interesting.
Anyway, besides those two awesome conversations, the fun, gossipy one I had with Paulo while buying dinner and then cooking mac&cheese with him, I ended up talking to Jon and Chrystal for about an hour last night too. Jon is my roommate next year and he was like "is there anything I should know about her?" and then we ended up reminiscing about the past two years, focused on me, which was really fun because Chrystal has nearly perfect memory. So things she told me about me. This should be fun to read for those who are friends with me.
-I make noises when I sleep. Seriously, this was the first thing she said. I can't believe this is what pops into her head. Sigh.
- "Will you guys have a mirror in the bedroom?" "OH I plan on buying a full-length mirror" "Because if you have a mirror, you will see her do this ALL THE TIME *clutches stomach* 'Oh no... why am I so fat?'"
HAHA Seriously, my life IS determined by my stomach. I've decided not to go to parties because my stomach was too big. My life, diet and mood is basically determined by the hourly changes of my stomach.
- I have a giant list of "NEVER AGAINs" for food, including ice cream, Raleigh's Chicken Caesar Flatbread, Cafe Intermezzo. But every month three days before I get my period, I end up consuming an entire pint in a sitting.
- I'll go crazy on one food and think it's the most healthy thing to eat ever, and just eat it every day. And then one day I'll find out how unhealthy it is and ban it from my life. (ex. Granola Bars)
- Also, before my period I will get bloated but not realize it's because I'm about to get my period. So there's always a period where I majorly freak out about how fat I am, and then constantly say "OMG I really need to exercise. And starve myself" and then I'll find out it's just period bloating and then I'll consume that pint of ice cream mentioned above.
- I will draw pictures for people
- I sit around for a long time just looking for split ends to cut
- I sleep very little (which I found untrue - I sleep maybe 7 hours a day)
- When I get angry, I lie about being angry but give people the silent treatment. Which brought about the story of "when Mel got mad at me during finals and didn't speak to me for three days until the season finale of Survivor when the silence was broken"
- People shouldn't antagonize me during finals. (which is untrue this semester because all I do is play)
- I have a terrible memory except when it comes to tv faces and songs. That is, I can recognize the face of an extra and I can place a song in a show, but when it comes to real people I meet them and then I forget them. Very true. Because once I was watching Gilmore Girls and I suddenly went "OMG IT'S HIRO FROM HEROES!" He was this Asian nerd in the back of the classroom and had like a 3-word line.
- I can rewatch episodes a ridiculous number of times. In fact, an episode will come on tv, I'll watch it in real time, then I'll rewatch the entire thing the next day. Also, I'll just come home and watch a random episode because something during the day reminded me of it.
I think that's when we started running out of things to say. But yup. That's me summed up in twelve bullet points. Time to study, go to Oakland Chinatown, then study some more.
Friday, May 16, 2008
The social optimum
There is a lot on my to do list and I'm kind of fake stressed because I would like to do this all by 12:30, which is when my FIRST final is, which I have literally studied 0% for. I'm starting to think that maybe I should ... but here's my to do list for those who are interested:
- Watch yesterday's episodes of The Office, Grey's Anatomy, and Lost
- Complete packing up my stuff
- Study Ch 9 and 10 of economics
- Watch next movie for film studies
- Maybe study for the physics and music final
- Finish making Angelica's gift
- Move my stuff into next year's apartment
So yesterday, I blogged a bit. Did I mention how hot it was? BECAUSE IT WAS FREAKING HOT. So hot that everyone in the lounge did absolutely zero work. It was so hot Paulo brought his little fan out. It was so hot that we would take the elevator just because it was cooler in there. It was so hot that we'd throw ourselves against the questionably dirty metal walls of the elevator, to feel cooler. It was so hot that Eric took a chair into the tiled bathroom, where it was 10 degrees cooler than the lounge. It was so hot that when we walked by the entrance of our building, the mist made by the blowing wind and the water that was leaking from our bathroom pipes off the balcony was really refreshing to me. It was so hot I went downstairs to Bear Market with about four different people in hour, just because it was cooler downstairs. It was so hot that when we finally couldn't take it anymore, we made a floor trip to Strawberry Canyon pool.
SO. FUN. Christine and Caroline had planned on going swimming in the morning, and most of us were like "I'm probably not going, but if I am, I'm not swimming." Well, by the time it was 3:00 we were all like "FUCK STUDYING WE'RE SWIMMING." We hadn't been studying at all anyway, we had actually been doing tetris competitions. (To which I say, I can't believe people can't do Level 10. It makes me wonder what has happened to my brain.) So we all ended up dressing in swimsuits, and walked to Strawberry Canyon which is all the way up by the stadium.
HAHA So it was this giant group of like 9 people walking around a place that looked more fit for some beach school and not the ghetto streets of Berkeley. I was wearing my swimshorts, which are INCREDIBLY short. We made it up to Bowditch adn Bancroft, when the Perimeter bus came and Paulo and Christa who were further ahead, made it on. Then, the bus left. We had expected them to hold it for us, so when we saw the bus moving we were all like OMG!!! Hilarious though: the perimeter bus was actually going the opposite way and in the end, it only dropped them off at Evans and they had to walk just about the same amount anyway. Also, they switched bus drivers and for five minutes Christa and Paulo were sitting on a non-moving bus that had taken them right back to the front of our dorm, thinking "omg ... do we have to walk back?"
Well the walk up was fun. All of us were basically going "OMG WTF ARE YOU SURE YOU KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING CAROLINE" because we were going up steep hills. BUT then we hit the glorious pool. OH GLORIOUS POOL! Strawberry Canyon is like ... the secret home of fraternities and sororites. I'm not even lying, I was probably in the top five fattest people there. It was just filled with 1/2 EXTREMELY fit white people, and 1/2 children with their parents. And being Berkeley, all the parents were insanely fit and thin as well. Definitely not a place to go if you're having a fat day.
But FUN! So we had a little pool party. Thankfully we had gone at a time when a part of the pool was shaded so I was not in danger of getting even darker. We were in the pool for about two hours, and my skin was getting super pruny. I had rescued Paulo's glasses from the bottom of an incredibly murky pool (DISGUSTING. I had kind of forgotten how gross public pools are since Spieker pool is kept incredibly clean). Eric took pictures and then we walked back and ended up eating at Crossroads. Then went back and I finished my pillow letters.
But also, Paulo, Eric and I (then later Caroline) were discussing the "Social Optimum" of groups. So, I don't knwo if everyone realizes this - maybe because I'm the planner so I always do, but no matter what group you are in, there's always a socially optimal arrangement that creates the most fun. We started discussing this because our dinner had been abnormally quiet, mainly because we had all thrown towels down on the chairs to claim seats, so no one could really judge who they were sitting next to. Also, the girl none of us like who had tagged along had chosen to sit in the middle -__- so that really threw off our balance.
Anyway, Eric opened up paint and we started moving names around. Then he started planning how he wanted people to sit at his birthday. I was like "ok Eric ... I think about this too but about two minutes before it happens, not a week before." But, it's still really interesting to think about. Apparently Eric and I have to be in the middle, because we're the loudest. Caroline and Jason always have to sit with each other, I prefer sitting next to Caroline but Paulo and Eric both want to sit next to me. Then we also ranked people by how much we like them:
1: God please don't speak to me
2: Fine I'll begrudginly speak to you
3: I don't mind speaking to you
4: I enjoy speaking to you but I won't seek you out
5: I love your company
Anyway, yesterday was a great day for socializing. Terrible day for studying. I feel like I've already peaked in studying. I just don't want to do it anymore.
This is an ongoing list but:
Reasons I freaking love my floormates:
1. We think about things like "the social optimum"
2. We already asked about each other's likes and dislikes in the opposite sex, how far everyone's gone, the "who's going to marry first" game, the "fuck marry kill" game, and we are always completely honest and even though sometimes I scream "OMFG TMI" I love it all.
3. People like me! And want to sit next to me! And think I'm the center of the group. HEHE
4. People always offer to take group pictures that include me
5. Eric also take pictures (although I actually really like being photographer because a lot of times I'm standing there thinking AGH we should be taking a picture of that)
6. Usually, no one refuses to take a picture
7. We gossip. A lot.
8. We do pretty active things like playing frisbee, tennis, swimming, volleyball
9. At the same time, they love to watch my tv shows
10. According to Chrystal, peoople would constantly knock on the door asking for me and then their faces would fall when she said I wasn't there. AWWWW!!!
An ongoing list...
OMG It's 10:20. Crap. CRAP! But :)
- Watch yesterday's episodes of The Office, Grey's Anatomy, and Lost
- Complete packing up my stuff
- Study Ch 9 and 10 of economics
- Watch next movie for film studies
- Maybe study for the physics and music final
- Finish making Angelica's gift
- Move my stuff into next year's apartment
So yesterday, I blogged a bit. Did I mention how hot it was? BECAUSE IT WAS FREAKING HOT. So hot that everyone in the lounge did absolutely zero work. It was so hot Paulo brought his little fan out. It was so hot that we would take the elevator just because it was cooler in there. It was so hot that we'd throw ourselves against the questionably dirty metal walls of the elevator, to feel cooler. It was so hot that Eric took a chair into the tiled bathroom, where it was 10 degrees cooler than the lounge. It was so hot that when we walked by the entrance of our building, the mist made by the blowing wind and the water that was leaking from our bathroom pipes off the balcony was really refreshing to me. It was so hot I went downstairs to Bear Market with about four different people in hour, just because it was cooler downstairs. It was so hot that when we finally couldn't take it anymore, we made a floor trip to Strawberry Canyon pool.
SO. FUN. Christine and Caroline had planned on going swimming in the morning, and most of us were like "I'm probably not going, but if I am, I'm not swimming." Well, by the time it was 3:00 we were all like "FUCK STUDYING WE'RE SWIMMING." We hadn't been studying at all anyway, we had actually been doing tetris competitions. (To which I say, I can't believe people can't do Level 10. It makes me wonder what has happened to my brain.) So we all ended up dressing in swimsuits, and walked to Strawberry Canyon which is all the way up by the stadium.
HAHA So it was this giant group of like 9 people walking around a place that looked more fit for some beach school and not the ghetto streets of Berkeley. I was wearing my swimshorts, which are INCREDIBLY short. We made it up to Bowditch adn Bancroft, when the Perimeter bus came and Paulo and Christa who were further ahead, made it on. Then, the bus left. We had expected them to hold it for us, so when we saw the bus moving we were all like OMG!!! Hilarious though: the perimeter bus was actually going the opposite way and in the end, it only dropped them off at Evans and they had to walk just about the same amount anyway. Also, they switched bus drivers and for five minutes Christa and Paulo were sitting on a non-moving bus that had taken them right back to the front of our dorm, thinking "omg ... do we have to walk back?"
Well the walk up was fun. All of us were basically going "OMG WTF ARE YOU SURE YOU KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING CAROLINE" because we were going up steep hills. BUT then we hit the glorious pool. OH GLORIOUS POOL! Strawberry Canyon is like ... the secret home of fraternities and sororites. I'm not even lying, I was probably in the top five fattest people there. It was just filled with 1/2 EXTREMELY fit white people, and 1/2 children with their parents. And being Berkeley, all the parents were insanely fit and thin as well. Definitely not a place to go if you're having a fat day.
But FUN! So we had a little pool party. Thankfully we had gone at a time when a part of the pool was shaded so I was not in danger of getting even darker. We were in the pool for about two hours, and my skin was getting super pruny. I had rescued Paulo's glasses from the bottom of an incredibly murky pool (DISGUSTING. I had kind of forgotten how gross public pools are since Spieker pool is kept incredibly clean). Eric took pictures and then we walked back and ended up eating at Crossroads. Then went back and I finished my pillow letters.
But also, Paulo, Eric and I (then later Caroline) were discussing the "Social Optimum" of groups. So, I don't knwo if everyone realizes this - maybe because I'm the planner so I always do, but no matter what group you are in, there's always a socially optimal arrangement that creates the most fun. We started discussing this because our dinner had been abnormally quiet, mainly because we had all thrown towels down on the chairs to claim seats, so no one could really judge who they were sitting next to. Also, the girl none of us like who had tagged along had chosen to sit in the middle -__- so that really threw off our balance.
Anyway, Eric opened up paint and we started moving names around. Then he started planning how he wanted people to sit at his birthday. I was like "ok Eric ... I think about this too but about two minutes before it happens, not a week before." But, it's still really interesting to think about. Apparently Eric and I have to be in the middle, because we're the loudest. Caroline and Jason always have to sit with each other, I prefer sitting next to Caroline but Paulo and Eric both want to sit next to me. Then we also ranked people by how much we like them:
1: God please don't speak to me
2: Fine I'll begrudginly speak to you
3: I don't mind speaking to you
4: I enjoy speaking to you but I won't seek you out
5: I love your company
Anyway, yesterday was a great day for socializing. Terrible day for studying. I feel like I've already peaked in studying. I just don't want to do it anymore.
This is an ongoing list but:
Reasons I freaking love my floormates:
1. We think about things like "the social optimum"
2. We already asked about each other's likes and dislikes in the opposite sex, how far everyone's gone, the "who's going to marry first" game, the "fuck marry kill" game, and we are always completely honest and even though sometimes I scream "OMFG TMI" I love it all.
3. People like me! And want to sit next to me! And think I'm the center of the group. HEHE
4. People always offer to take group pictures that include me
5. Eric also take pictures (although I actually really like being photographer because a lot of times I'm standing there thinking AGH we should be taking a picture of that)
6. Usually, no one refuses to take a picture
7. We gossip. A lot.
8. We do pretty active things like playing frisbee, tennis, swimming, volleyball
9. At the same time, they love to watch my tv shows
10. According to Chrystal, peoople would constantly knock on the door asking for me and then their faces would fall when she said I wasn't there. AWWWW!!!
An ongoing list...
OMG It's 10:20. Crap. CRAP! But :)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Right Now I'm...
sitting in my floor study lounge trying to study for economics but failing. It's incredibly hot right now in Berkeley (supposed to hit 95 today) and also extremely windy. I have to keep the door open with a chair, and I can see it shaking as the wind blows. My floormates are standing on the balcony pretending they're on a ship. It's toooo hot. Ugh.
Usually I go to the gym and when I step outside, I'm greeted with a blast of refreshingly cool Bay Area air. Today, I opened the door and it felt like someone had turned on the heater. By the time I walked into the gym, I was already sweating. Then, all the machines were taken - I guess finals brings out all the early birds. I ended up only doing situps and 5 minutes on the boat machine, but since it was so hot, I was already sweaty and I left.
I can't believe I have to start moving stuff THIS WEEKEND. I'm taking some of my stuff to Jon's house, a few larger things to my future apartment, and my fridge to my summer sublet. So many places. I remember last year when I started packing things into boxes, it was kind of a sad, grown-up moment. Now, this is the last year I'll live in college dorms, and I've grown quite attached to the room I've lived in for the past two years. Goodbye, perfectly located room 309!
Somehow the fact that our floor has the entire day to study ends up being a huge excuse to talk with a few breaks for studying. Now a lot of people eat together for brunch, which is super fun. I usually eat breakfast after the gym, but now I hold out until 11:00 when more people are awake. It hit me yesterday that we don't have two weeks left, as my mind has falsely assumed. We have about FIVE DAYS until people's finals start ending and they start going home. Eek! Also, slightly more scary is that I have an interview in FOUR days for a footsteps program, which is like a 3-day shadowing program. I feel like if I can't even get into this program, I can't even try to get a job. Probably faulty logic though.
Ok ... must at least try to finish understanding this homework assignment I was supposed to do a month ago, but I ended up just copying from my floormate. Teehee.
Usually I go to the gym and when I step outside, I'm greeted with a blast of refreshingly cool Bay Area air. Today, I opened the door and it felt like someone had turned on the heater. By the time I walked into the gym, I was already sweating. Then, all the machines were taken - I guess finals brings out all the early birds. I ended up only doing situps and 5 minutes on the boat machine, but since it was so hot, I was already sweaty and I left.
I can't believe I have to start moving stuff THIS WEEKEND. I'm taking some of my stuff to Jon's house, a few larger things to my future apartment, and my fridge to my summer sublet. So many places. I remember last year when I started packing things into boxes, it was kind of a sad, grown-up moment. Now, this is the last year I'll live in college dorms, and I've grown quite attached to the room I've lived in for the past two years. Goodbye, perfectly located room 309!
Somehow the fact that our floor has the entire day to study ends up being a huge excuse to talk with a few breaks for studying. Now a lot of people eat together for brunch, which is super fun. I usually eat breakfast after the gym, but now I hold out until 11:00 when more people are awake. It hit me yesterday that we don't have two weeks left, as my mind has falsely assumed. We have about FIVE DAYS until people's finals start ending and they start going home. Eek! Also, slightly more scary is that I have an interview in FOUR days for a footsteps program, which is like a 3-day shadowing program. I feel like if I can't even get into this program, I can't even try to get a job. Probably faulty logic though.
Ok ... must at least try to finish understanding this homework assignment I was supposed to do a month ago, but I ended up just copying from my floormate. Teehee.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Graduation 08
I'm really tired right now. So tired that while I was talking in the hallway, I actually considered just lying down on the ground and sleeping on that dirty floor. I actually sat down, but my half awake brain kept me from doing anything more.
I didn't even study very much today. Wow, I was about to recount what I did earlier in the morning, and it honestly felt like yesterday. I woke up, gymmed, showered, went to the library to watch a movie for film studies, came back and ate with a surprisingly large number of floormates at Cafe 3, studied some economics (but only the amount I was supposed to have completed yesterday), then went to Angelica's convocation. After, ate dinner with her, friends, and her parents, then I went home and ended up playing tennis with my floormates. Well, they played, I sat on the side and surfed the internet (thank you, Airbears).
Graduation. Omg. I'm so tired and I have gotten extremely dark because of it, but it was super fun. I wonder what I looked like - a mix of tiredness, sweatiness, and vacant eyes. But honestly, I LOVE graduations. When I get older, I want to go to a graduation every year. If I end up living in Bay Area, which I probably will, I will try to go to the Berkeley convocation every year. I just really like the atmosphere of happy, proud families and friends, and all the speeches sound great and all the graduates look super excited, whether they were the super studying nerd or the uncaring slackoff who just wants to end school. Everyone is excited to be there and it makes me really happy.
Convocation is at Greek Theater, which I have actually never been in before. Embarassing. Going made me really want to attend a concert that's held there. For some reason I thought the Greek Theater was a part of the football stadium, but it's actually a separate place that is built to look like a Greek amphitheater. It is super cool.
But, it was insanely hot today. To Berkeley standards. I have never wanted the sun to go down more quickly in my life. I can't understand at all how Survivor contestants stand in typically 90-100 degree heat holding onto a pole without moving. Insane.
So if you didn't know, convocation is what most graduates don't go to, and it's just a bunch of speeches. What everyone goes to are department graduations, where you have your own graduation according to your major. Depending on the largeness of the department, you are either graduating at the Greek Theater or some smaller room. So why did I go to convocation? Because my friend Angelica was a freaking University Medal semi-finalist! And what is that, you ask? Well, she is one of SIX people chosen as the top student of UC Berkeley ... so she is like one of the top six students at the top university. Jessssus. It's insane to think about the level of achievement that that is. Because she's a semi-finalist, we got VIP seats so AWEEESSOME. Otherwise we would have had to sit in the burning sun for the ENTIRE ceremony.
Fun quotes of the ceremony:
Chancellor: Berkeley has more students whose parents have incomes lower than $40,000 than all of the Ivys combined
Chancellor: We will be taking an aerial photo later today - so don't be alarmed when a helicopter flies over. There will be no napalm today.
It's so weird to think only two years ago I was at high school graduation. Everyone around me today kept going "wow! There are a lot of people here" and I was like "...really?" because AHS graduation was HUGE. and the racetrack is HUGE. Greek theater is definitely smaller than the racetrack, but it's better seating. Well, in two years I will be there. Monday was the last day of my classes for sophomore year. I am half done with college...
Ok now I'm hiccuping. My battery is running out. I'm super tired. I will talk in short sentences now. Ate at Thai restaurant. Best Thai food I've ever had. I love Northside Berkeley. Tired now.
I didn't even study very much today. Wow, I was about to recount what I did earlier in the morning, and it honestly felt like yesterday. I woke up, gymmed, showered, went to the library to watch a movie for film studies, came back and ate with a surprisingly large number of floormates at Cafe 3, studied some economics (but only the amount I was supposed to have completed yesterday), then went to Angelica's convocation. After, ate dinner with her, friends, and her parents, then I went home and ended up playing tennis with my floormates. Well, they played, I sat on the side and surfed the internet (thank you, Airbears).
Graduation. Omg. I'm so tired and I have gotten extremely dark because of it, but it was super fun. I wonder what I looked like - a mix of tiredness, sweatiness, and vacant eyes. But honestly, I LOVE graduations. When I get older, I want to go to a graduation every year. If I end up living in Bay Area, which I probably will, I will try to go to the Berkeley convocation every year. I just really like the atmosphere of happy, proud families and friends, and all the speeches sound great and all the graduates look super excited, whether they were the super studying nerd or the uncaring slackoff who just wants to end school. Everyone is excited to be there and it makes me really happy.
Convocation is at Greek Theater, which I have actually never been in before. Embarassing. Going made me really want to attend a concert that's held there. For some reason I thought the Greek Theater was a part of the football stadium, but it's actually a separate place that is built to look like a Greek amphitheater. It is super cool.
But, it was insanely hot today. To Berkeley standards. I have never wanted the sun to go down more quickly in my life. I can't understand at all how Survivor contestants stand in typically 90-100 degree heat holding onto a pole without moving. Insane.
So if you didn't know, convocation is what most graduates don't go to, and it's just a bunch of speeches. What everyone goes to are department graduations, where you have your own graduation according to your major. Depending on the largeness of the department, you are either graduating at the Greek Theater or some smaller room. So why did I go to convocation? Because my friend Angelica was a freaking University Medal semi-finalist! And what is that, you ask? Well, she is one of SIX people chosen as the top student of UC Berkeley ... so she is like one of the top six students at the top university. Jessssus. It's insane to think about the level of achievement that that is. Because she's a semi-finalist, we got VIP seats so AWEEESSOME. Otherwise we would have had to sit in the burning sun for the ENTIRE ceremony.
Fun quotes of the ceremony:
Chancellor: Berkeley has more students whose parents have incomes lower than $40,000 than all of the Ivys combined
Chancellor: We will be taking an aerial photo later today - so don't be alarmed when a helicopter flies over. There will be no napalm today.
It's so weird to think only two years ago I was at high school graduation. Everyone around me today kept going "wow! There are a lot of people here" and I was like "...really?" because AHS graduation was HUGE. and the racetrack is HUGE. Greek theater is definitely smaller than the racetrack, but it's better seating. Well, in two years I will be there. Monday was the last day of my classes for sophomore year. I am half done with college...
Ok now I'm hiccuping. My battery is running out. I'm super tired. I will talk in short sentences now. Ate at Thai restaurant. Best Thai food I've ever had. I love Northside Berkeley. Tired now.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
New obsessions
So you know how I once blogged about the magic of Craigslist's free stuff? Well, I realized that while it is fun to see what people give away for free, most of it isn't worth leaving my dorm and figuring out how to get my hands on them. HOWEVER, the stuff people SELL is incredible! It's a good thing I don't have a car, or I might have about 5 coffee tables and 7 bookshelves in my dorm already.
Also, I was yelping and tomorrow, I plan to:
- Go to La Note with Caroline
- Go here to buy fabrics to make pillows
- Go to Trader Joe's
- Study for UGBA
And I found out today that there is a Crate and Barrel OUTLET on University and San Pablo. Which is close by car, but really far by bus. BUT OMG. Can you imagine how much I would buy? I would generally buy ANYTHING from Crate and Barrel. And an outlet?!?! It's going to be a massacre.
Oh yeah. Also, crazy diet starts tomorrow. I swear. Well, after I eat La Note with Caroline. Then, since it's finals week I will begin my RUN everyday and SWIM everyday regimen!
But knowing my body it'll decide to start a period right before the year ends.
Also, I was yelping and tomorrow, I plan to:
- Go to La Note with Caroline
- Go here to buy fabrics to make pillows
- Go to Trader Joe's
- Study for UGBA
And I found out today that there is a Crate and Barrel OUTLET on University and San Pablo. Which is close by car, but really far by bus. BUT OMG. Can you imagine how much I would buy? I would generally buy ANYTHING from Crate and Barrel. And an outlet?!?! It's going to be a massacre.
Oh yeah. Also, crazy diet starts tomorrow. I swear. Well, after I eat La Note with Caroline. Then, since it's finals week I will begin my RUN everyday and SWIM everyday regimen!
But knowing my body it'll decide to start a period right before the year ends.
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Going Home Theory
I have a theory that my mom and I always get in minor fights when I'm about to come home. During the rest of the year we always have very pleasant conversations but once we start talking about how I'm coming home and such, I start to get very short tempers and snap very easily. Or maybe she gets more annoying. It's really weird but so far every time I've gone home, this has held true.
And now, today a few days before Mother's Day, she calls to say thank you for the card I sent her and at the end of half of hour, I hang up going "You're really fucking--- I'm really pissed off right now. I'm going to hang up. Goodbye."
Anyhoo, it'll be forgotten/looked over by Sunday. So whatever. Apartments are a very touchy subject right now. I basically got very pissed because she was like "I don't understand why you couldn't just find a place that would start in the summer" and I was like are you fucking kidding me. Do you know how hard it is to find an apartment in Berkeley? -_-
I'm also getting myself into deeper and deeper shit as I prolong this "yeah! I'm not sharing a room with two guys" because she is already suspecting that I lie. She always knows when I lie! About the big stuff at least. I think because subconsciously, I want her to know so when I lie, she can tell. But while I was showering, I compiled a list of things that I COULD have done rather than do what seems to be the worst option possible.
1) Tell the truth from the beginning and just pull my stubborn bitch card which she generally can't fight against
2) Tell her that I am only living with one other guy and just do the futon trick with her (where I have a futon in the room and it's really a second bed, but when people come, I claim it's my sofa)
3) And this is the best that I was kicking myself for not thinking of earlier. Just tell her that I'm sharing a room, but with a girl. And if she were ever to visit, I kick Jon out for a few hours and have Christine make an appearance. SIGH. I think it would be super suspicious if I tried to work this in now though.
And besides Monday's Econ lecture which I will ditch, and Physics and Music which I will go to only out of obligation to my friends who are the GSIs for that class, SCHOOL IS OVERSSSSS. Time to study for economics.
ALSO ARGH! I wrote my film paper and it got an 85% WTF. AND THE MAIN COMMENT WAS "YOU DID NOT HAVE A TITLE." WELL I'm sorry for naming my paper "FILM PAPER." I didn't realize a stupid ass title was THAT IMPORTANT. ARGH. I even wrote "grades very fairly" on her evaluation too! LSKDJFDSKLJLDSF I'M SO PISSED. Now I actually have to study for film. I was considering blowing off the final. >:O!
And now, today a few days before Mother's Day, she calls to say thank you for the card I sent her and at the end of half of hour, I hang up going "You're really fucking--- I'm really pissed off right now. I'm going to hang up. Goodbye."
Anyhoo, it'll be forgotten/looked over by Sunday. So whatever. Apartments are a very touchy subject right now. I basically got very pissed because she was like "I don't understand why you couldn't just find a place that would start in the summer" and I was like are you fucking kidding me. Do you know how hard it is to find an apartment in Berkeley? -_-
I'm also getting myself into deeper and deeper shit as I prolong this "yeah! I'm not sharing a room with two guys" because she is already suspecting that I lie. She always knows when I lie! About the big stuff at least. I think because subconsciously, I want her to know so when I lie, she can tell. But while I was showering, I compiled a list of things that I COULD have done rather than do what seems to be the worst option possible.
1) Tell the truth from the beginning and just pull my stubborn bitch card which she generally can't fight against
2) Tell her that I am only living with one other guy and just do the futon trick with her (where I have a futon in the room and it's really a second bed, but when people come, I claim it's my sofa)
3) And this is the best that I was kicking myself for not thinking of earlier. Just tell her that I'm sharing a room, but with a girl. And if she were ever to visit, I kick Jon out for a few hours and have Christine make an appearance. SIGH. I think it would be super suspicious if I tried to work this in now though.
And besides Monday's Econ lecture which I will ditch, and Physics and Music which I will go to only out of obligation to my friends who are the GSIs for that class, SCHOOL IS OVERSSSSS. Time to study for economics.
ALSO ARGH! I wrote my film paper and it got an 85% WTF. AND THE MAIN COMMENT WAS "YOU DID NOT HAVE A TITLE." WELL I'm sorry for naming my paper "FILM PAPER." I didn't realize a stupid ass title was THAT IMPORTANT. ARGH. I even wrote "grades very fairly" on her evaluation too! LSKDJFDSKLJLDSF I'M SO PISSED. Now I actually have to study for film. I was considering blowing off the final. >:O!
Me: So you know how I made that complicated doodle and sent out e-mails to everyone to figure out which day we could go to the zoo?
Caroline: Yeah
Me: Well I realized ... we could just go on Sunday ... because finals aren't scheduled on Sundays
Caroline: Oh yeah huh
Me: I guess next Sunday will be your fake birthday then
Caroline: You know, that's the day of Eric's real birthday. We were just discussing this and someone was like "hey you know Eric's birthday is coming up soon?"
Me: Seriously? Maybe we should celebrate his real birthday then, before we start making up birthdays.
I woke up at 8, put on my gym clothes, realized I couldn't find my shoes, took off my running shoes, studied econ from 9-10:30, found my shoes in Caroline's room from yesterday's How I Met Your Mother viewing, went to work from 11-4:30, went straight to class, went straight to meet up with my hopefully future landlord who is a lot better looking than I had envisoned, went straight to my RCSA meeting, came home, knocked on Caroline's door, and proceeded to watch about 3 hours of tv. Then, showered, read some more economics, and am now sitting here.
What a productive day.
Things I really need to do but keep putting off:
- Figure out where I'm going to store my stuff for the summer and what I'm going to take home
- Prepare for my interview (EEK! I will blog about this if I get it. If I don't, I'll pretend like it never happened)
- Really actually start working out by running and swimming and getting super thin before Angelica's graduation where I have to wear a dress
- Decide whether I want to lie to my landlord and say I'm living with one person when I'm really living with two, which may result in a huge fine if caught. If not caught, will save $275 per month
- Finalize plans with floor to come to SoCal
- Blow off some steam (as if I work hard at all) by going shopping or browsing Rasputin
- Decide whether or not I'm going to make pillows for my floor (at this point, it'll probably take me the rest of my college years to make six)
Caroline: Yeah
Me: Well I realized ... we could just go on Sunday ... because finals aren't scheduled on Sundays
Caroline: Oh yeah huh
Me: I guess next Sunday will be your fake birthday then
Caroline: You know, that's the day of Eric's real birthday. We were just discussing this and someone was like "hey you know Eric's birthday is coming up soon?"
Me: Seriously? Maybe we should celebrate his real birthday then, before we start making up birthdays.
I woke up at 8, put on my gym clothes, realized I couldn't find my shoes, took off my running shoes, studied econ from 9-10:30, found my shoes in Caroline's room from yesterday's How I Met Your Mother viewing, went to work from 11-4:30, went straight to class, went straight to meet up with my hopefully future landlord who is a lot better looking than I had envisoned, went straight to my RCSA meeting, came home, knocked on Caroline's door, and proceeded to watch about 3 hours of tv. Then, showered, read some more economics, and am now sitting here.
What a productive day.
Things I really need to do but keep putting off:
- Figure out where I'm going to store my stuff for the summer and what I'm going to take home
- Prepare for my interview (EEK! I will blog about this if I get it. If I don't, I'll pretend like it never happened)
- Really actually start working out by running and swimming and getting super thin before Angelica's graduation where I have to wear a dress
- Decide whether I want to lie to my landlord and say I'm living with one person when I'm really living with two, which may result in a huge fine if caught. If not caught, will save $275 per month
- Finalize plans with floor to come to SoCal
- Blow off some steam (as if I work hard at all) by going shopping or browsing Rasputin
- Decide whether or not I'm going to make pillows for my floor (at this point, it'll probably take me the rest of my college years to make six)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Excerpt of May 7th
Eric: My crotch hurts
Me: WHAT? Does that really happen to guys?
Eric and Hao: YEAH!
Jon: Wait what? So it's like you're walking along the street and then you go "ow"?
Eric: I'm getting hard
Christine (leaning in and peering at his crotch): No you're not
Eric: WOW THANKS are you trying to say it's so small you can't see it?
Which led to a night calling Eric "BABY PENIS"
There were a lot of quotes but as always, they've kind of floated out of my head. All I know is that I ended class today at 6:30, went to Room 306, and it's now 1am and I never left the building and the only time I went to my room was to heat a burrito and drink water a few times.
Random plans we came up with:
- Drive down to SoCal after finals and also before real school begins
- Roy's Restaurant on my birthday
- SF Zoo on Caroline's fake birthday (since her real one is during the summer and none of us will see her since she'll be in Europe, I said we should have a fake bday party)
- Floor party with money we got from winning an iPod shuffle ... we have planned $56 worth of $5 Little Caesar's pizzas
- Strip club for Paulo's birthday, or even earlier
- "Let's go to a strip club!" "You know what, I would actually go" "OMG LET'S GO TO A GAY CLUB" "OMG YEAH THAT WOULD BE GENIUS" ... so we have a Castro Valley gay club added to the list
- Since I realized the roommate I share a sublet with this summer will not come until July, SLEEPOVERS IN MY SUMMER FRAT ROOM!
Also, things I've thought of
- Picnic at Tilden's with delicious sandwiches
- I really want to make pillows for everyone but I don't know where to buy little throw pillows because I don't really want to buy large pillows
Today was fun. Except I decided to completely not do a homework assignment, since they drop the lowest grade anyway. But I don't think I've ever consciously decided not to do a homework assignment. OH NO I'm becoming a bad student. Eek.
Me: WHAT? Does that really happen to guys?
Eric and Hao: YEAH!
Jon: Wait what? So it's like you're walking along the street and then you go "ow"?
Eric: I'm getting hard
Christine (leaning in and peering at his crotch): No you're not
Eric: WOW THANKS are you trying to say it's so small you can't see it?
Which led to a night calling Eric "BABY PENIS"
There were a lot of quotes but as always, they've kind of floated out of my head. All I know is that I ended class today at 6:30, went to Room 306, and it's now 1am and I never left the building and the only time I went to my room was to heat a burrito and drink water a few times.
Random plans we came up with:
- Drive down to SoCal after finals and also before real school begins
- Roy's Restaurant on my birthday
- SF Zoo on Caroline's fake birthday (since her real one is during the summer and none of us will see her since she'll be in Europe, I said we should have a fake bday party)
- Floor party with money we got from winning an iPod shuffle ... we have planned $56 worth of $5 Little Caesar's pizzas
- Strip club for Paulo's birthday, or even earlier
- "Let's go to a strip club!" "You know what, I would actually go" "OMG LET'S GO TO A GAY CLUB" "OMG YEAH THAT WOULD BE GENIUS" ... so we have a Castro Valley gay club added to the list
- Since I realized the roommate I share a sublet with this summer will not come until July, SLEEPOVERS IN MY SUMMER FRAT ROOM!
Also, things I've thought of
- Picnic at Tilden's with delicious sandwiches
- I really want to make pillows for everyone but I don't know where to buy little throw pillows because I don't really want to buy large pillows
Today was fun. Except I decided to completely not do a homework assignment, since they drop the lowest grade anyway. But I don't think I've ever consciously decided not to do a homework assignment. OH NO I'm becoming a bad student. Eek.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Unhappiness. Why?
If you know me at all, I'm sure you can guess at least one of the reasons.
I basically didn't really go to the gym last week and instead, decided to eat whatever I want. I think that every month there is a period where I freak out because my stomach gets significantly larger (at least in my eyes). I guess I just need this constant renewal of motivation/paranoia. Because it totally works. TOMORROW I am going to go to the gym and run my heart out. Boo that I can't swim but I think I will swim later this week.
Reasons I need to get super thin REALLY SOON:
- IEOR presentation on TUESDAY. This means I have to wear dress pants, and the ones I have make my legs look incredibly thin, but it also gives me a huge muffin top. So I'm not really sure what I should wear on top, since anything I wear is going to make me look super fat anyway. Sadly, I cannot wear a baggy sweatshirt as professional wear.
- Commencement: Angelica invited me to sit in VIP! of commencement. I will be sitting with her parents, her bf, and her bff. HAHA Hopefully this means I am her #2 BFF.
- Beginning of summer: I cannot go home starting off fat. Because ... sadness. Which reminds me, I have to start getting in the mindset of "When I go home I'm going to running every day"
B) The year is ending and my two best RCSA friends are graduating! Li-Ting has definitely done a lot for me in my life and Angelica is my lifelong friend. HAHA I was not sad at all when we had middle school graduation, I was only somewhat sad about high school graduation b/c I was like "I'll be in contact with people I really care about at least during college" but this graduation is like AH people's actual lives are starting. Li-Ting will go to SF (ok so it's close, but still) and Angelica is going to med school. :( Sometimes I get very sad because I wonder if I will really see Angelica after these few weeks
C) I haven't done ANY HW this weekend. Ok not true, but I haven't done ANY ECONOMICS AHHHH. This week is going to be really bad because it's THE LAST WEEK (YAY) but since it's the last week, I'm going to be even LESS motivated than before to do work. And I'm already at my lowest point ever. I ditched half of my classes last week. Pretty bad.
But I'll even this out with happy things. With the aid of youtube.
A) HIMYM tomorrow! Last week's episode was good. Mondays are my happy days
B) I heart this song a lot. It was played on the season finale of HIMYM Season 2. I found this video over winter break, I think, and every time I watch it, it makes me want to travel to whereever this Dublin Castle is. Actually, this is half happy half sad because I'm a little sad that I don't travel very much. But this shall pass - once I remember how much I hate to travel.
C) Fine. That's actually it. Ok.

My first actual college friends from RCSA last year

This was taken by one of the students I taught for Fun in Science. It was super cute because Angelica and I were like "do you want to take a picture with us?" to these four students and they were like YEAH! And then other kids noticed and ran over to join the picture and as more and more came, they tried to be in the center of the picture, so they kept going closer to the camera and when the photo was finally taken, all the kids were like 3 feet away from Angelica and me. I think watching kids play with their friends is super cute.
I basically didn't really go to the gym last week and instead, decided to eat whatever I want. I think that every month there is a period where I freak out because my stomach gets significantly larger (at least in my eyes). I guess I just need this constant renewal of motivation/paranoia. Because it totally works. TOMORROW I am going to go to the gym and run my heart out. Boo that I can't swim but I think I will swim later this week.
Reasons I need to get super thin REALLY SOON:
- IEOR presentation on TUESDAY. This means I have to wear dress pants, and the ones I have make my legs look incredibly thin, but it also gives me a huge muffin top. So I'm not really sure what I should wear on top, since anything I wear is going to make me look super fat anyway. Sadly, I cannot wear a baggy sweatshirt as professional wear.
- Commencement: Angelica invited me to sit in VIP! of commencement. I will be sitting with her parents, her bf, and her bff. HAHA Hopefully this means I am her #2 BFF.
- Beginning of summer: I cannot go home starting off fat. Because ... sadness. Which reminds me, I have to start getting in the mindset of "When I go home I'm going to running every day"
B) The year is ending and my two best RCSA friends are graduating! Li-Ting has definitely done a lot for me in my life and Angelica is my lifelong friend. HAHA I was not sad at all when we had middle school graduation, I was only somewhat sad about high school graduation b/c I was like "I'll be in contact with people I really care about at least during college" but this graduation is like AH people's actual lives are starting. Li-Ting will go to SF (ok so it's close, but still) and Angelica is going to med school. :( Sometimes I get very sad because I wonder if I will really see Angelica after these few weeks
C) I haven't done ANY HW this weekend. Ok not true, but I haven't done ANY ECONOMICS AHHHH. This week is going to be really bad because it's THE LAST WEEK (YAY) but since it's the last week, I'm going to be even LESS motivated than before to do work. And I'm already at my lowest point ever. I ditched half of my classes last week. Pretty bad.
But I'll even this out with happy things. With the aid of youtube.
A) HIMYM tomorrow! Last week's episode was good. Mondays are my happy days
B) I heart this song a lot. It was played on the season finale of HIMYM Season 2. I found this video over winter break, I think, and every time I watch it, it makes me want to travel to whereever this Dublin Castle is. Actually, this is half happy half sad because I'm a little sad that I don't travel very much. But this shall pass - once I remember how much I hate to travel.
C) Fine. That's actually it. Ok.

My first actual college friends from RCSA last year

This was taken by one of the students I taught for Fun in Science. It was super cute because Angelica and I were like "do you want to take a picture with us?" to these four students and they were like YEAH! And then other kids noticed and ran over to join the picture and as more and more came, they tried to be in the center of the picture, so they kept going closer to the camera and when the photo was finally taken, all the kids were like 3 feet away from Angelica and me. I think watching kids play with their friends is super cute.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Wow the time
Omg... it's 2am. nothing good happens after 2 am. HAHA jk that's a how i met your mother reference. anyway ... I was supposed to go to sleep at 12 today. I have to get up and teach children tomorrow at 8am! I went to take a shower at 11:30 which means i was probably done around 11:45. And then I decided to knock on Paulo's door and tell him about a SUPER AWKWARD MOMENT that happened in the bathroom HAHA and then ALL OF A SUDDEN it's like freaking 2 am.
Eric came in a little after I did and the three of us just talked for ... a longggg longg time. Then we moved places and loud whispered in the hallway and at the very end I talked to Paulo for like 2 minutes in my room. 2 hours of pure talking. LOVE IT. I learn a lot from them. Paulo is like ... one of the most stereotypical guys I know. If you look at most of my male friends, a lot of them aren't like that stereotypical guy you would imagine. Not that that's a bad thing - I'm sure I'm friends with them usually because they aren't what I view as a stereotypical guy. Ok, so this is the conversation I had with Eric and Paulo, which I view to be stereotypical guy:
Ok, actually I typed out a portion of the conversation and realized that most of my friends who read this blog would not appreciate it. Plus I figure we're all going down to SoCal one day, and when we do, I don't want my friends to be like "oh ... you're that guy who said ... that ..." so HAHA I'll just remember it in my head.
The end of this semester is REALLY weird. I've said this so many times. I'm in one of those weird mood phases. I really just want school to end because I don't want to do any work anymore. Every day I have to consider what classes I absolutely have to go to. But I don't ever want the year to end because then we'll never have these study lounges again, where we go in and knowingly sit on a freaking dirty couch. Or we plug in our laptops and pretend to work but really, we end up just talking to each other. And then people get up and write chinese all over the chalkboard. And I'll miss just walking to the bathroom, opening the door, and then ending up in a long conversation over the sinks. Or just walking past Jon/Paulo/Joe's room and going in whenever I want. Or those very few times we went to the gym together. Or being able to whisper in a hallway. Or even waiting for the elevator together to go eat dinner. Or being like "dude I'm hungry and it's 1am ... WHO WANTS LATE NIGHT?"
And I also haven't gymmed in three days and I am really fat and I just realized that I have banquet on SATURDAY where I have to wear a dress which means MAJOR DIETING TOMOROW. Ok, I already know that won't work. But I also have to do my presentation for IEOR on Tuesday, which means dress pants and a dress shirt and I look SUPER FAT in the dress pants because they give me a muffintop, even though they make my legs look fantastic. I need a new pair of dress pants, I think. But even though I know I don't gym, I eat TONS now. Tons of really bad things. Mainly peanut butter and candy. So baddddddd
This is like senior year, when you're rushing to do everything you want before you leave for college. Only, senior year was dragged out over an entire year with set friends, whereas this was four months of meeting friends and feeling like you've known them forever. While talking to Eric and Paulo, we were kind of going over how we met each other. And then I realized that back in February, when I had gone to look at a house with a bunch of people, Eric had tagged along and at the time, I was like "who is this guy?" And that was literally like 2.5 months ago. And now he's like one of my closest Berkeley friends, who I make fun of nonstop. Pretty insane.
Ok. Super late. I don't know how I will sleep when my rem cycle is off and my brain is jumping from all this socializing/blogging. Tomorrow will probably be a painful day. :)
Things that made me happy in the convo:
- paulo and eric saying i'm trustworthy
- paulo and eric saying i'm like the center of the group (only because I usually plan HAHA doesn't this sound familiar?)
- "i'm going to say 'give me ten minutes and i think i can please you'" "umm ... you can rephrase that later"
- "CAROLINE! what's the most lesbian thing you've ever done?" "... yeah ... i'm going to go now ... night guys"
- "paulo i think you've gone further with a guy than i have"
- realizing that Paulo knows SO MUCH about how to get girls. seirously, he could write The Game
- "i haven't had a gf in two years!" "YEAH well try nineteen!"
- "DUDE the most awkward thing just happened" *blah blah blah* "OMG THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I JUST SAID TO PAULO! I HAD THAT EXACT AWKWARD MOMENT"
- "WAIT WTF THAT'S CREEPY! YOU'RE SO CREEPY! oh wait. sorry. is that mean? ok. never mind."
Eric came in a little after I did and the three of us just talked for ... a longggg longg time. Then we moved places and loud whispered in the hallway and at the very end I talked to Paulo for like 2 minutes in my room. 2 hours of pure talking. LOVE IT. I learn a lot from them. Paulo is like ... one of the most stereotypical guys I know. If you look at most of my male friends, a lot of them aren't like that stereotypical guy you would imagine. Not that that's a bad thing - I'm sure I'm friends with them usually because they aren't what I view as a stereotypical guy. Ok, so this is the conversation I had with Eric and Paulo, which I view to be stereotypical guy:
Ok, actually I typed out a portion of the conversation and realized that most of my friends who read this blog would not appreciate it. Plus I figure we're all going down to SoCal one day, and when we do, I don't want my friends to be like "oh ... you're that guy who said ... that ..." so HAHA I'll just remember it in my head.
The end of this semester is REALLY weird. I've said this so many times. I'm in one of those weird mood phases. I really just want school to end because I don't want to do any work anymore. Every day I have to consider what classes I absolutely have to go to. But I don't ever want the year to end because then we'll never have these study lounges again, where we go in and knowingly sit on a freaking dirty couch. Or we plug in our laptops and pretend to work but really, we end up just talking to each other. And then people get up and write chinese all over the chalkboard. And I'll miss just walking to the bathroom, opening the door, and then ending up in a long conversation over the sinks. Or just walking past Jon/Paulo/Joe's room and going in whenever I want. Or those very few times we went to the gym together. Or being able to whisper in a hallway. Or even waiting for the elevator together to go eat dinner. Or being like "dude I'm hungry and it's 1am ... WHO WANTS LATE NIGHT?"
And I also haven't gymmed in three days and I am really fat and I just realized that I have banquet on SATURDAY where I have to wear a dress which means MAJOR DIETING TOMOROW. Ok, I already know that won't work. But I also have to do my presentation for IEOR on Tuesday, which means dress pants and a dress shirt and I look SUPER FAT in the dress pants because they give me a muffintop, even though they make my legs look fantastic. I need a new pair of dress pants, I think. But even though I know I don't gym, I eat TONS now. Tons of really bad things. Mainly peanut butter and candy. So baddddddd
This is like senior year, when you're rushing to do everything you want before you leave for college. Only, senior year was dragged out over an entire year with set friends, whereas this was four months of meeting friends and feeling like you've known them forever. While talking to Eric and Paulo, we were kind of going over how we met each other. And then I realized that back in February, when I had gone to look at a house with a bunch of people, Eric had tagged along and at the time, I was like "who is this guy?" And that was literally like 2.5 months ago. And now he's like one of my closest Berkeley friends, who I make fun of nonstop. Pretty insane.
Ok. Super late. I don't know how I will sleep when my rem cycle is off and my brain is jumping from all this socializing/blogging. Tomorrow will probably be a painful day. :)
Things that made me happy in the convo:
- paulo and eric saying i'm trustworthy
- paulo and eric saying i'm like the center of the group (only because I usually plan HAHA doesn't this sound familiar?)
- "i'm going to say 'give me ten minutes and i think i can please you'" "umm ... you can rephrase that later"
- "CAROLINE! what's the most lesbian thing you've ever done?" "... yeah ... i'm going to go now ... night guys"
- "paulo i think you've gone further with a guy than i have"
- realizing that Paulo knows SO MUCH about how to get girls. seirously, he could write The Game
- "i haven't had a gf in two years!" "YEAH well try nineteen!"
- "DUDE the most awkward thing just happened" *blah blah blah* "OMG THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I JUST SAID TO PAULO! I HAD THAT EXACT AWKWARD MOMENT"
- "WAIT WTF THAT'S CREEPY! YOU'RE SO CREEPY! oh wait. sorry. is that mean? ok. never mind."
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