But first, Hit play! It was on Grey's anatomy. I really can't believe this is a man singing. I almost didn't download this song because I didn't think the artist matched the sound. But I really like this song
So Paulo, Christine, Joe, and Eric came down. I thought Paulo's car was super cute and he is a really good driver. I thought it was interesting that at this point of my life, I have friends who learned how to drive before I met them, and then I have the friends who kind of learned how to drive while I knew them. It's a really strange way to categorize friends, but it kind of implies who you grew up with and who you met as an adult.
Drove down, went through a lot of weather patterns like sunshine, then these weird small wind tunnels, then pelting rain, then light showers then the overcast of Arcadia. I don't usually see accidents on the highway, which is strange since I live in socal, but we passed one and the car had completely flipped over and it was pretty depressing to look at. We also got lost because a truck that got in an accident completely threw us off and we ended up passing the same exit twice, trying to take local, getting more lost, and finally having Alvin tell us the way home.
My mom cooked a huge dinner and Alvin came over and then we went to his house. They were kind of like O__O at his house. We realized that SD kids wouldn't be getting back anytime soon so we went back to my house, and we were all pretty tired anyway. Took some time to decide how to sleep but we finally did. Next morning was Six Flags which was one of the few times I've actually had fun at an amusement park. It was probably because most of them had never been to Six Flags so they were realllllyyyy excited about it. I kind of realized that I hate amusement parks though - everything is so expensive and I don't think it's a great way to spend time with friends. No one really talks while in line anyway. But it was still fun and we were able to ride all the major rides. I had my own personal satisfaction when we finished Tatsu and everyone had been kind of like "no let's not ride this, the line is too long" but after, everyone was like "SUCH A GOOD RIDE."

You would think that staying at Six Flags from opening to closing would be enough. But they still wanted to do things. I had TMV people come over and some of them stayed to talk for a bit and Owen and Alvin stayed to drink. We ended up sleeping at freaking four am, and even then, Paulo still wanted to do stuff. And he's our freaking driver. We slept anyway ... and we were supposed to go to the beach at 11...
But we ended up waking up around 10:30. We eventually got out though, and drove to Newport Beach. So we parked where TMV went last time, but HA. Funny. Not so funny. But that place is actually Balboa, not Newport. So there was a huge mess of Caroline going "we're to the left of the pier" and I was like "we're here! where are you? Do you see lots of kids? NO?! Do you see ... NO?! WHERE ARE YOU?" before we realized she was at the other pier, about two miles away. We tried walking it, but decided to drive over instead. Very oddly, right when we decided this, we climbed up the sand and found ourselves directly across from the car. Almost like it was miraculously put there. Looking for parking sucked though. Very depressing to give up our awesome FREE parking spot. I love Balboa beach.
Beach was crazy. My norcal friends stepped on the beach and were all like "OMG THE SAND! IT'S WARM! THE WATER IS SO WARM!" and I was like uhh because it was pretty overcast and windy. So I stepped in the water and went "OMFG IT'S COLD." I thought it was actually really good beach weather, at least for taking pictures. When we finally found Caroline, she was with her cousin in a SWEATSHIRT huddled together on a beach towel. HAHA. But we went in the water, and Caroline had four boogieboards which they used. Pretty fun. Then we played two actual games of ultimate frisbee which was ridiculously fun. I actually ran! It was the most activity I've ever had at the beach. I really like having TMV friends to sit around and eat with, but I'm also really happy to have made friends who get me active and do those stereotypical sporty things.

Went home, ate at BJs, went home again, played 10 fingers. Kind of interesting where that game actually reveals things, rather than playing and finding out that "WOW! ___ has never ridden a bike!" We played one game and then just started telling stories and asking each other questions. Eric wanted to keep it within us five, and we probably wouldn't have found out as much if my friends had been there. But most of the night I was like "hohum my friends are about twenty minutes away and I'm in my house." Oh well. Christine thought that it was interesting that everyone in TMV seems kind of different, whereas I feel like we're all fairly similar. We talked about what kind of friends we have, and it's interesting because most of them have large group but only a few close friends. And you might think that about TMV because there's always a certain group of people who go out. But I realized that we actually want everyone to go to everything, it's just that certain people aren't able to go out most of the time. Which I guess makes it really crazy that such a large group is so close.
I really like my floormates and loved having them in Socal. It made me realize even more how nice Arcadia is. I know a lot of people go to college and meet other people and kind of look back at Arcadia like "ugh what a snotty place, people don't even realize how good they have it." If anything, while driving around with my floormates in Arcadia, I was just really proud to have been able to live in Arcadia. Why feel bad about growing up in a nice place? I've grown accustomed to living in Arcadia but I'm not unappreciative of it. Paulo was like "my parents would love to live here" and before they left he was like "do you hear that?" and I was like what? and he was like "there's birds here, it's so nice"
Paulo also kept saying "dang your friends eat out a lot" which I think is another way of saying "you guys spend a lot of money." I guess that's true. I think it would be fun to call up people to play basketball or tennis or whatever but I don't think we're competitive enough to get a really good game going. When we want to do active things, I guess it's more like "hey let's go run or go to the gym" or "let's ride our bikes around!" which is fun. I'm sure you all know that I freaking love TMV but after this weekend I'm kind of like wow... I realllyyyy freaking love TMV. I'm a little sad I wasn't able to hang out with them this weekend, especially since about half of them were back and everyone has finals soon. =L but oh well, I essentially saw everyone who came home, even if it was for a short time.

I look acceptably thin here
So what shall I do for the next five days? In the past 12 hours, I downloaded about 250 new songs, almost all of which I really like. YAY! Now it's time for me to go to the library. I also want to go to Berkeley at my ideal weight, and if I can maintain my current stomach and continue to run every day, that JUST MIGHT HAPPEN!
Happy summer
1 comment:
I miss you lots! Don't forget me even though I haven't seen you in forever.
I'm actually taking summer school but that's only on Tues/Thurs so I DO want to visit you for a weekend in the summer. It will happen! Even if I have to go by myself! Does the amtrak go from SD to Berkeley?
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