- Playing hallsports in the hall (first volleyball, then soccer via a volleyball, then with a small bouncy ball, then frisbee)
- Baby penis!
- "Thanks for inviting me to your birthday Brian!" *next day* "OH MY GOD CAROLINE! I called Paulo "Brian" yesterday!" "Yeah I thought I heard that but I didn't say anything" "WELL he looks like a Brian! Who looks like a Paulo!?"
- Boat Dance
- "Studying" in the study lounge
- Heatwave on the third day of studying, when no one did any work and we just went to Bear Market to get ice cream
- Brunches at Cafe 3 during finals week
- Giving up on studying and taking a floor trip to Strawberry Canyon pool
- SF with a a bunch of guys
- *gasp!* "That was a gay gasp" "No, that was just a gay"
- *looking at a Happy Birthday Angela poster in our hall* "Do you know who Angela is?" No, do you?" "No ... I think she's one of the Koreans" "Are you Angela" "... yes" "Happy Birthday!"
- Everyone lying on Jon's bed like it's a couch
- Wendy and Jeremy
- Vacuuming a bunch of people's rooms one night
- "I talked to a swimmer today!"
- "Do you think the swimmers tell each other when they talk to one of us?" No, I don't think they go to each other saying 'I talked to one of the Asians today!'"
- Walking to Ben and Jerrys on Free Cone Day and waiting an hour in line
- My congratuations card signed by everyone on the floor when I got into Haas
- Eating Chipotle on March 12th
- Eric and his rubik's cube
- Christine rushing past us first semester always staring at the ground; "I didn't want to look at people and make it awkward!"
- Impressions on a Third Floor video
- Talking to Caroline in the bathroom: our friendship started with me going "Are you a swimmer? Oh ... you look like one" blah blah blah "We should watch Friday Night Lights together!" blah blah blah "Where are you taking your parents for breakfast? NOAHS?! OMG NO. GO TO CAFE DURANT"
- Watching Durant Square porn in Paulo's room
- Really long talks between me, Paulo, and Eric
- "Caroline! What's the farthest you've ever gone with a girl?" "I have never tried to go anywhere with a girl"
- Crepevine for Eric's birthday
- Me being in at a club event, and Caroline going from door to door in a frantic craze to watch the Office: "Sorry, she's not here right now" "Sorry ... we watch Grey's anatomy" *Main lounge watching Grey's* "Hey is Caroline here?" "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?"
- Chrystal: "You need to make a sign that says whether you're in the room or not. People keep knocking on our door every hour with a big expectant look on their faces and ask me "Is Melissa here?" And when I say no, their faces just fall"
- Late night dining with the floor; discovering the deliciousness of an omelette
- At my first late night: Chrystal "MEL. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE."
- Christa's Hey Girl Hey!
- Watching the worst tv ever, things that even I wouldn't watch, in Paulo's room
- Getting hit in the eye with a frisbee
- Getting hit in the head with a volleyball and not speaking to Jerry for about a month
- Going with Caroline to Cafe 3 and inviting Paulo to eat with us, which is how I became friends with Paulo
- Trying to eat at La Note, then moving onto Jupiter, then deciding to eat at Venus
- Looking at the gay guy house with Paulo, Jon, Caroline, Eric, Christine, and Devon
- Driving to Emeryville to watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall
- Late night vaccuming on the last day of school
- Talking secretly to Paulo and Caroline on Paulo's bed
- Watching How I Met Your Mother
- Caroline trying to watch an episode with me but waiting because Paulo and Eric kept going "wait ... we need to tell her something"
- Caroline: "wait do you really agree or are you just patronizing me?" "Um ... actually I didn't hear what you said so I just nodded"
- Being able to see Jason and Caroline from our floor balcony
- Paulo: "I think Jason and Caroline totally have a thing going on" "NO! That's just friendship" *week later* Christa: "Don't tell her I told you this, but she's going out with Jason"
- Going to the library once with Paulo and Jon and actually getting work done
- Going to the library with Christine, Paulo, Joe, and Eric and getting nothing done
- Caroline falling on her knee and me telling Eric that a dog had tried to bite her leg. Him believing it. Even after we told him the truth then retold the lie.
- Going to the gym to play volleyball
- Gymming together at night
- Swimming with Caroline first semester
- Caroline's junior mints
- Sharing three pints of ice cream at the volleyball courts
- Pizza party on the last day
- Grey's Anatomy finale in the main lounge
- Tetris competitions in the main lounge
- Scattegories with alcohol, leading to Christine's fun dancing
- Making mac&cheese with Paulo in the downstairs kitchen
1 comment:
Ah good memories.
I was going to do something like this but I don't have the energy to do so.
And -_- @ the second item on the list.
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