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This entry would be a lot more depressing/heartfelt if I had written it when I first had these feelings an hour ago. Instead, I tried to encapsulate my feelings into a failed slideshow, which entailed uploading pictures onto both flickr and photobucket. I couldn't figure out how to put the album onto a pretty slideshow, and now, instead of feeling 100% mopey/sad for unknown reasons, I am instead 50% sad, 20% feeling fat, and 30% annoyed that I wasted two hours of my life.
I don't know why exactly, but I was feeling kind of :( yesterday. Probably not PMS. Probably a lot of little factors thrown together. I'm pretty sure I've lost my TMV ring forever, which makes me super, super sad. It was like "the one thing you would save if you were to lost everything" item. Well that and my folder of music, but even music can be somewhat replaced, if only a small fraction of it. Then, school is ending and people are slowly leaving. Most of them are coming back to my house tomorrow, but it's still really sad to think we'll never live together again.
Eric J had posted a blog about how sad he was for the year to end. While reading it, I was like "eh I don't really feel the same way but I see his point." It's interesting because his blog kind of suggests that as you move through life, you lose the friends you had while you make a new set of friends. Jackie's blog is more like hey, you actually can keep all your friends. I'm leaning more towards Jackie, I guess because we're both part of TMV. The greatest friendship of all. HAHA jk I'm not that lame. I love my floormates and we've had really great moments that would probably never happen with TMV. But TMV is like the group I'll always compare all of my friends to. If something huge happened and I were sitting alone, I'd probably go to the TMV facebook group first before going to the Visitors of Room306 group. I was going to write more, but I'll just end it with "heart!" <3
And yesterday I went to Angelica's 22nd birthday dinner. While talking to Li-Ting I realized that I have no friends who are my age from college. At the dorms, I'm the oldest, and when I hang out with my other college friends, they're all older. Even the people I met in my IEOR class are all older than I am.
Angelica all night: and that's Mel. She's only 19!
Me: Aw Ryan you're not that old! I have a friend who's 25... wait. Are you 26?
Ryan: Yeah
Sidenote: wholefoods cakes are INSANELY DELICIOUS. Now I'm sad I didn't buy one for Eric's bday. I'm tempted to buy one for myself in September. Best fruit tart ever. Are there Whole Foods in Arcadia? Why am I even asking - I won't even be in Arcadia for a time that requires cake.
Anyway, so I'm also partly sad because my good friends are graduating from college! So far, every time I've had a graduation, I never thought it was that sad because we're not REALLY leaving each other. But wow. College graduations. It's so crazy to know that I have friends who are graduating from COLLEGE. Some are going to grad school and some are actually starting work. Insane.
Ok. So my feelings of sadness have dissipated because I ended up leaving the computer about three hours ago to eat at CU Sushi. Omg. CU Sushi is my favorite sushi place here. But it's not my favorite restaurant in Berkeley - that is designated for Crepevine. Delicious Crepevine. My favorite restaurant of all time is Roy's Restaurant from the time we ate there for our RCSA SoCal Interviews. I would go there for birthday celebrations once I have a real income. And my favorite restaurant in Arcadia is Ichima Sushi. I think my favorite places are mainly sushi because it's food that I can't make myself, and it's light so I don't leave the restaurants feeling heavy and fat, as I usually do other times.
Well. Now that I've ruined my "boo hoo I'm sad" entry with a digression of food, I guess I'll have to wait until the next time I'm sad and blog about it then. But anyway, I don't think there are many other reasons why I'm sad. This sounds pathetic and I'll only say it once: I kind of wish I were in a relationship. I never really say this to people, even TMV people, because it just sounds sad when you say it out loud. But I kind of want an excuse to eat out with someone. HAHA That's not the reason. I'm just joking. But hohum. Time to finish studying a bit more, then Jonathan and I are going to ride a random bus for a few hours until it reaches the final stop. Which is something I've always wanted to do but never had the time to do. And I feel like the day before my most important final is the best time to do it.

I put my camera on a pole in the street and set the self-timer. People clapped when they saw the picture. HAHA
1 comment:
awww that picture is so...season finale of Meltang's second year at Berkeley ahaha
now i regret deleting my post, since you mentioned it in your post!! anyway it's gone because it was a little too much crazy, b/c i was very tired.
yes there is a whole foods in arcadia!! up in snobby foothills territory
i hope that at least ONCE this summer all of TMV will congregrate :)
now i'm done with my horribly disjointed and rambly comment :D
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