I basically didn't really go to the gym last week and instead, decided to eat whatever I want. I think that every month there is a period where I freak out because my stomach gets significantly larger (at least in my eyes). I guess I just need this constant renewal of motivation/paranoia. Because it totally works. TOMORROW I am going to go to the gym and run my heart out. Boo that I can't swim but I think I will swim later this week.
Reasons I need to get super thin REALLY SOON:
- IEOR presentation on TUESDAY. This means I have to wear dress pants, and the ones I have make my legs look incredibly thin, but it also gives me a huge muffin top. So I'm not really sure what I should wear on top, since anything I wear is going to make me look super fat anyway. Sadly, I cannot wear a baggy sweatshirt as professional wear.
- Commencement: Angelica invited me to sit in VIP! of commencement. I will be sitting with her parents, her bf, and her bff. HAHA Hopefully this means I am her #2 BFF.
- Beginning of summer: I cannot go home starting off fat. Because ... sadness. Which reminds me, I have to start getting in the mindset of "When I go home I'm going to running every day"
B) The year is ending and my two best RCSA friends are graduating! Li-Ting has definitely done a lot for me in my life and Angelica is my lifelong friend. HAHA I was not sad at all when we had middle school graduation, I was only somewhat sad about high school graduation b/c I was like "I'll be in contact with people I really care about at least during college" but this graduation is like AH people's actual lives are starting. Li-Ting will go to SF (ok so it's close, but still) and Angelica is going to med school. :( Sometimes I get very sad because I wonder if I will really see Angelica after these few weeks
C) I haven't done ANY HW this weekend. Ok not true, but I haven't done ANY ECONOMICS AHHHH. This week is going to be really bad because it's THE LAST WEEK (YAY) but since it's the last week, I'm going to be even LESS motivated than before to do work. And I'm already at my lowest point ever. I ditched half of my classes last week. Pretty bad.
But I'll even this out with happy things. With the aid of youtube.
A) HIMYM tomorrow! Last week's episode was good. Mondays are my happy days
B) I heart this song a lot. It was played on the season finale of HIMYM Season 2. I found this video over winter break, I think, and every time I watch it, it makes me want to travel to whereever this Dublin Castle is. Actually, this is half happy half sad because I'm a little sad that I don't travel very much. But this shall pass - once I remember how much I hate to travel.
C) Fine. That's actually it. Ok.

My first actual college friends from RCSA last year

This was taken by one of the students I taught for Fun in Science. It was super cute because Angelica and I were like "do you want to take a picture with us?" to these four students and they were like YEAH! And then other kids noticed and ran over to join the picture and as more and more came, they tried to be in the center of the picture, so they kept going closer to the camera and when the photo was finally taken, all the kids were like 3 feet away from Angelica and me. I think watching kids play with their friends is super cute.
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