Friday, May 9, 2008

The Going Home Theory

I have a theory that my mom and I always get in minor fights when I'm about to come home. During the rest of the year we always have very pleasant conversations but once we start talking about how I'm coming home and such, I start to get very short tempers and snap very easily. Or maybe she gets more annoying. It's really weird but so far every time I've gone home, this has held true.

And now, today a few days before Mother's Day, she calls to say thank you for the card I sent her and at the end of half of hour, I hang up going "You're really fucking--- I'm really pissed off right now. I'm going to hang up. Goodbye."

Anyhoo, it'll be forgotten/looked over by Sunday. So whatever. Apartments are a very touchy subject right now. I basically got very pissed because she was like "I don't understand why you couldn't just find a place that would start in the summer" and I was like are you fucking kidding me. Do you know how hard it is to find an apartment in Berkeley? -_-

I'm also getting myself into deeper and deeper shit as I prolong this "yeah! I'm not sharing a room with two guys" because she is already suspecting that I lie. She always knows when I lie! About the big stuff at least. I think because subconsciously, I want her to know so when I lie, she can tell. But while I was showering, I compiled a list of things that I COULD have done rather than do what seems to be the worst option possible.

1) Tell the truth from the beginning and just pull my stubborn bitch card which she generally can't fight against
2) Tell her that I am only living with one other guy and just do the futon trick with her (where I have a futon in the room and it's really a second bed, but when people come, I claim it's my sofa)
3) And this is the best that I was kicking myself for not thinking of earlier. Just tell her that I'm sharing a room, but with a girl. And if she were ever to visit, I kick Jon out for a few hours and have Christine make an appearance. SIGH. I think it would be super suspicious if I tried to work this in now though.


And besides Monday's Econ lecture which I will ditch, and Physics and Music which I will go to only out of obligation to my friends who are the GSIs for that class, SCHOOL IS OVERSSSSS. Time to study for economics.

ALSO ARGH! I wrote my film paper and it got an 85% WTF. AND THE MAIN COMMENT WAS "YOU DID NOT HAVE A TITLE." WELL I'm sorry for naming my paper "FILM PAPER." I didn't realize a stupid ass title was THAT IMPORTANT. ARGH. I even wrote "grades very fairly" on her evaluation too! LSKDJFDSKLJLDSF I'M SO PISSED. Now I actually have to study for film. I was considering blowing off the final. >:O!

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