(EDIT: NEW QUESTION. WHAT happened to my toe?! Half of the nail is falling off and my sandal has a pool of dried blood on it! Mysterious)
Yesterday was FUN! SO SO SO FUN! RCSA banquet was awesome - I love all the gifts we got and how we got to walk down a long aisle where people blew bubbles at us. I HEART EXCOM! And I love how we basically kicked a bunch of people out of their table and then got to eat first. Because we're EXCOMMMM and WE'RE AWESSSOMEEEE
Then, party at my place! Ohhhh my stomach still suffers from last night. I'm going to make oatmealll
Ohhhh not a good idea. This oatmeal makes me want to barf.
But yes, party! I was extremely tired, and if people hadn't come with me after banquet, I would have just napped for half an hour. But instead I absentmindedly played Tetris, trying to keep my brain stimulated. Then a huge group of RCSA freshmen rang my bell (HEHE corrupting the minds of young generations). FINALLY KRISTEN arrived - I was starting to freak out because no one wanted to drink! And I do not have good party mixes so crap music was playing! But then we broke out her speakers, dimmed the lights, and took our first shots, and then things after that are a little hazy.
I wish I had just forced myself to throw up so I could have played more. CRIES! Did Andria and Leneve ever arrive?! Did Christina get drunk!? I remember being EXTREMELY happy but after I went to sleep, the only memories I have are Alvin telling me goodbye, Kristen putting a cup of water and my trash can next to my bed and then Christina coming in and saying something? I wish I could have more pictures of me with everyone who came! BOOOO I was wearing a nice dress too! Naomi was like "I never see you in anything besides a tshirt!" Set the bar low, and surprise with mediocre results! I had extreme boobage going on with that dress. And there is now vodka on the front when Naomi gave me a "haircut," which is pouring a shot of soda then a shot of vodka down my throat.
My head hurts. I woke up at 8! I'm going to walk over to Unit 3 and throw all this accumulated cardboard away - something I've been meaning to do for a long time. Or, maybe I will just sit here. That sounds good too

+ a picture of me and alvin except I am terribly red in it
This reminds me of that episode of How I Met Your Mother called the Pineapple Incident I think where the next day Ted's like "why is my ankle sprained? why is there a hole in my jacket? who's the girl in my bedroom? and where did this pineapple come from?!" hahaha
lol you look pretty good in your dress/picture or is that just the red-eye correction working its magic? haha
i am amused by your eventful evening.
Haha! I'm glad you had fun getting super drunk!! thai food was yummy. and i had a good time getting to know your friends. btw, i wanna see that pic!
my goal will be to have a blog post like this on saturday after sungod LMAO
=) allow me to fill in the blanks:
i came in to talk to you and see how you were doing. you said you wanted to sleep and i was sad! then kristen revealed a revelation that made me scream, and somehow your roommate was there and there was liquid on his bed, and i was accused of peeing, =/ when i did not! that is all i remember of your room ... awesome party! it definitely merits its rank of reason #5 of top ten memories of RCSA.haah <3
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