It's finally May! That statement would have been more appropriate on May 1st, not May 4th. I LOVE MAY - END OF SCHOOL! Disregarding the fact that my GPA is in the toilet once again, finals week is upon us, and I LOVEEEEEE FINALS WEEK! Finals week means no more classes, and lots of time to hang out with people! Study sessions together! All day long hangouts! WOOT WOOT. I was impatiently waiting for my google calendar to switch to May because I have lots of awesome things planned and I love to seem them all lined up ready to go.
Let's see:
Tuesday: Flavors of India with excom, two coords, and random rcsa guy!
Wednesday: change of powers meeting, which is bound to be exciting. the passage of knowledge from one scholar to another!
THURSDAY??? Looking at all the things I have planned, I think I should hang out with some non-rcsa people
Friday: Banquet and party at my place!
Weekend: shopping with Andria I believe! Probably go down College Ave with Kristen at some point?
Monday: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! And free swipe into Crossroads with RCSA yum yum. I will be waiting for the menu to come up a week from now. DREAM meal: lasagna
Wednesday: Excom reception! Hopefully I will also be working off my foodcoma/hangover deadly combo
Then my schedule is free for studying/fun except during the hours I have finals. Napa! Other fun things! I LOVE YOU BERKELEY FRIENDS!!!
And now the real reason why I wanted to post - all of that above was just filler:

HAHAHHA SOO JIN LOVE IT! I want to magnify...

Oh god, that took me thirty minutes. But I have another...

i'm glad you're making good use of!
HAHAHA...time to change my profile pic.
we're walking down college this weekend? i was not aware. but that sounds good!
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