I worked on this all day yesterday instead of studying accounting. I searched through tons and tons of photos online, just so I could fill this entry with fun graphics. The things I do for my readers...
In no particular order, since it was hard enough for me to whittle down the list to ten:
1) Yvonne Strahovski

I generally hate obviously photoshopped pictures, but in this one, she still looks like herself! She always looks AMAZING on Chuck because the lighting director is crazy good and always gets nice soft light to compliment her features. The downside is that I'm so used to seeing her at that standard that her red carpet photos become kind of neh. It makes me wish that I had a lighting director to just follow me around. And while we're at it, I'd also like a makeup artist, a hair stylist, and a clothing assistant.
2) Kristen Stewart

She does NOT look 19! I realized that she really reminds me of my stats GSI. Kind of comfortably awkward, which is endearing. Her interview responses aren't always polished but it's very fitting. I have never even watched Twilight, but I'm planning to watch Adventureland by myself once finals are over. I even put it on my google calendar.
3) Kristen Bell

Judging from her interviews, I feel like she is just as sharp and witty as Veronica Mars which makes her so much more attractive. I do not understand why she is dating Dax Shephard though. (I understand it more than Dane Cook, who is the person I mistakenly thought she was dating). Sadly, she still wasn't enough to keep me interested in watching Heroes. But she did extend my stay for about half a season.
4) Reese Witherspoon

Another small, petite blonde! As Laura said, she only got HOTTER after her divorce from Ryan Phillipe.
5) Jordana Brewster

Thanks for introducing me to Chuck! She has a really nice smile.
6) Jennifer Garner

I almost didn't include her on this list until I ended up reading Ohnottheydidn't! instead of studying at Laura's and I saw all these papparazzi photos of her and was reminded of how AWESOME I think she is. I love how she seems so normal. Her everyday clothing is really mom-like, she doesn't glam herself up just to go to the grocery store, and she didn't immediately go to the gym to lose her pregnancy weight. She's a normal human being! It is unfortunate that she has such a cute kid, because she ends up getting followed around way more.
7) Emma Watson

I always loveeee her makeup. I wonder if her hair is dyed, because I think it's very pretty too.
8) Sarah Shahi

She looks amazing on tv, but she is either not very photogenic or there just aren't many pictures of her online. The only pictures I can find are really Maxim-ish pictures which I don't like. This one took me FOREVER to find, and I don't think it does justice to her looks, but I would rather post this one than one where she's lounging around half naked
9) Kelly Clarkson

The one true American Idol! HAHA I always love her singles and she seems very well-adjusted to her fame. I like how she allowed herself to gain more weight recently because I don't think her body is built for the Hollywood standard of thinness.
10) Emma Thompson

This was VERY HARD because I always hate doing the last item of a top ____ list because it makes it so finalized. I heard that she is in a movie with someone ... Hayley Atwell, I have found out through some internet searching ... and she found out that Miramax had told her costar to lose weight, and her costar is already STICK THIN. Emma Thompson was like WTF THIS IS RIDICULOUS and called the studio and said she would not be involved with the project if they continued to make her costar lose weight. So the studio backed off and Hayley Atwell was free to eat again! Hurrah. I hope I am like her when I am old. That is, well-aged and British.
Let's make this entry less gay.
Favorite male actors:
1) Kyle Chandler

OMG He is super dreamy on Friday Night Lights. Is it wrong that on a tv show with predominately young actors, I find him and his tv wife to be the hottest people on the show?
2) Paul Rudd

One of my hugest pet peeves about Hollywood is when a male celebrity is super successful even though he is pretty schluppy and doesn't take care of his image at all. That would NEVER happen for a female. Most male comedian actors are like this, in my opinion, which is why I really dislike paying for movies that star people like Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill and Seth Rogan. I don't want my money confirming the Hollywood double standard! But Paul Rudd looks cute, stays fit, and is one of the best dressed male stars out there, which is why I like him.
3) Clive Owen

He is kind of like Hugh Jackman - just REALLY masculine. I think of him as the sophisticated caveman.
4) Ben Affleck

I forgot how much I liked him until I saw pictures of him and his kid. Violet is really keeping her parents relevant.
5) Anderson Cooper

Silver fox! He makes ME want to care about global issues. As long as he's the one reporting the news.
Ok, time to study! I just went shopping with Andria. One store for about three hours, goodness. It was during this time that I began to wonder, when did my stomach bulge return? (Or was it ever really gone?)
I'm going to be one of those inviting bloggers that speaks to their readers. So what did you think of my list? Are there any patterns? Who is on YOUR top 10? :D
Kristen Bell is dating Dax Sheperd! No one likes Dane Cook.
yay, Paul Rudd.
OMG an error! HAHA how embarassing. But look how similar their names look ... kind of
also, I am so making one of these lists in my next post, haha
You included Andy Coop in your favorite male actors list. I would like to remind you he's not an actor.
Andy Coop? What are you two, best buds?
YEAAAAA AC360! that guy's the bomb
YOU ARE CUTE. i like 8 out of the pictures you posted. yes, i counted. kristen bell dated dane cook?! i did not really read yet i just looked at the pictures. now i will read.
frannie and i made a girl crush and guy crush list. except the girl crush list is longer.
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