This song was on The City, which I DO NOT and HAVE NEVER watched.
I had planned on writing an entry about all my graduating friends but last night I was exhausted when I finally went home around 2am , this morning I was busy cleaning, packing, and rushing to the airport, and now I'm tired from getting used to a new laptop. I keep looking over my first paragraph (which I have now deleted because it was comparatively unimportant) and changing little words here and there, because I have no idea how to say the things I really want to say. I don't know whether I should write like it's a normal blog, or direct it to the people reading it, because I know that the people I want to address usually read my blog. I've also written cards to the same people, so I don't know what more I can say and at the same time, there are tons of things that I want to say but don't know how to put in words. Anyhoo...
TO MY GRADUATED FRIENDS of Berkeley! I'm going to miss all of you guys so much! There is a weird limbo where some of you guys are staying in Berkeley for the summer, some of you are in the Bay Area, and some of you guys are going back to SoCal. Whatever category you belong to, we're either no longer walking distance from each other, or we have to plan around work schedules. BOO LIFE! So it never really hit me until last night that you guys are really graduated and moving on with your lives and heading into the real world. I think it was when Andria dropped me off at my apt and we were both like "OMG IT'S REAL." Perhaps remnants of Wine Day had some contribution to my overwhelming emotions.
I can't really imagine going back to school where I won't have weekly RCSA excom meetings, and I can't walk over to Laura/Soo Jin's for random "study" session sleepovers, or call up people to eat at restaurants randomly. Every year I think to myself "AHH my friends are graduating! I'm not going to have any friends next year!" It's what I thought my junior year would be like, but junior year turned out to be one of the best years of my life (socially, probably not the best academically or career wise HAHA). Every year I think I'm going to be lonely, but I end up making really great friends. I guess by that extrapolation, that means I'm going to have even better friends next year. HAHA JK, it's IMPOSIBLE!
I've done a ton of stuff this year that I wouldn't have ever had the chance to do if it weren't for all of you guys! Mostly alcohol related. Somehow I became friends with people who are always down to do things and plan all of it! I think out of the innumerable things we have ever done together, I planned only one, Food Marathon. AMAZING! I love how all our plans seem to spring up from nowhere. I think my last day in Berkeley before the summer was pretty representative of the fun we have: I woke up at Soo Jin/Laura's, then Napa for wine tasting in perfect weather on a pretty perfect day, then Trader Joe's with Soo Jin, then broke into Memorial Stadium and drank more wine, and finally ended the night at Andria's, watching Ray take apart her bed :)
On Thursday last week I woke up and kind of panicked because I was like "OMG did I make the wrong choice? Maybe I should have booked my flight for immediately after my final. I'm not going to be doing anything these next few days!" I should have never worried. My last few days in Berkeley were packed and super fun, and I'm really glad to have attended people's graduations and spent those last few days together. I hope everyone attends MY graduation next year! When I saw Laura, Soo Jin and Kristen walk across the Greek Theater, I was like omg ... they're not going to be here next year. Who am I going to make fun of Haas with? Also, I was thinking, "who am I going to walk with next year?! I know no one!" If you guys have robes, can you guys come back and walk with me? RELIVE THE EXPERIENCE!
Ideally I will have a job next year and during our precious free time, we will still be able to hang out. It will be difficult, but it will be worth it! Plus we'd have more money to throw around frivolously. I say we rent a beach house every year during one of the three day weekends that we will learn to desparately long for.
I don't know what I want to say in this entry! I hope you guys just know how much I am going to miss you and how grateful I am that I have met you all.
LAURA and SOO JIN: Do you realize that in the last week of school, except for one day (ONE LONELLLYYY DAY), we hung out together EVERY DAY FOR EIGHT DAYS? My gosh. Perhaps it was a good thing we got to know each other towards the end of school. It would have been depressing if we had peaked in the middle of the year. THANKS for all the times you guys have blown up Janie's air mattress for me. And all the times you guys tucked me in. You two are a super cute roommate pair! "Did you cry when Laura left?" "Almost! I saw Laura wipe away her eyes as she was pulling away" HEHEHEHE SO CUTE!!! Who am I going to eat banana bread and cornbread with next year?! I want to hear all the inside gossip at your jobs! Thanks for introducing me to Re: The Auditors. What an addiction. LAURA, MOVE TO SF! SOO JIN, DON'T MOVE TO THE SUBURBS! Just kidding, I know life moves on. Even if it is painful and lonely.
KRISTEN, RCSA PRESIDENT: I think I first started thinking of you as a pretty good friend when you came to that annoying ASUC budget proposal. You were telling me about your job search and I was like "wow! She is telling me about her personal issues, how nice of her. We're better friends than I thought!" Turns out, you just like to talk. HAHA But I'm glad you do because I am more than happy to listen. Your stories are amazing. As far as I'm aware, you are probably the friend who learned MOST quickly just how easily I cave into peer pressure. Thanks for all the times you've pushed me towards doing something fun. You always know what's best for me. Seriously, the world needs to have a Kristen frequency so we all know how to run our lives more efficiently. You're amazing! Thanks for planning so many things - my junior year would not have been the same without you.
ANDRIA and CHRISTINA: EX COM! I love how we're always down to do things. Christina, you are a wonderful drunk. We totally saw you trip on the way back to your apartment. Your comments are hilarious and I really wish there were a way for us to see all of your thoughts. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that you were Korean. Andria, you laugh at all my jokes and it makes me feel good about myself. I'm glad to have known you since my freshman year, and honestly, you were the only good friend I had in RCSA when I was going in as a junior. But next year, I won't have you anymore! Sadness. We've had tons of memories together as RCSA excom, but I guess in particular, SO CAL 09 was pretty bomb! I loved spending money with you guys. We need to do it again. You know, once we're no longer broke.
LENEVE and NAOMI: As far as I know, you two do not read this blog. I've been staring at this blog window for the past two hours so I'm not going to write this. But if either of you happen upon this, know that I HEART YOU
All my pictures are on my old laptop so I can't post FAVORITES of the year. Has this gone on for too long? I need to stop living in the past and think of the future!
ahahahahaha I totally forgot I tripped! aw, Mel. Thank you for this sweet blog entry!
It still hasn't hit me that everything as we know it is over... but anyway, I hope you're having fun at home =)
oh this is cute! i like how you thought you were special until you discovered that i tell everyone everything.
but you ARE special! i may tell you the same things as other people, but i tailor HOW i say some things to specially amuse you. you're welcome.
does this mean i am no longer a friend year end?
haha almost??? sooj was bawling! it was so cute hehe
It's worse when you try to hold it in...then it comes bursting out in a "OH GAWD, DON'T LEAVE ME"
...oh gawd, don't leave me...<3 you, MelT
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