Well, summer 09 was short. On my last day of summer, I woke up in Soo Jin's apartment, left to exercise, then met up with her again to help her move. The first task of the day was moving her bed. It turns out that moving her bed entailed disassembling it. It was the most useful I have ever felt in one of these "let's help people!" situations. Usually I stand to the side and either take pictures or make comments. Most people would probably agree that it benefits all parties that way.
U-haul driving with Soo Jin was fun. I'm always very amazed when one of my college friends drives for the first time. It's just weird to think that I will never know what they were like pre-drivers license. We went back to her apt to move everything into the U-haul. Things were so hectic that we never had a chance to cry about leaving her last college apartment. Goodbye, apartment that I essentially lived in for two weeks of the year!
Then, we drove off to SF. It was the first time I have ever helped a friend move into a non-college apartment. I don't even recall helping a friend move into a college apt, actually. But SADNESS. It's like I'm helping someone be farther away from me! Her apt was very cozy feeling - many naps will be had in there, I'm sure. Actually, she and Janie are leading the busy business life so I don't think there will be any time for naps!
After some very tiring moving, we walked to Japantown and Soo Jin treated us to delicious ramen. Yum yum. I need to make more dishes using my (possibly expired) miso paste. I think if I could make miso ramen for dinner, I would be very happy.
I was terrified that my summer would be very lonely. It turns out that I hung out with people every day, except for the day I flew home to Arcadia, because my flight was before Soo Jin's wake up time. Kristen pointed out that I think I'm going to be lonely, but I'm going to see her tomorrow, her and Christina on Tuesday, and possibly Leneve on Wednesday. THANKS FRIENDS. PLEASE KEEP MAKING PLANS WITH ME!
Li-Ting said that she is planning to make random socal trips with Soo Jin in the fall so we can meet up with Andria. I REALLY HOPE SO! But I will be sad if Deloitte keeps Soo Jin busy.
Aw man, I wanted to sleep at 11 but I'll be sleeping at midnight I guess. Work tomorrow - I hope I don't forget and end up going to the gym, and then 20 minutes into the elliptical, I'll think "HOLY FUCK I'M SUPPOSED TO BE AT WORK!"
I want to post a picture of me and Soo Jin. One comes to mind, but I was told never to post it, so here's my paint-drawn version of it. Believe me when I say, it IS that bad.
Goodbye friends no longer in Berkeley ... my goodbye has extended for many days ...
I went to Costco today - very fortunate timing. I had to buy Microsoft Office and they just happen to be $30 off this month. Still cost $90 though. It makes me very annoyed to have to buy Microsoft Office, especially when I have had to buy it before.
I like to walk by the home and garden section in Costco, because that is often where the RANDOMEST shit is sold. Decorative things that look like very unique items that you think you wouldn't often see in people's yards. And then you realize they are being sold en masse at Costcos around the world. There was the fugliest thing ever. I tried to find it on Costco's website but it wasn't posted. This is the closest thing I could find on Amazon.com:
They're decorative mushrooms for the garden! The costco ones weren't so colorful, but the idea is still the same: stick three giant mushrooms in your yard. I wondered, who is going to buy this? Then I realized that the next time I visit Arcadia, I will probably spot a few on people's yards, especially if there's a coupon for it over the summer.
There was also a demonstration for ladders. Tons and tons of ladders of different heights and uses. There was one that extended ALL the way to the roof of Costco. And Costco roofs are RIDICULOUSLY high. WHO is going to buy that ladder? Ladders that high should be specially ordered, not bought at Costco.
My shopping spree is kind of over. I go back to Berkeley tomorrow and start work on Monday. I didn't buy any nice tops ... I will make do with what I have. I think I just have to dress fairly nicely the first few days, maybe the first week, then gradually shift into t-shirts.
I now feel TERRIBLE about all the things I've bought! Well actually, I have to say I like my H&M jeans a lot more than I anticipated. I apologize H&M - I judged your jeans before ever trying them on. Surprisingly, I do not feel like I'm wearing a burlap bag, which is what I expected. But I read an article on nytimes.com about people who are trying to get by in this recession. I think they have one every week (and I read them every week, fully knowing I am just going to depress myself) - how are the unemployed getting by? how are college students getting by? how are people who took pay cuts but still have jobs getting by? how are people who still have jobs but think they might get laid of getting by? So many reminders of the economy. I look around my room and think about my apartment at Berkeley and wonder, how much of the stuff I bought is crap? I probably could have saved thousands of dollars if I were more thrifty. But I guess fashion is an investment. I figure, people's peak buying time should probably be around 20-30, it is just unfortunate that I am 20-30 during a recession.
I'm in SD right now, living at Danny's place. I spent the past few days shopping. A LOT of shopping! Maybe I am just clothes crazy right now, but I think that there are tons of sales now! But every time I go into a store, I see what I just bought for cheaper. I kind of want to go through my entire closet and throw out everything that I don't like. Ideally, I would be able to sell them for the price I bought them for, and I could use that money to buy more clothes.
Skinny jeans, layering tank tops, and flats have been on my TO BUY list for a long, long time. Well, I went to Target and was kind of amazed at how many shoes I liked. I bought two flats, two sandals, a hoodie that I'm currently wearing (WHY CAN'T I STOP BUYING HOODIES!? My excuse is that it's in an un-meltang like bright blue color), and a tank top. Then I went to H&M and bought $15 jeans, but I had a gift card so it was only $2.23! Wonderful. Then a pair of sandals at NY&Co that was slightly cheaper than my Target ones! I had to go home to eat lunch, so I couldn't go to other stores, but I feel like I could have ended up spending several hundred dollars more.
Then today I went to Westfield again, this time the UTC one, and bought another pair of skinny jeans. I feel like my ass is not suited for skinny jeans. The thinness of my legs just makes my ass look MUCH, MUCH larger. I also wanted a pair of A&F jeans. It is depressing that I had to reach so high up to reach my size. Clearly I am not the typical A&F sized customer. I ended up not buying the jeans though, even though they were the perfect length and made my lower body look REALLY good. First, they were ripped jeans, and I don't think that style is for 20+ professionals. Second, they gave me a muffintop.
My finance grade came in. WTF I GOT A B+! That makes me wonder, if I had gone to more than two lectures, would I have been able to get an A-? Sigh. But I went to most of my accounting courses and didn't get A's in those, so whatever.
I realized that my face is REALLY FAT. GAHHHH
Ok, well I was going to say "I better start eating less!" but now we're off to eat Chipotle. Haha...
This song was on The City, which I DO NOT and HAVE NEVER watched.
I had planned on writing an entry about all my graduating friends but last night I was exhausted when I finally went home around 2am , this morning I was busy cleaning, packing, and rushing to the airport, and now I'm tired from getting used to a new laptop. I keep looking over my first paragraph (which I have now deleted because it was comparatively unimportant) and changing little words here and there, because I have no idea how to say the things I really want to say. I don't know whether I should write like it's a normal blog, or direct it to the people reading it, because I know that the people I want to address usually read my blog. I've also written cards to the same people, so I don't know what more I can say and at the same time, there are tons of things that I want to say but don't know how to put in words. Anyhoo...
TO MY GRADUATED FRIENDS of Berkeley! I'm going to miss all of you guys so much! There is a weird limbo where some of you guys are staying in Berkeley for the summer, some of you are in the Bay Area, and some of you guys are going back to SoCal. Whatever category you belong to, we're either no longer walking distance from each other, or we have to plan around work schedules. BOO LIFE! So it never really hit me until last night that you guys are really graduated and moving on with your lives and heading into the real world. I think it was when Andria dropped me off at my apt and we were both like "OMG IT'S REAL." Perhaps remnants of Wine Day had some contribution to my overwhelming emotions.
I can't really imagine going back to school where I won't have weekly RCSA excom meetings, and I can't walk over to Laura/Soo Jin's for random "study" session sleepovers, or call up people to eat at restaurants randomly. Every year I think to myself "AHH my friends are graduating! I'm not going to have any friends next year!" It's what I thought my junior year would be like, but junior year turned out to be one of the best years of my life (socially, probably not the best academically or career wise HAHA). Every year I think I'm going to be lonely, but I end up making really great friends. I guess by that extrapolation, that means I'm going to have even better friends next year. HAHA JK, it's IMPOSIBLE!
I've done a ton of stuff this year that I wouldn't have ever had the chance to do if it weren't for all of you guys! Mostly alcohol related. Somehow I became friends with people who are always down to do things and plan all of it! I think out of the innumerable things we have ever done together, I planned only one, Food Marathon. AMAZING! I love how all our plans seem to spring up from nowhere. I think my last day in Berkeley before the summer was pretty representative of the fun we have: I woke up at Soo Jin/Laura's, then Napa for wine tasting in perfect weather on a pretty perfect day, then Trader Joe's with Soo Jin, then broke into Memorial Stadium and drank more wine, and finally ended the night at Andria's, watching Ray take apart her bed :)
On Thursday last week I woke up and kind of panicked because I was like "OMG did I make the wrong choice? Maybe I should have booked my flight for immediately after my final. I'm not going to be doing anything these next few days!" I should have never worried. My last few days in Berkeley were packed and super fun, and I'm really glad to have attended people's graduations and spent those last few days together. I hope everyone attends MY graduation next year! When I saw Laura, Soo Jin and Kristen walk across the Greek Theater, I was like omg ... they're not going to be here next year. Who am I going to make fun of Haas with? Also, I was thinking, "who am I going to walk with next year?! I know no one!" If you guys have robes, can you guys come back and walk with me? RELIVE THE EXPERIENCE!
Ideally I will have a job next year and during our precious free time, we will still be able to hang out. It will be difficult, but it will be worth it! Plus we'd have more money to throw around frivolously. I say we rent a beach house every year during one of the three day weekends that we will learn to desparately long for.
I don't know what I want to say in this entry! I hope you guys just know how much I am going to miss you and how grateful I am that I have met you all.
LAURA and SOO JIN: Do you realize that in the last week of school, except for one day (ONE LONELLLYYY DAY), we hung out together EVERY DAY FOR EIGHT DAYS? My gosh. Perhaps it was a good thing we got to know each other towards the end of school. It would have been depressing if we had peaked in the middle of the year. THANKS for all the times you guys have blown up Janie's air mattress for me. And all the times you guys tucked me in. You two are a super cute roommate pair! "Did you cry when Laura left?" "Almost! I saw Laura wipe away her eyes as she was pulling away" HEHEHEHE SO CUTE!!! Who am I going to eat banana bread and cornbread with next year?! I want to hear all the inside gossip at your jobs! Thanks for introducing me to Re: The Auditors. What an addiction. LAURA, MOVE TO SF! SOO JIN, DON'T MOVE TO THE SUBURBS! Just kidding, I know life moves on. Even if it is painful and lonely. KRISTEN, RCSA PRESIDENT: I think I first started thinking of you as a pretty good friend when you came to that annoying ASUC budget proposal. You were telling me about your job search and I was like "wow! She is telling me about her personal issues, how nice of her. We're better friends than I thought!" Turns out, you just like to talk. HAHA But I'm glad you do because I am more than happy to listen. Your stories are amazing. As far as I'm aware, you are probably the friend who learned MOST quickly just how easily I cave into peer pressure. Thanks for all the times you've pushed me towards doing something fun. You always know what's best for me. Seriously, the world needs to have a Kristen frequency so we all know how to run our lives more efficiently. You're amazing! Thanks for planning so many things - my junior year would not have been the same without you.
ANDRIA and CHRISTINA: EX COM! I love how we're always down to do things. Christina, you are a wonderful drunk. We totally saw you trip on the way back to your apartment. Your comments are hilarious and I really wish there were a way for us to see all of your thoughts. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that you were Korean. Andria, you laugh at all my jokes and it makes me feel good about myself. I'm glad to have known you since my freshman year, and honestly, you were the only good friend I had in RCSA when I was going in as a junior. But next year, I won't have you anymore! Sadness. We've had tons of memories together as RCSA excom, but I guess in particular, SO CAL 09 was pretty bomb! I loved spending money with you guys. We need to do it again. You know, once we're no longer broke.
LENEVE and NAOMI: As far as I know, you two do not read this blog. I've been staring at this blog window for the past two hours so I'm not going to write this. But if either of you happen upon this, know that I HEART YOU
All my pictures are on my old laptop so I can't post FAVORITES of the year. Has this gone on for too long? I need to stop living in the past and think of the future!
I came home today and saw an email from my mom with no subject. This is what she wrote:
Do me a big favor!
I need to plan and deliver an individual presentation about a state in the US. This presentation will include:
name of state and its history
a student-generated map
products and resources
statistics (eg. population)
famous people from the state
pros and cons of living in the state
I plan to choose "Arizona" state. If I were a travel agent, I would convince people to visit this state. ( I can pick any states except Ca, or do you have any preference)
All I need is a 5- minute speech. Help me! I have no time to do this. I'll tell you the details tonight.
I can't believe my mom is asking me to do her homework for me. I have never had to do anyone's homework. MY MOM IS BULLYING ME
Just took my finance final. I calculated it midway through and I knew for SURE 72% of the test so barring any idiotic mistakes, I'm sure that I got at least the mean. Which is kind of amazing considering this was me the past few days:
Monday: "the last thing I'm going to do as a junior is fail!" Tuesday: Considering how much I studied, I better get an A on the final Before final: Nap time! two hours before final After final: B on the final would be ok with me
So yay! I can do all the things I have wanted to do but have not had time to do. Starting with:
ONE. Go running on the treadmill. Which I will do immediately after publishing this post TWO. Watch Glee on fox.com THREE. Buy a shitload of fruit at Berkeley Bowl tomorrow since I haven't eaten apples in a week! Then, eat fruit all day long
I am disappointed with this semester's late night studying at Crossroads. They stopped giving free muffintops and they stopped refilling the hot chocolate and the coffee, so you could only get the soda. BOO BOO! I remember when just last semester no one went! AND NOW there is just an intense network of electrical wiring where one power strip is the source for about twenty other ones. I'm amazed they didn't suffer a power outage.
FUN TIME BEGINS! Although I went out like ... every day during finals week too. I feel like I live at Laura's and Soo Jin's now. I even bought food specifically to eat there. HAHA Need to fill up Thursday - Monday with FUN! Then Tuesday - Saturday with SOCAL fun.
I didn't really want to post an entry because I like going to my blog and looking at beautiful people. (And now that I've added that video, I'm always a little surprised that Lady Gaga is the first thing I see). But my blogging can't be stopped.
I looked at the clock and thought "wow it's only 10pm! Pretty early!" Then I realized it was actually 2am.
My sleep schedule is REALLY messed up. I recently read an article about sleep myths and I don't know what part of this was the myth, but I learned that people who are deprived of sleep over several days will think they're fine, when they're really functioning at the same level as someone who hasn't had sleep for 24 hours. Lately I will sleep at like 3-4am, and this has been for at least a week. I keep wanting to sleep later and later but somehow I end up waking up even earlier than before! Like today, I thought I had overslept and then I looked at the clock and it was 6:30.
I don't even take lengthy naps during the day. I actually try to induce naps by reading on my bed. I'll end up napping for a short time but it's a very alert and stressful nap. When I wake up, I feel like I wasn't sleeping at all because my mind was constantly racing around and stressing about how I'm wasting time by resting. The exception is Laura/SooJin's room, where their brown unvaccumed carpet floor just screams "sleep on me!"
I can't believe I'm going to be a college senior in two days, I'll be at home in a week and I'm going to start my internship in two weeks. All I can think about right now are finals. I look forward to the few days in Berkeley before I go home. I bought lots of food from Trader Joe's that I want to make at Laura/Soo Jin's and we can have SLEEPOVER FOOD FIESTAS! I like how they like to eat. I desperately need to go to Berkeley Bowl and buy pounds of fruit - I haven't had any for a week and my body is accustomed to two fruit meals. I'm also trying to think of day trips but all I really want to do is outlet shopping. I will have to check the weather because I will be much less motivated to go out if it's going to be as hot as it was on Saturday. Then, I'm going to be at home where I'm not sure what I am going to do. Right now, I'm in the mindset that it would be nice to just sit at home, not do anything, and have my parents cook for me. But experience tells me that this feels good for about a day before I get really bored and lonely.
Note to self: STOP EATING! I'm looking through my twitter posts and I realized that I had intended to lose weight before Napa. There is no hope.
I wrote that last night and now I'm going to add more to this post and then publish it. I am SOOO SCREWED for my finance final! I was supposed to have read all the new chapters by now, but there was no way I could have while studying for accounting. I seriously know NOTHING on this final because I have never gone to class! Half the time I'm like "no, I'll be fine - who gets C's in business?!" and the other times I'm like "OH MY GOD I AM GOING TO BE THAT 5%"
But while I am really panicked about it, I really DO NOT want to study. I am getting burned out, and this is the class I don't care about at all! Ugh. I tried to study earlier so I read two pages, and I panicked because I was like "OH GOD this is too much information! I can't handle this!" and then I fell asleep. Then I woke up, checked my study schedule, and apparently I had already read that chapter last week. EVERYTHING FELT LIKE NEW INFORMATION! I hate that!
I took my accounting final today - I thought I was going to fail that one but after taking the second practice exam I gained more confidence. I think I did ok - I hope I get a B+ in the class. When I went into the testing room, I sat towards the back. Behind me were four rows where ALL of the fobby students had decided to sit together (CHEATING? But they are so smart I don't see why they need to cheat). I HAVE NEVER heard SO much Cantonese in my life - and I have been to Hong Kong and numerous dim sum restaurants. It was a little overwhelming.
I had a terrifying moment where my iPod shuffle almost died. It accidentally fell to the ground, which happens a lot, but THIS time it wouldn't turn on! After some frantic fiddling, I realized that it would play on ABC mode, but not on shuffle mode. Well, an ipod shuffle that does not shuffle is of no use to me. So I angrily banged it against my table and then I checked it again and it worked. Violence is sometimes the answer.
Laura invited me to watch Star Trek and I should definitely be studying but 1) nothing is going to help me at this point 2) I don't want to study and 3) everyone is raving about Star Trek so I guess I will watch it.
I worked on this all day yesterday instead of studying accounting. I searched through tons and tons of photos online, just so I could fill this entry with fun graphics. The things I do for my readers...
In no particular order, since it was hard enough for me to whittle down the list to ten:
1) Yvonne Strahovski
I generally hate obviously photoshopped pictures, but in this one, she still looks like herself! She always looks AMAZING on Chuck because the lighting director is crazy good and always gets nice soft light to compliment her features. The downside is that I'm so used to seeing her at that standard that her red carpet photos become kind of neh. It makes me wish that I had a lighting director to just follow me around. And while we're at it, I'd also like a makeup artist, a hair stylist, and a clothing assistant.
2) Kristen Stewart
She does NOT look 19! I realized that she really reminds me of my stats GSI. Kind of comfortably awkward, which is endearing. Her interview responses aren't always polished but it's very fitting. I have never even watched Twilight, but I'm planning to watch Adventureland by myself once finals are over. I even put it on my google calendar.
3) Kristen Bell
Judging from her interviews, I feel like she is just as sharp and witty as Veronica Mars which makes her so much more attractive. I do not understand why she is dating Dax Shephard though. (I understand it more than Dane Cook, who is the person I mistakenly thought she was dating). Sadly, she still wasn't enough to keep me interested in watching Heroes. But she did extend my stay for about half a season.
4) Reese Witherspoon
Another small, petite blonde! As Laura said, she only got HOTTER after her divorce from Ryan Phillipe.
5) Jordana Brewster
Thanks for introducing me to Chuck! She has a really nice smile.
6) Jennifer Garner
I almost didn't include her on this list until I ended up reading Ohnottheydidn't! instead of studying at Laura's and I saw all these papparazzi photos of her and was reminded of how AWESOME I think she is. I love how she seems so normal. Her everyday clothing is really mom-like, she doesn't glam herself up just to go to the grocery store, and she didn't immediately go to the gym to lose her pregnancy weight. She's a normal human being! It is unfortunate that she has such a cute kid, because she ends up getting followed around way more.
7) Emma Watson
I always loveeee her makeup. I wonder if her hair is dyed, because I think it's very pretty too.
8) Sarah Shahi
She looks amazing on tv, but she is either not very photogenic or there just aren't many pictures of her online. The only pictures I can find are really Maxim-ish pictures which I don't like. This one took me FOREVER to find, and I don't think it does justice to her looks, but I would rather post this one than one where she's lounging around half naked
9) Kelly Clarkson
The one true American Idol! HAHA I always love her singles and she seems very well-adjusted to her fame. I like how she allowed herself to gain more weight recently because I don't think her body is built for the Hollywood standard of thinness.
10) Emma Thompson
This was VERY HARD because I always hate doing the last item of a top ____ list because it makes it so finalized. I heard that she is in a movie with someone ... Hayley Atwell, I have found out through some internet searching ... and she found out that Miramax had told her costar to lose weight, and her costar is already STICK THIN. Emma Thompson was like WTF THIS IS RIDICULOUS and called the studio and said she would not be involved with the project if they continued to make her costar lose weight. So the studio backed off and Hayley Atwell was free to eat again! Hurrah. I hope I am like her when I am old. That is, well-aged and British.
Let's make this entry less gay.
Favorite male actors:
1) Kyle Chandler
OMG He is super dreamy on Friday Night Lights. Is it wrong that on a tv show with predominately young actors, I find him and his tv wife to be the hottest people on the show?
2) Paul Rudd
One of my hugest pet peeves about Hollywood is when a male celebrity is super successful even though he is pretty schluppy and doesn't take care of his image at all. That would NEVER happen for a female. Most male comedian actors are like this, in my opinion, which is why I really dislike paying for movies that star people like Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill and Seth Rogan. I don't want my money confirming the Hollywood double standard! But Paul Rudd looks cute, stays fit, and is one of the best dressed male stars out there, which is why I like him.
3) Clive Owen
He is kind of like Hugh Jackman - just REALLY masculine. I think of him as the sophisticated caveman.
4) Ben Affleck I forgot how much I liked him until I saw pictures of him and his kid. Violet is really keeping her parents relevant.
5) Anderson Cooper
Silver fox! He makes ME want to care about global issues. As long as he's the one reporting the news.
Ok, time to study! I just went shopping with Andria. One store for about three hours, goodness. It was during this time that I began to wonder, when did my stomach bulge return? (Or was it ever really gone?)
I'm going to be one of those inviting bloggers that speaks to their readers. So what did you think of my list? Are there any patterns? Who is on YOUR top 10? :D
I just went through five chapters of powerpoint slides in an hour and a half. I think my brain is fried. I can't tell if I am unable to continue studying because I'm hungry or if I'm just exhausted. Ideally, I would have someone I can go to Crossroads with to get delicious hot chocolate and muffintops. But I don't see anyone online and it's too lonely to go alone.
Sometimes when I study, I look for facebook pictures of my last crush and leave them on my computer and it somehow inspires me to work and not waste time. My levels of creepiness astound me.
My face is kind of breaking out from Food Marathon. Sadness. Yet it was such an epic day.
I DID NOT GYM TODAY! I hate when I fail to gym during finals. It's so predictable. My first final is tomorrow! I will be really pissed if her idea of a "cumulative final" is not cumulative at all and I wasted all this energy studying unnecessary chapters.
I can't believe it's only 11:30! Lately I will wake up at 7am and try to induce sleep even though my mind is in panic stress mode. Ok, my body is getting really restless from this non-studying waste of time. Back to process costing.
I forgot to mention, Lady Gaga is SO COOL! Kooky, but still cool
I never understand the Top 10 women of Maxim. I often don't even understand the majority of the list. Obviously it caters to a different audience, but I find several to be WTF. (Ex. Britney Spears, Heidi Montag, Kim Kardashian) Their top 10 of 2009 are:
1. Olivia Wilde 2. Megan Fox (I honestly have never understood her appeal) 3. Bar Refaeli (I don't know this person but I recognize the name) 4. Malin Akerman (I don't even recognize the name) 5. Mila Kunis (I'll give them this one because she was starting to make Kristen Bell - KRISTEN BELL! - look kind of regular in Forgetting Sarah Marshall) 6. Eliza Dushku (This reminds me that I have to start watching Dollhouse after finals) 7. Adriana Lima (But NOT Alessandra Ambrosia?! Not even in the 100!) 8. Rihanna 9. Jordana Brewster (the only one that is also on my personal top ten) 10. Jennifer Love Hewitt (Is it 1996?! I don't understand how she's still making ANY lists)
I can't figure out the common denominator, besides 1) boobs and 2) generally kind of uninteresting. Except for Jordana Brewster, I don't see myself watching a youtube interview of these people or looking them up on wikipedia, other than trying to figure out what they're famous for. Here would be my top ten:
Actually never mind. I should be studying for finals. Unless you really want to know then maybe I'll make a post next time.
Well, fine, I'll give you something
Two birds, one stone. Jordana Brewster AND Yvonne Strahovski! The former was the reason I started watching Chuck (WHICH I HOPE DOES NOT GET CANCELLED!!!) and the latter was why I stayed!
It hasn't sunk in yet, but my junior year has come to an end. I still feel like school is going to continue for the rest of my life. I am going to have a rude awakening when I find myself graduated and possibly unemployed.
Quick blog entry, then I'm going to go study. Actually, I want to go swimming so I build up an appetite for food marathon, but I just ate Crossroads, so I may barf.
Me: I can't decide if I want to eat beef brisket at Crossroads or listen to Gavin Newsom speak Kristen: You're deciding between beef brisket and Gavin Newsom?! HOW is that even a decision?! Me: FREE beef brisket! I'm deciding between FREE beef brisket and Gavin Newsom!
The beef brisket won. And it was damn good.
Today was the last day of classes which was bizarre. I once again ditched finance ... I officially only went to two lectures and one discussion for a class that meets three times a week. There is a possibility that I may do better in that class than some other classes that I have gone to regularly.
I find the end of class ritual hilariously awkward. The professor squeezes in an end of the year speech and tries to rush out of class so evaluations can be handed out, but then they get held back and awkwardly smile as the class applauds them. Then the applause ends and they practically sprint out of class. When they leave, I feel like the professor just strapped on a jet pack and busted out of there and all the students are left kind of like "what do we do now? That was fun. Can we leave?"
I feel oddly tired today. I took a nap around 10am and I kind of want to nap again. But I must study! I have a super tight study schedule that I spent an hour working on. X_X
I realized today that the tetris site I play on became property of the actual Tetris company AND they have stopped calculating high scores. HOW will I know how I rank against other bored tetris players in the world! The only reason I play is because I aim to become one of the top ten tetris players of the day, but now that I can't have that, there's no reason for me to play. So thanks, tetris, for giving me back a few hours of my day.
I realized that I also watch VERY little tv now. My real tv is not very good, and my laptop is so shitty that it doesn't recognize the ABC player. So I only watch How I Met Your Mother on cbs.com, 30 Rock, Friday Night Lights, and Chuck on hulu.com. 2hrs of The Biggest Loser is too much, and I really only watched it to read the recaps, so now I just read the recaps. Somehow, I just completely dropped Lost and I'm not curious at all about what's going on, so I think that's a sign that I can quit. So sad because we are quite close to the end! I don't even watch The Daily Show very much, because lately I have been busy in the morning. What to do!
Well I spent four straight hours at RSF today studying. I read three chapters, which I think is tremondous progress. Only seventeen more to go. HAHA I think only 8 will be difficult for me to understand and the others I can just refresh my memory and copy down some equations.
The next two weeks are going to be a weird mix of intense stress but also extreme fun. I'm not quite sure how to feel!
Where are my slippers? Where is my cell phone? Didn't there use to be three balloons in my living room? When did everyone go home? How did I end up in my bed? How is my apartment so clean? What happened after I passed out? DID MY TWIN GET WASTED? Did someone throw up in my bathroom trashcan, because the bag lining it is gone! Did everyone drink ALL OF THAT ALCOHOL!? Where there was once six bottles of wine, there is now one. And where there was once seven handles in my freezer, there are now two! Also, can I use the red eye corrector on my FACE because it's so red in all my pictures!
(EDIT: NEW QUESTION. WHAT happened to my toe?! Half of the nail is falling off and my sandal has a pool of dried blood on it! Mysterious)
Yesterday was FUN! SO SO SO FUN! RCSA banquet was awesome - I love all the gifts we got and how we got to walk down a long aisle where people blew bubbles at us. I HEART EXCOM! And I love how we basically kicked a bunch of people out of their table and then got to eat first. Because we're EXCOMMMM and WE'RE AWESSSOMEEEE
Then, party at my place! Ohhhh my stomach still suffers from last night. I'm going to make oatmealll
Ohhhh not a good idea. This oatmeal makes me want to barf.
But yes, party! I was extremely tired, and if people hadn't come with me after banquet, I would have just napped for half an hour. But instead I absentmindedly played Tetris, trying to keep my brain stimulated. Then a huge group of RCSA freshmen rang my bell (HEHE corrupting the minds of young generations). FINALLY KRISTEN arrived - I was starting to freak out because no one wanted to drink! And I do not have good party mixes so crap music was playing! But then we broke out her speakers, dimmed the lights, and took our first shots, and then things after that are a little hazy.
I wish I had just forced myself to throw up so I could have played more. CRIES! Did Andria and Leneve ever arrive?! Did Christina get drunk!? I remember being EXTREMELY happy but after I went to sleep, the only memories I have are Alvin telling me goodbye, Kristen putting a cup of water and my trash can next to my bed and then Christina coming in and saying something? I wish I could have more pictures of me with everyone who came! BOOOO I was wearing a nice dress too! Naomi was like "I never see you in anything besides a tshirt!" Set the bar low, and surprise with mediocre results! I had extreme boobage going on with that dress. And there is now vodka on the front when Naomi gave me a "haircut," which is pouring a shot of soda then a shot of vodka down my throat.
My head hurts. I woke up at 8! I'm going to walk over to Unit 3 and throw all this accumulated cardboard away - something I've been meaning to do for a long time. Or, maybe I will just sit here. That sounds good too
MY FAVORITE PEOPLE: + a picture of me and alvin except I am terribly red in it
I ended up only eating two dinners. Little Star Pizza was delicious as always! Everyone always asks me "how did you find out about this place!" and I tell them about how Owen recommended it to us when people came up to visit me :) I did not realize it was SO CLOSE to 16th Mission bart station. Last time I was there, Li-Ting picked me up and we were driving towards her house and I was like "I wish I knew where Little Star was!" Turns out it's about three blocks in the opposite direction of where we were! Sadness that we did not go that night.
I am at Laura and Soo Jin's apartment again. I am not studying/working AT ALL! I took a one hour nap on their ground and now my body is too tired to do anything. Eek. I should really sit down and focus on my work in a more study-conducive environment. But I can't bring myself to do it. It seems so useless! I'm not going to be using finance! It is unfair that I cannot P/NP a business class. I am probably going to sleepover again. How funny that it's a five minute walk from their apartment, but I still sleepover. Because they have delicious foods! I eat the most healthy and most unhealthy foods here. Stalks of celery accompanied with bread smeared with peanut butter and (g)nutella. And there is so much witty banter that goes on. I feel like I am expanding my mind when I am with these two.
I bumped into someone at the Bart station which reminded me of the How I Met Your Mother episode where it's about all the little things that lead you to some huge moment in your life. This moment was not a huge moment at all - it just felt very surreal because I did not expect to ever see this person again. If I hadn't 1) Stopped to put more money in my bart ticket then 2) We would not have missed the first Dublin/Pleasanton bart train and 3) I would not have seen my friend and 4) If I had not just washed my hair today then 5) I would not have had a fairly good hair day and 6) I probably would have been too embarassed about my appearance to say hello
and of course, if I had declined Laura's offer to go to SF to eat Little Star, I would not have been in SF in the first place.
Life is strange
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I'm currently in the Haas Undergraduate Computer room right now. It is ... kind of ridiculous how many resources Haas gives us. Yesterday I picked up free scantrons and free candy. We've had two free BBQs, and I am particularly excited for tomorrow's end of the year celebration. I am in a room with about 42 desktops that are crazy nice. And I doubt that there are ever more than five people at a given time. We get free printing, b&w AND color. I would like to print out all of my favorite pictures from sophomore year. Of high school. Seems like good compensation for my work at Haas.
I was locked out of my closet yesterday. MY CLOSET! Laura came over today because she thought she could unlock it. Turns out it was a different knob than she expected, although she made a valiant effort.
"See that? That's the tumbler. I can get past that but not the other one"
"I watch a lot of Discovery Channel"
Laura made the sad observation that my closet door lock is better quality than my front door one. My landlord came over today and got the door off the hinges. AMAZING! I love my landlord. He is super nice, responsive, very honest, and has a lot of handy skills. I have an unrealistic expectation of landlords now. Seriously, he is the best!
I was amazed at how he just leveraged the hinges off the door. I didn't even know that there was a screw holding the hinges together, because I have no idea how hinges work. I wish I had all the knowledge that male characters like Luke of Gilmore Girls always have. Those plainer looking guys who make it up in their usefulness. I want that! I foresee loneliness in my future, and I would like to be able to spend all my money on food and not on people who do simple things that no one knows how to do anymore. I would have paid $80 if my landlord had not come! I wish I knew how to fix things and how to keep things in good condition. I think it's time that I bought a hammer and a screwdriver. Can't rely on having a guy in the house!
I'm supposed to eat dinner with a friend but I'm all in the way in Haas. Oops.
Yesterday night I went over to Laura and Soo Jin's to study because I knew they would be awake for a long time. I can't quite tell if it helped - but I certainly had a lot of fun. HEHE
I just ate dinner at Thai Noodle. A minute after I went onto AIM, Laura asked if I wanted to go to Little Star. I said OK! It's 6:17 right now. I was also supposed to go to Triple Rock Brewery today with Kristen at 10. LET'S SEE HOW THIS NIGHT IS GOING TO TURN OUT!
I remember in high school I was watching some TV show and wondered why a character who slept around indiscriminately would have the decency to tell all of his past sexual partners that he had later found out that he was carrying a STD. I thought it was kind of unbelievable that someone would go through the embarassment of calling up some one-night stand and reminding them of their awkward past. I figured it was just some poorly constructed plot device to create drama, and no one ever cared if it was out of character.
TURNS OUT that it's actually a CRIME to sleep with people knowing that you have a deadly, transmissible STD! I DID NOT KNOW THIS! You can actually be charged with attempt to murder! I learned this in my negotiations class, which I love and hate at the same time.
One good line in my negotiations class: "Maybe she was depressed and just wanted to get laid!"
Anyway, it was the first time I was really like, WOW this law NEEDS to be in place, because most people are not going to do the right thing, otherwise. At least, that's my opinon. Maybe you have higher expectations of people. I wonder what else is a law that I don't know about.
I have no time in the day! I went to sleep at 4am yesterday, woke up at 8am, spent the entire morning getting parts of my life together and then went to work. I didn't even go to the gym today! I went out to eat dinner with RCSA and came back at 11. Which sounds late, but I was really only out for four hours! (Ok, I thought about it and I guess being out for four hours on a weekday is not the best idea). Now it's 2:20, which means taking out shower time, I've only had three hours of the day to myself! Eesh. Even after I declare it the end of a day because I no longer have the energy to do work, it takes me about an hour to figure out what's on my agenda tomorrow. And none of it ever gets completed! Am I incompetent or is there really too much to do?
I really don't want summer to come! I want this semester to last forever! I'm going to be very lonely starting this summer :( Perhaps I should have invested in some non-graduating friends. I can't believe school is over in half a week.
I don't know what's up but I have been blogging like CRAZY!
It's finally May! That statement would have been more appropriate on May 1st, not May 4th. I LOVE MAY - END OF SCHOOL! Disregarding the fact that my GPA is in the toilet once again, finals week is upon us, and I LOVEEEEEE FINALS WEEK! Finals week means no more classes, and lots of time to hang out with people! Study sessions together! All day long hangouts! WOOT WOOT. I was impatiently waiting for my google calendar to switch to May because I have lots of awesome things planned and I love to seem them all lined up ready to go.
Let's see: Tuesday: Flavors of India with excom, two coords, and random rcsa guy! Wednesday: change of powers meeting, which is bound to be exciting. the passage of knowledge from one scholar to another! THURSDAY??? Looking at all the things I have planned, I think I should hang out with some non-rcsa people Friday: Banquet and party at my place! Weekend: shopping with Andria I believe! Probably go down College Ave with Kristen at some point? Monday: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! And free swipe into Crossroads with RCSA yum yum. I will be waiting for the menu to come up a week from now. DREAM meal: lasagna Tuesday: FOOD MARATHON. OMGGG UNPREPARED BUT SO EXCITED Wednesday: Excom reception! Hopefully I will also be working off my foodcoma/hangover deadly combo
Then my schedule is free for studying/fun except during the hours I have finals. Napa! Other fun things! I LOVE YOU BERKELEY FRIENDS!!!
And now the real reason why I wanted to post - all of that above was just filler:
HAHAHHA SOO JIN LOVE IT! I want to magnify...
Oh god, that took me thirty minutes. But I have another...
I went to the RSF to study today and brought a thermos of hot barley tea. I then really had to pee so I went to the restroom and that's when my ring fell into the toilet. :( !!! It was not my replacement TMV ring - it was a ring I bought in Taiwan that I really liked and only recently started wearing again. I wore it one day last week and then couldn't find it. Then yesterday I found it in a pair of jeans and wore it all day. And today I flushed it down the toilet.
I just stood in front of the toilet for literally two minutes, staring at my ring in the toilet. If I had brought a pen, maybe I would have fished it out. I kept debating - reach in and save my ring? Or flush it and be done with it? My mind was like, "I REALLY want that ring. But I REALLY DO NOT want to put my hand in the toilet." I wish I hadn't watched my ring fly away when I flushed because now every time I flush I see the painful image of my ring being flushed into the sea.
If it had been my actual TMV ring, the one I lost last year, I probably would have reached for it. Which goes to show how much I value those friendships! But I figured I would probably not ever wear this ring again, knowing that it had been inside a toilet, so it wasn't worth it.
In other urine related news, I just remembered that yesterday Laura drank five carafes of water and had to pee about four times in the lounge. Then she drove us home and REALLY had to pee and by the time we reached her apt, she just leapt out of the car and didn't even close the door. AHHAHA Andria had to reach over to shut it. I think if I had told a really good joke, Laura's night would have ended very embarassingly.
Jeepers. Technically, my day started TWO days ago! It has been a super long (but very fun) day! It started on Friday night when I went over to Laura/SooJin's for a SLEEPOVER! I brought my cornbread mix which turned out to be very delicious. We watched The Lost World which was still very dramatic and suspenseful to watch, a decade later. Vince Vaughn is in it. They blew up the air bed for me and tucked me into bed. HEHE I also wore Laura's PJs for most of the night because my jeans were super drenched from the rain.
We ended up sleeping at like 3am. Well, SooJin read until 4:30. I woke up at 6:45 am but I fell back asleep and just kept going in and out of sleep until I finally got up around 9:30. I felt like I was doing the Walk of Shame when I went home. If I had been wearing a dress and heels, it would have probably looked super trashy. I hope to actually walk the walk of shame one day. But don't think I'm a super slut or anything.
I went home and tried to resist eating one of my aptmate's donuts. I failed. I spent my entire morning downloading music. My new favorite artist is Blind Pilot! They were on Chuck.
Then SooJin and Janie were going into SF to look at apts and I tagged along. SO EXCITING! Very adult-like. I was very surprised by the quality of the apartments. Their first one was pretty nice - very nice views, very bright, very clean. This is the least of my worries for now, but I hope when I graduate I will have made good friends to room with and will have the ability to pay for an apartment in the city (or preferably Emeryville). I think my Berkeley friends are too successful! They can so confidently put down their employer's name and position. They make me embarassed to be hanging out with them because I am so unsuccessful :(
We did SO MUCH walking today! Basically from 12:00-7:30 we saw two complexes and also walked around a lot of SF. Janie's place is super cute - one of those Victorian houses that I used to dislike but now appreciate. We ate at Japantown for a 4:00 lunch. My sense of time was completely off the entire day, because I had woken up later than usual, because I hadn't gone to the gym, and because it was overcast the whole day.
We got back to Berkeley and I was ready to just go home and sit at my table but I was convinced to go back with them. Andria had planned for us to go to this pool hall since she HAS FINISHED HER THESIS YAY! 40 pages of stellar work! :D UNFORTUNATELY ARGH I tried to get in with Laura's expired ID and I was DENIED! I FELT SO BAD :( I was ready to just walk home but then they came out! AH I felt terrible. :( I'm sorry! We ended up going to Beta Lounge which was only a block away. We stood outside for a very long time until someone came out and was like "are you guys ever going to come in?" but in a nice way. So we went in and somehow left with a $98 bill. HAHA
I had soju for the first time. It was meant for the koreans of the table, but no one was drinking. Oddly, I was the one who pushed it! I don't like mixed drinks because the smells are gross and I don't like the idea of consuming so much unnecessary sugar so I was like "I'll take half a shot!" And that did it. I didn't have time to take my Pepcid AC though, which I have been carrying in my purse forever! My purse now permanently contains: floss, pepcid AC, a pen, and an extra toothbrush. SooJin said "do you also have an extra pair of underwear?" HA
And then someone ... oh god was it the guy I met today? Brent? All I know is that he was in a track jacket. HAHAHA Anyway, he and SooJin made a bet: he claimed that he could get the waitress to drink with him and we were like UH NO WAY is she going to drink with you! Laura very kindly said something along the lines of "maybe if you were dressed better she would, but you're wearing a track jacket and a tshirt!" AHHA I said "I'm sorry but you're an asian guy and she's a white girl - it's not going to happen."
BUT DUN DUN DUHHHH!!! He asked her and at first she said no but then he was like "I don't have anyone to take a shot with!" and she said ok! (She also later said "I'm down for anything," - HOW SALACIOUS!) HAHA She didn't come immediately back so we were all like "SHE SAID NO" but we were all proven wrong. Poor SooJin lost and had to treat him to Top Dog, but as she said, the drink was more expensive than the hot dog so it was ok.
AHHASooJin had pretty freaking awesome work stories. DRAMA! I'm sad that I didn't get an internship again :( So much juicy stuff seems to happen. I want to get SooJin MORE drunk! I bet she has TONS of excellent stories to tell
Hmmmm so then we left and went to Top Dog to eat. Yum yum. I always say I'm going to try something besides a garlic frankfurter but when it comes time to decide, I panic and just order the same thing. Delicious though! We went back to my apt to eat ice cream (YAY to my apt convenience!) and before we knew it it was freaking 2:40am! We had earlier been like "secrets come out around 4am" which is SO TRUE! I have found that if you are up really late trying to do homework and so is another friend, often times you will IM each other and then secrets just POUR OUT! Maybe I need to stay up later!
It is now 4am. I should go to sleep! I haven't done any work today! Goodness. BUT FUN DAY! :)
Hm. Well I just guaranteed myself a backup internship for the summer which is ... somewhat of a relief? It has nothing to do with accounting and it isn't paid but I guess it's another thing for my resume. Another plus is that it is a BLOCK away from my mom's office! How hilarious that I actually think this is a huge positive, rather than thinking "oh god my mom is going to want to hang out with me."
I'm not sure yet though - I'm still waiting to see if I get a callback for something else that I REALLY REALLY want. But I've never really thought that I could get it. I was reading my negotiations book yesterday though, and it reminded me that you have to set your expectations high to get better results! So I am going to spend this weekend deluding myself into thinking that I'm the shit.
If I got that second thing that I really want, I'd drop everything just to do it. But for this internship that I just got ... I'm not so sure. I'm currently signed up for summer classes that start July 6th. AGH There's so much uncertainty in everything and I feel like I'm hedging my bets and I'm TERRIBLE at gambling. The question is, should I remain in the summer classes or just do the internship this entire summer?
I wrote out all my options and my reasoning but I know that people are not going to read through it so I'll spare you all the guilt of skimming through my entry. Sigh. I kind of thought I would just ask my mom what to do, but I just called her and when I tried explaning my situtation, I realized she wouldn't have an idea what to do. I love planning out my own life, but I do not like having to make my own decisions.
This entire week, I have been waking up at 6:30, no matter what time I went to bed. I sleep at midnight, I wake up at 6:30. I sleep at 2, I wake up at 6:30. I always wake up feeling panicked and stressed. AGH. Pimples on my face! :(
I'm going to watch 30 rock now instead of going to accounting. I'm kind of hungry. Oatmeal is not very satisfying. The packaged portions in the Costco variety pack are TINY. I would normally eat about three times the serving. It reminds me that American portions are not healthy portions!