I've reached the second day of "eat as much as you can without feeling guilty" time. After years and years of staring at myself in the mirror before and after meals, I've realized that I can gorge on food for about two days without exercising, but still wake up looking surprisingly normal. But on the THIRD DAY ... that's when things get CRAZY LARGE! Hopefully I'll be able to do something more active later today, when I'm in SAN DIEGO! (although Danny "threatened" to take me to some desserts galore place so maybe I will just continue riding this train to obesity)
This weekend was fun. My skin is all gross because it's very dry in LA though. Weird ass weather. It was grossly hot when Alvin and I were driving down from Berkeley. The nights are pretty cool though. And then it got very windy today. But hmm this weekend was fun! Once again a lot of people came together! Yesterday we were at Eric's at another BIG gathering. The day started off with just me and Eric and Marie Callendar's. I have to tell myself NO MORE VEGETABLE QUICHE and NO MORE SHARING HASH BROWNS with Eric because I don't love them THAT much. Next time I should just get a slice of banana creme pie.
Anyway, after that, we went to get his car washed HAHA which is sadly something we've done together before. I LOVE errands with friends! Frances C came to join us, and the former plan was for me to nap and Eric to go to school, but since Frances was with us, we all went to Pomona instead. It was SO FUN - I'm glad I didn't nap. Got to see how Eric lives. Seems like he socializes quite a bit. Maybe architecture ISN'T SO HARD AFTER ALL. Just kidding. Frances and I just talked while he cut styrofoam. We're pretty sure a guy sitting across from us heard the entire conversation. Oh well. I don't think I have spoken to her for a long time about things so :)
We also ate apples that I had brought from home. Eric's place is NICE. Everything looks great compared to Berkeley living places. Then we were deciding where to eat for dinner and the default is always Ichima. HAHA Soupie for high school, Ichima for college, WHERE will eat AFTER college? While I was calling Owen to ideas, we were like "let's just go to Ichima" but once Owen wanted Ichima I heard Eric and Frances go "ummm never mind..." HAHA Then we got stuck in major traffic, during which we kept trying to think of places to go to. It would keep rebounding back to Ichima, and then towards the end when we were REALLY hungry we were like IN N OUT. But INSTEADDDDD
We COOKED! We picked up Henry and went to 99 ranch to get food. :) We had a $17 grocery bill that fed five people and could have fed about seven. So much leftover meat. HAHA And Eric and Henry were super awesome and bought CREAM PUFFS while Frances and I were stuck talking to a mutual family friend. HAHA SOO embarassing: they were like "do you two have boyfriends?" and we were both like "NO NO no boyfriends" RIGHT when we rounded the corner and there was Eric and Henry sitting and waiting for us with the groceries. HAHA
As anyone would expect, Henry ended up doing most of the cooking. I was ready to pop open Eric's box of Captain Crunch cereal. AHHA Although I DID help shake WATER OFF THE SALAD~ We had chinese sausage (which I really wanted), cabbage, shao long baos, beef rib eye something, and delicious fried tofu. I ate about twice what I should have eaten. Over time, Owen, Danny, Alvin, and Will joined us. I had also wanted Mr. And Mrs. Smith which I had kind of wanted to watch ever since Angelina Jolie mentioned it in an interview. I kind of want to buy it now. HAHA I REALLY REALLY want to buy Wanted. I don't think I'll even wait for it to become $10 or whatever. I want it NOW
Owen was telling us a story and I loved how we had SOOO many tangents. Like making fun of him saying Shia Labeouf. I had to look the spelling up. But then once Danny came in, it would be like THE MOST FAR OFF tangents that made it really hard to bring the story back to Owen. HAHA Danny just left the group and went on Eric's computer and Connie L was like HE DOESNT DO THAT IN SD, prompting us to all whine "DANNY WHY DON'T YOU LIKE US DANNYYYY" :)
Danny bought ice cream for us :) but then as the movie ended people started heading back. I had woken up at 7 to go running, so I was INCREDIBLY tired. Got home at 1 and yay! Today I just sat around at home and ate my mom's cooking. We went to Trader Joe's and I got garlic hummus so she could try it. She always finds it necessary to get some sort of ice cream when she comes home. It is like when I buy desserts with friends because eating sweets with others makes me feel less guilty. HAHA Well I have to pack for SD now. YAY! Although I should start studying for my midterm, I get to see MORE TMVers! :) Veteran's Day weekend is pretty fun
Another Xanga-like entry

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<3 haha
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