This whole time I have also combined Kristen Stewart with Kimberly Stewart into one person. I vaguely remember that Kimberly Stewart is friends with Paris Hilton. So I was kind of befuddled as to why so many people were paying attention to Paris Hilton's BFF.
But FINALLY I actually watched an interview with Kristen Stewart and realized: she is totally not Kimberly Stewart. Silly me for thinking Paris Hilton was friends with a respectable person. I still don't really get the excitement over the books and most of the people who comment on the books say something along the lines of "they're not very well-written but I couldn't stop reading them."
Most of all, I don't get the appeal over Robert Patterson. Why is he so pale? Is it preparation for the Twilight sequels? And why does Kristen Stewart look SO angry all the time? I've been trying to find the interview that made me interested in looking for more Twilight stuff in the first place, but I can't remember where I read it. Basically it was something where she said she couldn't understand what the huge appeal was, and she kind of dissed the people who are obsessed with the books.
And EVERY interview I watch her in, she has this Look that's like "I fucking hate going on these media circuits." I think she sounds very smart in her answers, but they're all very carefully worded and there still seems to be a subtext of "I hate my character and think she's a complete idiot and if I had known what a huge annoyance it would be to become famous, I would not have done this part to begin with. Also, I hate my costar so I will fidget here and constantly run my fingers through my incredibly volumnous hair until this damn interview comes to an end."
I thought she just hated Meredith Viera at first, but the more interviews I watch, the more I'm convinced: she totally hates Hollywood.
I thought she looked very pretty in this interview, and she couldn't run her hands through her hair because it's tied back so tightly. She kind of dresses like Frannie, I think. :D
I could barely finish this interview, it's so painfully strained

kristen stewart is one of my sister's lesbian crushes.
I read it in the summer and gave it to her and she got very obsessed with it.
for some reason I thought his name was Robert Patterson too. but coonie and I were looking for pictures of him online and it turns out it's Pattinson?
and did you watch 30 rock? STOP PATRICIDING! that was my favorite part. haha.
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