Watching the movie made me sad that I did not have the same luck in genes as Kristen Stewart does. Should I post another picture? Sure why not. Maybe it will make my male readers happier.

Apparently Twilight was the largest opening weekend for a female director. Here is a quote from a Yahoo! article (don't judge me - I also read!)
"Teen girls rule the earth," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of Media By Numbers. "If you look back at the ` Hannah Montana' movie , how well that did, and now this movie, the teen girl audience will never be ignored again or underestimated. It was always teen boys who were the coveted ones, but someone finally caught on to the idea that girls love movies, too, and if you create something that they're into, that they're passionate about, they will come out in big numbers and drive the box office."
I'm not a huge feminist or anything but WOW. I already knew about the disappointing lack of movies that are directed or focused on women or minorities - or at least, the lack of movies that are greenlighted. I guess it's a good thing that someone is acknowledging this, but the quote kind of rubs me the wrong way. Yeah, THANKS to that SOMEONE out there who SUDDENLY realized women actually HAVE money and are able to SPEND IT. Can you imagine WOMEN having BUYING POWER? WOW. I guess we have to put out more movies directed at girls then, because SHOCKER they have an impact.
Ok. It is 10:58. I should write my paper. I know I am procrastinating because I am scared I won't be able to hit the seven page minimum page limit. I could add another topic but I really do not want to spend more time researching Russia's environmental issues. I wish I did not have to know so much about a foreign country. It hurts my brain.
1 comment:
you know more than palin does about russia.
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