What a stupid title. One day I won't have the player on the right and I'll look back on this post and think "what the hell was to the right of this?" I was looking through my xanga posts about a year ago and I remember I had so many entries that went like this:
And then instead of a picture there would be that small X in a box and I'd be like ... ok ...
I've been looking for a free music player for a long time. And by looking I mean thinking "I wish I had a music player in my blog" and doing nothing about it. I wish radioblogclub.com were up again. I also wish comegetused.com were functioning because I'd like to make a quick buck. Anyway, I just came back from Trader Joe's and decided I'd sit at my computer before going out. That somehow led to me browsing through random blogs (I'm always in search of a new blog I can spend several hours reading through) and one of them had this music player! Ok it just lagged. Piece of shit. Oh well. You get what you pay for.
Now it's an hour later. I'm deciding whether I want to take the bus to Emeryville to go to Ikea/shopping then SF, or if I want to explore the 52L bus. I also have homework to do. I also have in my hands the first season of 30 Rock, which Brian lent me. I'm searching for the episode with the clip below but I seriously cannot figure out which episode it's from. Naturally, I decided to just rewatch the entire season.
Now I'm off ... I've decided to go with Ikea to look for throw pillows. Because once I get throw pillows, then I can buy cloth to make covers, and that's like a whole other project that will entertain me for days. This summer is strangely like my last summer of doing whatever I want, only in a different city and without TMV to call up. I have six weekends left before school starts, four of which are during summer school time:
July 12, 13 - I guess today is Ikea, pillow making, then tomorrow is Jon's house since I've kind of wanted to shower in a clean place again
July 19, 20 - Explore the 52L and walk around Claremont?
July 26, 27 - Play with Angelica? Or go to SF Zoo or something touristy
August 2, 3 - Cleaning the apartment! Which is something I've been imagining in my head for the past two months
August 9, 10, 12 - Probably gearing up for finals
August 14-21 - Ideally TMV would come up but alternatively I could go down ... or sit around the apartment and get ready for the school year and career fairs
August 22-24 - RCSA retreat in Lake Tahoe
August 27 - SCHOOL TIME!
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