So I waited a day after I spilled water on my laptop. I turned it on too early and it wouldn't turn on at first and I was very sad for a day. Then I waited another day and it turned on but my keyboard does not. Every day, I feel like another key stops working. Lately, I've been using the onscreen keyboard to "type," which takes about a minute to write a full sentence. Right now I am typing on my friend's computer. Every time I have access to a functioning keyboard, I just sit at the computer and think of everything I could possibly do. Which wastes a lot of my time.
So I went to get it fixed and this is what happened:
1. Walked to school computer store
2. Asked where the keyboards were - I was planning on buying a new keyboard and just plugging it into my laptop, which will look incredibly ghetto
3. Keyboards were very expensive
4. Bought a new mouse instead.
Logic: My current mouse's aaa batteries don't work so I've had to use the touchpad for the past few weeks. Using the onscreen keyboard is even worse when using the touchpad. So naturally, when my laptop's keyboard doesn't work, I buy a new mouse.
New plan over the weekend - we're going to my floormates city so we can eat at the Souplantation at Fremont. HAHA Last year Chrystal and I wanted to take the Bart to Soupie, but it was a $7 bart ticket and we would have had to walk a bit. We were planning on even getting fake club vegs so we could have fake birthdays and eat a free meal. We decided not to. So now I'm going to Soupie with other people and I want to go to Frys so I can buy a cheap keyboard. Then, since it's yet another thing taking up my USB port, I kind of want to buy a USB hub.
So, I guess I'll see how long I can last without actually using my laptop's computer. It's just going to be a screen that I look at. HAHA
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The worst thing ever has happened
How fucking typical. A few days ago I was talking to Chrystal and I was like "I think my most prized possession is my TMV ring. Or ... actually maybe my music." If I lost my ring, I would be super sad for a very long time. If I lost my music, I would first be insanely angry, like wanting to drop my laptop from Campanile angry, and then sad, and then super super depressed the first time I download a new song. And I was like "I bet something is going to happen to my music."
ANDDDDDD yesterday night I fell from my bed. And I sleep on the top of a bunk bed. I oddly got up with only a small bruise on my arm from hitting the table. I sprayed it with bactine, which Danny gave me after he found out I had gotten an ear piercing. It stung a lot, whichh makes me wonder why he used it for his ear piercing. I don't think that's that it's used for. Good thing I never used it for my ear.
Anyway, some time during my fall, I knocked over a cup of water ... all over my laptop. I didn't notice until a minute later and all I did was kind of shake it and wipe off the keyboard with a paper towel. I went back to bed because it was 5:45 in the morning and I wanted to just go back to sleep and pretend none of this had ever happened.
Now of course, my computer will not turn on. I'm using my floormate's computer - I woke them up but I think they don't mind considering my story was pretty hilarious to hear. I am insanely sad right now because if I lose my music, I think I'm going to cry. Seriously cry. Also more ironic (I've heard so many 'that's not the right use of ironic' that now I'm not at all sure what it means and I know this is the wrong use but I don't care, I will be the average American and misuse phrases left and right) it's taken me a month to force my floormates to watch Memento and FINALLY we were about to ON SUNDAY. NOW the movie is unaccessible from my computer, none of us have a copy, and they are too scared to use DC++. ARGHHHHHHH
I was extremely unstressed but now I suddenly have everything piled up at once
1) Gym immediately after this, even though all I want to do is stare at my laptop and hope it magically turns on
2) Do laundry
3) RCSA club event at 2:00
4) Homework? I can't even think about what I have to do. Econ reading, econ homework, Physics and Music hw. Thankfully I don't have a giant paper due
5) Look for apartments
I'm going to gym now ... and be very sad. On top of this sadness, I ate a chili bread bowl last night even though my brain was clearly telling me "DO NOT EAT THAT. YOU CAN JUST SLEEP AND THIS HUNGER WON'T EVEN BOTHER YOU ANYMORE. DO NOT EAT THAT!" But I did. And now I am fatter than I wish
1) Leave my computer top open
2) Leave open cups of water near my computer ... I've actually spilled several
3) Eat at late night
4) Sleep so close to the edge of my bed
Going to cry. Goodbye
ANDDDDDD yesterday night I fell from my bed. And I sleep on the top of a bunk bed. I oddly got up with only a small bruise on my arm from hitting the table. I sprayed it with bactine, which Danny gave me after he found out I had gotten an ear piercing. It stung a lot, whichh makes me wonder why he used it for his ear piercing. I don't think that's that it's used for. Good thing I never used it for my ear.
Anyway, some time during my fall, I knocked over a cup of water ... all over my laptop. I didn't notice until a minute later and all I did was kind of shake it and wipe off the keyboard with a paper towel. I went back to bed because it was 5:45 in the morning and I wanted to just go back to sleep and pretend none of this had ever happened.
Now of course, my computer will not turn on. I'm using my floormate's computer - I woke them up but I think they don't mind considering my story was pretty hilarious to hear. I am insanely sad right now because if I lose my music, I think I'm going to cry. Seriously cry. Also more ironic (I've heard so many 'that's not the right use of ironic' that now I'm not at all sure what it means and I know this is the wrong use but I don't care, I will be the average American and misuse phrases left and right) it's taken me a month to force my floormates to watch Memento and FINALLY we were about to ON SUNDAY. NOW the movie is unaccessible from my computer, none of us have a copy, and they are too scared to use DC++. ARGHHHHHHH
I was extremely unstressed but now I suddenly have everything piled up at once
1) Gym immediately after this, even though all I want to do is stare at my laptop and hope it magically turns on
2) Do laundry
3) RCSA club event at 2:00
4) Homework? I can't even think about what I have to do. Econ reading, econ homework, Physics and Music hw. Thankfully I don't have a giant paper due
5) Look for apartments
I'm going to gym now ... and be very sad. On top of this sadness, I ate a chili bread bowl last night even though my brain was clearly telling me "DO NOT EAT THAT. YOU CAN JUST SLEEP AND THIS HUNGER WON'T EVEN BOTHER YOU ANYMORE. DO NOT EAT THAT!" But I did. And now I am fatter than I wish
1) Leave my computer top open
2) Leave open cups of water near my computer ... I've actually spilled several
3) Eat at late night
4) Sleep so close to the edge of my bed
Going to cry. Goodbye
Friday, February 22, 2008
Little things in Berkeley
This was first a general "little things I love" but I realized every one of them had to do with living in Berkeley. Which makes sense ... because I live in Berkeley.
1. Swimming in the rain at Spieker Pool. The heat from the pool hitting the cold air makes a really nice mist that rises up. The huge overhead lights perfectly light up the rain drops coming down, which you see every time you come up to breathe. It's one of those things you could never completely capture on film or camera.
2. Walking or driving around Berkeley, especially College Ave. I want to sit at the back of the 51 bus and just film the street as we go down.
3. Walking through campus on an overcast day, when there are fewer people and I'm not rushing off to class. Favorite spot to walk around: the entrance of Doe library

4. Responding to an e-mail. Even though a lot of it is just school/club stuff, it feels very adult. As a kid, you might view e-mail as something you can easily ignore, and if asked, you just reply "oh I never check my e-mail." That doesn't work anymore, especially as you get older.
5. Buying Odwalla with my mealpoints. Also, having the option to buy Naked juice at the gym, but since they rarely have gold machine, I never really bother.
6. Seeing dogs run around on campus. I've noticed that they never bark. They're just quietly happy to run around the grassy fields. Every time I see one, I just want to have a dog so I could take it to Memorial Glade and play with it.
7. Walking to the RSF, turning my head left, and being able to see the marina even though it is a few miles away.
8. Walking to the RSF, turning my head right, and being able to see the Berkeley hills. I will take a picture of it one day.
9. Being able to go out and get food at restaurants that are still late, late, late at night. Especially going to late night dining with friends even though I try not to get anything.
10. Being able to use Google Maps, street view, which you can't do everywhere. But you can in Berkeley, mainly because Google is situated in NorCal
View Larger Map
1. Swimming in the rain at Spieker Pool. The heat from the pool hitting the cold air makes a really nice mist that rises up. The huge overhead lights perfectly light up the rain drops coming down, which you see every time you come up to breathe. It's one of those things you could never completely capture on film or camera.
2. Walking or driving around Berkeley, especially College Ave. I want to sit at the back of the 51 bus and just film the street as we go down.
3. Walking through campus on an overcast day, when there are fewer people and I'm not rushing off to class. Favorite spot to walk around: the entrance of Doe library

4. Responding to an e-mail. Even though a lot of it is just school/club stuff, it feels very adult. As a kid, you might view e-mail as something you can easily ignore, and if asked, you just reply "oh I never check my e-mail." That doesn't work anymore, especially as you get older.
5. Buying Odwalla with my mealpoints. Also, having the option to buy Naked juice at the gym, but since they rarely have gold machine, I never really bother.
6. Seeing dogs run around on campus. I've noticed that they never bark. They're just quietly happy to run around the grassy fields. Every time I see one, I just want to have a dog so I could take it to Memorial Glade and play with it.
7. Walking to the RSF, turning my head left, and being able to see the marina even though it is a few miles away.
8. Walking to the RSF, turning my head right, and being able to see the Berkeley hills. I will take a picture of it one day.
9. Being able to go out and get food at restaurants that are still late, late, late at night. Especially going to late night dining with friends even though I try not to get anything.
10. Being able to use Google Maps, street view, which you can't do everywhere. But you can in Berkeley, mainly because Google is situated in NorCal
View Larger Map
Thursday, February 21, 2008
My week until the end of the semester
Lesson of the day: One bowl of seaweed salad is enough. No one really wants to eat four bowls of seaweed salad.
It's the last Thursday where I can wake up, gym, and then sit in my room slowly doing work until my class starts at 5:00. I begin work on Monday, and while the renewed source of income is more than welcome, I'm dreading the impact it'll have on my schedule. For now, I'm planning to have my week go something like this:
Everyday, wake up any time between 7:00-8:00. Get up, go to the gym, return home with a cup of yogurt parfait in hand, do some situps, shower, eat yogurt parfait while checking websites.
Monday: Class begins at 11:00 and I absolutely detest this professor. He goes over the lecture slides so slowly that he's never finished them all. In the last half hour of the lecture, he'll realize that he's only been through 4 of 16 slides, and then proceed to skip over a few, saying "we'll get back to that in a minute." We never do. He'll pass over concepts that are harder, and will take more time to discuss. Instead, he'll talk about things you would never be quizzed on for a midterm or things that are common knowledge. This class makes me want to scream.
Go to the library at 12:30 and get new books to read. Class from 1-2, then office hours for my ASUC Grants until 4:00. For now, I'll go home, do homework (that is, play tetris and do nothing), swim, eat an apple, do more homework, sleep. Depending on how much time I need to do homework, I may start working on Mondays too.
Tuesday: After the everyday morning routine, I go to work at 11:00 until 4:30. I then have 30 minutes to get something (small and nonfattening, no matter how hungry I am) to eat, before walking up the giant hill that is Hearst Ave. to my IEOR class. There are very few classes I would have the patience to sit through between the hours of 5-6:30, but luckily, this is one of them. Go home, play on the computer, swim at 8:00, come home, either talk to people or do homework. Repeat on Thursdays.
Wednesday: Wednesdays are terrible. I had a taste of what ti'll be like yesterday and by 6:00 I was really impatient and wanted to kick a wall just to get the pent-up energy out. Wednesday is my "sit in a chair very still" day. It goes, morning routine, class at 11:00-12:30, then 1:00-2:00. Do film studies reading in the hour before film class, while eating salad. Go to film class and try very hard to stay awake for three hours. Then, either club meetings or dinnertime before going to another class from 6:30-8:00. At 8:00, walk very quickly from Tolman, make sure I don't get mugged or sexually assaulted on the way back, then enter dorm and don't do anything but socialize because there's no way I can sit and do more homework.
Friday: Morning routine again, class at 11:00-12:00, then 1:00-3:30. Go to work at 4:00 until 7:00. Go to gym and swim. Come home and begin to do as much homework as I can before the weekend.
So that's my week. There's very little room for homework time, because whenever I swim, I'm way too exhausted to do any homework after. The good thing is that this semester is freakishly easy. Out of five classes, I only have one with a legitimate final or midterm, which is my econ class. The next most legit class is film studies, and I only have a few papers to write for that. After that, the classes can't even really be counted on a scale of legitimacy - they're mainly fluff. If you read through all of that and retained any of it in your memory, you are a good friend. Or a very bored person.
It's the last Thursday where I can wake up, gym, and then sit in my room slowly doing work until my class starts at 5:00. I begin work on Monday, and while the renewed source of income is more than welcome, I'm dreading the impact it'll have on my schedule. For now, I'm planning to have my week go something like this:
Everyday, wake up any time between 7:00-8:00. Get up, go to the gym, return home with a cup of yogurt parfait in hand, do some situps, shower, eat yogurt parfait while checking websites.
Monday: Class begins at 11:00 and I absolutely detest this professor. He goes over the lecture slides so slowly that he's never finished them all. In the last half hour of the lecture, he'll realize that he's only been through 4 of 16 slides, and then proceed to skip over a few, saying "we'll get back to that in a minute." We never do. He'll pass over concepts that are harder, and will take more time to discuss. Instead, he'll talk about things you would never be quizzed on for a midterm or things that are common knowledge. This class makes me want to scream.
Go to the library at 12:30 and get new books to read. Class from 1-2, then office hours for my ASUC Grants until 4:00. For now, I'll go home, do homework (that is, play tetris and do nothing), swim, eat an apple, do more homework, sleep. Depending on how much time I need to do homework, I may start working on Mondays too.
Tuesday: After the everyday morning routine, I go to work at 11:00 until 4:30. I then have 30 minutes to get something (small and nonfattening, no matter how hungry I am) to eat, before walking up the giant hill that is Hearst Ave. to my IEOR class. There are very few classes I would have the patience to sit through between the hours of 5-6:30, but luckily, this is one of them. Go home, play on the computer, swim at 8:00, come home, either talk to people or do homework. Repeat on Thursdays.
Wednesday: Wednesdays are terrible. I had a taste of what ti'll be like yesterday and by 6:00 I was really impatient and wanted to kick a wall just to get the pent-up energy out. Wednesday is my "sit in a chair very still" day. It goes, morning routine, class at 11:00-12:30, then 1:00-2:00. Do film studies reading in the hour before film class, while eating salad. Go to film class and try very hard to stay awake for three hours. Then, either club meetings or dinnertime before going to another class from 6:30-8:00. At 8:00, walk very quickly from Tolman, make sure I don't get mugged or sexually assaulted on the way back, then enter dorm and don't do anything but socialize because there's no way I can sit and do more homework.
Friday: Morning routine again, class at 11:00-12:00, then 1:00-3:30. Go to work at 4:00 until 7:00. Go to gym and swim. Come home and begin to do as much homework as I can before the weekend.
So that's my week. There's very little room for homework time, because whenever I swim, I'm way too exhausted to do any homework after. The good thing is that this semester is freakishly easy. Out of five classes, I only have one with a legitimate final or midterm, which is my econ class. The next most legit class is film studies, and I only have a few papers to write for that. After that, the classes can't even really be counted on a scale of legitimacy - they're mainly fluff. If you read through all of that and retained any of it in your memory, you are a good friend. Or a very bored person.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I find myself very busy and I haven't even begun work yet. Uh oh. The good thing is that when I look at my list of homework to do, it's actually not that much. The bad thing is that I'm still constantly stressed, for what is apparently no reason. I need to go gym now so I can't elaborate. You can assume I'm stressed by the usual school, need to diet, need to gym, and now the additional need to look for an apartment.
This link will be dead in a matter of days, but why can't anything this cute be near UC Berkeley? :(
This link will be dead in a matter of days, but why can't anything this cute be near UC Berkeley? :(
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Things I think at least once a day
"Ugh I really have to go to the gym right now"
"Am I wearing pants? Yes. Ok"
"Damn. That girl is very thin."
"Oh no. Where are my eyedrops?"
"No. I am not allowed to eat that."
"I hate these Converses"
"Am I wearing pants? Yes. Ok"
"Damn. That girl is very thin."
"Oh no. Where are my eyedrops?"
"No. I am not allowed to eat that."
"I hate these Converses"
Saturday, February 9, 2008
It's quite dark
I went to sleep at midnight and woke up at 3:30. This is overshooting for my "I want to naturally wake up around 7:30" goal. I really couldn't get back to sleep because I felt fully rested, it was really warm in the room, and the Koreans next door were really loud. Then I just started thinking about all the things I have to do and decided to get out of bed. Of course, the first things I do are
1) E-mail Erica
2) Watch yesterday's episode of Friday Night Lights
3) Check blogs. Surprise, no one has updated since midnight and 3:30 am
4) Write e-mails for club stuff
5) Go through music
So ... I guess some club stuff is taken care of.
You know what I don't get and I'm certain I can change it but I don't know how? I sign into blogger using my yahoo e-mail, which is really my fake e-mail address. But this constantly signs me out of my gmail account and sometimes I'm on both simultaneously and it just completely messes up whatever I'm doing because they just sign me out of both. I've tried changing the primary e-mail for blogger but it claims to not accept gmail accounts which sounds ridiculous because I thought blogger was a part of Google or something like that. Whatever. For now, I will just get used to it.
I would like to turn on the lights of my dorm room and blast some music, but obviously Chrystal is sleeping. I would like to go to the gym but the gym doesn't open until 8. Which is funny because it opens at 6am on weekdays and I'm always like "who the fuck goes to the gym that early?" but I would have already gone by now if I could have. I kind of want to run to the marina but I'm not sure how to get there. I think you just go down University Ave. My floormate is supposedly running to the marina and it will be weird if she saw me. I would feel like a stalker. I also ate way too much yesterday. Damn you crossroads and your delicious grilled stuff and mac&cheese. So tempting. So greasy. So carby.
I'm getting really good at this mouse touchpad thing. I got tired of recharging my batteries for my wireless mouse so I just use the touchpad. Because I'm too cheap to buy a mouse.
Ok. Homework time? I feel so yucky though because I haven't gymmed. The first thing I do every day is gym, so after sitting around for 3 hours (WOW I've been awake 3 hours and it's only 6:30) I feel like a giant lazyass. OOO The sun is rising! Whenever I wake up around dawn, I always want to go outside because I feel like it's such a waste to miss the sunrise. I love dawn. It's why I would want to move to New York. It would be fun to be 3 hours ahead of people and wake up around 5. Although I don't think that happens for auditors.
Mmm... the sun is coming out. I am less inclined to go running now. In fact, I think I'll just climb back into bed...
Apple should come out with more products faster so I can get more music
1) E-mail Erica
2) Watch yesterday's episode of Friday Night Lights
3) Check blogs. Surprise, no one has updated since midnight and 3:30 am
4) Write e-mails for club stuff
5) Go through music
So ... I guess some club stuff is taken care of.
You know what I don't get and I'm certain I can change it but I don't know how? I sign into blogger using my yahoo e-mail, which is really my fake e-mail address. But this constantly signs me out of my gmail account and sometimes I'm on both simultaneously and it just completely messes up whatever I'm doing because they just sign me out of both. I've tried changing the primary e-mail for blogger but it claims to not accept gmail accounts which sounds ridiculous because I thought blogger was a part of Google or something like that. Whatever. For now, I will just get used to it.
I would like to turn on the lights of my dorm room and blast some music, but obviously Chrystal is sleeping. I would like to go to the gym but the gym doesn't open until 8. Which is funny because it opens at 6am on weekdays and I'm always like "who the fuck goes to the gym that early?" but I would have already gone by now if I could have. I kind of want to run to the marina but I'm not sure how to get there. I think you just go down University Ave. My floormate is supposedly running to the marina and it will be weird if she saw me. I would feel like a stalker. I also ate way too much yesterday. Damn you crossroads and your delicious grilled stuff and mac&cheese. So tempting. So greasy. So carby.
I'm getting really good at this mouse touchpad thing. I got tired of recharging my batteries for my wireless mouse so I just use the touchpad. Because I'm too cheap to buy a mouse.
Ok. Homework time? I feel so yucky though because I haven't gymmed. The first thing I do every day is gym, so after sitting around for 3 hours (WOW I've been awake 3 hours and it's only 6:30) I feel like a giant lazyass. OOO The sun is rising! Whenever I wake up around dawn, I always want to go outside because I feel like it's such a waste to miss the sunrise. I love dawn. It's why I would want to move to New York. It would be fun to be 3 hours ahead of people and wake up around 5. Although I don't think that happens for auditors.
Mmm... the sun is coming out. I am less inclined to go running now. In fact, I think I'll just climb back into bed...
Apple should come out with more products faster so I can get more music
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Classes and stuff
Oh, I forgot to blog about this. Wow, three posts in a day. It's like ... drought ... MONSOON! Anyway...
For some reason that I haven't quite figured out yet, there are a LOT of old people in my film studies class. And by old people, I don't mean grad students, but people who I am fairly certain are retired. I can't imagine that there would be that many people going back to school so late, or that they would all happen to take film studies. I wonder if there is some sort of program where you just take one class for fun.
I heart old people. Correction, I heart old white people. They seem so much more approachable. I want to sit next to them and become their friend, although that would be very hard. It's very interesting because usually there are certain people in the class who are always eager to partcipate. Well, in this class it's all the old people participating and raising their hand! And now, when someone my age talks, I can feel the entire room kind of go like "I wonder what this young person has to say" and at the same time, when an older person speaks it's like "Wow these are the words of a very wise person. Obviously. Just look at how old he/she is!" I also liked when someone was talking and the professor was like "can everyone hear that?" and this entire row of old ladies in front of me all shook their heads in slight annoyance.
I got rid of my women's studies class! I called my friend Angelica and she got me into two classes that sound infinitely better. One is a physics and music class, which is like learning about the physics of sound, specifically music. The lectures are insane. So much funding. The head GSI is her boyfriend who I've become friends with. He said the class got about $15,000 in grants which sounds insane. You can really tell too. You sit in the class and it's the kind where you can imagine someone filming it, showing it as an example of "classes of the future." Time flies by so quickly. They really put the laptop to use - it's inspiring to see just how much you can do with a computer besides making powerpoint lecture presentations. There's also really cool demonstrations. When I went, the ending demonstration was using a pitch to shatter a wine glass.
Then I'm taking this education class where I go out and teach elementary kids science. I was thinking about it, and I'm kind of like "oh wow ... what if this is the event that makes me want children? OR WORSE, want to become a teacher?" I go out and teach kids for an hour once a week with Angelica, which should be super fun. I'm a little scared though. We're teaching a class of deaf kids, and although we'll have two interpreters this will be significantly harder than teaching a regular class, which I was already apprehensive about. I'm not exactly the most patient person and I hope I don't end up getting annoyed at some innocent little kid.
Other classes... IEOR ... I always viewed this as a business class because it's a core for Haas students. But I'm starting to realize that IEOR (industrial engineering operations research) is an ACTUAL major. Ok, if I really thought about it, I would have known, but I never thought about it. We did an activity today, which I immediately figured out was just an example of game theory, which we went over a little in business and people would be like "this is so weird. I don't get the point of this at all" and I was like "well you have to figure out if someone's going to backstab you." It was just very weird. It seemed like people couldn't relate it to business and I was like ?! That makes me sound like a bitch, but so it is.
Anyway, I also never really considered this an actual engineering class and to make conversation with my group, I was like "wow there are a lot more guys in this class huh" and they were like "are you kidding?! this is like, the most girls I ever see in a class." They were both in engineering related fields. And that was when I realized ... wow. So this is what it's like to be in an engineering class (not really). I've always had more girls than guys. But wow. I used to think "if you really want to find a boyfriend, just go into an engineering class and you can just take your pick." But looking around the class ... ew. I would not want to date any of these people. I'm sorry ... but business boys are far hotter. So clean cut. Yum.
Oh. I thought this was funny. People said this at the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner I went to yesterday.
"Wait what's the difference between tax and auditing?"
"Auditing is where you go to a company and make sure their numbers are right"
"Oh! And tax is where you help companies cheat"
I need to finish my paper. Two more inches. OH WAIT! HAHA It's not a one-page response. It's a 450-500 word response. Hey! I'm already done! 15 words over. I guess I was actually done 20 minutes ago. Wow. What a pleasant surprise. I guess I can go to sleep now. I've made it a goal to sleep at midnight from now on. It's worked fairly well so far. I keep waking up at 7. Uh oh, I have a lot to do tomorrow. I hate the idea of doing work. Poo.
Looking forward for tomorrow: I'm going to watch a movie. I don't know what movie, but I will watch it. I will eat a banana wrap. I will get officially enrolled into my final class. I will eat very little. I will go on the elliptical. I will reread all my business chapters and completely understand all the little abbreviations. I will not stress out.
For some reason that I haven't quite figured out yet, there are a LOT of old people in my film studies class. And by old people, I don't mean grad students, but people who I am fairly certain are retired. I can't imagine that there would be that many people going back to school so late, or that they would all happen to take film studies. I wonder if there is some sort of program where you just take one class for fun.
I heart old people. Correction, I heart old white people. They seem so much more approachable. I want to sit next to them and become their friend, although that would be very hard. It's very interesting because usually there are certain people in the class who are always eager to partcipate. Well, in this class it's all the old people participating and raising their hand! And now, when someone my age talks, I can feel the entire room kind of go like "I wonder what this young person has to say" and at the same time, when an older person speaks it's like "Wow these are the words of a very wise person. Obviously. Just look at how old he/she is!" I also liked when someone was talking and the professor was like "can everyone hear that?" and this entire row of old ladies in front of me all shook their heads in slight annoyance.
I got rid of my women's studies class! I called my friend Angelica and she got me into two classes that sound infinitely better. One is a physics and music class, which is like learning about the physics of sound, specifically music. The lectures are insane. So much funding. The head GSI is her boyfriend who I've become friends with. He said the class got about $15,000 in grants which sounds insane. You can really tell too. You sit in the class and it's the kind where you can imagine someone filming it, showing it as an example of "classes of the future." Time flies by so quickly. They really put the laptop to use - it's inspiring to see just how much you can do with a computer besides making powerpoint lecture presentations. There's also really cool demonstrations. When I went, the ending demonstration was using a pitch to shatter a wine glass.
Then I'm taking this education class where I go out and teach elementary kids science. I was thinking about it, and I'm kind of like "oh wow ... what if this is the event that makes me want children? OR WORSE, want to become a teacher?" I go out and teach kids for an hour once a week with Angelica, which should be super fun. I'm a little scared though. We're teaching a class of deaf kids, and although we'll have two interpreters this will be significantly harder than teaching a regular class, which I was already apprehensive about. I'm not exactly the most patient person and I hope I don't end up getting annoyed at some innocent little kid.
Other classes... IEOR ... I always viewed this as a business class because it's a core for Haas students. But I'm starting to realize that IEOR (industrial engineering operations research) is an ACTUAL major. Ok, if I really thought about it, I would have known, but I never thought about it. We did an activity today, which I immediately figured out was just an example of game theory, which we went over a little in business and people would be like "this is so weird. I don't get the point of this at all" and I was like "well you have to figure out if someone's going to backstab you." It was just very weird. It seemed like people couldn't relate it to business and I was like ?! That makes me sound like a bitch, but so it is.
Anyway, I also never really considered this an actual engineering class and to make conversation with my group, I was like "wow there are a lot more guys in this class huh" and they were like "are you kidding?! this is like, the most girls I ever see in a class." They were both in engineering related fields. And that was when I realized ... wow. So this is what it's like to be in an engineering class (not really). I've always had more girls than guys. But wow. I used to think "if you really want to find a boyfriend, just go into an engineering class and you can just take your pick." But looking around the class ... ew. I would not want to date any of these people. I'm sorry ... but business boys are far hotter. So clean cut. Yum.
Oh. I thought this was funny. People said this at the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner I went to yesterday.
"Wait what's the difference between tax and auditing?"
"Auditing is where you go to a company and make sure their numbers are right"
"Oh! And tax is where you help companies cheat"
I need to finish my paper. Two more inches. OH WAIT! HAHA It's not a one-page response. It's a 450-500 word response. Hey! I'm already done! 15 words over. I guess I was actually done 20 minutes ago. Wow. What a pleasant surprise. I guess I can go to sleep now. I've made it a goal to sleep at midnight from now on. It's worked fairly well so far. I keep waking up at 7. Uh oh, I have a lot to do tomorrow. I hate the idea of doing work. Poo.
Looking forward for tomorrow: I'm going to watch a movie. I don't know what movie, but I will watch it. I will eat a banana wrap. I will get officially enrolled into my final class. I will eat very little. I will go on the elliptical. I will reread all my business chapters and completely understand all the little abbreviations. I will not stress out.
I can cook!
I went to Trader Joe's today and bought ... A GIANT BOTTLE OF CANOLA OIL! The world of cooking is now open to me. What can I make on a pan? Mmm ... I should have bought eggs. Damn it. Another trip to Trader Joe's is in order. Seeing as how I have a bus pass, I could totally go every day.
Things I want to make:
- Salmon burgers! Trader Joe's sells four patties for a little over $4 which is a little expensive but sounds easy enough to make.
- Grilled cheese sandwiches! OMG MY FAVORITE
- Scrambled eggs!
Mmm... I don't know any others. How exciting. I should also buy a saucepan. I want to make mac&cheese but I don't think that's possible with a frying pan.
Things I want to make:
- Salmon burgers! Trader Joe's sells four patties for a little over $4 which is a little expensive but sounds easy enough to make.
- Grilled cheese sandwiches! OMG MY FAVORITE
- Scrambled eggs!
Mmm... I don't know any others. How exciting. I should also buy a saucepan. I want to make mac&cheese but I don't think that's possible with a frying pan.
It's finally happened
I have nothing to eat.
I've feared this for a long time. When I'm at school, I really cut down on what I'm allowed to eat (usually unless special circumstances arise ex. I'm super insanely hungry or there just happens to be really temptingly delicious food in front of me) and every time I restart a diet phase, I decide to eliminate another food from my list of CAN EATS. I've always wondered what would happen the day I had nothing left to eat because it's unhealthy or because I've eaten it so much I hate it. I assumed this would occur some time in my late twenties but it's occurred ... today.
Fine, I'm probably exaggerating. I think today was just a bad day to eat. But entertain me for a while.
I went to the main student store (like an OVT for you UCSDers) and ... I didn't want any of the premade sandwiches. Too much dressing in them. I didn't want any of the sandwiches they make in front of you. They're too big. I don't really like their salads, I didn't feel like getting a smoothie because they taste too artificial to me. There's no way I'm touching the Grill section, I've never really liked the sushi, and I don't like eating packaged food, the kind you microwave or pour boiling water in. So ... I left that place emptyhanded.
Then I went to one of our dining halls. Here's what I got:
- Mashed potatoes. No gravy. They look like they were processed by a machine, and I think they are. I know I've had mashed potatoes here before, and they were really delicious, but I guess dinner quality is on another level from lunch quality.
- Cauliflower and broccoli. I think they've just been boiled. I always get this ... but usually as a side for something delicious. Today, it's the main part of my take out box. 5 pieces of giant cauliflower and 3 broccoli with no seasoning or anything on it is my main course.
- Spinach, cold tofu, cucumbers, and carrots.
- A piece of bread with a slice of cheese and a slice of turkey meat. Not even a regular sized piece of bread, but a child-sized piece of bread. I thought it was one of the tastiest things I've had in a long time, which may say something about how hungry I am
- An orange
And ... that's all.
I'm not sure if I would even want anything else. I think I actually kind of want scrambled eggs or something. A month ago I probably would have had cereal, but I'm starting to think I'm becoming lactose intolerant, so I no longer drink milk. Which means I no longer eat cereal. So ... that's out. A few months before that, I would have eaten a pre-made salad, but I usually don't find them anymore. A year ago, I would have eaten a packaged sandwich made by PaniniTime but that is such a distant memory.
On the other hand, I actually feel very full but I can't tell if it's because I'm actually full or if my body is saying "PLEASE stop putting this food into your mouth."
The apple juice hurts my throat because it's so sugary. HAHA I used to down this like water.
You know those people who are so shielded from bacteria and colds when they were young, that now they catch illnesses like crazy? I kind of want to be that, food-wise. Like, I've been shielded from greasy, processed, sugary, or seasoned foods for so long that it hurts when I eat them. Like, my body will not be able to take it. And I live my life eating raw vegetables and fruit. That's what I want. But as I said to Chrystal yesterday, "you know all this exercise that I do? I realized that it's just prolonging my life. And I would really like to die young. But I think I'm going to end up living for a very long time if I keep exercising and eating right."
I've feared this for a long time. When I'm at school, I really cut down on what I'm allowed to eat (usually unless special circumstances arise ex. I'm super insanely hungry or there just happens to be really temptingly delicious food in front of me) and every time I restart a diet phase, I decide to eliminate another food from my list of CAN EATS. I've always wondered what would happen the day I had nothing left to eat because it's unhealthy or because I've eaten it so much I hate it. I assumed this would occur some time in my late twenties but it's occurred ... today.
Fine, I'm probably exaggerating. I think today was just a bad day to eat. But entertain me for a while.
I went to the main student store (like an OVT for you UCSDers) and ... I didn't want any of the premade sandwiches. Too much dressing in them. I didn't want any of the sandwiches they make in front of you. They're too big. I don't really like their salads, I didn't feel like getting a smoothie because they taste too artificial to me. There's no way I'm touching the Grill section, I've never really liked the sushi, and I don't like eating packaged food, the kind you microwave or pour boiling water in. So ... I left that place emptyhanded.
Then I went to one of our dining halls. Here's what I got:
- Mashed potatoes. No gravy. They look like they were processed by a machine, and I think they are. I know I've had mashed potatoes here before, and they were really delicious, but I guess dinner quality is on another level from lunch quality.
- Cauliflower and broccoli. I think they've just been boiled. I always get this ... but usually as a side for something delicious. Today, it's the main part of my take out box. 5 pieces of giant cauliflower and 3 broccoli with no seasoning or anything on it is my main course.
- Spinach, cold tofu, cucumbers, and carrots.
- A piece of bread with a slice of cheese and a slice of turkey meat. Not even a regular sized piece of bread, but a child-sized piece of bread. I thought it was one of the tastiest things I've had in a long time, which may say something about how hungry I am
- An orange
And ... that's all.
I'm not sure if I would even want anything else. I think I actually kind of want scrambled eggs or something. A month ago I probably would have had cereal, but I'm starting to think I'm becoming lactose intolerant, so I no longer drink milk. Which means I no longer eat cereal. So ... that's out. A few months before that, I would have eaten a pre-made salad, but I usually don't find them anymore. A year ago, I would have eaten a packaged sandwich made by PaniniTime but that is such a distant memory.
On the other hand, I actually feel very full but I can't tell if it's because I'm actually full or if my body is saying "PLEASE stop putting this food into your mouth."
The apple juice hurts my throat because it's so sugary. HAHA I used to down this like water.
You know those people who are so shielded from bacteria and colds when they were young, that now they catch illnesses like crazy? I kind of want to be that, food-wise. Like, I've been shielded from greasy, processed, sugary, or seasoned foods for so long that it hurts when I eat them. Like, my body will not be able to take it. And I live my life eating raw vegetables and fruit. That's what I want. But as I said to Chrystal yesterday, "you know all this exercise that I do? I realized that it's just prolonging my life. And I would really like to die young. But I think I'm going to end up living for a very long time if I keep exercising and eating right."
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Superbowl Sunday
I watched the superbowl for the first time today. Not only that, but it's probably the longest I've ever watched a football game. I didn't even watch it in its entirety. Alvin came over and we kept switching between that and Mythbusters. I also stopped watching when there was only 2:45 left in the 4th quarter, which was the most important part of the entire game. I was sitting in bed reading when I heard a room down the hall yell and I thought "damn ... I probably should have just finished the game." Oh well. Football is fun to watch. I've always wanted to throw some sort of Superbowl party but I don't have friends to invite. My current friends would just change the channel or exit the living room to do other things. Which is why I think if I were to move in with someone, I would want them to like sports so we could invite friends over for a sports game party.
Alvin is sleeping on my floor right now. It's 8:05 pm. I was supposed to do all my homework yesterday but I haven't done any. I also didn't do laundry or go swimming. HEHE But today was for a good reason. Frances C came up! She laughed at the message I left on her voicemail because I had missed her call and I called back with "HI FRANCES! SORRY I MISSED YOUR CALL! I WAS AT THE GYM! I have to shower! Call me back around 10:30" and she and Alvin thought it was funny that I had already gotten up and gone to the gym by 10am. "It's like 'Sorry! I just got back from skiing!'" I walked extremely quickly to Dwinelle to meet up with her and took her to Raleigh's, where I've eaten like ... 3x in the past week. They have the best Caesar salad ever. Alvin came and we hung out in my room and then we went downstairs to get Ryno's and walked around campus. Frozen yogurt is TERRIBLE with skittles, as Alvin found out. Three hours later, she had to leave :( The last I ever saw of her was on Telegraph, as she was climbing into a Toyota Hybrid.
Alvin just kicked a bag and I looked over and he smiled and waved at me and then started snoring again. Watching Alvin sleep is like watching a baby sleep. It's very cute.
Aw! I wish my friends could visit more often. It's really not that far! A 5 hr drive ... at select times of the day. I love walking around campus, but it's even more fun when I'm walking around with friends. It's also a great excuse to eat out, and I've probably eaten out more often when friends come up.
I hate my women's studies class, which should be expected since I chose it because it "sounded interesting." I don't care about the class and I'm not willing to spend any money on it, which is very bad considering I have two reading assignments due and I have not yet gotten the $50 reader. Eff that! I don't want to get a reader! However, if I don't I won't be able to write the paper about the readings. Dilemma.
I'm reading a surprisingly good book called "Love and other impossible pursuits" which I have to return to the libary by 2/11. It's kind of embarassing to borrow these kind of girly books from the library, but whatever.
I've gotten extremely lazy about school. I need to remind myself that I planned to get a 4.0 this semester, and also that I planned to have a really flat stomach by 2/22.
Alvin is sleeping on my floor right now. It's 8:05 pm. I was supposed to do all my homework yesterday but I haven't done any. I also didn't do laundry or go swimming. HEHE But today was for a good reason. Frances C came up! She laughed at the message I left on her voicemail because I had missed her call and I called back with "HI FRANCES! SORRY I MISSED YOUR CALL! I WAS AT THE GYM! I have to shower! Call me back around 10:30" and she and Alvin thought it was funny that I had already gotten up and gone to the gym by 10am. "It's like 'Sorry! I just got back from skiing!'" I walked extremely quickly to Dwinelle to meet up with her and took her to Raleigh's, where I've eaten like ... 3x in the past week. They have the best Caesar salad ever. Alvin came and we hung out in my room and then we went downstairs to get Ryno's and walked around campus. Frozen yogurt is TERRIBLE with skittles, as Alvin found out. Three hours later, she had to leave :( The last I ever saw of her was on Telegraph, as she was climbing into a Toyota Hybrid.
Alvin just kicked a bag and I looked over and he smiled and waved at me and then started snoring again. Watching Alvin sleep is like watching a baby sleep. It's very cute.
Aw! I wish my friends could visit more often. It's really not that far! A 5 hr drive ... at select times of the day. I love walking around campus, but it's even more fun when I'm walking around with friends. It's also a great excuse to eat out, and I've probably eaten out more often when friends come up.
I hate my women's studies class, which should be expected since I chose it because it "sounded interesting." I don't care about the class and I'm not willing to spend any money on it, which is very bad considering I have two reading assignments due and I have not yet gotten the $50 reader. Eff that! I don't want to get a reader! However, if I don't I won't be able to write the paper about the readings. Dilemma.
I'm reading a surprisingly good book called "Love and other impossible pursuits" which I have to return to the libary by 2/11. It's kind of embarassing to borrow these kind of girly books from the library, but whatever.
I've gotten extremely lazy about school. I need to remind myself that I planned to get a 4.0 this semester, and also that I planned to have a really flat stomach by 2/22.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Checking People Out
I was hanging out with Alvin yesterday and after eating Slurp, which is like super cheap Chinese food, he saw one of his friends and started talking to him on the street. Then Alvin was like "that girl is totally checking me out" and I was like "uh ... how would you know" and he said "because she's looking at me and smiling."
Now, I'm not an expert on anything, much less the ways humans flirt with one another but that sounds like a pretty contestable line of reasoning. There are tons of reasons why a girl would be smiling at a guy without the intention of flirting. Off the top of my head:
1) Her friend was making fun of you and she was smiling and laughing at you
2) You remind her of something funny and she was laughing at you
3) She's smiling at something else and is just casually glancing away, but coincidentally in your direction
4) She's actually checking someone else out across the street but you're assuming it's you
5) She's a happy person who smiles. And happens to look at things with her eyes
I don't know but when I'm checking someone out on the street, I would never bother to smile at them. First, that's super awkward. Second, it's not like the person is going to stop on the street and start talking to you. We don't live in the country. We live in urban/suburban cities where people keep to themselves and are constantly rushing around. Third, it takes a lot of effort to actually smile, and when you're walking around smiling to yourself, you look like you're on drugs. If I were actually checking someone out, I would just pretend to happen to turn my head in their direction as I pass by them.
Now, I'm not an expert on anything, much less the ways humans flirt with one another but that sounds like a pretty contestable line of reasoning. There are tons of reasons why a girl would be smiling at a guy without the intention of flirting. Off the top of my head:
1) Her friend was making fun of you and she was smiling and laughing at you
2) You remind her of something funny and she was laughing at you
3) She's smiling at something else and is just casually glancing away, but coincidentally in your direction
4) She's actually checking someone else out across the street but you're assuming it's you
5) She's a happy person who smiles. And happens to look at things with her eyes
I don't know but when I'm checking someone out on the street, I would never bother to smile at them. First, that's super awkward. Second, it's not like the person is going to stop on the street and start talking to you. We don't live in the country. We live in urban/suburban cities where people keep to themselves and are constantly rushing around. Third, it takes a lot of effort to actually smile, and when you're walking around smiling to yourself, you look like you're on drugs. If I were actually checking someone out, I would just pretend to happen to turn my head in their direction as I pass by them.
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