Friday, January 11, 2008

Things I'd want in my future home

The title is really what this post is about but something more important came up in the 20 seconds after I decided to write a new post.


There are SO FEW shows now that actually have new episodes running, and the programming schedule is completely messed up and the last new episodes are almost never the intended mid-season finales, so I can't tell if there are new episodes coming up or not. Which is why I effing missed Friday Night Lights today. I realized this at 10:20, and the episode would have started at 9pm. ARGH. Ok, yes, I only have to wait until tomorrow morning to watch it, but STILL. WHY was I browsing the internet when there was TV to be watched?! *throws shoe at tv*

Anyway. So I'm back from a week at UCSD. Sunday until Friday. It was fun, but I'm happy to be home and I now realize that stays over 3-4 days are overextended. My eyes hurt because I spent a lot of the break just watching shows online and then playing this beyond addicting game. I finally beat it after about two days of playing. The congratulations screen was not all that rewarding, but I'll take what I can get. I want to find more online games to play. Minesweeper is growing old. Although I'm not sure if getting into games is the best route for the beginning of the new semester.

Oh dang. I realized that I didn't do my monthly "20 Things" at the beginning of January. Although, I haven't ever done it on the first day of the month, so whatever.

I like this song. The video is not great but I'm sure most people will end up watching it anyway. I enjoy quick montages of images when it's well-done (ie. not too fast and ending with some horribly stupid catchphrase that flashes) but they don't even go to the rhythm of the song. Match the song to the pictures when you make a video!

Did you try reading that while simultaneously trying to watch the video? And then did you keep getting distracted by the images of Kristen Bell and Jason Dohring? I know you did.

Ok. Is that enough random thoughts? Most people's posts seem to be about this long, but I haven't even cracked the surface of mine yet.

I went out with Eric, Jackie and Alvin and now it's 3:18am and I will no longer begin this post of "things I'd want in my future home." You guys are all dying to find out, huh? Maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow I will go to the library and see if I can salvage the remains of my brain.

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