We went back to stir our drinks and Connie had gotten one of those wooden stirrers and threw it away. She walks away, right when a 25-year old looking woman comes up and gets a wooden stirrer too. D says loudly to Connie "WOW Thanks for wasting wood!" and the stranger lady looks at him with a mix of surprise, confusion, and WTH. D very smoothly says "oh no not you, happy New Year!" and I'm to his left side laughing hysterically. It was awesome. I wish someone had recorded it.
Also, when we drove into the parking lot, the lady who took our money looked like a Disney character to me. This is not to be mean, but to simply comment on her hairstyle and height, but she looked like one of the Disney villains. So after we drove past I was like "GUYS! Didn't she look like one of the Disney witches?!" Everyone goes "uh... no... which one?" "One of the lesser known ones! I think she was in Sleeping Beauty. But not that tall black one. Does she take another form during the movie? Hmm ... maybe not sleeping beauty. I don't know! I'll find a picture of her at the store and point her out" "They only have princesses there, they don't have villains!"
And once we start going into stores I'm all "OK let's keep an eye out." There were some wall paintings of Alice in Wonderland so I was like "maybe she was in Alice in Wonderland... or maybe Robin Hood? She has blonde hair." (WAIT WTF, isn't it blonde not blond? There is a red squiggly under blonde)
Frances goes off and comes back and says "I think I found her. Are you sure she has blonde hair, meltang?" "YES! I'm certain of it! It's blonde!" "The person I found has purple hair" "Then it's not her!" "Let's go look anyway" ... "OMG IT'S HER!!!"
New Years is unexpectedly fun. HAHA. I don't like Thanksgiving or Christmas Day but I think 12/31 turns out ok most of the time.
More quotes just because I'd like to remember them:
*while at Frances' house*
Frances' mom: Be safe tonight!
Me: Well, we're going to Disneyland so I thought that it would be pretty safe
*Mom walks away*
Me: I was about to tell her how my cousin went to Vegas once for New Years and they were pulling over gangbangers and taking handguns from them, to show her that Disneyland is much safer in comparison, but I realized that I probably shouldn't
Frances: There would have been a long awkward pause, and then a speech
*while driving Connie and Frances to my house*
Me: Fine. I'll drive you guys. But no one can speak to me.
Connie: Are you nervous? Why are you clutching the steering wheel so hard?
*Driving past a police women controlling traffic who is actually quite young*
Me: Wow, I want to learn how to put my hair up like hers. It's pretty
Di (rolling down window): HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Di: How old is your brother?
Me: He's four years older than me so 20. (realizing that this means it's illegal for him to drink) Wait a minute ... 22? 23? 24?
Di: How old are you?!
Me: 19. I think he's 22.
(After typing this out, I realized that he's actually three years older than me, but I never caught my mistake)
*In Sephora*
Will (holding some bath product): WHOA what is this? It looks delicious
Me: My brother said there's a 50/50 chance that they won't have fireworks because there's a lot of wind but I was like "of COURSE they'll have fireworks! Otherwise people would get angry"
*Upon reaching Downtown Disney, where there are signs with Fireworks Canceled signs*
Group: aww...

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