Why: It seems like the kind of job I'd actually enjoy, it's a stable market, it pays well, the major involves no science classes, I can travel for business, I like to wear dress shirts, I'd probably respect the people I'm working with
Difficulties: Getting chosen for a first interview, much less an actual position, for a top firm
Possible downfall: I become blind from staring at a computer monitor all day, or I get carpal tunnel syndrome. Considering I'm already practically blind, I really hope eye-swapping surgery becomes more advanced in the next few decades
Unrealistic: Celebrity via acting with an upcoming action movie
Why: By default, this means I'm pretty and thin, I can meet other celebrities, people would read my blog and post "I LOVE YOU, you're awesome" comments, if I were in an action film, I'd have my own personal trainer and consequently, really awesome abs
Difficulties: Lack of acting talent, lack of beauty, too fat for the camera, Asian, inability to memorize lines, unmarketable
Possible downfall: Whoring myself around Hollywood and getting a trashy reputation
Childhood: Architect
Why: I liked my Legos, I liked drawing lines with my ruler, I liked math
Difficulties: Inability to draw, you have to enter architecture programs extremely early in college, never taken a physics class, all the houses I drew as a kid were basically the same thing
Possible downfall: Having a mental breakdown during architecture class when I realize I have absolutely no talent or creativity
Slacker (if something terrible happened and I somehow ended up without a college education): Server at a cute little cafe that serves sandwiches and salads
Why: I can talk to random people, I can get free food, it's more relaxing than a busy restaurant, if a hot person comes in, I can flirt with them and say "this one's on me"
Difficulties: Inability to deal with customers who get angry at me
Possible downfall: Turning to Hooters for better tips
you should be an architect! I remember how much you liked building houses in the Sims, which was the most boring part for me.
love the drawing =D
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