Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm a cereal monster

Oh my god I just ate twice as much cereal as I usually do. The first bowl was because I was hungry and I needed something to do while reading tv recaps. The second bowl was because I thought I only had thismuch milk left. It turns out I had enough for a full meal. I poured out the entire milk carton, and when it passed the point I thought it would reach my mind went "oh fuck... not ... a good idea..." I realize now that the smart thing to do would have been to put the bowl of milk into the fridge. Actually, typing that out, I realize that would have been the really bizarre thing to do. Anyway, I decided "hey, I'm going to read the recap for the Hills and eat another bowl of cereal"

Fast forward to the present, where I'm sitting in my chair and I feel really fat. I can't really gym today because I have so much economics to study for, which I SHOULD HAVE been doing when I was reading tv recaps OF SHOWS I WATCHED YESTERDAY. Also, I EAT SO MUCH CEREAL. I never really know how much cereal I'm eating, because I just fill a bowl with milk and eat cereal accordingly. Well, I just realized that in this two bowl fiasco, I ate 2/3 OF A BAG. TWO-FUCKING-THIRDS.

A little math for your Tuesday:
If there are 15 servings to a box of cereal, and each serving amounts to 120 calories and 6g of sugar, how much have you eaten if you ate 2/3 (or 10 servings) of a box?


I also sat in my demography class today slowly having a quiet panic attack as I realized how much crap I have to do. I honestly forgot that I had my Haas application to fill out and when I sat down in demography, I suddenly realized, TOMORROW IS WEDNESDAY. The day I said I would finish my essays by. FUCK FUCK.

things i need to worry about before thanksgiving:
economics studying
swimming today
gymming today and tomorrow

things i need to worry about during thanksgiving:
running everyday
not eating too much
finishing haas essay
comp sci project
taking pictures

things i need to worry about after thanksgiving:
losing pre-holiday weight (the buffer amount of thinness I will attain so when I inevitably gain my holiday weight over December, my first reaction will not be to kill myself)
finishing comp sci project
rcsa stuff
asuc stuff
read economics
try to understand demography
christmas shopping

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