Somewhere in the middle of this, he told us about an idea for a game show he has, and if I didn't have so many projects to do, I would totally present it to a tv network. Basically, you have two people and a host who says something like "Your task is: to eat a plate of worms" and the first person goes "Mr. Host, I would eat a plate of worms for $50" and the second person goes "I would eat a plate of worms for $30" and the first person responds "I would eat a plate of worms for $25" and the second person goes "You may eat the plate of worms"
Seriously, as an avid, (and looking at the labels I have in my blog, you can tell I really do mean AVID) tv-watcher, I think this has some serious potential. It has drama, it has people degrading themselves, it has money at stake. Also, in lieu of this writers strike, it's SO much more likely for this idea to get onto the air. Imagine the money you could make from this. Maybe like Deal or No Deal, there can be Maxim models holding up the plate of worms. I would just feel a little sick in my soul, knowing that I was responsible for putting another reality show on the air.
Later in the day, I came home and was deciding between swimming or eating. Problem: I didn't know what to eat. Solution: Just go swim, and then I'll know what to eat. Problem: I really dn't feel like swimming. Solution: Just force yourself to swim. Problem: I delayed so long that in the end I figured there wasn't enough time to swim (although there totally was)
But then I looked at the menu and I mentioned how Cafe3 has a baked potato bar, and at Chrystal's reaction, "OMG A BAKED POTATO BAR *__*" we just went down to eat. All I can say is:
Seriously, I haven't had warm food in ... possibly two weeks. The food I eat is quite literally just a cycle of cereal, cashew crunch, granola bars, salads, and sandwiches. So when I got a bowl of noodles, I wolfed it down. I wasn't planning on getting a potato, but I did. There was even CHILI. I fucking LOVE chili. It's one of those things that my mom doesn't make, because she either doesn't want to or doesn't know how, so I love to eat it whenever I get the chance. I think I might have gone overboard when I got a second bowl of chili, but I'll just tell myself that it's soup. Really fatty soup. I also got an Oreo Brownie, which I do NOT regret at all because it was DELICIOUS. Brownies are the most disgusting dessert to me (so dry and too chocolately) but this was heaven.
The past few days, I can feel myself growing more discontent because I've been exercising twice a day, but I haven't eaten anything particularly yummy. Every morning, as I sit in class, I dream about what I'm going to eat for lunch. In the end, I end up eating something I did not crave and will never crave, but is fairly healthy. Then at night I end up eating enough cashew crunch that I don't eat a good, complete dinner. Which means the next morning, the cycle repeats because I've been ultra hungry for the past 12 hours. So today, I was like FOR ONE DAY, I am going to just eat this. So far, I'm okay with it. We'll see tomorrow. If it turns out well, maybe I'll revise my diet. Once every two weeks, I'll allow myself something delicious. I'll have little stars in my calendar for those days. Or maybe little drawings of a fat girl.
Another possibility is that I'm just getting my period soon, which would explain the sudden cravings, random mood swings, and slight bloating. Fuck being a girl. Just take all my eggs. I don't plan on using them.
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