All I need is money, good music, possibly a dog, an apartment with a loft, time to watch tv, and a thin body (and at some point, a relationship).
Anyway, I want everything. Seriously. To my unknowledgable fashion eye, most of these things all look the same to me. All that my brain can process is "wow that looks nice" and "wow that is a very well known brand" and "wow give me give me." Let's say I had $1000...
1. Sunglasses
I could probably find a pair of sunglasses that I would love even more, but from this site's selection, this is what I'd get. I look ridiculous in those giant bug-eyed ones and I like fairly dark tinted lenses. I don't understand why people wear sunglasses that are practically clear. It boggles me. These are basically the narrowest pair that I saw and I think it would fit my face ok. I really like sporty looking sunglasses though - the kind of that I see athletes wear around campus. But wearing them would make me an athletes poser.
*also, I wrote in the html that makes this text float to the right MYSELF. my god, computer science turned out to be the most useful class I've taken yet*
I just grabbed a picture. I can't see for shit from these little thumbnails, and even if the jeans were blown up to the size of my monitor, I still wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I just want more jeans. Any jeans, as long as they look good and make my legs look thin.
3. Dress
Do I need a black dress? I don't think so. But I want one. I probably have no occasion to wear it too, and even if I had to go to a funeral, I don't think this would be appropriate. I don't own any pretty black heels, so this means I'd have to buy a new pair of shoes too...
4. Jackets
Oh my gosh. I'd buy every jacket and every sweater they have on this site. I love winter clothes. I'm such a norcal girl. I hate wearing tshirts and tanks and camis. I do like wearing shorts though. But I'd rather wear jeans. I hate flip flops. I love sneakers. I'd probably love boots too, if I didn't think they were such a hassle to put on. In SF, I could go shopping in a suit and no one would think anything of it. In socal, I'd feel like a crazy workaholic who didn't have time to go home and change if I did that.
5. Sweaters
I don't know why I like this so much. I'm not British. I don't have the thin upper arms to pull this off. I also don't need it in cashmere. Just print it up on a cotton sweater and I'd totally buy it for $20. I don't care.
The only thing I don't want is just about everything from the shirts and blouses section. Do I just have absolutely no fashion sense or are those all older lady clothing? I can't imagine wearing these things to the office, because I'd probably be wearing a suit. At the same time, I can't imagine wearing these out to shopping or something. I can imagine other people doing so, but I would feel so frumpy and lumpy in them. I don't think my body parts fit these types of clothing very well.
Wow. That was a really good way to use up an hour of my life.
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