8:30 - I wake up and start stressing about a ton of different little things. My hair feels disgustingly gross because I haven't washed it in a few days, and I'm planning to wash it after I gym. This just means that I have to endure an hour of feeling like I can't look at anyone in the eye, because my hair is just so dirty
9:20 - I go to the gym 20 minutes later than usual. Thankfully, there are still ellipticals open.
10:30 - I have one of the most glorious showers ever. I put so much shampoo on. Note: I HATE garnier shampoo. I bought a regular sized bottle before I left for college because I always thought that it smelled really good. Thank GOD I didn't buy the costco sized bottle because this shampoo SUCKS. It doesn't lather very well, and you have to squeeze out a TON in order to feel like it works at all. I want to go back to Herbal Essences, but it'll probably take me the entire year to finish this bottle.
12:00 - Economics.
1:00 - I walk to the Statistics library to do homework. I forget to bring the paper that I use for homework, so I don't put much effort in it. I sit next to this girl who constantly makes the most terrifying, loud coughs. I can't even remember it anymore, but it was pretty annoying
2:00 - I decide to go to the earlier demography section. Even though I KNEW it would rain today, I didn't bring an umbrella. I end up getting extremely soaked
3:00 - The rain has stopped. Which means if I had gone home at the usual time and gone to section at my usual time, I would not have even gotten wet. I wait in line to buy a tuna sandwich. Even though I KNOW this is more than enough, I can't wait to eat so I also buy a scone that I can eat as I walk home
3:30 - I finish eating my scone AND my tuna sandwich. I feel like barfing
4:00 - I nap in my bed. INSTEAD of going to my computer science lecture
5:00 - I wake up ... when my class would have ended. I stay in bed and finish reading Fried Green Tomatoes. Throughout this 400 page book, I've only been able to identify 3 characters. I have no idea what the relations between all the OTHER characters are, but I've somehow managed to finish the entire book without knowing. I still think it's a good book, but I think I would have liked it more if I actually knew who was who
5:20 - I finally get out of bed after lying in it for 10 minutes just staring blankly at my room. I don't want to get up because I know the first thing I will do is look at myself in the mirror and see that my gigantic stomach.
5:31 - I feel immediately depressed because my stomach is gigantic and I still feel like barfing out my food. I seriously consider this option. But I never will because I once puked after consuming a crap load of macaroons and alcohol, and the satisfaction I had was a little scary
5:35 - I watch my computer science lecture webcast. Which is when I find out that the ONE TIME I ditch class, they have people fill out course evaluations, which is how they are going to give participation points. THE ONE TIME. GOD. I never even ditch class EVER. I'd be more pissed if I really cared but I'm kind of apathetic towards school lately
6:00 - I watch a bunch of episodes of Laguna Beach. When you skip all the non-Lauren parts (aka the actually interesting parts) you're not left with very much. It's very weird to rewatch the first season several years later. I think the first time I watched it, I thought "Why is Lauren Conrad even in this? She's not even in Kristin's group" but now I'm like "IDIOTS! Why aren't you on your hands and knees serving Lauren? She is your paycheck and door to fame"
7:30 - I want to post a new blog but Blogger is down.
8:00 - I turn on the TV to watch How I Met Your Mother. I unknowingly turn it onto FOX, and when the Cops theme song comes on I go WTF and realize that I've missed the first few minutes of HIMYM. Which slightly pisses me off. I end up half watching and half working on demography homework, which is LAME because I think this episode was really good and I should have just given it my full attention.
8:30 - Instead of doing my laundry, I write this blog. I now have NO underwear unless I do laundry after Heroes. Sigh. I guess I will.
I still feel insanely full from the tuna sandwich and scone.
I think whenever I'm about to go home, I stress about having to get thinner which only makes me fatter. Which then makes me sad. It also gives me pimples, which then makes me even uglier, which then makes me not want to take pictures and now I have no good, current pictures of myself. What a vicious cycle.
I can't believe my school week is ending in two days! Most of me is super lazy and is just waiting for the weekend to come. A small part of me, which is really the past me, emerges sometimes and goes "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! You have so much work to do! You should be doing next week's work so you don't have to do anything when you get back! You can't be watching tv all day! Get on your ass!" And then that part is forgotten when I turn on the tv.
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