Waking up at 11 also means I won't be able to gym. AGAIN. In a consecutive day. OMG WTF why is it that the time I REALLY need to gym, right before I go home, I end up NOT GYMMING?! I'm pretty sure it's my subconscious trying to sabotage my fragile self image. I cannot fail to go to the gym tomorrow morning. OMG I actually won't be able to - I have to pick up club sweatshirts. ARGHHHH. This week is turning out to be really shitty. I think I'll just wake up at 7 and go gymming.
I think I've seriously turned into one of those people who HAVE to gym or their entire schedule, mood and state of mind is ruined. Honestly, whenever I skip out on gymming, I feel ultra guilty about it for an hour. And then throughout the day, I'll kind of tell myself that my body hasn't gotten any larger. But the second that I realize I CAN'T gym for the rest of the day, and that I have missed out on a day of gymming, my body image goes WAY down. I look in the mirror and I'm like "WHAT IS THIS?" Is this some kind of psychological illness?
Daily media...
KRISTEN BELL on Heroes next week! I have to admit Heroes isn't really good this season. Really boring story lines, terrible special effects (except for the toe thing), too many characters with superpowers. Seriously, it's nice that people have superpowers but does EVERY FREAKING character need one? It'd be interesting if there were some more normal people thrown into the mix. Not that I'm discriminating against people with powers...
I think I'd watch this show for another season and a half, at this quality. I'd only watch this much because I loved the first season so much. But I think I might actually stop if Sylar kills Kristen Bell. I don't think I could take the sight of that. I can't wait for scenes with Kristen Bell and Hayden Panettiere. I am going to be all over that screencap. My two favorite television blondes!
I really want an ice cream sandwich. Which would violate rules "don't eat past 10," "don't eat desserts," "don't eat ice cream," "don't eat too much on days you don't exercise" and "don't be a fatass please."
FINALLY, I want the new album by The Perishers and the album containing songs that I would like by Jude. Jude is a really hard band to download music for, because all the results you'll ever get are Hey Jude by The Beatles. I hate it when bands have names like that.
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