Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Transfer: complete!

I finished transferring my music! Only a few hiccups along the way where I would sit at my computer and wonder what was the most logical thing to do.

1. Songs that "feature" an artist. Which is essentially every popular song now. I don't know who to attribute a song to - like, is Rihanna the main artist or is Sean Paul the main artist? Who is featuring who? I generally figure the first voice I hear is the main artist, but this seems unfair to anyone who collaborates with Jay-Z. Jay-Z is always the first to be heard, but I don't think he contributes anything significant.

2. Is Hannah Montana Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus? Previously, I refused to acknowledge this split personality and just labeled everything Miley Cyrus. But now I realize that there is a difference in a Hannah Montana song and a Miley Cyrus song. So I reseparated them

3. Complete albums? If I like a majority of the songs on an album, I like to have all the songs because then I'll label track numbers and album title. But then I don't know if I should keep songs that I hate. For instance, should I download Matt Pond Pa - Crickets, since it's the only song missing from the five albums I have of his? Even if it is literally just CRICKETS CHIRPING for a good two minutes?! WHY do artists like to put stupid shit on their cds? Like when there's just noise for thirty seconds before the song finally starts. Unnecessary!

So I guess that's one goal I can cross off my summer to do list. Next: Read my "Excel 2007 for dummies" book

This is my new favorite song and I will probably play it until the end of summer.

Set Me Free - The Lovemakers

I just read the following FML (which I haven't read in so long)
Today, it was my 18th birthday. I got one thing: a fancy electric toothbrush from my little sister. I would say I'm happy to have something rather than nothing, except, for as long as the toothbrush works, there will be a Hannah Montana concert going on in my mouth. FML

Sadly, my first thought was actually: "where can I get this toothbrush?!" Here. But they only sell Pump Up the Party and Best of Both Worlds. If they had had Rock Star or See You Again, or Nobody's Perfect, I would have done it. Actually, for SURE I would have done Nobody's Perfect, because I really did use that as my wake up morning song last semester. (proof)

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