Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Today I went grocery shopping with Alvin at 99 Ranch. At work, I also did the most e-mailing I have ever done. This internship has made me read much more news and talk to more friends than I ever would have otherwise. Oftentimes I finish my projects and my supervisor doesn't have anything prepared for me to do, so she tells me to play with the computer. I do so very obligingly. So e-mail me if you want to start an e-mail chain with me!

I optimistically bought a ton of garlic and many vegetables at 99 Ranch. Not quite sure what I will do with all this garlic. Generally I just cook vegetables and I feel like they taste just fine without having to go through the trouble of mincing garlic. We made dumplings (Alvin, Jackie and I) which I thought was really cool. The dumplings ended up taking about 90 minutes to make, but we started eating them once a batch was done, so I was not painfully hungry. I think we may have made about 210 dumpings, all for about $9! We each have a tray of 60ish left to eat at our own leisure, which is awesome (although it increases the chance that I will have rotting vegetables at the end of the week).

I have been trying to gather recipes in my head to determine what ingredients I need to make delicious foods. I need to go through my kitchen and take inventory and throw out shit. I have thrown away so much food ever since I started living in an apartment. I imagine that I'm going to feel REALLY depressed if I'm old, still single, and I constantly throw out food because there is no one for me to eat with.

I wish there were sites with more Chinese food recipes. I am SERIOUSLY going to learn to make delicious foods. Best case scenario: I learn how to cook well and people think I am amazing. Worst case scenario: I die of food poisoning.

I have been steadily transferring music. I just broke into the D's. Sometimes I'm very conflicted about whether I should transfer a song or not. For example, Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On. I don't think I could ever listen to the song in its entirety. I'm not in fifth grade anymore. But at the same time, how can you NOT have that song in your itunes?! What if I have friends over and Titanic works itself into conversation and we want to sing My Heart Will Go On together? Prepare for the unexpected.

*songs left to transfer: 3193* Oh god, I was going to finish up the D's but I just hit David Tao and I have 24 songs and I definitely do not want all 24. I'll do this tomorrow. Damn those random asian music phases, where I just added songs all willy nilly.

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