*I was contemplating posting this to my secret blog instead of my public blog because I don't like having super long entries in my public blog. But Laura says I have not blogged in a while (only two days honestly) and I knew if I didn't publish this tonight, I would have just deleted it. So here you go. I plan to control my blogging though, so hopefully I won't write about anything for a while*
It's 11:00 and I'm hoping to sleep within the hour. I went to sleep at midnight yesterday and woke up around 6:30 which goes to show that I can't sleep more than 7 hours! My face is starting to break out - maybe stress is finally starting to work its evil on me :(
I realized that I had quite a bit of free time today. I had a lot of things I COULD have done, and it was interesting to see what I decided to do instead. So my day consisted of:
1) Gym
I went on the elliptical but for some reason I was too lazy to do the rowing machine. I may be paranoid, but I think I lost some of my back muscle. I wish I had shoulder blades that could CUT. Rowing isn't very fun anymore. And it's very easy to just stop rowing, whereas on the elliptical, it actually takes some effort to stop your momentum.
2) Work
I was deciding between going to the Haas Computing Center, going back to the RSF to study accounting, or going to work. I decided to work, partly because I ditched yesterday and had to make up the hours, and also because I am in love with my current iPod playlist and I love to work when I have good music. I can tell I am going to be one of those people who try to escape life's problems through work. I have done it a lot this semester. When I have a whole crapload of stuff to do and a ton of things to stress about, it's very comforting to just go to work and put in the hours and KNOW that I'm being productive about one thing at least, even though it may not be the most productive use of my time.
3) Class
I think the most LOL moment of today was when I walked into Andersen auditorium, stood in front of the room, searched for Kristen, saw her, then made a "let's get the fuck out of here" motion. She laughed and we walked out of class before it ever began. HAHA I was sitting in my other accounting class, trying to remember what we had learned in managerial yesterday. I realized I had absolutely no idea, and I figure, why waste an hour falling asleep when I could be ... eating ice cream with Kristen in my apartment. Which is what we did. HAHA
4) More work
Sometimes I get very annoyed while working because it is such a dead-end job for me. I like how I get a paycheck. But I am not going to get a full-time position and I feel like I've already learned all the things I could use in future interview answers. I wish I had done something else this year, like another job. I wish I had more things on my resume or more experiences to talk about.
I get the impression that working in Souplantation during high school was actually a much smarter decision than I thought. I really just did it at the time because I wanted to work in a restaurant and I didn't think I would have the chance to do it again once college started (that may not be so true now! HAHA Can you imagine if I went to college for four years and just ended up back at Souplantation?). But yeah, I think having that on my resume piqued several recruiters' interest just because it was a name they recognized and wasn't something that people usually include on a resume. Now that I'm applying for more positions that have nothing to do with accounting, I really regret not doing EVERYTHING I could have possibly done in college. I wish I had gotten another job for more experience, or taken more leadership roles or joined other clubs. I have absolutely no idea what any of these would have been, but I just wish I had. Seriously, I somehow pull out the craziest experiences and lessons learned from the few leadership roles I've taken on, and it makes me wonder what more I could say if I had done other things.
5) Rikyu Sushi
omg I haven't had sushi in so long. Sometimes I think that the most compelling reason for me to go back to Arcadia is just so I can eat Ichima Sushi. I do not like, no that is an understatement, I HATE the Berkeley sushi restaurants, at least the ones near campus. I know there are good places in Solano and obviously in SF but I never have the chance to go out there. Luckily, my niece has a car so we drove down to Rockridge. There were only three other parties that ate in the restaurant the entire time we were there. It is kind of depressing - I know it's a Wednesday, but I think the bigger issue is that people aren't eating out as much anymore, especially not sushi which is pretty expensive. My niece and I spent the entire dinner talking about how craptacular the economy is which made me feel 1) old and 2) sad about life.
But the sushi was AMAZING. Oddly, I didn't like the tuna too much and couldn't even recognize it as tuna. But the salmon was melt in your mouth and the albacore mmmmmmmm. I can't decide what my favorite sashimi is. I generally LOVE tuna. I think salmon agrees with me the most, but I've eaten that ever since I was young so it's not as special as albacore. Salmon is like Breyer's Coffee Ice Cream - more common and still fantastically good, but albacore is like Ici's Earl Grey - probably just as good as the Breyer's but because I don't eat it as often, it's 10x better in my mind
6) Read the news
I was supposed to study accounting, but I decided to read the news. The news is so depressing. The poor economy has trickled down to everything! Even my precious television. I feel like this is the first thing in my lifetime that will be written into history books that I will actually have a perspective on and memories to tell. 9/11 didn't really affect me too much, I was too young to remember a life before the technology boom, and I know nothing about the Iraq war. But I know TONS about how the economy has affected me personally and people around me. I wonder what catchy phrase they are going to label our generation with. Not even just our generation, but all the different age groups - old people who have to deal with retirement plans getting wiped out, middle aged people who get laid off and have to restart their entire careers, and the college students graduating into a shitty job market. How are they going to generalize our emotions and motivations?
This is my own perspective and I wonder whether other people would think that this is similar to their situation.
1) I think that a few years ago, I was highly concerned with finding a career that would suit me, that I would really enjoy and would mean more to me than just a paycheck. I really think auditing was that career for me, and even if I don't get a job right out of college, I can see myself continuing to pursue it in the long-term. But I'm currently under the mindset, AS LONG AS IT'S A JOB, I'll take it. I don't care how much it pays, whether it requires me to move, whether the work culture fits my personality, or how it fits into my long-term goals. I just freaking want a job
2) I wish I could hide out in a grad school for a few years until the economy blows over and I can
go back out into the job market with an extra degree. I find it ironic that I went into business being told that it was extremely practical and THE MAJOR to guarantee me a job and now, not only can I not find a job, but I also think it would be impossible for me to apply to any grad school with this major. Which means I've somehow led myself into a giant dead-end.
3) I am the kind of person who plans out their life very carefully and has to know exactly what the end game is and the exact steps I'm going to take to get there. But now, I'm kind of forced to think more like, ok one step at a time, don't think too far in the future because nothing is certain. It's kind of scary yet at the same time, very relieving to know that I don't have to think about what I'm going to do after I graduate, because my greater concern is figuring out what I'm going to do this summer. All of my concerns are much more short-term now, I think because the long-term is just so overwhelming.
4) As opposed to freaking out constantly about not having a set future, I feel like most people can take a little comfort in the fact that so many people are in the exact same position. I think it was ... Christina ... or Leneve? who was like "I actually feel better! I don't think there's so much pressure to immediately find a job because you can just blame the economy." I stress out, sure, but I don't think I stress out nearly as much as I would have in high school.
So it's now midnight. I took an entire hour to write this blog. You probably took three minutes to skim it and decide that this entry was not worth reading. I was just thinking about this today. So the background is, I met a person a few months ago and I was just like OMG HOW IS SHE SO AMAZING? I don't know her at all, but just from the few conversations and my facebook stalking, it is obvious that she is very talented in a ton of things, and involved in a lot of different things. I guess I met her around the time that I realized how much I fail at life, so it was like WOW I suck and then WOW I suck A LOT relative to some people! So for the past semester I've been kind of like, what DO I do with my life?! How do other people spend their days and why is mine so unproductive? What are people's hobbies and how do they fit it into their days? I know everyone says they just go online and surf the internet or chat with friends, but is that really true? I say that's my hobby too, but I want to be able to say something more than that. I find it really embarassing to realize that what I do for fun is waste my life browsing the internet and constantly checking to see if a webpage has any recent updates.
I realize now that my hobby is apparently blogging and it takes up about 1-2 hours of my day. What a freaking useless life.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I need to regulate
I think I talk too much. I need to start keeping my thoughts to myself. I wonder when I started this habit of saying everything that is on my mind. It probably annoys everyone to death - knowing all the foods I want to eat and when I regret something. I need to work on being more mysterious so people actually need to take time to know me. I can't believe I've turned into that friend who talks too much.
I figure most of my friends know enough about me (Frances C might laugh at that HAHA). And when people ask me how my day was, I get the impression that after I tell them about my day, they are thinking "I have no idea what she just said because she rambles and my mind glazed over." So stop asking me that! I kind of hate that question actually, even though I ask it to everyone. I feel like I am the kind of person who will immediately start a conversation with "OMG THIS HAPPENED TO ME" if it's really worth talking about. But when I'm asked "what did you do today!" I have to grasp at straws. Boring, boring straws.
I downloaded a bunch of new songs that I LOVE. I did not like Beyonce's Single Ladies for a long time but now I kind of do. I REALLY like Halo - I didn't know if it was popular or not but it's #12 on Billboard so I guess it is. Most of Beyonce's non singles aren't very good in my opinion. She kind of pops out a ton of songs without refining them.
I went through one day without gum and I thought I was going to go insane. Thank god I went to Costco today - I would seriously have bought packets of gum for $1
I figure most of my friends know enough about me (Frances C might laugh at that HAHA). And when people ask me how my day was, I get the impression that after I tell them about my day, they are thinking "I have no idea what she just said because she rambles and my mind glazed over." So stop asking me that! I kind of hate that question actually, even though I ask it to everyone. I feel like I am the kind of person who will immediately start a conversation with "OMG THIS HAPPENED TO ME" if it's really worth talking about. But when I'm asked "what did you do today!" I have to grasp at straws. Boring, boring straws.
I downloaded a bunch of new songs that I LOVE. I did not like Beyonce's Single Ladies for a long time but now I kind of do. I REALLY like Halo - I didn't know if it was popular or not but it's #12 on Billboard so I guess it is. Most of Beyonce's non singles aren't very good in my opinion. She kind of pops out a ton of songs without refining them.
I went through one day without gum and I thought I was going to go insane. Thank god I went to Costco today - I would seriously have bought packets of gum for $1
Friday, April 24, 2009
What I regret in life
I think a year ago I would have said that I never regretted anything in my life. (Besides the consumption of sugary foods). But for obvious reasons, lately I have been thinking of what I should have done differently in college. Li-Ting said I should stop looking backwards and just look forward because I can't change the past. I agree with that, but I feel like if I don't take some time to think about what I did wrong, I won't ever learn.
What worries me the most is how I'm not often moved to take action. I have a ton of lists lying around that are things I want to do. Just on this one blog there are TWO lists of things I want to do. I own three different notebooks where I also write down goals, I have documents on my computer, I have an email saved as a draft in my gmail, and I have written probably hundreds of lists on scratch paper when an idea comes to me. I have all these lists, but years later, so many of the things still remain.
I'm on the phone with my mom. She just said to me "we had a symposium - you know what a symposium is right?" I said yes. But the truth is that I don't. My mom's English is better than mine.
Mom: Luxury cars depreciate extremely rapidly! You know what depreciation is right?
Yes. I think I might have heard of something called depreciation. HAHA
Oh no, I just ended the call and it lasted an hour and ten minutes. I should not call her before/during writing a blog entry because afterwards I have no motivation to continue and I forget what I wanted to talk about. Ummmmmmmm
Yeah. I feel like there are so many things I want to change about my life, and from time to time I will get these bursts of inspiration, like TODAY IS THE DAY I'm going to blah blah blah! But then within a few hours that determination dies. Also, when something disappointing happens to me, I'm just kind of like "ok" and don't really do anything about it. I think, that's that, life moves on, which is an ok sentiment to have, but I wish I were more inspired to take action.
Ugh I am really annoyed about the fact that before I called my mom I had my entire entry planned out and now it's starting to be all over the place and I have no idea how I wanted to end it. UGH! It makes me want to delete this entry, because I would rather write something coherent and concise than a rambling one that just repeats the same ideas over and over. This has happened a lot lately - I'll write a post but my thoughts are not fluid so I end up saying the same initial thoughts without a real conclusion.
My mom has crazy days. I feel like she's doing a lot with her life, and when she tells me about it on the phone, it makes me feel really bad about my own life. She gets up around 5:30 to get ready for work and leaves around 6:30. She drives to the bus station and then sleeps on the bus until it reaches her office in LA. Then she works at an office that has a much more stressful work culture than her previous workplace. She comes home, my dad will have dinner ready for her, she will eat for like ten minutes, and then she races off to her community college classes that she is already 20 minutes late for. Despite being 20 minutes late every day, she is still at the top of her class and her teachers often give her extra work that is different from the rest of the class because she is so ahead. She has class from 6:00-9:00 and she'll come back around 9:20. THEN she goes online to learn English ONLINE on her own using Studio Classroom. And she finally goes to sleep around 11:00. She doesn't watch any more tv, she doesn't even read the newspaper anymore. She is insane.
The song I actually like at the moment is Creature Fear but I already know it is too mellow for anyone to listen to. Not that anyone clicks these music videos, I presume.
I'm heading over to Laura's. My excuse is that my brain is too tired to think so studying is futile. But socializing requires little to no brain power!
What worries me the most is how I'm not often moved to take action. I have a ton of lists lying around that are things I want to do. Just on this one blog there are TWO lists of things I want to do. I own three different notebooks where I also write down goals, I have documents on my computer, I have an email saved as a draft in my gmail, and I have written probably hundreds of lists on scratch paper when an idea comes to me. I have all these lists, but years later, so many of the things still remain.
I'm on the phone with my mom. She just said to me "we had a symposium - you know what a symposium is right?" I said yes. But the truth is that I don't. My mom's English is better than mine.
Mom: Luxury cars depreciate extremely rapidly! You know what depreciation is right?
Yes. I think I might have heard of something called depreciation. HAHA
Oh no, I just ended the call and it lasted an hour and ten minutes. I should not call her before/during writing a blog entry because afterwards I have no motivation to continue and I forget what I wanted to talk about. Ummmmmmmm
Yeah. I feel like there are so many things I want to change about my life, and from time to time I will get these bursts of inspiration, like TODAY IS THE DAY I'm going to blah blah blah! But then within a few hours that determination dies. Also, when something disappointing happens to me, I'm just kind of like "ok" and don't really do anything about it. I think, that's that, life moves on, which is an ok sentiment to have, but I wish I were more inspired to take action.
Ugh I am really annoyed about the fact that before I called my mom I had my entire entry planned out and now it's starting to be all over the place and I have no idea how I wanted to end it. UGH! It makes me want to delete this entry, because I would rather write something coherent and concise than a rambling one that just repeats the same ideas over and over. This has happened a lot lately - I'll write a post but my thoughts are not fluid so I end up saying the same initial thoughts without a real conclusion.
My mom has crazy days. I feel like she's doing a lot with her life, and when she tells me about it on the phone, it makes me feel really bad about my own life. She gets up around 5:30 to get ready for work and leaves around 6:30. She drives to the bus station and then sleeps on the bus until it reaches her office in LA. Then she works at an office that has a much more stressful work culture than her previous workplace. She comes home, my dad will have dinner ready for her, she will eat for like ten minutes, and then she races off to her community college classes that she is already 20 minutes late for. Despite being 20 minutes late every day, she is still at the top of her class and her teachers often give her extra work that is different from the rest of the class because she is so ahead. She has class from 6:00-9:00 and she'll come back around 9:20. THEN she goes online to learn English ONLINE on her own using Studio Classroom. And she finally goes to sleep around 11:00. She doesn't watch any more tv, she doesn't even read the newspaper anymore. She is insane.
The song I actually like at the moment is Creature Fear but I already know it is too mellow for anyone to listen to. Not that anyone clicks these music videos, I presume.
I'm heading over to Laura's. My excuse is that my brain is too tired to think so studying is futile. But socializing requires little to no brain power!
Sitting and waiting but not really wishing
I'm really into Lady Gaga recently. I don't even think her singles are necessarily her best songs. I played like five different songs and my roommate commented that she sounds totally different in each one. I agree - I wouldn't have been able to identify her if they had been playing on the radio. I still don't believe Laura's claim that she is a music prodigy though. And the story that her family is super rich and proper and she is the black duck just doesn't seem true. I mean, look at her. Could she really have come from an Upper West Side-like family?
I'm currently waiting for a phone interview that is scheduled for 9am. I feel like I am just waiting around for an opportunity to fail again. I was supposed to wake up and prepare my answers for the interview but I haven't done very much. I am doing even less now that I have decided to blog.
This entire week, I have been sleeping at 2am or later (which is extremely late for me). But I know that I am extremely stressed because every day I wake up at 6am and then get out of bed at 7am. The hour of "sleep" is really just me lying in bed freaking out about everything I have to do. But I never do any of it! It's like I'm constantly trying to keep up but I never quite make it to the end. I don't know how I have been surviving on about 4-5 hours of sleep for an entire week but I don't even feel that tired. Must be the stress.
I signed up for a career center appointment yesterday to go over an internship application. The appointment was scheduled for 45 minutes but I ended up talking to him for twice that time. He was very funny and nice and gave me some good ideas on how to answer some interview questions. This is also completely taken out of context, but at one point in the appointment he said "show me your titties!" I was somewhat taken aback. HAHA The background is that he was agreeing with me that sometimes it seems awkward to put something down on a resume, even if it's true, because it kind of comes off as pandering to the recruiter.
He was nice and I could tell that he took time to read through every sentence I wrote. But he has terrible handwriting and was kind of all over the place. I wish I had tape recorded him or something. It's 9:04! I think I should have done something more productive :(
FAVORITE Lady Gaga song: Summerboys
But I posted BoysBoysBoys because I like that one too and it's no longer sweltering hot in Berkeley so I'm not in such a summery mood
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
What's in my freezer?

That giant brown tub taking up half my freezer? Is a tub of Fenton's Ice Cream.
Me: I have some ice cream in my freezer do you want some?
Laura (upon opening my freezer): GOOD GOD!
When Kristen forced me to put that in my freezer, I was like NO. I'm not even going to eat that! Well as would be expected, I have somehow eaten that ice cream as a form of dinner for the past three days. I blame the excessive heat.
I have to say, it is some pretty good ice cream.
Kristen just came over and took care of three things that were stressing me out. AMAZING! The most productive hour ever, especially considering we would have been zoning out in managerial if we hadn't ditched.
Me: Why are you sitting all the way down here?!
Kristen: Because I'm going to ditch
Me: WHAT?!
Kristen: Want to ditch with me?
Me: Ok
And that is how life should always work. Sunshine and rainbows!
We went to Cheese N Stuff. I was either very hungry, or they got MORE delicious. Oh I just realized why. They made me a deluxe when I had wanted a regular. No wonder. Well, 50 cents was worth it. While we were there, the people behind the counter thought Kristen looked AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS (and why wouldn't they?!) and they said to me "bring her back more often. We'll give you the sandwiches for free." HAHA It pays to have good looking friends. Afterwards we were like "let's go back tomorrow for our free sandwich" but there are so many ways that could turn out poorly.
Scenario 1:
"We're back!"
"That will be $3.75"
"But you said ... umm ... never mind"
Scenario 2:
"I remember you! Here's your free sandwich"
"Wow thanks!"
"That will be $3.75 for you"
"She's my friend. Shouldn't she get it for free too?"
"Um... that will be $3.75"
"If she doesn't get it for free then I'm going to pay"
"Then it'll be 7.50"
Off to work!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Summer is here!
And I'm not ready! AH! I'm not thin enough yet to wear non-sweater clothing! I don't have a bikini body yet :( I haven't learned any new hair styles so I can't tie my hair back in interesting and sexy ways. I don't have any summer clothes! My body isn't able to deal with direct sunlight. Today I remembered what my apartment felt like in August - HUMID AND GROSS! It is better than the outside weather during the day, but after 7:00, I would rather be outdoors than in this heat box. I think I need to start wearing my really short shorts to bed again. I've also stopped wearing my aquamarineish sweater to sleep. Without that sweater, my protruding stomach is much more apparent!
I went to the RSF today and it was disgustingly warm! I hate how during the winter they turn on the heater - yes it's freezing outside but that's no reason to turn on the heater when we're all exercising! When I'm on the elliptical sweating like a pig, I always imagine how I would write a sternly worded e-mail telling them to turn off the heater. But by the time I get home, I am just so focused on eating cereal. I don't know what they do in the summer, but I definitely don't feel any cool breeze. I also get kind of annoyed when I try to go swimming at RSF and there are TONS more people, just because it is hot. Exercising at the RSF on a summer day is truly a miserable experience. The worst is when I use the rowing machine because they're placed so you can stare out the window. I guess most people would find that relaxing, to be able to see the sky while exercising. Instead, when I see a clear blue sunny sky, I'm like "oh fuck when I leave this gym I am not going to be greeted by refreshing overcast weather, but terrible sunniness." And then I'm much less motivated to work out.
Laura and I completed our 18 hour food marathon list. It took an hour and a half to compile a list and to place it in an order that would make sense logistically and gastronomically. I am surprised I was able to use the word gastronomically in my blog.
We also sat outside on her balcony and talked (for all of her street to hear). It was like we were in the South. Except we were two Asian girls on Ikea folding chairs, not black women on a porch in rocking chairs. Yes, that is my image of the South. Also, lynchers.
IT'S ONE AND I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TODAY. EXCEPT do poorly on what should have been an easy exam! I should have been like that hilarious fobby girl who refused to hand in her test while the Rada REPEATEDLY said "I'm sorry but I have to take your test now." It was more hilarious when I told the story to Laura and she said "Is she really thin?! With a lot of makeup?! She did that too in 102a! The GSI was literally pulling it away from her but she wouldn't let go." HAHAHAHA
I went to the RSF today and it was disgustingly warm! I hate how during the winter they turn on the heater - yes it's freezing outside but that's no reason to turn on the heater when we're all exercising! When I'm on the elliptical sweating like a pig, I always imagine how I would write a sternly worded e-mail telling them to turn off the heater. But by the time I get home, I am just so focused on eating cereal. I don't know what they do in the summer, but I definitely don't feel any cool breeze. I also get kind of annoyed when I try to go swimming at RSF and there are TONS more people, just because it is hot. Exercising at the RSF on a summer day is truly a miserable experience. The worst is when I use the rowing machine because they're placed so you can stare out the window. I guess most people would find that relaxing, to be able to see the sky while exercising. Instead, when I see a clear blue sunny sky, I'm like "oh fuck when I leave this gym I am not going to be greeted by refreshing overcast weather, but terrible sunniness." And then I'm much less motivated to work out.
Laura and I completed our 18 hour food marathon list. It took an hour and a half to compile a list and to place it in an order that would make sense logistically and gastronomically. I am surprised I was able to use the word gastronomically in my blog.
We also sat outside on her balcony and talked (for all of her street to hear). It was like we were in the South. Except we were two Asian girls on Ikea folding chairs, not black women on a porch in rocking chairs. Yes, that is my image of the South. Also, lynchers.
IT'S ONE AND I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TODAY. EXCEPT do poorly on what should have been an easy exam! I should have been like that hilarious fobby girl who refused to hand in her test while the Rada REPEATEDLY said "I'm sorry but I have to take your test now." It was more hilarious when I told the story to Laura and she said "Is she really thin?! With a lot of makeup?! She did that too in 102a! The GSI was literally pulling it away from her but she wouldn't let go." HAHAHAHA
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I wonder why
I think the thing that surprises me most about this apartment is how I hear SO many terrible car noises. I would say that every day, when I sit at my living room table, I will hear at least three CRUNCHes, as if two cars had run into each other. Or, a terrible SCRAPE when a front bumper hits the street at a bad angle. Or some really screechy brakes, like someone is driving with the emergency brake. Yet, I very rarely hear cursing or anything - it's like I hear all these BANGS and BOOMS and people just carry on with their lives. It makes me wonder what was it that I really heard or if people are just not very concerned about their cars.
I am tired and while I don't have anything really due tomorrow, I have a lot of shit to deal with.
I am tired and while I don't have anything really due tomorrow, I have a lot of shit to deal with.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Yay yay
I have had beer as dinner for two days in a row. Also failed to gym for two days. Whoopsie doo. I went to Bear's Lair today YAY FINALLY! I once again forgot my Pepcid ... I am right now putting the bottle into my purse so I will never be without it. So tired ... but I wanted to go home because I woke up and stressed out about life. Tomorrow's dinner may be sake. Unless I REALLY start to stress out about life and decide to study for managerial, which would be the smarter choice. But it also goes against my "NEVER SAY NO!" rule of socializing.
I am hungry. Had Top Dog earlier and it was amazingly delicious. We then walked to Kristen's and somehow began singing Britney Spears while walking down the street. How delightful. Damn it, now my roommate is going to bed so I have to shower so I don't wake him up. >:( This is why I would want to live alone. So I can shower and sleep whenever I please!
I am hungry. Had Top Dog earlier and it was amazingly delicious. We then walked to Kristen's and somehow began singing Britney Spears while walking down the street. How delightful. Damn it, now my roommate is going to bed so I have to shower so I don't wake him up. >:( This is why I would want to live alone. So I can shower and sleep whenever I please!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
These heels were NOT made for walking
Today was a day of MANY firsts. I really need to stop eating from this bag of granola. Part of me wishes I had just gone to Gypsys and bought pasta. But when I got home, all I wanted to do was crawl on my hands and knees to the front door and shower.
- I curled my hair! The right side was VERY EASY and came out ok. Then when I switched to the left side I got confused and I'm pretty sure that I was curling it the wrong way for about ten minutes. X_X Curling hair takes so much time. No wonder girls are always running late
- I used someone's ID and got into a 21+ event! THANKS LAURA YOU ARE BOMB. I feel like I could do so many things now ... but I must return your ID soon. NOOO TRIPLE ROCK BREWERRYYYYY!!! It is a Thursday too! Kristen informed me that you should only ever go to Triple Rock Brewery on Thursday because that is when they serve "monkeyhead." All I want is their Bruschetta Rock ... mmmmmmmmm. Now Kristen wants me to go to Bear's Lair with her and Naomi tomorrow. Perhaps I will be returning your ID a bit later than expected, Laura. I love how I'm talking to her through my blog. BECAUSE I KNOW SHE READS THIS
- I went to the California Academy of Sciences. It's like ... a museum? In Golden Gate Park. It was WAY cooler than the long beach aquarium, I have to say. They had tons of crazy cool fish and other things too! So what happens is once every week (I think) after the museum closes they bring out alcohol, close it off to 21+, and have a DJ. People come in and it's exactly like going to the museum during the day, only it's actually CHEAPER and you can DRINK. They also have interesting lectures and the tickets sell out real quick. We weren't even able to get those. We had to buy the non-lecture tickets to get into the museum online.
It was PRETTY COOL. I can't believe someone was so smart to think of the idea - turning a boring learning place into a cooler adult hangout place. There were a LOT of people there our age. I think I check out people WAYYYY too obviously. I catch myself staring sometimes. If you were on the lookout and knew what kind of people I am into, I think it would be incredibly easy to tell when I was checking someone out. Anyhoo, I bought a Heineken for SEVEN dollars. And I totally clutched onto that bottle with all my life. My first ... ok fine still not legal drink. And not even the first drink I have bought (this was). But it WAS my first walk-around-drinking-alcohol-in-public alcohol! ^_^
The museum was pretty cool too. The best thing was when people started dancing. Not lame dancing but like CLUB dancing. No, the BEST thing was all the COUGARS dancing. I love cougars. I really respect them. They look great for their age and who says you have to stop partying past a certain age? They are typically fitter than I am and have years of experience and less inhibition. One day, I aspire to be a cougar.
- Walked barefoot through SF. Not as romantic as one would think. Each stepped was marked with EXTREME pain. My Nine West heels that I had blogged about TWICE are pretty good, but they're not magical, and after four hours of walking and standing, I wanted to saw off my feet. The walk back to the car was filled with choices: shoes on or off? Walk on pavement or walk on grass? As I said, "this was the worst pain imaginable. WORSE THAN WATERBOADING"
In the future, I am going to buy a wonderful pair of flats, remember to bring my pepcid AC, and then we are going to do this RIGHT. We failed to go out to bars/lounges/clubs after the museum, because my feet hurt so much. Other failures include: Christina SLEEPING THROUGH the entire thing, our leaving an HOUR late, my NOT HAVING MY TICKET and having to buy another one, missing an exit on the freeway and having to go on the 101North DURING RUSH HOUR, Paget leaving her ID in the car (at this point, it was just hilarious how many things had gone wrong)...
Oh gosh. These past few Thursdays have been really busy. I don't like how Thursday is the new Friday. It makes Friday TERRIBLE! I remember last week, I was like WHAT?! CLASS?! But I had fun yesteday! Isn't it supposed to be the weekend?!
- The first time I ever appreciated SF houses. I used to think (as I'm sure a LOT of people do) that the houses in SF are pretty damn fugly. I didn't really get the appeal of ghetto looking houses with no yard or space between neighbors. But today, while we were driving through the streets of SF, I could kind of see into the houses (ok sounding kind of stalkerish, yes) and I would catch glimpses of the decor inside, and it just felt very ... nice? To get a sense of the life inside those houses without knowing the people at all. It was interesting to imagine what kinds of lives these people led. And when passing by so many of these houses that looked so similar yet all looked slightly different from one another, I just kept wondering like "who lives in there or there or there? I wonder if the people living there could be like my best friends ... or people I work with in the future or bump into randomly"
I really hope I get to live in SF. The city is so awesome. Like, this Cal Academy of Science Nightlife thing was the first real city-ish thing I have ever done. There aren't many under 21 things that have a very city feeling to them, I think. If I don't get a job ... I don't really know what will happen but I doubt I will be able to afford rent in SF while unemployed. Sigh. Life.
Well I have to freaking STUDY FOR 102B, WRITE MY DAMN INTERNSHIP APPS, do RCSA Cal day and ROHP stuff, hang out with Alvin, hang out with Chrystal, etc etc.
Me! In a museum! With curled hair! Drinking beer! Three unlikeleys in one picture
- I curled my hair! The right side was VERY EASY and came out ok. Then when I switched to the left side I got confused and I'm pretty sure that I was curling it the wrong way for about ten minutes. X_X Curling hair takes so much time. No wonder girls are always running late
- I used someone's ID and got into a 21+ event! THANKS LAURA YOU ARE BOMB. I feel like I could do so many things now ... but I must return your ID soon. NOOO TRIPLE ROCK BREWERRYYYYY!!! It is a Thursday too! Kristen informed me that you should only ever go to Triple Rock Brewery on Thursday because that is when they serve "monkeyhead." All I want is their Bruschetta Rock ... mmmmmmmmm. Now Kristen wants me to go to Bear's Lair with her and Naomi tomorrow. Perhaps I will be returning your ID a bit later than expected, Laura. I love how I'm talking to her through my blog. BECAUSE I KNOW SHE READS THIS
- I went to the California Academy of Sciences. It's like ... a museum? In Golden Gate Park. It was WAY cooler than the long beach aquarium, I have to say. They had tons of crazy cool fish and other things too! So what happens is once every week (I think) after the museum closes they bring out alcohol, close it off to 21+, and have a DJ. People come in and it's exactly like going to the museum during the day, only it's actually CHEAPER and you can DRINK. They also have interesting lectures and the tickets sell out real quick. We weren't even able to get those. We had to buy the non-lecture tickets to get into the museum online.
It was PRETTY COOL. I can't believe someone was so smart to think of the idea - turning a boring learning place into a cooler adult hangout place. There were a LOT of people there our age. I think I check out people WAYYYY too obviously. I catch myself staring sometimes. If you were on the lookout and knew what kind of people I am into, I think it would be incredibly easy to tell when I was checking someone out. Anyhoo, I bought a Heineken for SEVEN dollars. And I totally clutched onto that bottle with all my life. My first ... ok fine still not legal drink. And not even the first drink I have bought (this was). But it WAS my first walk-around-drinking-alcohol-in-public alcohol! ^_^
The museum was pretty cool too. The best thing was when people started dancing. Not lame dancing but like CLUB dancing. No, the BEST thing was all the COUGARS dancing. I love cougars. I really respect them. They look great for their age and who says you have to stop partying past a certain age? They are typically fitter than I am and have years of experience and less inhibition. One day, I aspire to be a cougar.
- Walked barefoot through SF. Not as romantic as one would think. Each stepped was marked with EXTREME pain. My Nine West heels that I had blogged about TWICE are pretty good, but they're not magical, and after four hours of walking and standing, I wanted to saw off my feet. The walk back to the car was filled with choices: shoes on or off? Walk on pavement or walk on grass? As I said, "this was the worst pain imaginable. WORSE THAN WATERBOADING"
In the future, I am going to buy a wonderful pair of flats, remember to bring my pepcid AC, and then we are going to do this RIGHT. We failed to go out to bars/lounges/clubs after the museum, because my feet hurt so much. Other failures include: Christina SLEEPING THROUGH the entire thing, our leaving an HOUR late, my NOT HAVING MY TICKET and having to buy another one, missing an exit on the freeway and having to go on the 101North DURING RUSH HOUR, Paget leaving her ID in the car (at this point, it was just hilarious how many things had gone wrong)...
Oh gosh. These past few Thursdays have been really busy. I don't like how Thursday is the new Friday. It makes Friday TERRIBLE! I remember last week, I was like WHAT?! CLASS?! But I had fun yesteday! Isn't it supposed to be the weekend?!
- The first time I ever appreciated SF houses. I used to think (as I'm sure a LOT of people do) that the houses in SF are pretty damn fugly. I didn't really get the appeal of ghetto looking houses with no yard or space between neighbors. But today, while we were driving through the streets of SF, I could kind of see into the houses (ok sounding kind of stalkerish, yes) and I would catch glimpses of the decor inside, and it just felt very ... nice? To get a sense of the life inside those houses without knowing the people at all. It was interesting to imagine what kinds of lives these people led. And when passing by so many of these houses that looked so similar yet all looked slightly different from one another, I just kept wondering like "who lives in there or there or there? I wonder if the people living there could be like my best friends ... or people I work with in the future or bump into randomly"
I really hope I get to live in SF. The city is so awesome. Like, this Cal Academy of Science Nightlife thing was the first real city-ish thing I have ever done. There aren't many under 21 things that have a very city feeling to them, I think. If I don't get a job ... I don't really know what will happen but I doubt I will be able to afford rent in SF while unemployed. Sigh. Life.
Well I have to freaking STUDY FOR 102B, WRITE MY DAMN INTERNSHIP APPS, do RCSA Cal day and ROHP stuff, hang out with Alvin, hang out with Chrystal, etc etc.
Monday, April 13, 2009
I think it's starting to get annoying how people just throw around the phrase FML. Like, I have a paper due in three hours. FML. Or, I have an 8am class tomorrow. FML. I can't find my iPod. FML.
FML should be used for truly FUCKKKKK MY LIFEEEEEE moments. Like, I have a paper due in three hours and someone just chainsawed off my hand. FML. Or, I have an 8am final tomorrow. My flight doesn't leave until 6:55am. FML. Or, I just found my iPod. Somehow it landed in the toilet. FML.
I went up to Lawrence Hall of Science with Li-Ting during a completely random driving adventure. She wanted to kill time and I suggested that she drive me around. I was surprised that she took me up on my suggestion. :D She drove down Ashby, which is my favorite street of all time because I love how it is windy and dark it is. Lawrence Hall is a very nice view - it reminds me why I love the Bay Area so much
We just sat and talked in the car while staring out into the night view. Talk mainly consisted of analyzing the personalities of people. I don't think I really know how others view me, but I think Li-Ting is the only person (that I recall) who has very accurately described my personality. Sometimes someone will say that I'm this or that, and I think that it might have some basis of truth, but not entirely. But Li-Ting is pretty spot on. So points to her! She is an excellent observer.
She also told me about her/Laura/SooJin's EAT EVERY HOUR adventure some time ago. I got REALLY excited and decided I would want to do this too. WHAT DO YOU SAY! I am going to make a facebook event for it sometime. But ... I have to time it with my period cravings so I will be more likely to stuff my face. I want it to be epic - so I am going to shoot for a 12-hour Eat Every Hour marathon. At first I was like TWENTY-FOUR HOURS! ALL NIGHTER! But that would be ridiculous.
I've decided that these are the twelve places I would go to. Subject to change depending on who joins me
- Brazil Cafe
- Gregoire's
- Cheeseboard
- Top Dog
- Cafe Intermezzo
- Jack in the Box
- Bakesale Betty
- Gypsys
- House of Curries
- Triple Rock Brewery
- Costco
- Ici
Obviously I wouldn't be eating an entire meal at each place. We would all share a dish! It would be the Best of Berkeley - crammed into one day.
Someone posted ALL of the routines from Movement! This is the set where I liked a LOT of songs. I REALLY WANT the song at 3:15-4:05 but it's impossible to discern the lyrics :( I'm hoping someone will respond to my youtube comment.
FML should be used for truly FUCKKKKK MY LIFEEEEEE moments. Like, I have a paper due in three hours and someone just chainsawed off my hand. FML. Or, I have an 8am final tomorrow. My flight doesn't leave until 6:55am. FML. Or, I just found my iPod. Somehow it landed in the toilet. FML.
I went up to Lawrence Hall of Science with Li-Ting during a completely random driving adventure. She wanted to kill time and I suggested that she drive me around. I was surprised that she took me up on my suggestion. :D She drove down Ashby, which is my favorite street of all time because I love how it is windy and dark it is. Lawrence Hall is a very nice view - it reminds me why I love the Bay Area so much
We just sat and talked in the car while staring out into the night view. Talk mainly consisted of analyzing the personalities of people. I don't think I really know how others view me, but I think Li-Ting is the only person (that I recall) who has very accurately described my personality. Sometimes someone will say that I'm this or that, and I think that it might have some basis of truth, but not entirely. But Li-Ting is pretty spot on. So points to her! She is an excellent observer.
She also told me about her/Laura/SooJin's EAT EVERY HOUR adventure some time ago. I got REALLY excited and decided I would want to do this too. WHAT DO YOU SAY! I am going to make a facebook event for it sometime. But ... I have to time it with my period cravings so I will be more likely to stuff my face. I want it to be epic - so I am going to shoot for a 12-hour Eat Every Hour marathon. At first I was like TWENTY-FOUR HOURS! ALL NIGHTER! But that would be ridiculous.
I've decided that these are the twelve places I would go to. Subject to change depending on who joins me
- Brazil Cafe
- Gregoire's
- Cheeseboard
- Top Dog
- Cafe Intermezzo
- Jack in the Box
- Bakesale Betty
- Gypsys
- House of Curries
- Triple Rock Brewery
- Costco
- Ici
Obviously I wouldn't be eating an entire meal at each place. We would all share a dish! It would be the Best of Berkeley - crammed into one day.
Someone posted ALL of the routines from Movement! This is the set where I liked a LOT of songs. I REALLY WANT the song at 3:15-4:05 but it's impossible to discern the lyrics :( I'm hoping someone will respond to my youtube comment.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Something I found
I like to look for random blogs and read them if they are interesting. Usually I get bored of them after a while, because I don't know who the blogger is so it's hard to stay interested in their lives. The only blog I have continued to read is ninjapoodles.blogspot.com, and I think it is only because she has posted pictures of her kid so I can actually picture the people in my head.
Anyway, I found this on someone else's blog. I've colored the ones I find particularly novel or important red and the ones I can ignore grey
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar (if I start with a bowl of cereal for breakfast, what would I eat that is a beggar-like dinner?)
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. (I like this, but I think my problem stems from eating out too much, not eating processed foods)
4. Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy. (I question whether these are really the only E's but the only other E words I can think of are elephant and enzyme)
5. Make time to pray.
6. Play more games (I think I play enough Tetris in a day)
7. Read more books than you did in 2008. (Simple! I haven't read much in the past eight years).
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. (While walking from house of curries to my apt, I found it necessary to turn on my iPod. I then realized how dependent I am on music)
9. Sleep for 7 hours. (Done!)
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile (but which smile!? medium? non-smile frown? large?).
11. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about. (tell me about your life so I can feel better about my own!)
12. Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment. (I can control how fat I am by dieting. I can control whether I get a job by being infinitely awesome at everything I do. I can control my social life by putting myself out there and being more outgoing. So, negativity continues!)
13. Don’t over do. Keep your limits. (But how will I know my limits until I push myself to the breaking point?)
14. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. (the blogger I stole this from thought this was the most important point. I assume since she is older than me, she is wiser, so I will highlight this)
15. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip. (I don't really have any because I lead a relatively boring life. I wish I did though)
16. Dream more while you are awake. (Done! Particularly during managerial accounting. I guess that's really half-awake though)
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. (This list seems to assume I already have a job)
18. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner with His/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness. (I wonder why the His is capitalized. I thought this was another reference to God but then I wondered why God was my partner)
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime. (What a random analogy)
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6 (I don't like children and I don't know any old people)
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day. (Oh, I think I do.)
30. What other people think of you is none of your business. (FALSE! SO SO SO FALSE! I think after coming to college, I have only grown hypersensitive to how others perceive me)
31. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch. (With enough money, I can hire a nurse to care for me)
32. Do the right thing! (Professor Ross taught me this last summer!)
33. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful. (Hey you. Ugly friend. GTFO)
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. The best is yet to come. (Do they want me to dress better? Or just wear clothes?)
37. When you awake alive in the morning, be thankful GOD for it.
38. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy. (this was not a particularly good ending)
I went to the Movement showcase yesterday with Christina. IT WAS AMAZINGGG. Once again, I loathe myself for not having the ability to dance. There were a lot of cool songs played but I couldn't figure out the titles of them :( I wish I had more dance music. But when I search for dance music, I only find electronica. What I want is like Lady Gaga, but more obscure. Songs you would hear in a club.
:( The video I posted already got taken down. Boo!
Anyway, I found this on someone else's blog. I've colored the ones I find particularly novel or important red and the ones I can ignore grey
1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar (if I start with a bowl of cereal for breakfast, what would I eat that is a beggar-like dinner?)
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. (I like this, but I think my problem stems from eating out too much, not eating processed foods)
4. Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy. (I question whether these are really the only E's but the only other E words I can think of are elephant and enzyme)
5. Make time to pray.
6. Play more games (I think I play enough Tetris in a day)
7. Read more books than you did in 2008. (Simple! I haven't read much in the past eight years).
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. (While walking from house of curries to my apt, I found it necessary to turn on my iPod. I then realized how dependent I am on music)
9. Sleep for 7 hours. (Done!)
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile (but which smile!? medium? non-smile frown? large?).
11. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about. (tell me about your life so I can feel better about my own!)
12. Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment. (I can control how fat I am by dieting. I can control whether I get a job by being infinitely awesome at everything I do. I can control my social life by putting myself out there and being more outgoing. So, negativity continues!)
13. Don’t over do. Keep your limits. (But how will I know my limits until I push myself to the breaking point?)
14. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. (the blogger I stole this from thought this was the most important point. I assume since she is older than me, she is wiser, so I will highlight this)
15. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip. (I don't really have any because I lead a relatively boring life. I wish I did though)
16. Dream more while you are awake. (Done! Particularly during managerial accounting. I guess that's really half-awake though)
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. (This list seems to assume I already have a job)
18. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner with His/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness. (I wonder why the His is capitalized. I thought this was another reference to God but then I wondered why God was my partner)
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime. (What a random analogy)
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6 (I don't like children and I don't know any old people)
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day. (Oh, I think I do.)
30. What other people think of you is none of your business. (FALSE! SO SO SO FALSE! I think after coming to college, I have only grown hypersensitive to how others perceive me)
31. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch. (With enough money, I can hire a nurse to care for me)
32. Do the right thing! (Professor Ross taught me this last summer!)
33. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful. (Hey you. Ugly friend. GTFO)
34. GOD heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. The best is yet to come. (Do they want me to dress better? Or just wear clothes?)
37. When you awake alive in the morning, be thankful GOD for it.
38. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy. (this was not a particularly good ending)
I went to the Movement showcase yesterday with Christina. IT WAS AMAZINGGG. Once again, I loathe myself for not having the ability to dance. There were a lot of cool songs played but I couldn't figure out the titles of them :( I wish I had more dance music. But when I search for dance music, I only find electronica. What I want is like Lady Gaga, but more obscure. Songs you would hear in a club.
:( The video I posted already got taken down. Boo!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Just came back from Andria's birthday party! It was a little more low key, even though a cop came and we had to leave. I went back afterwards though HAHA EEK I ate chips and brownies! BOO BOO. I offset it with two delicious strawberries. I wish I had tried some of Soo Jin's Korean foods. I am amazed at how delicious all of her foods look! It makes me wish Soo Jin were my apartmentmate so I could eat her cooking. Even Laura makes delicious looking chicken! And she told me that she doesn't cook and only makes dumplings! I am very amazed at the culinary masterpieces that I have seen at their apartment, because when I first went over, I was under the impression that they never cooked. But I see now that that was a lie! Well, when I say I don't cook, I really don't cook. That is not an understatement at all.
We ended up talking about all these things we want to do this semester and AHHH THERE IS NO TIME!!! My friends are all graduating in a little over a month! I can't believe it. We need to do things! I am going to use Laura's ID to go places, but even then, that means I can't go to things with Laura! I wish I had gotten a fake ID earlier so that I could have gotten more use out of it. But I am super paranoid that I will get caught using someone else's ID, because I would be publicly humiliated and then there would be the awkward "what should Mel do alone" situation
I don't know why I am SO EXCITED for Red Robin. It is a good restaurant, but I'm not sure why I have been looking forward to it for so long. I plan on getting some kind of milkshake. Diet be damned! No wait. I should check myself. BEFORE I HURT MYSELF! Does anyone get that reference?
I wish I had decided to walk this spring so I could have walked with Soo Jin and Laura and Kristen at the Haas graduation! Next year I will have NO ONEEEEE. But then I wonder - what would I do if I didn't even graduate early? I don't know! I wonder if it is too late to decide to walk. I would think that it is. Should I ask? I have so many more friends graduating this year and none graduating next year!
ALSO I think Pepcid AC works! Well, I still turned pink, but far less pink than I would normally, I think. I want to barf when I chew it, but afterwards it's ok. I think that I usually stop myself from drinking because I am too embarassed to turn super red. But if this really keeps me from turning red, then I am going to DRINK AWAY! I feel like I have never been completely wasted. I don't know what it feels like to completely lose control of what I'm doing. I'd like to experience that at least ONCE. All of the money I earn immediately gets spent on food and now drinks. :( I think I have been much more into instant gratification ever since college
I hope all the friends I have made in college stay in the Bay Area. It is odd - I didn't really care much when high school ended because it is obvious that people are going to go away for college. But after college, I am like NOOOO LIVE IN SF! Especially because it seems like lots of people are going to live in the bay area! I hope that when I graduate, I will a) have a job and b) still hang out with all the awesome people I have met! You can tell that I had a fun day because I am in the "I LOVE MY FRIENDS AND LIFE" mode. :)
EEK! Tomorrow is Friday! My sense of time is thrown off!
Things to do (an ongoing list)
- academy of sciences? I don't remember the name but if I heard correctly, it's like a science center that turns itself into a lounge at night! We will bring flasks and be merry
- RCSA cal day party at my place!
- "let's get totally wasted" party at my place after cal day <3 LAURA AND I NEED TO GET TWIN DRUNK
- bar hopping? if I get through one place with a fake ID, I think I would become unleashed upon alcohol establishments
dude, all of this involves alcohol. We need to diversify
We ended up talking about all these things we want to do this semester and AHHH THERE IS NO TIME!!! My friends are all graduating in a little over a month! I can't believe it. We need to do things! I am going to use Laura's ID to go places, but even then, that means I can't go to things with Laura! I wish I had gotten a fake ID earlier so that I could have gotten more use out of it. But I am super paranoid that I will get caught using someone else's ID, because I would be publicly humiliated and then there would be the awkward "what should Mel do alone" situation
I don't know why I am SO EXCITED for Red Robin. It is a good restaurant, but I'm not sure why I have been looking forward to it for so long. I plan on getting some kind of milkshake. Diet be damned! No wait. I should check myself. BEFORE I HURT MYSELF! Does anyone get that reference?
I wish I had decided to walk this spring so I could have walked with Soo Jin and Laura and Kristen at the Haas graduation! Next year I will have NO ONEEEEE. But then I wonder - what would I do if I didn't even graduate early? I don't know! I wonder if it is too late to decide to walk. I would think that it is. Should I ask? I have so many more friends graduating this year and none graduating next year!
ALSO I think Pepcid AC works! Well, I still turned pink, but far less pink than I would normally, I think. I want to barf when I chew it, but afterwards it's ok. I think that I usually stop myself from drinking because I am too embarassed to turn super red. But if this really keeps me from turning red, then I am going to DRINK AWAY! I feel like I have never been completely wasted. I don't know what it feels like to completely lose control of what I'm doing. I'd like to experience that at least ONCE. All of the money I earn immediately gets spent on food and now drinks. :( I think I have been much more into instant gratification ever since college
I hope all the friends I have made in college stay in the Bay Area. It is odd - I didn't really care much when high school ended because it is obvious that people are going to go away for college. But after college, I am like NOOOO LIVE IN SF! Especially because it seems like lots of people are going to live in the bay area! I hope that when I graduate, I will a) have a job and b) still hang out with all the awesome people I have met! You can tell that I had a fun day because I am in the "I LOVE MY FRIENDS AND LIFE" mode. :)
EEK! Tomorrow is Friday! My sense of time is thrown off!
Things to do (an ongoing list)
- academy of sciences? I don't remember the name but if I heard correctly, it's like a science center that turns itself into a lounge at night! We will bring flasks and be merry
- RCSA cal day party at my place!
- "let's get totally wasted" party at my place after cal day <3 LAURA AND I NEED TO GET TWIN DRUNK
- bar hopping? if I get through one place with a fake ID, I think I would become unleashed upon alcohol establishments
dude, all of this involves alcohol. We need to diversify
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Another day gone by
I don't really have anything to blog about anymore. I can't believe it is only one week into April and I have already managed to spend about $55 on food (not including groceries). I have about four meals worth of vegetables that I probably have to scarf down in one day. Oops.
I have been enjoying life on the day-to-day basis but I was supposed to figure out what I want to do with my life over spring break. It is about two weeks past that and I still have not made any progress. If anything, I've gotten further from accomplishing that, because now I've gotten used to playing tetris all day and distracting myself with who knows what. I only frequent a handful of blogs and maybe four sites a day, but somehow I manage to refresh these sites OVER and OVER again.
I am starting to knit a new scarf - this one will be for my mom although I want to keep it for myself. It is very Cal colored, which is why I don't think she will appreciate it as much as I would. It seems pointless to spend my time knitting a scarf when summer is rolling around. But I don't know how to make my own sundresses and tank tops, so I shall just continue to knit.
Today I stayed at work until 8:10 because I didn't want to go home and deal with life. Well it worked! I got home, watched Chuck, did laundry, and then my mind just shut down. I need to start caring about things more! And setting strict deadlines! And doing what I set on my schedule! Instead, I have put Miley Cyrus' Nobody's Perfect back on my iPod and made it my life's theme song.
Laura and SooP invited me to go to NY with them over summer which I WOULD SO LOVE TO DO! But I do not know when they are going and whether I will have something that keeps me from going. I hope that I can go! I want to eat delicious foods with them yum yum. They also invited me to tour Asian countries with them, but I know that no one, no matter how much I heart them, could ever make me cross the Pacific again. I still would be unable to drink in the summer! >:( Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong year.
We went to eat at Brick Pig which was a very Southern-feeling restaurant. The brisket was amazing. God, that food must be so unhealthy. I am getting ridiculous cravings but I do not think they are period cravings! I think they are "you ate too many steamed vegetables and now your body wants flavor!" cravings. I like leaving work to eat a delicious meal with friends and then going back to work and earning that money right back.
Tomorrow is ... I don't know what. Thursday is Andria's party! Friday is I don't know what. Saturday is friends from socal! And Sunday is RED ROBIN!!!
This was a very pointless entry but I didn't have anything to write about in particular
I have been enjoying life on the day-to-day basis but I was supposed to figure out what I want to do with my life over spring break. It is about two weeks past that and I still have not made any progress. If anything, I've gotten further from accomplishing that, because now I've gotten used to playing tetris all day and distracting myself with who knows what. I only frequent a handful of blogs and maybe four sites a day, but somehow I manage to refresh these sites OVER and OVER again.
I am starting to knit a new scarf - this one will be for my mom although I want to keep it for myself. It is very Cal colored, which is why I don't think she will appreciate it as much as I would. It seems pointless to spend my time knitting a scarf when summer is rolling around. But I don't know how to make my own sundresses and tank tops, so I shall just continue to knit.
Today I stayed at work until 8:10 because I didn't want to go home and deal with life. Well it worked! I got home, watched Chuck, did laundry, and then my mind just shut down. I need to start caring about things more! And setting strict deadlines! And doing what I set on my schedule! Instead, I have put Miley Cyrus' Nobody's Perfect back on my iPod and made it my life's theme song.
Laura and SooP invited me to go to NY with them over summer which I WOULD SO LOVE TO DO! But I do not know when they are going and whether I will have something that keeps me from going. I hope that I can go! I want to eat delicious foods with them yum yum. They also invited me to tour Asian countries with them, but I know that no one, no matter how much I heart them, could ever make me cross the Pacific again. I still would be unable to drink in the summer! >:( Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong year.
We went to eat at Brick Pig which was a very Southern-feeling restaurant. The brisket was amazing. God, that food must be so unhealthy. I am getting ridiculous cravings but I do not think they are period cravings! I think they are "you ate too many steamed vegetables and now your body wants flavor!" cravings. I like leaving work to eat a delicious meal with friends and then going back to work and earning that money right back.
Tomorrow is ... I don't know what. Thursday is Andria's party! Friday is I don't know what. Saturday is friends from socal! And Sunday is RED ROBIN!!!
This was a very pointless entry but I didn't have anything to write about in particular
Friday, April 3, 2009
Life is a song
While swimming, tetrising, and talking to my mom on the phone, I had all these ideas about what I could blog about today. I ended up talking to my mom for forty-five minutes though, and am no longer in the mood to write out my thoughts and feelings in a text box. Here are some of the possible titles this entry could have had:
1. More whining about my life
2. Why is my mom so awesome
3. wtf am I doing with my life
But instead I'm just going to do something else I enjoy - make a list.
The song that describes my life:
Death Cab for Cutie - Your New Twin Sized Bed
How depressing that I heard this song and was immediately like, this song speaks to me. I'll post a video of the song, but I'm sure that it will eventually be taken down for copyright issues. So listen to it now while reading the rest of this wonderful entry
Top five songs ever:
Tegan and Sara - I Know I Know I Know
MGMT - Kids
The Perishers - Sway
Benji Hughes - Waiting for an Invitation (title of my blog!)
The Stills - Gender Bombs
I wish I could post ten, and seeing as how it's my blog, I could easily make it a top ten, but then people are even less likely to care when there are that many songs. These are the songs that I have listened over a hundred times and can listen to while gymming, walking around the streets, sitting in my room, or tagging at Equilar. Which are really the only activities my life consists of.
Favorite lyrics:
Jaymay - Gray or Blue
My favorite lyrics are always ones that tell a story. I guess you could say that every song tells a story. What I mean is, I like lyrics that are very direct and don't have some analogy or metaphor in them. Because I'm a pretty simple minded person and I already don't pay very close attention to lyrics to begin with. I don't even know what 2 of my favorite 5 songs are about. My favorite part of this song is when she goes "he tried to win my heart, but it's taken .......... time"
Most embarassing song that I really like:
Aly and AJ - The Potential Breakup Song
I think this song bridged the gap between my indie music and my love for songs by Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers
Favorite youtube cover artist:
Kiersten Holine - The Engine Driver
I LOVEEE all of her songs! Julia Nunes is another good one, but I have to be in the mood to hear a ukelele. Kiersten Holine makes me LOVE songs that I am generally eh about.
Songs I misunderstood for a long time:
Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Just more proof that I really don't listen at all. For the longest time I thought Leona Lewis was singing a happy song about how she "KEEPS BREATHING, KEEPS KEEP BREATHING LOVE" and I was like "hmm, kind of romantic!" And then, if you weren't listening to the lyrics of Mr. Brightside, wouldn't you just naturally assume it was about someone who was bright and happy?! I didn't really know the meaning of the song until a few years later
Lyrics I completely made up:
Ace of Base - The Sign
The last category made me think of how I had always thought this song's lyrics were:
I saw the sun! I opened up my eyes, I saw the sun. I was once happy, but now I can't see nothing!
The original lyrics, if you didn't know, are: I saw the sign, it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign. Life is demanding, without understanding
Song I'd want at my wedding:
Joshua Radin - They Bring Me to You
I mentioned this before in another blog. Joshua Radin just has such a nice voice! It's very wedding-like. He sang at Ellen and Portia's wedding. I take that to mean, I will probably never get him to sing live at my wedding, because I am not a multi-millionaire celebrity.
Let's feel sad about life:
Bon Iver - Skinny Love
There are several songs that I listen to, and even if I'm happy that day, just listening to the song will put me in a somber mood. This is one of them! Bon Iver is interesting because I feel like most of his songs are about sad topics, but when I listen to them, I feel happier just because I'm listening to Bon Iver! Like, I think "how amazing that I found this awesome artist," but at the same time, "why is he making me feel sad!" But if he sang upbeat songs, it would not be Bon Iver.
Oddly romantic:
Bright Eyes - First Day of My Life
If someone sang this to me, I think I would swoon. Or feel incredibly awkward because someone was singing to me. Someone tell me if this is actually not that romantic of a song. That is a huge possibility...
Bright Eyes - Four Winds
I listened to this song A LOT because an old crush really liked this song. And now whenever it pops up, I inevitably think about my old crush. I'd rather just not listen to it at all
Longest lasting pop song:
Jessica Simpson - I Wanna Love You Forever
I swear, this song has only gotten better with time. I cannot at all connect the 1999 Jessica Simpson to the 2009 Jessica Simpson though. How amazing that I grew up listening to music from a DECADE ago.
The end. Because it's midnight and I want to: gym, clean my apt, watch Gracepoint Live, watch Adventureland, go grocery shopping with Li-Ting tomorrow. It will more than make up for this terribly uneventful day! TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY SINCE JANUARY 23rd THAT I DID NOT HANG OUT WITH SOMEONE. It scares me how dependent I am on social interaction to remain emotionally stable. I remember January 23rd, I was also sitting in my apt thinking about my crappy life.
1. More whining about my life
2. Why is my mom so awesome
3. wtf am I doing with my life
But instead I'm just going to do something else I enjoy - make a list.
The song that describes my life:
Death Cab for Cutie - Your New Twin Sized Bed
How depressing that I heard this song and was immediately like, this song speaks to me. I'll post a video of the song, but I'm sure that it will eventually be taken down for copyright issues. So listen to it now while reading the rest of this wonderful entry
Top five songs ever:
Tegan and Sara - I Know I Know I Know
MGMT - Kids
The Perishers - Sway
Benji Hughes - Waiting for an Invitation (title of my blog!)
The Stills - Gender Bombs
I wish I could post ten, and seeing as how it's my blog, I could easily make it a top ten, but then people are even less likely to care when there are that many songs. These are the songs that I have listened over a hundred times and can listen to while gymming, walking around the streets, sitting in my room, or tagging at Equilar. Which are really the only activities my life consists of.
Favorite lyrics:
Jaymay - Gray or Blue
My favorite lyrics are always ones that tell a story. I guess you could say that every song tells a story. What I mean is, I like lyrics that are very direct and don't have some analogy or metaphor in them. Because I'm a pretty simple minded person and I already don't pay very close attention to lyrics to begin with. I don't even know what 2 of my favorite 5 songs are about. My favorite part of this song is when she goes "he tried to win my heart, but it's taken .......... time"
Most embarassing song that I really like:
Aly and AJ - The Potential Breakup Song
I think this song bridged the gap between my indie music and my love for songs by Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers
Favorite youtube cover artist:
Kiersten Holine - The Engine Driver
I LOVEEE all of her songs! Julia Nunes is another good one, but I have to be in the mood to hear a ukelele. Kiersten Holine makes me LOVE songs that I am generally eh about.
Songs I misunderstood for a long time:
Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Just more proof that I really don't listen at all. For the longest time I thought Leona Lewis was singing a happy song about how she "KEEPS BREATHING, KEEPS KEEP BREATHING LOVE" and I was like "hmm, kind of romantic!" And then, if you weren't listening to the lyrics of Mr. Brightside, wouldn't you just naturally assume it was about someone who was bright and happy?! I didn't really know the meaning of the song until a few years later
Lyrics I completely made up:
Ace of Base - The Sign
The last category made me think of how I had always thought this song's lyrics were:
I saw the sun! I opened up my eyes, I saw the sun. I was once happy, but now I can't see nothing!
The original lyrics, if you didn't know, are: I saw the sign, it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign. Life is demanding, without understanding
Song I'd want at my wedding:
Joshua Radin - They Bring Me to You
I mentioned this before in another blog. Joshua Radin just has such a nice voice! It's very wedding-like. He sang at Ellen and Portia's wedding. I take that to mean, I will probably never get him to sing live at my wedding, because I am not a multi-millionaire celebrity.
Let's feel sad about life:
Bon Iver - Skinny Love
There are several songs that I listen to, and even if I'm happy that day, just listening to the song will put me in a somber mood. This is one of them! Bon Iver is interesting because I feel like most of his songs are about sad topics, but when I listen to them, I feel happier just because I'm listening to Bon Iver! Like, I think "how amazing that I found this awesome artist," but at the same time, "why is he making me feel sad!" But if he sang upbeat songs, it would not be Bon Iver.
Oddly romantic:
Bright Eyes - First Day of My Life
If someone sang this to me, I think I would swoon. Or feel incredibly awkward because someone was singing to me. Someone tell me if this is actually not that romantic of a song. That is a huge possibility...
Bright Eyes - Four Winds
I listened to this song A LOT because an old crush really liked this song. And now whenever it pops up, I inevitably think about my old crush. I'd rather just not listen to it at all
Longest lasting pop song:
Jessica Simpson - I Wanna Love You Forever
I swear, this song has only gotten better with time. I cannot at all connect the 1999 Jessica Simpson to the 2009 Jessica Simpson though. How amazing that I grew up listening to music from a DECADE ago.
The end. Because it's midnight and I want to: gym, clean my apt, watch Gracepoint Live, watch Adventureland, go grocery shopping with Li-Ting tomorrow. It will more than make up for this terribly uneventful day! TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY SINCE JANUARY 23rd THAT I DID NOT HANG OUT WITH SOMEONE. It scares me how dependent I am on social interaction to remain emotionally stable. I remember January 23rd, I was also sitting in my apt thinking about my crappy life.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I hate this year
I seriously think 2009 is going to be the worst year of my life. Well, for the past three months, I assumed that once it is 2010, my life will take a turn for the better. BUT THEN TODAY I had the thought - what if this is just the BEGINNING to a very craptacular life?! I guess I won't know until 2010.
Adding to my list of "Why 2009 wants me to just roll over and die" is the fact that I GOT A TICKET FOR JAYWALKING. I was crossing Telegraph and Durant, one of the most jaywalked intersections in Berkeley, and I got TICKETED.
I have already ranted about this to like four different people and I think after talking to Kristen about it I finally got the rage out of my system. Something about walking/talking/gesticulating wildly all at the same time kind of does that. So at first I was very nice to the cop about getting a ticket, then for about two hours I just started getting REALLY ANGRY about it in my apartment. I happened to be reading my entertainment sites and saw the youtube video of Halle Berry dancing on Ellen, and even though it probably wasn't that amazing, it made me laugh and calmed me down.
So now I've kind of rationalized the ticket into: there is definitely no way that I can contest it because I clearly DID jaywalk; maybe it is kind of ridiculous for the police department to keep every Berkeley student from jaywalking; but it was very stupid of me to cross without checking to see if any police were around. So I guess the lesson learned from today is WATCH OUT FOR COPS! But if they aren't there, proceed with illegal activity.
Best quote of the day
*upon seeing Kristen and I eating I.B. Hoagies*
And that was how she greeted us. HAHA
I've been thinking about this for the past few days and I have decided. My favorite words are:
1) ergonomic
2) shitshow
3) incompetent
4) mobilize! As when Kristen says "MOBILIZE!"
Why is Kristen getting so many mentions in my blog? I don't know.
Adding to my list of "Why 2009 wants me to just roll over and die" is the fact that I GOT A TICKET FOR JAYWALKING. I was crossing Telegraph and Durant, one of the most jaywalked intersections in Berkeley, and I got TICKETED.
I have already ranted about this to like four different people and I think after talking to Kristen about it I finally got the rage out of my system. Something about walking/talking/gesticulating wildly all at the same time kind of does that. So at first I was very nice to the cop about getting a ticket, then for about two hours I just started getting REALLY ANGRY about it in my apartment. I happened to be reading my entertainment sites and saw the youtube video of Halle Berry dancing on Ellen, and even though it probably wasn't that amazing, it made me laugh and calmed me down.
So now I've kind of rationalized the ticket into: there is definitely no way that I can contest it because I clearly DID jaywalk; maybe it is kind of ridiculous for the police department to keep every Berkeley student from jaywalking; but it was very stupid of me to cross without checking to see if any police were around. So I guess the lesson learned from today is WATCH OUT FOR COPS! But if they aren't there, proceed with illegal activity.
Best quote of the day
*upon seeing Kristen and I eating I.B. Hoagies*
And that was how she greeted us. HAHA
I've been thinking about this for the past few days and I have decided. My favorite words are:
1) ergonomic
2) shitshow
3) incompetent
4) mobilize! As when Kristen says "MOBILIZE!"
Why is Kristen getting so many mentions in my blog? I don't know.
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