That giant brown tub taking up half my freezer? Is a tub of Fenton's Ice Cream.
Me: I have some ice cream in my freezer do you want some?
Laura (upon opening my freezer): GOOD GOD!
When Kristen forced me to put that in my freezer, I was like NO. I'm not even going to eat that! Well as would be expected, I have somehow eaten that ice cream as a form of dinner for the past three days. I blame the excessive heat.
I have to say, it is some pretty good ice cream.
Kristen just came over and took care of three things that were stressing me out. AMAZING! The most productive hour ever, especially considering we would have been zoning out in managerial if we hadn't ditched.
Me: Why are you sitting all the way down here?!
Kristen: Because I'm going to ditch
Me: WHAT?!
Kristen: Want to ditch with me?
Me: Ok
And that is how life should always work. Sunshine and rainbows!
We went to Cheese N Stuff. I was either very hungry, or they got MORE delicious. Oh I just realized why. They made me a deluxe when I had wanted a regular. No wonder. Well, 50 cents was worth it. While we were there, the people behind the counter thought Kristen looked AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS (and why wouldn't they?!) and they said to me "bring her back more often. We'll give you the sandwiches for free." HAHA It pays to have good looking friends. Afterwards we were like "let's go back tomorrow for our free sandwich" but there are so many ways that could turn out poorly.
Scenario 1:
"We're back!"
"That will be $3.75"
"But you said ... umm ... never mind"
Scenario 2:
"I remember you! Here's your free sandwich"
"Wow thanks!"
"That will be $3.75 for you"
"She's my friend. Shouldn't she get it for free too?"
"Um... that will be $3.75"
"If she doesn't get it for free then I'm going to pay"
"Then it'll be 7.50"
Off to work!
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