I'm really into Lady Gaga recently. I don't even think her singles are necessarily her best songs. I played like five different songs and my roommate commented that she sounds totally different in each one. I agree - I wouldn't have been able to identify her if they had been playing on the radio. I still don't believe Laura's claim that she is a music prodigy though. And the story that her family is super rich and proper and she is the black duck just doesn't seem true. I mean, look at her. Could she really have come from an Upper West Side-like family?
I'm currently waiting for a phone interview that is scheduled for 9am. I feel like I am just waiting around for an opportunity to fail again. I was supposed to wake up and prepare my answers for the interview but I haven't done very much. I am doing even less now that I have decided to blog.
This entire week, I have been sleeping at 2am or later (which is extremely late for me). But I know that I am extremely stressed because every day I wake up at 6am and then get out of bed at 7am. The hour of "sleep" is really just me lying in bed freaking out about everything I have to do. But I never do any of it! It's like I'm constantly trying to keep up but I never quite make it to the end. I don't know how I have been surviving on about 4-5 hours of sleep for an entire week but I don't even feel that tired. Must be the stress.
I signed up for a career center appointment yesterday to go over an internship application. The appointment was scheduled for 45 minutes but I ended up talking to him for twice that time. He was very funny and nice and gave me some good ideas on how to answer some interview questions. This is also completely taken out of context, but at one point in the appointment he said "show me your titties!" I was somewhat taken aback. HAHA The background is that he was agreeing with me that sometimes it seems awkward to put something down on a resume, even if it's true, because it kind of comes off as pandering to the recruiter.
He was nice and I could tell that he took time to read through every sentence I wrote. But he has terrible handwriting and was kind of all over the place. I wish I had tape recorded him or something. It's 9:04! I think I should have done something more productive :(
FAVORITE Lady Gaga song: Summerboys
But I posted BoysBoysBoys because I like that one too and it's no longer sweltering hot in Berkeley so I'm not in such a summery mood
Look! She really did come from a rich family.
And she learned how to play piano at age 4 by ear. And she went to a super fancy Manhattan school attended by the Kennedys, Hiltons, Hilfigers, and Vanderbilts.
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