This time last year: TMV went to Jackie's house and played cards on her living room floor on January 1st. I visited UCSD at the end of winter break and we played Bang every day.
Success of the year: Getting into Haas, becoming friends with my floormates after winter break (which I cannot believe was only a year ago)
Regret of the year: Getting a bunch of B's for the second semester of sophomore year and during the summer
Most played song of the year: The Parentheses by the Blow (154 times), but I suspect it may also be Benji Hughes - Waiting for an Invitation because I played that song a TON on youtube before I finally bought it on iTunes last week
Number of songs I added to my iTunes this year: 1,373
Best show of the year: In terms of best new show that I've gotten hooked on, Chuck. Which happened only a few weeks ago! Mad Men goes way over my head most of the time. Actually, cross that out. I MAY have started watching 30 Rock this year. So best new show of the year goes to 30 Rock but honorable mention to Chuck
Worst habit I've picked up this year: Coming back from the gym every morning and watching The Daily Show while eating a bowl of cereal before class. It's fun, but it's started a habit of watching online content to start my day. Plus, if The Daily Show really goes off the air (its destiny will be told in a few short hours), I wonder what would take its place. NEWS?!
Best purchase of the year: Airplane ticket back home for Veteran's Day
Total amount of my own money spent this year (since June): $7,747.41, not including school tuition, airplane tickets, or clothing my mom bought for me when I came back home
Obsession of the year: Trader Joe's hummus. And it's probably fair to say, Kristen Stewart for a few weeks.
Cool memory of the year: The Lookout, entering my apartment and being greeted by party steam, baked goods and my drunk RCSA friends, everyone coming to my birthday dinner at Ichima
Letdown of the year: Google Chrome, which kept crashing on me so I switched back to Firefox. Maybe one day I can own a laptop that doesn't go beserk when I open a browser window
Emotional rollercoaster ride of the year: Ending sophomore year and being really excited for summer. Hating summer - the living space, the fact that I was living alone, summer school, and work. Pledging to stay in school as long as possible so I could put off working a full-time job. Starting junior year and hating it. Deciding to graduate early so I could start working earlier in life.
honorable mention: figuring out that my old crush has a girlfriend now
Number of hours spent on the elliptical this year (at least, since August): 23 and a half hours. Just short of an entire day of stepping up and down on a machine
Number of laps swum this year (since August): 3,200
Things I wish I had known this year: That the economy would go to shit and maybe I should have pursued a double major on top of business. Although if I cannot get a job with a business degree, what other job could I possibly have gotten?
Hope for the new year: That I look back at 2008 and laugh at myself for worrying so much about getting an internship. That I share a little more of my "private life." That I make friends my age so I can actually celebrate my 21st birthday in Berkeley. That I get really fit and can wear my dream item: a simple, white long-sleeved shirt that is made of thin material.