HAHAHA OMG. It's been like three months since her real comeback (opening at the MTV video awards; note, NOT the performance at the MTV video awards) and eighteen months since her first attempt to come back (her performance at House of Blues)
I think so much crazy has happened in her life that I completely forget most of it. There are times when I don't even remember that she has kids or was married to Kevin Federline. Why I think about her at all, I cannot explain.
No matter how high of a comeback she gets, I think there will always be some craziness in her. Her story makes me want to be in Hollywood more, so I can see if it would affect me the same way. Although I would never want to attain her level of popularity. I want more of an Amy Adams or Rachel Mcadams level of fame.
Today has been an incredibly unproductive day. Which explains why I am blogging about Britney Spears.
it took me so long before i realized who it was from the picture. HAHAHAHAH. did you mean to type people with "adams" in their last name? haha
HAHAH i actually did not. whenever i try to remember rachel mcadams name, I always think her first name is regina because of mean girls
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