They have really good music. I have to go look up the songs they play. But, OMFG they had an episode where they went to a high school reunion, and they played BSB and Paula Cole. You know it has to be a freaking good show when they can play Paula Cole's "I Don't Want To Wait" and you LIKE IT. WITHOUT having to picture Dawson's Creek in your head. THAT is a good show.
There is also an AMAZING number of guest stars on the show. In the few episodes that I've watched, there have already been SO MANY faces that I recognize. I LOVE recognizing faces.
Any fight scene with Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up" is automatically cool. Please ignore the horrendous voiceover.
Since I haven't seen any of the first season, I didn't know that this character was added after the second season started. But if I HAD been watching episodes in the correct order, I'm sure I would have went OMG! when I saw his face...
I also freaked out when I saw the last episode (WHICH MADE ME TEAR UP!) when I saw CARL WINSLOW OF FAMILY MATTERS. OMG. Family Matters was like my childhood show. One of the MANY black family shows that I watched as a child. Seriously, I don't know how I ended up watching Sister Sister, The Smart Guy, Family Matters, The Jamie Foxx Show, and the Wayan Brothers as an eight year old, but it's certainly impacted my image of black people. He played a donut-eating cop on the episode, which made me laugh out loud. LOL!
I think that episode also has that alien guy from MIB. But I'm too lazy to see if it is. HAHA Brian does like a perfect impression of the alien guy from MIB.
And finally, see if you can spot the guest star here.
Ok, so it's not really a guest STAR. More like an actor just having a job as an extra. But still! It's Mr. Wu from Veronica Mars!
This post took up a LONG time. Just looking for pictures. I was going to go to the library and then get a gym membership. But now I don't feel like doing anything. FATNESS YAY
Chuck: Morgan! Do we carry any Rush cds in the store?
Morgan: No need, I've got them all on my Zune
Chuck: You have a Zune?!
Morgan: No, no HAHA I'll go grab my iPod
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