1) Baked beans

2) Chili
Please refer to above picture, as chili looks remarkably similar to baked beans
3) Taco Bell's Crunchy Tacos

Today my dinner consisted of microwaving leftover rice, throwing a can of Bush's baked beans into a simmering pot, and boiling a husk of corn. Sadly, I thought it was DELICIOUS. I was kind of happy with myself until I read a blog where the person was talking about having canned soup as comfort food. And I have this automatic "ew how unhealthy and lazy" reaction to canned goods. And then I realized I ATE CANNED BAKED BEANS TODAY. And as delicious as that was, I'm kind of sad now. I hope I really do learn how to cook one day. I would say that boiling corn was the closest I've come to perfecting cooking instructions. Generally, I've been able to fuck up everything else. Also, today was the first time I ever opened a can. I remember in high school, Johnston tried to teach me how to open a can, but we both got exasperated after one try.
I've sat on my ass for the past two days studying. It actually kind of hurts because my seat doesn't have a good cushion. If I didn't know better, I would have thought I spent an hour doing lunges. I don't really know if I actually learned anything. I can say that now I am ADDICTED to Lipstick Jungle, which is what I watch every few hours. I have a draft of an entry solely about Lipstick Jungle that I wrote yesterday, but didn't post because it would have been my third post of the day. I will post it one day when I have nothing to say. But if you want a quick reason for why I am watching the show, it is because of THIS

Honestly, I don't really notice what happens half the time these two have scenes together, because half the time he is shirtless, and when that happens, you can't help but stare and just COUNT ALL THE ABS HE HAS.
His IMDB profile says he went to UCSD. SO THERE WAS AT LEAST ONE person out there in UCSD who is insanely hot.
SO MUCH READING! MIDTERM OF MY MOST IMPORTANT CLASS OF MY LIFE TOMORROW (my first accounting class, which will be the only accounting grade I have on my transcript when I apply for internships). But ... I think I'll go to Rasputin and look for music.
i have seen an episode of this. it was a slow day. IT WAS SO TRASHY.
but i cannot talk. i watch gossip girl.
lol omg frannie watches gossip girl too? *sigh* WHAT IS IT WITH THESE TRASHY SHOWS!! chuck bass is an ass.
yes, that guy DOES have many abs. even the side ones too! lol that means he does side planks or side crunches much.
you do have ...strange "comfort" or "always eat" foods. hahahaha but they amuse me. bush's baked beans. man...that makes me think of southern bbq. where their baked beans is stewed with bacon. :D DELICIOUS!!! get some bread and ooo...yum. keep cooking, you will get it. :]
that taco isn't from taco bell is it??
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