Thursday, October 9, 2008

STRESS. As Always

I'm in my panic mode, which comes every so often. I was talking to a friend, who I view as fairly accomplished resume-wise, and she still only has like one or two interviews lined up. She is a senior, so this is the last chance for good full-time positions. If she gets nothing, then come spring, it's a panicked rush for less desired jobs. Hearing that she is having difficulty finding a job puts ME in an emotional tizzy. First, she's looking at consulting positions, which is not the same as looking for an auditing position. Given all this financial turmoil, I would think that auditors would still have the same job demand, if not higher. Plus, consulting jobs are probably harder to get, now that investment banker hopefuls are now vying for consulting jobs, since there are fewer investment banks to apply to.

BUT STILL. OMG. I have seen her resume and it is covered from head to foot. Mine is like ... not very much. And I am doing even less now. PLUS I have a tanked GPA. LKSLSKDJLDSF Today I got a forwarded e-mail for a consulting job. Again, YES it's consulting, not auditing. BUT the cutoff GPA was 3.7 and I was like OMG I don't have a 3.7! I have never been completely disqualified for a position because of my GPA. AHHH I need to find out from my friends what the general cut off for Big 4 firms is.

Now I am thinking to myself of all the things I would have changed. 1) I would have studied WAY harder for macro econ. As well as all the upper div business classes that I got B's in, which is ALL OF THEM THUS FAR. 2) I would have probably sold my soul to BAP and just done the stupid business frat/club thing and been able to get more connections.

I just finished two midterms. I am kind of anxious to see what I got on them, but at the same time, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. If I did terribly I don't know what I would do. For accounting, if I got anything lower than an A-, I think I'd FREAK out.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:\ do not die from stress!!