Tuesday, March 18, 2008


After those last two happy entries, I'm back to my typical entries!

OMFGGGG I JUST ATE A COOKIE AND I FEEL SO SICK. Seriously, just because it says "vegan peanut butter cookie" it does NOT MEAN IT'S HEALTHY. I feel so bad too. I was about to get Pocky but at the very last second I grabbed a cookie. Right when he rang it up, I knew I really did not want it. I should have thrown it in the trash. AGH why didn't I throw it in the trash! I have to not be afraid of wasting food, if I can't keep myself from getting it in the first place. AGH BOO RAWR

So now I feel really sick. My stomach is really huge. IT'S SPRING BREAK. HOW CAN I EAT OUT if I'm not thin first! AGH. How can I wear slutty clothes in the hot, hot heat if I am all fat! WHY DIDN'T I SWIM TODAY. WHY DO I ALWAYS SUGGEST TO GET FOOD WITH MY FRIENDS.

I hate life.

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