I decided to go on another EXTREME diet after spring break. Well, not really extreme like starving myself midde-school style. More like, being more strict about what I eat and what I do, because I really think I have been fairly lax about these things this past year. I kind of vaguely remember feeling super confident in myself at some point in the year. Or was that sophomore year? I just remember a point in time when I was eager to go shopping. Nowadays, I wait before buying something, or I have to convince myself "hmm I don't think people will really notice my stomach bulge in this."
So my new foolproof diet, I don't even know why I didn't think of this sooner, is just not inviting people to go out to eat. This solves TWO problems: 1) excessive spending and 2) gluttony. I can't tell how difficult this will be. I have done pretty well for the past two days. Basically, I realized that the reason I go out so often is because I'm constantly talking to someone and the conversation often ends with me saying "OMG WE HAVE TO EAT THAT! LET'S GO!" And RIGHT after I say it, I always instantly regret it because I realize what I have just done. But I don't want to be annoying and say "um never mind I don't want to do that" and I eventually get hoodwinked (by my own doing) into eating out. Once again.
So I'm going to stop inviting people out to eat! At least for this month. I won't say no if people invite me out. So if you are rich and sadistic, you could invite me out to eat every day and I would do it. But if you are wondering why I am not inviting you out to eat, it is not because our friendship has ended. It is because I am trying to lose weight.
I realized today that I have absolutely no reason to go to Trader Joe's. The fruit and produce is more expensive and crappier than Berkeley Bowl's. I refuse to buy any of their delicious cookies or desserts. I don't like buying frozen foods. I can't buy alcohol. I have a giant box of pasta in my kitchen. And I don't particularly like eating bags of nuts. The cashier I had hoped to see again wasn't there today either. So maybe that's one less thing in my list of to do's in life.
Ok, I'm trying to sleep earlier. I have been waking up pretty late these past few weeks, like 8:30. Sigh. (Soo-Jin laughs and says "that's when I go to sleep!") I always wake up much later when I feel sad about my life, because I am not as eager to start my day. I keep meaning to write a list of goals and things I want in life, because that usually motivates me. But I'm pretty busy lately, and between working and trying to sleep at an early hour, I don't have much time to do anything at all. OH LIFE!
A reminder to friends before April begins:
Kristen, you and I were supposed to eat I.B Hoagies together
Jackie, you and I were supposed to eat La Note / Jupiter together
*not so subliminal message*
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Mt. Diablo
I just came back from hiking for about five hours straight. I am half proud that I managed to keep the same pace as three super fit guys and half sad that at the moment, I wasn't thin enough to wear some cute semi-slutty tank top. We went to Mount Diablo and it had some of the nicest views I've seen during a hike. Really open space and you could see far out to the Bay and other directions. Whenever I see a huge expanse of grassy land, for some reason, my mind immediately pictures a bunch of dinosaurs roaming around. I think it's because I watched Jurassic Park as a kid and the image of CGI-dinosaurs walking around stuck in my head. It's nice to look at a piece of land that has no evidence of human civilization and wonder what the world would be like without us. I guess my mind immediately connects "pristine nature" to "dinosaur herd."
I am a little pissed at myself for eating Taco Bell right after though. This HAD been a very good start to my new diet. Except for you, Grande Quesadilla and Fresco Taco! I am glad I went home a day earlier than usual, because I got to actually go out with friends today instead of killing my day at the airport. And this kind of sets the standard for EXTREME EXERCISE. But still, I probably should have held out and just gone home to eat an apple or something. I AM A FAILURE.
Oh my gosh, this is such an amazing trailer. I do not remember the book at all, but I love this trailer. What a good use of an Arcade Fire song. I love it when I'm in some store/restaurant and they play Arcade Fire. They are well-known enough that it happens from time to time, and the instrumentals are best heard on loud speakers. I remember one of the reasons I LOVED triple rock brewery so much was because they played Black Mirror and I was like INSTANT LOVE!
I went hiking with Kristen and three of her guy friends. The guy friends have taken rock climbing lessons and two of them are members of a climbing gym and they go like 3-4 times a week. THEY ARE INSANE! I guess Mt. Diablo has especially good rocks for climbing - there was a place we went to called Rock City with giant rocks. And they just take their time and figure out different ways to scale up a rock. Without any ropes. And once they figure out one way, they'll go back and look for another, more difficult way! I was really impressed. There are all these different names for different rock holds, like a "jug" would be the safest, because it's like putting your hand around a jug handle. When most people pass rocks on a hike, they probably think "ok, big rock." But THESE GUYS think "ok, how would I climb up this" and then THEY ACTUALLY DO IT. Oh my gosh. I would like to see the world through their rock climbing eyes.
Ok. I have a massive headache - not sure if it is related to being outdoors for so long. I should do homework/clean but I would rather lie down.
I am a little pissed at myself for eating Taco Bell right after though. This HAD been a very good start to my new diet. Except for you, Grande Quesadilla and Fresco Taco! I am glad I went home a day earlier than usual, because I got to actually go out with friends today instead of killing my day at the airport. And this kind of sets the standard for EXTREME EXERCISE. But still, I probably should have held out and just gone home to eat an apple or something. I AM A FAILURE.
Oh my gosh, this is such an amazing trailer. I do not remember the book at all, but I love this trailer. What a good use of an Arcade Fire song. I love it when I'm in some store/restaurant and they play Arcade Fire. They are well-known enough that it happens from time to time, and the instrumentals are best heard on loud speakers. I remember one of the reasons I LOVED triple rock brewery so much was because they played Black Mirror and I was like INSTANT LOVE!
I went hiking with Kristen and three of her guy friends. The guy friends have taken rock climbing lessons and two of them are members of a climbing gym and they go like 3-4 times a week. THEY ARE INSANE! I guess Mt. Diablo has especially good rocks for climbing - there was a place we went to called Rock City with giant rocks. And they just take their time and figure out different ways to scale up a rock. Without any ropes. And once they figure out one way, they'll go back and look for another, more difficult way! I was really impressed. There are all these different names for different rock holds, like a "jug" would be the safest, because it's like putting your hand around a jug handle. When most people pass rocks on a hike, they probably think "ok, big rock." But THESE GUYS think "ok, how would I climb up this" and then THEY ACTUALLY DO IT. Oh my gosh. I would like to see the world through their rock climbing eyes.
Ok. I have a massive headache - not sure if it is related to being outdoors for so long. I should do homework/clean but I would rather lie down.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hot Revolver
I really like this song
UNTIL 2:16 that is! WTF, song! It just suddenly becomes REALLY shitty. Like, am I even listening to a song? Why does it speed up at the most random places? I also tried to download it and there was this SUPER annoying DJ who just kept talking through the entire song. How do you expect to get played on the radio?! Songs are so strange these days.
Now I'm off to Borders to look for a book and speed read through it so I can do a hw assignment for Negotiations. Why I didn't do this earlier is a question that I can't answer. I suppose I just really like to screw with my life.
:( I never even got to read "The Face On Your Plate," a book a picked up at the library. BUT I did finish my scarf! I just need to cast it off, but soon I will be strolling the streets of Berkeley wearing a yellow moth-eaten looking scarf in the heat of summer.
UNTIL 2:16 that is! WTF, song! It just suddenly becomes REALLY shitty. Like, am I even listening to a song? Why does it speed up at the most random places? I also tried to download it and there was this SUPER annoying DJ who just kept talking through the entire song. How do you expect to get played on the radio?! Songs are so strange these days.
Now I'm off to Borders to look for a book and speed read through it so I can do a hw assignment for Negotiations. Why I didn't do this earlier is a question that I can't answer. I suppose I just really like to screw with my life.
:( I never even got to read "The Face On Your Plate," a book a picked up at the library. BUT I did finish my scarf! I just need to cast it off, but soon I will be strolling the streets of Berkeley wearing a yellow moth-eaten looking scarf in the heat of summer.
One thing my laptop can't do
...is watch the videos on televisionwithoutpity.com. Which is a tragedy! Because TV is the Answer is one of my favorite things to watch online.
ARGH. I tried to post the video but the widget will only play a really terrible ad with a Rachel Bilson lookalike and then fail to play the actual video. You will have to click here
This video made me wonder ... when will the peak of MY looks be? What if RIGHT NOW is the peak of my looks and I don't know it?! I always intend to learn how to properly put on makeup but I never bother to. During breaks I think "ok, when I'm back in Berkeley, I'm going to put on eyeliner right after the gym and then wash it off when I shower, just so I can practice putting it on." But whenever I come back from the gym, I just sit in front of my computer and I'm much too tired to have to paint my face. So after many years, I still have never bothered to put it on and my left eyelid is always weird looking!
Connie L and I were talking about whether it's better to put on makeup every day and look awesome every day (my view) or to save the makeup for special occasions so you look spectacular on certain days but people don't begin to expect that from you (her view). I think, you never know when you might meet someone new. Even if you are just heading to class, maybe you should prepare yourself just in case! And not even if you are looking for someone to date. Maybe you want to look nice, so your friends can think "hey, I hang out with some pretty good looking people" or maybe your good looks will cause some stranger on the street to think "wow that person looks pretty awesome. My day has been bettered because I saw someone good looking!" These are both thoughts I have thought. Multiple times.
Over spring break, every meal I've eaten at home has consisted of the exact same foods. Asparagus, chicken, meatballs, and soup. I like all of the dishes and kind of hope I am eating it for lunch again. But each day I have had varying degrees of pain from canker sores, so each meal is quite a different experience. For instance, yesterday's meal was like "wow! I can chew this quite well! There's so much taste!" whereas Monday's meal was like "just swallow! Don't chew! Chewing is pain!" Today the canker sores on my tongue have left, but now there's a more painful one on my right cheek. So maybe I can eat with the left side of my face again.
So far for spring break, I have failed to rewrite my resume and cover letters, read my negotiations book, or even read for fun. But I HAVE: bought two new pairs of shoes, gone to the Long Beach Aquarium, knitted a half-finished yellow scarf, watched Slumdog Millionaire, played Drunk Poker, explored the shady side of LA at night, and spent hours looking at hot people on Facebook and our favorite hot celebrities. I proved to Eric that there ARE phenomenally hot Indian girls in the world and Frances L proved that Winona Ryder does look somewhat like Kiera Knightley. Success!
Click Here
I thought this video was hilarious because it made me realize that a lot of people really DO just sit quietly in FUN PLACES just texting or playing with their iPhones! When we went to LA and were waiting for our food at the Thai restaurant, there were seven people including me. I was sitting in the middle. And on each side of me, the three people were just PLAYING WITH IPHONES. I seriously just SAT THERE QUIETLY while people were just PLAYING WITH THEIR GOD DAMN IPHONES. It drove me crazy.
And oh no! I've opened another bag of thin mints. *ominous music plays*
I ATE SO MANY THIN MINTS WTF OMGGGGGGG. And I have to eat lunch in ten minutes! AND Danny just called and wants to eat lunch! NOOOOO. I could probably have eaten at home + out, but it is not possible for me to eat thin mints + at home + out. The thin mints are starting to hit! I am chewing my gum as fast as I can. DIGEST!!!
Also, I'm going to post the quotes in my aim info here. I wish I had kept a document of all the quotes I have ever put in my aim info because there have been some pretty good ones in my ten yearsish of using AIM
*while looking at bongs*
"these are HUGE"
"look at how many chambers there are!"
"that one is so small though"
"that one's a dildo"
alvin: we should just think of a word and make a joke out of it. like ... sriracha. let me think about this. oh ok. who was the hottest knight in king arthur's court?
table: i don't know
alvin: SRIRACHA!
danny: cats chase mice. but rats chase cats
eric: dinosaurs didn't really evolve
me: well, we only know the ones whose bones were left
alvin: you mean the ones who lost? there are probably a bunch of dinosaurs who escaped and are in space right now
*watching me knit*
mom: now i don't say this to discourage you. but you remind me of when i was younger and i tried to knit. i decided to give up. i don't think you'll finish that scarf either
mom: oh wow! your scarf is so long! are you going to make me one?
me: NO. you didn't believe in me
mom: i believe in you now!
ARGH. I tried to post the video but the widget will only play a really terrible ad with a Rachel Bilson lookalike and then fail to play the actual video. You will have to click here
This video made me wonder ... when will the peak of MY looks be? What if RIGHT NOW is the peak of my looks and I don't know it?! I always intend to learn how to properly put on makeup but I never bother to. During breaks I think "ok, when I'm back in Berkeley, I'm going to put on eyeliner right after the gym and then wash it off when I shower, just so I can practice putting it on." But whenever I come back from the gym, I just sit in front of my computer and I'm much too tired to have to paint my face. So after many years, I still have never bothered to put it on and my left eyelid is always weird looking!
Connie L and I were talking about whether it's better to put on makeup every day and look awesome every day (my view) or to save the makeup for special occasions so you look spectacular on certain days but people don't begin to expect that from you (her view). I think, you never know when you might meet someone new. Even if you are just heading to class, maybe you should prepare yourself just in case! And not even if you are looking for someone to date. Maybe you want to look nice, so your friends can think "hey, I hang out with some pretty good looking people" or maybe your good looks will cause some stranger on the street to think "wow that person looks pretty awesome. My day has been bettered because I saw someone good looking!" These are both thoughts I have thought. Multiple times.
Over spring break, every meal I've eaten at home has consisted of the exact same foods. Asparagus, chicken, meatballs, and soup. I like all of the dishes and kind of hope I am eating it for lunch again. But each day I have had varying degrees of pain from canker sores, so each meal is quite a different experience. For instance, yesterday's meal was like "wow! I can chew this quite well! There's so much taste!" whereas Monday's meal was like "just swallow! Don't chew! Chewing is pain!" Today the canker sores on my tongue have left, but now there's a more painful one on my right cheek. So maybe I can eat with the left side of my face again.
So far for spring break, I have failed to rewrite my resume and cover letters, read my negotiations book, or even read for fun. But I HAVE: bought two new pairs of shoes, gone to the Long Beach Aquarium, knitted a half-finished yellow scarf, watched Slumdog Millionaire, played Drunk Poker, explored the shady side of LA at night, and spent hours looking at hot people on Facebook and our favorite hot celebrities. I proved to Eric that there ARE phenomenally hot Indian girls in the world and Frances L proved that Winona Ryder does look somewhat like Kiera Knightley. Success!
Click Here
I thought this video was hilarious because it made me realize that a lot of people really DO just sit quietly in FUN PLACES just texting or playing with their iPhones! When we went to LA and were waiting for our food at the Thai restaurant, there were seven people including me. I was sitting in the middle. And on each side of me, the three people were just PLAYING WITH IPHONES. I seriously just SAT THERE QUIETLY while people were just PLAYING WITH THEIR GOD DAMN IPHONES. It drove me crazy.
And oh no! I've opened another bag of thin mints. *ominous music plays*
I ATE SO MANY THIN MINTS WTF OMGGGGGGG. And I have to eat lunch in ten minutes! AND Danny just called and wants to eat lunch! NOOOOO. I could probably have eaten at home + out, but it is not possible for me to eat thin mints + at home + out. The thin mints are starting to hit! I am chewing my gum as fast as I can. DIGEST!!!
Also, I'm going to post the quotes in my aim info here. I wish I had kept a document of all the quotes I have ever put in my aim info because there have been some pretty good ones in my ten yearsish of using AIM
*while looking at bongs*
"these are HUGE"
"look at how many chambers there are!"
"that one is so small though"
"that one's a dildo"
alvin: we should just think of a word and make a joke out of it. like ... sriracha. let me think about this. oh ok. who was the hottest knight in king arthur's court?
table: i don't know
alvin: SRIRACHA!
danny: cats chase mice. but rats chase cats
eric: dinosaurs didn't really evolve
me: well, we only know the ones whose bones were left
alvin: you mean the ones who lost? there are probably a bunch of dinosaurs who escaped and are in space right now
*watching me knit*
mom: now i don't say this to discourage you. but you remind me of when i was younger and i tried to knit. i decided to give up. i don't think you'll finish that scarf either
mom: oh wow! your scarf is so long! are you going to make me one?
me: NO. you didn't believe in me
mom: i believe in you now!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Several posts ago I wrote that I wanted a pair of Nine West shoes and my mom said I should wait until they go on sale. I said
So I bought it! Yay. Now I'm going to buy more skinny leg pants so I phase out my uglier jeans. My mom also saw another pair of heels and said they looked cute and I asked apprehensively "would you buy me TWO pairs?" and she said "sure why not" and I was like OMG MUST BUY!!! HER DEFENSES ARE DOWN!
So I bought this too. Yay shoes! Oh fuck I just realized I don't have the luggage space to bring them to Berkeley. Ummmmmm maybe I'll have Alvin take my shoes back. Anyway. I like them! I wore them to SD. My feet really hurt when we were walking around Irvine Spectrum but there were no blisters, which is a good sign. And they look normal now. But why do shoes feel so comfortable in the store, and then once I get home, I'm like "oh. This kind of hurts." Trickery!
As we left Nine West, I told my mom that I had blogged about possibly never buying the shoe. She said "well today you can blog, 'I bought the shoe!' Good things come to those who wait." So thanks mom. $50 saved total! (Although if we had never gone to get our free VS underwear, we wouldn't have spent $104 that day).
I kept thinking of things to write about the VS underwear but then my parenthetical comment was getting ridiculously long. So now it has its own paragraph. Every time I come home, I can expect two things in my room: one VS free underwear card and one Ichima coupon. HAHA And every time my mom forces me to go to the mall to get the underwear I am like "UGHHH WHYY IT'S JUST UNDERWEAR" but then once I get it I'm very happy the rest of the day. My favorite style is boy shorts! I was going to post a picture of the boy shorts but the pictures from the Victoria's Secret website feature the women more prominently than the underwear so instead of posting a picture of some girl in lingerie, I'm just not going to post anything.
I always force my mom to buy the underwear because I am too embarassed to go to the counter with nothing except a pair of underwear and a coupon for free underwear. I pretended to be very interested in their new line of lotion when I suddenly heard my mom go "I'M SO SORRY I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY DAUGHTER!" Wondering what she could have possibly done to a complete stranger, I walked over and there was a very confused looking white woman and my mom going "this is my daughter!" and handed me the Nine West bag of shoes we had just purchased.
Apparently while in line, my mom assumed I was behind her and just silently handed my bag over to the woman. The woman didn't take it, probably confused as to why some random Asian lady was handing her a bag of shoes. My mom was about to turn around and scold "HOLD IT!" when she turned around and realized the woman was not her daughter. She said she was very thankful that I had come over, or the woman would have thought she was crazy. From the look on that woman's face, she probably still thought my mom was crazy.
I signed up for summer school today. Two accounting classes. DEATH!
It is a very classic look and I don't think it will ever go on sale. Which means I will never be able to buy the shoe.Well, I went to the mall to pick up my free pair of Victoria Secret underwear yesterday (WHY do they keep sending this to us?! My mom and I can't figure it out. I think I have over 10 pairs of free VS underwear, which is like a $50 value) and we walked past Nine West and I asked to look in. I didn't expect the shoe to be on sale ... BUT IT WAS!
So I bought it! Yay. Now I'm going to buy more skinny leg pants so I phase out my uglier jeans. My mom also saw another pair of heels and said they looked cute and I asked apprehensively "would you buy me TWO pairs?" and she said "sure why not" and I was like OMG MUST BUY!!! HER DEFENSES ARE DOWN!

As we left Nine West, I told my mom that I had blogged about possibly never buying the shoe. She said "well today you can blog, 'I bought the shoe!' Good things come to those who wait." So thanks mom. $50 saved total! (Although if we had never gone to get our free VS underwear, we wouldn't have spent $104 that day).
I kept thinking of things to write about the VS underwear but then my parenthetical comment was getting ridiculously long. So now it has its own paragraph. Every time I come home, I can expect two things in my room: one VS free underwear card and one Ichima coupon. HAHA And every time my mom forces me to go to the mall to get the underwear I am like "UGHHH WHYY IT'S JUST UNDERWEAR" but then once I get it I'm very happy the rest of the day. My favorite style is boy shorts! I was going to post a picture of the boy shorts but the pictures from the Victoria's Secret website feature the women more prominently than the underwear so instead of posting a picture of some girl in lingerie, I'm just not going to post anything.
I always force my mom to buy the underwear because I am too embarassed to go to the counter with nothing except a pair of underwear and a coupon for free underwear. I pretended to be very interested in their new line of lotion when I suddenly heard my mom go "I'M SO SORRY I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY DAUGHTER!" Wondering what she could have possibly done to a complete stranger, I walked over and there was a very confused looking white woman and my mom going "this is my daughter!" and handed me the Nine West bag of shoes we had just purchased.
Apparently while in line, my mom assumed I was behind her and just silently handed my bag over to the woman. The woman didn't take it, probably confused as to why some random Asian lady was handing her a bag of shoes. My mom was about to turn around and scold "HOLD IT!" when she turned around and realized the woman was not her daughter. She said she was very thankful that I had come over, or the woman would have thought she was crazy. From the look on that woman's face, she probably still thought my mom was crazy.
I signed up for summer school today. Two accounting classes. DEATH!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
TV Commercials
Yesterday I watched TV for the first time in like a month. And by TV, I mean, actually turning on the TV and sitting through commercials and not having the luxury of playing tetris during the slow parts. I think the last time I watched something on a big network station may have been the beginning of winter break. The "tv" in my apartment has really terrible reception and when I bought the converter box, I realized my TV is SO OLD it doesn't even have the red yellow white inputs! In the dorms, I had a cable that connected to something in the room to give me cable channels. I don't have that in my apartment. Do you know what I use to get reception? I stick a TWISTIE-TIE into one of the inputs and SOMEHOW I get like six channels.
So this semester, I never watched TV, unless it was being streamed from the internet. It's really weird to think that I can watch so much TV without actually owning a TV set. The only commercials I see are the ones on hulu which are vastly different from television commercials. Well, I was WAY more interested in the commercials last night than the actual programs. TV has changed SO MUCH. I feel like every other commercial had SOME mention of the state of the economy. OR it would reference the greedy management of large corporations. I feel so angry or depressed just watching commercials. They should at least have a balance of cute, happy light commercials, like Target ads or Apple ads.
I skipped the previous episode of Lost and never bothered watching it online. But I decided to watch yesterday night's episode anyway and I realized that if you want to be CONSTANTLY SURPRISED (as if you weren't already on Lost) you should just skip every other episode. Then you are immediately like WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?! when the episode begins, rather than "oh yes, this is where we left off last time."
I woke up at like 7:30 today to go jogging and it was super foggy which was very cool. I then realized that people are still going to school so when I got to the track, there were all these high schoolers going out for PE. Well, I don't want to be the weirdo running around school grounds so I just jogged around the streets. Productive! It's now 9:30am and I'm kind of bored. I'm going to go to the library and read something. Maybe strike up a conversation with some of the retired white folk that sit at the library early mornings.
Update: I ended up going TOO EARLY to the library. I had to stand outside for twenty minutes! I find that incredibly sad. There were like ten other people waiting too! Who knew the library was such a hip place to be at 10 in the morning?
Call me juvenile, but I think this is one of the most hilarious news clippings ever on Daily Show. I laughed out loud yesterday and I did again today!
So this semester, I never watched TV, unless it was being streamed from the internet. It's really weird to think that I can watch so much TV without actually owning a TV set. The only commercials I see are the ones on hulu which are vastly different from television commercials. Well, I was WAY more interested in the commercials last night than the actual programs. TV has changed SO MUCH. I feel like every other commercial had SOME mention of the state of the economy. OR it would reference the greedy management of large corporations. I feel so angry or depressed just watching commercials. They should at least have a balance of cute, happy light commercials, like Target ads or Apple ads.
I skipped the previous episode of Lost and never bothered watching it online. But I decided to watch yesterday night's episode anyway and I realized that if you want to be CONSTANTLY SURPRISED (as if you weren't already on Lost) you should just skip every other episode. Then you are immediately like WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?! when the episode begins, rather than "oh yes, this is where we left off last time."
I woke up at like 7:30 today to go jogging and it was super foggy which was very cool. I then realized that people are still going to school so when I got to the track, there were all these high schoolers going out for PE. Well, I don't want to be the weirdo running around school grounds so I just jogged around the streets. Productive! It's now 9:30am and I'm kind of bored. I'm going to go to the library and read something. Maybe strike up a conversation with some of the retired white folk that sit at the library early mornings.
Update: I ended up going TOO EARLY to the library. I had to stand outside for twenty minutes! I find that incredibly sad. There were like ten other people waiting too! Who knew the library was such a hip place to be at 10 in the morning?
Call me juvenile, but I think this is one of the most hilarious news clippings ever on Daily Show. I laughed out loud yesterday and I did again today!
Monday, March 16, 2009
RSF is dumb
The school gym, RSF, has instated a new policy where you HAVE to sign your name on a piece of paper in order to use the cardio machines. Well, the policy has always been there, but since the sign-up sheets were off to the corner, the policy was easily ignored. But last week, they moved the table right to the center of the walkway and at various points, there will be an automated message broadcasted across the intercom reminding everyone in the gym of this new policy.
Well, I don't like it. Putting the table there doesn't make me want to sign-up more. It's just something else that's in my way that I might bump into after a tiring workout. I still don't bother to sign up - I just feel a lot more guilty each time I pass the table. I shouldn't have to feel guilt in a gym! How will you know which machine to sign up for unless you actually GET to the machine and see the number? And by the time you get to the machine, who is going to WALK BACK to the sign-up table just to claim a machine that they were RIGHT NEXT TO? I go to the gym to exercise on machines that count the calories I have burned and the duration of time I have been working out. All the extra walking back and forth from the sign-up table is undocumented exercise!
So now, every time I walk by the table I think to myself "should I sign up? I don't know --- ahhhhlegsmovingcan'tstop oh I passed the table."
AHHH I don't know how I am suddenly so behind in my study schedule! I kept thinking "oh it's ok this is ok plenty of time to study" and then suddenly last night I was like "WTF I HAVE NO TIME TO DO EVERYTHING I NEED TO DO!"
Well, I don't like it. Putting the table there doesn't make me want to sign-up more. It's just something else that's in my way that I might bump into after a tiring workout. I still don't bother to sign up - I just feel a lot more guilty each time I pass the table. I shouldn't have to feel guilt in a gym! How will you know which machine to sign up for unless you actually GET to the machine and see the number? And by the time you get to the machine, who is going to WALK BACK to the sign-up table just to claim a machine that they were RIGHT NEXT TO? I go to the gym to exercise on machines that count the calories I have burned and the duration of time I have been working out. All the extra walking back and forth from the sign-up table is undocumented exercise!
So now, every time I walk by the table I think to myself "should I sign up? I don't know --- ahhhhlegsmovingcan'tstop oh I passed the table."
AHHH I don't know how I am suddenly so behind in my study schedule! I kept thinking "oh it's ok this is ok plenty of time to study" and then suddenly last night I was like "WTF I HAVE NO TIME TO DO EVERYTHING I NEED TO DO!"
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Grease and Cheese
Today I attended the "Mr. and Mrs. Kuo, I assure you, Laura has friends" party. This is in the event description, and I want to post it here because I think it is hilarious and WHO KNOWS what happens to facebook event pages after they have passed.
The cheese and grease were brought. The men were not.
I had a wonderful time playing Mario Kart and CELEBRITY taboo. What an amazing game, even though I did not fare as well as some would have thought. I blame the food comas.
Laura: The food has blocked my receptors!
My blog was mentioned for a good portion of the day, and I feel like there might be people who do not know me at all coming to visit my blog. SO HELLO to you out there. Don't be scared off. My name is Melissa. I go to Berkeley. I come from Arcadia. I like to gym and eat and then complain about not gymming enough and eating too much. I watch a lot of TV (but I think I have watched less these past few months). I don't have anything particularly fascinating to talk about. The most thrilling part of my day is often when I play tetris while simultaneously eating cereal AND watching the daily show. I really don't know why people enjoy reading my blog that much! Well, I do not like to delete my posts too often, so you can read my archives at your own pace. They will still be there the next day!
I guess I will post a picture because when I visit sites with pictures, I am often more likely to revisit them.

Don't be fooled. I actually hate children, but I thought this picture was funny.
The best thing I ate today was probably the fruit/cheese tart that Tiffany bought from Shing Kee Bakery. I want more of it! But I don't want to eat anything until at least tomorrow
I asked her: "Laura, what would you like for your birthday? Riches? Power? Men?"
To which she replied: "All I desire is the largest gathering of cheese and grease in my lifetime...and men."
The cheese and grease were brought. The men were not.
I had a wonderful time playing Mario Kart and CELEBRITY taboo. What an amazing game, even though I did not fare as well as some would have thought. I blame the food comas.
Laura: The food has blocked my receptors!
My blog was mentioned for a good portion of the day, and I feel like there might be people who do not know me at all coming to visit my blog. SO HELLO to you out there. Don't be scared off. My name is Melissa. I go to Berkeley. I come from Arcadia. I like to gym and eat and then complain about not gymming enough and eating too much. I watch a lot of TV (but I think I have watched less these past few months). I don't have anything particularly fascinating to talk about. The most thrilling part of my day is often when I play tetris while simultaneously eating cereal AND watching the daily show. I really don't know why people enjoy reading my blog that much! Well, I do not like to delete my posts too often, so you can read my archives at your own pace. They will still be there the next day!
I guess I will post a picture because when I visit sites with pictures, I am often more likely to revisit them.

Don't be fooled. I actually hate children, but I thought this picture was funny.
The best thing I ate today was probably the fruit/cheese tart that Tiffany bought from Shing Kee Bakery. I want more of it! But I don't want to eat anything until at least tomorrow
Friday, March 13, 2009
Dreaming of a bathroom
I had the most realistic dream this morning, where I was in my apartment and then SUDDENLY found this crazy nice bathroom in it. It wasn't like it just suddenly appeared. More like, I was feeling really crappy about life but then I just went into this second bathroom that had really nice yellow tiles and soothing painted walls and just felt like everything was better than I thought. In the dream, I just stood in front of the sink thinking, "I take a lot of things for granted and at least I have this wonderful bathroom to keep me happy." And then I turned around and there was this STEAM VAC (which is something I've always wanted) and I was like "MY GOSH, my life is so splendid." I think I proceeded to clean a business suit.
And then I got out of bed, and I totally didn't realize it had JUST BEEN A DREAM until AFTER I had walked through the hallway, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I was in mid-brush when my mind was kind of like "wait ... do I NOT own this bathroom?!" And I had to think about the layout of my apartment before I realized that the magical bathroom was only a dream.
And then I got out of bed, and I totally didn't realize it had JUST BEEN A DREAM until AFTER I had walked through the hallway, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I was in mid-brush when my mind was kind of like "wait ... do I NOT own this bathroom?!" And I had to think about the layout of my apartment before I realized that the magical bathroom was only a dream.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Thoughts on groceries
Today I went to Trader Joe's before my classes to buy milk. I haven't had cereal in so long, which was ok when I was in Socal eating croissants and pastries like it was the end of the world. But nowadays I find nothing in my apartment to eat. Anyway, I walked around the entire store, looking for something else to buy because it seems stupid to make a trip all the way to Trader Joe's ... just to buy milk. I ended up throwing a bag of carrots into my shopping basket as well. There were very few people in the store - I really like going to grocery stores in the morning when most people are at work. But I don't really have a reason to go to Trader Joe's anymore. I guess Berkeley Bowl really is cheaper than Trader Joe's, plus their fruit is better quality. My obsession with hummus has died ... so NOW WHAT? WHAT can you offer me, Joe the Trader?!
Well, I thought the person who rung me up was pretty cute. Trader Joe's has a fairly youthful workforce. A youthful and predominately white workforce. As I left the store, I wondered how much time I had in my weekly schedule to go to Trader Joe's and flirt it up with the cashiers. Then I realized how creepy it was for someone to go to the grocery store multiple times in a week just to hit on people. So I will just shop once a week like normal people do.
Kristen said I am very pessimistic and I often blog very depressing posts. IS THIS TRUE? I am realizing how little self awareness I have. I wonder what people think of me. I didn't used to think that I was quirky or pessimistic. I thought I was very average and optimistic. What do you, dear reader, think of me?

Someone posted this on their blog and I laugh every time I see it.
Well, I thought the person who rung me up was pretty cute. Trader Joe's has a fairly youthful workforce. A youthful and predominately white workforce. As I left the store, I wondered how much time I had in my weekly schedule to go to Trader Joe's and flirt it up with the cashiers. Then I realized how creepy it was for someone to go to the grocery store multiple times in a week just to hit on people. So I will just shop once a week like normal people do.
Kristen said I am very pessimistic and I often blog very depressing posts. IS THIS TRUE? I am realizing how little self awareness I have. I wonder what people think of me. I didn't used to think that I was quirky or pessimistic. I thought I was very average and optimistic. What do you, dear reader, think of me?

Someone posted this on their blog and I laugh every time I see it.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Grad students!
Angelica: I want to set Mel up with ______
Ryan: How are you going to get them to meet up?
Angelica: I don't know
Ryan: You could invite her to the engagement party
Angelica: Yeah!
Why I think that convo is weird: that I could be potentially set up on a date with a 28 year old, and that they thought the best way for me to meet this guy was through an engagement party. It makes me feel much older than I actually am.
I really like every person I've ever met through Ryan and Angelica. Maybe it is because I am predisposed to liking older people. And because all of their friends are freaking smart, speak incredibly well and are very knowledgable about the world. Today I ate dinner with them and some people they knew, including one married 23-year old and another guy who is 30, engaged and has been with his fiancee for TWELVE years. I did not tell mention that the year he graduated college, I was in middle school.
It was very cool to just sit at a table of like nine people and everyone had a giant glass of beer. Except me of course. Angelica had a pomegranate cider that I liked and would order again. The food at Triple Rock Brewery was really freaking good. I want to go here when I'm 21! Or when I'm using Tiffany's ID that has a picture of an Asian girl that people have said looks EXACTLY like me.
In my college years, I go out a lot but I don't party very much. I don't particularly enjoy parties so I tell myself that I'm not missing out on very much. But when I hang out with Ryan and Angelica I always feel like I'm not living out my full college potential. They and the people they know have done SO many things and they always have TONS of stories and it makes me feel like my life is so boring. :( They make me really want to go to grad school. Med school and grad school seem so cool.
Just because this happened in the same day:
HAHA So after eating dinner, Ryan, Angelica and I drove down to Ici. I had called to check flavors and Angelica wanted to eat candied kumquat. I ended up getting honey lavender and it was pretty good. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't been eating Reese's Pieces all day. Ryan ordered first and was paying for us (SO NICE) when the server finished scooping the first cone and handed it to me. I assumed it was mine so I was JUST taking my first lick when Ryan was like "is that mine?" I felt very mortified. Luckily, Ryan is not the type of guy who cares. ^_^ The server must have thought I was an idiot though. She was all like "do you want me to get you another cone since she licked yours?" WELL WHY DID YOU HAND IT TO ME, BIZNATCH.
Ryan: How are you going to get them to meet up?
Angelica: I don't know
Ryan: You could invite her to the engagement party
Angelica: Yeah!
Why I think that convo is weird: that I could be potentially set up on a date with a 28 year old, and that they thought the best way for me to meet this guy was through an engagement party. It makes me feel much older than I actually am.
I really like every person I've ever met through Ryan and Angelica. Maybe it is because I am predisposed to liking older people. And because all of their friends are freaking smart, speak incredibly well and are very knowledgable about the world. Today I ate dinner with them and some people they knew, including one married 23-year old and another guy who is 30, engaged and has been with his fiancee for TWELVE years. I did not tell mention that the year he graduated college, I was in middle school.
It was very cool to just sit at a table of like nine people and everyone had a giant glass of beer. Except me of course. Angelica had a pomegranate cider that I liked and would order again. The food at Triple Rock Brewery was really freaking good. I want to go here when I'm 21! Or when I'm using Tiffany's ID that has a picture of an Asian girl that people have said looks EXACTLY like me.
In my college years, I go out a lot but I don't party very much. I don't particularly enjoy parties so I tell myself that I'm not missing out on very much. But when I hang out with Ryan and Angelica I always feel like I'm not living out my full college potential. They and the people they know have done SO many things and they always have TONS of stories and it makes me feel like my life is so boring. :( They make me really want to go to grad school. Med school and grad school seem so cool.
Just because this happened in the same day:
HAHA So after eating dinner, Ryan, Angelica and I drove down to Ici. I had called to check flavors and Angelica wanted to eat candied kumquat. I ended up getting honey lavender and it was pretty good. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't been eating Reese's Pieces all day. Ryan ordered first and was paying for us (SO NICE) when the server finished scooping the first cone and handed it to me. I assumed it was mine so I was JUST taking my first lick when Ryan was like "is that mine?" I felt very mortified. Luckily, Ryan is not the type of guy who cares. ^_^ The server must have thought I was an idiot though. She was all like "do you want me to get you another cone since she licked yours?" WELL WHY DID YOU HAND IT TO ME, BIZNATCH.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
RCSA Socal Interviews
Just got back from socal! Apparently it takes me about about an hour and ten minutes to check all of my websites after three days without internet. I have yet to watch all the shows I typically watch and read the recaps but I've kind of lost interest. GASP. What if this is the weekend when I finally stop watching television? I wonder if my life would still have any meaning.
So this is the last year I will be going to socal to do interviews for RCSA. Pretty good weekend! We went to the Marriott in downtown LA this time. I liked how the bathrooms had a bathtub AND a shower. Not that I have the patience to take a bath. But it's nice to see gleaming white porcelein.
Friday night was Roy's OMFG SO GOOD. I think the LA one is better than the Pasadena one. The Pasadena one didn't have the Ahi Tartare that is my favorite dish made of fish in ALL of history but I got it this weekend. Yummers! Andria got one as well. I also ordered the Mahi Mahi by the waiter's recommendation but I think I should stop ordering things with creamy sauces. It came with a lobster bisque sauce that was good at first then hurt my stomach. For dessert I had the pineapple upside down cake MMM MMM.
The waiter was super nice to us and when he came out with the tartare he asked if we wanted chopsticks and I was like "no I'm not very good with them anyway." And then like three minutes later he comes back and very smoothly puts down these chopsticks that have this HILARIOUS "fun chop" thing connecting the two together. It's like this bendy piece of plastic that holds the chopsticks correctly and it teaches you how to use them. Patent pending. AMAZING! I was like "I'm going to take this home" BUT THE CLEANER TOOK IT AWAY. I thought it would be too embarassing to ask for a dirty pair of chopsticks back.
Saturday was crazy amounts of talking. I also ate an excessive number of cookies. There were breakfast pastries and I ate one more than I should have. Then we had lunch in the hotel restaurant 333, and the soup was AMAZING. Also they have the best iced tea I have ever had and I usually hate iced tea. Today I could kind of taste a peach flavor in it - I wish I know where it comes from. I ate a lot of cookies and then we went to the pool to nap. Then went back for afternoon interviews and found MORE desserts. Of course, had to eat those. Felt incredibly guilty afterwards.
Then, I was already very full but we had cheese/wine/crackers with the professors in a really amazing suite. It's a corner room that is two stories - the bottom is like a living room and bar area and the upstairs is a bedroom, office and bathroom. It would be nice to live in a place like that. I love two cheeses - one is white, round, with red powdery stuff on it and is very soft. The other is bleu cheese? Did I spell that correctly? Maybe it is just blue cheese.
So I was deciding whether or not to go to a musical with Andria and Christina but decided I would rather gym. Their treadmills are ridiculous. There is a tv attached to every treadmill, with cable tv, and you can plug your headphones in. I watched POTC and some Friends. There are also inputs for A/V AND a USB port. I am willing to bet that the treadmill is more powerful that the laptop I am typing on.
Went back to my room (which I had to myself!) and showered and then fell asleep while watching SATC. Woke up Andria called me and felt EXTREMELY disoriented. But I had slept in my dress so I just went out. I pressed the elevator button and it opened with Andria and Christina in it, and they screamed "OMG YOUR DRESS IS SO PRETTY" and I screamed "AHHH WHAT? IT'S WET SEAL!" because I was still very sleepy and sudden loud noises make me very confused and I say whatever comes to my mind. HAHA So we walked over the the Standard which was basically the only place open at 10:30pm.
We had gone with the intention of eating DELICIOUS expensive entrees but we got there and all they had were semi-expensive appetizer-like foods! So we debated leaving, but where would we go? So we decided ... TO BUY A SHITLOAD of food. Imagine ... most dishes are like $12-15 ... and we had $64 for three people each ...
Our waiter was quite CLEARLY confused. Here were three Asian girls (two very thin ones and one medium sized fattie aka me) who looked like they were just out to get drinks and when he asks us what we want, we ask in very concerned voices "Can we get a dinner menu? There's NO dinner menu?! Do you know a place where we can get dinner?" At first I was a little sad that we wouldn't be blowing our money on very expensive dishes, but it turned out to be just as fun to spend this way because who is EVER going to buy $12 fries?! We shared between us:
1. Crispy Calamari ($10 and pretty good, considering I hate fried stuff and seafood)
2. Creamy Dungeness Crab Cakes ($14 and the grapefruit made it really tasty. Best crab cake ever!)
3. French fries with Gorzongola Fondue ($12 but he gave it to us for FREE and it was REALLY good ... I will probably never be able to dip french fries in gorzongola fondue ever again)
4. French Pear Martini ($15 drink that was really really good)
5. Cosmo ($10? and oddly clear but still delicious)
6. Mixed Fields Salad ($7 but he gaves this to us for FREE TOO! because he said he didn't realize how much fries our entrees had come with, so he thought we should have something to balance it out. Really good viniagrette - I did not expect to eat so much arugula that night)
7. Kobe Burger ($16 I like how I am now able to say "I had a Kobe Burger. And I wolfed it down without a thought)
8. Mac and Cheese ($12 it wasn't amazing but it had orecchiette, bechamel and parmesean cheese so that was kind of cool)
9. Skirt Steak Frites ($19 basically fries with steak. By the time we got around to it, we just could not consume any more fries and forced ourselves to eat the steak)
10. Grilled Cheese ($12 but we ended up not getting this because we were SOOOO full. It would have had truffled manchego, brioche, and tomato jam. I am kind of sad that I didn't get this because I LOVE grilled cheese sandwiches)
and then we had a break.
A guy sat down at our table and asked if we wanted to go to the upstairs lounge with him, which is supposedly amazing and has like a pool on the rooftop and crazy MUCH stronger drinks ... ok I just read the description online:
But I guess Andria and Christina thought he was a little weird so we shut him down. Basically he said "Can I give you my number?" and we just all looked at each other like "uh..." and he said "... or not ..." Honestly, I was just wondering how we would be able to eat dessert if we went upstairs with him. After he left with his friends, we started the discussion that has been had with TMV, which is basically "I don't understand how we are supposed to meet guys if we don't like the people who are bold enough to approach us and if we don't make the first move."
So yeah ... by the time we had our plates cleared, the waiter came back with the obligatory "do you want dessert?" but he said "I don't suppose you want dessert?" and we were like "uhhh actually yeah we do" and he gave us a SUPER HUGE WTF HOW MUCH CAN THESE GIRLS EAT face and Christina finally went "You must think we're weird! What do you think of us?" and he was like "uh honestly? I kind of thought you guys had a little pot?" And we burst out laughing because I had totally called that and said he probably just thought we were crazy high. So we explained that we just had stipends to blow and he was like OHHH and was really nice about it. So we got dessert and it was CRAZZZZYYYY good too.
11. Apple tart ($7 and by far my favorite because I have never had something like this before. Came with pistachio ice cream)
12. Flourless chocolate cake ($7 and it was decent but I realized I am not a huge fan of chocolate cakes)
13. Yogurt panna cotta ($7 and SO good because I had never had this. I have seen this at Trader Joe's all the time and it is not appetizing looking at all. Well, I'm sure it can't possibly be as good as this one)
So yeah! Desserts were actually not that expensive. But we finally rolled out of there at 2:00 (and if you count Daylight Savings Time, it was actually 3:00) with a $126 bill. It would have been more if he hadn't given us things for free. We had $30 more dollars after tip and we were considering spending the rest of our stipends on more drinks, but I always thought that you should have a social reason to drink, so it's not really worth it to drink and just go home and sleep. So we went back ... and woke up the next day at 8:00 for more interviews.
So yeah, Sunday was more of the same crazy good breakfast pastries, interviews, lunch at 333 in the hotel (with MORE delicious soup and iced tea) and then an hour nap by the pool. An hour more of interviews, then flight home. AND NOW I'm HOME! Should probably have studied instead of writing this giant blog that most people are just going to glance at. But yeah ... ten more days until spring break! Must lose weight. Of course.
Plans for the future: Andria, Christina and I will be going to the Edison on my 21st birthday along with I'm assuming any other RCSA friends I've made who live on Socal. It sounds effing ridiculous and crazy expensive but if I have a job I am going to do it.
So this is the last year I will be going to socal to do interviews for RCSA. Pretty good weekend! We went to the Marriott in downtown LA this time. I liked how the bathrooms had a bathtub AND a shower. Not that I have the patience to take a bath. But it's nice to see gleaming white porcelein.
Friday night was Roy's OMFG SO GOOD. I think the LA one is better than the Pasadena one. The Pasadena one didn't have the Ahi Tartare that is my favorite dish made of fish in ALL of history but I got it this weekend. Yummers! Andria got one as well. I also ordered the Mahi Mahi by the waiter's recommendation but I think I should stop ordering things with creamy sauces. It came with a lobster bisque sauce that was good at first then hurt my stomach. For dessert I had the pineapple upside down cake MMM MMM.
The waiter was super nice to us and when he came out with the tartare he asked if we wanted chopsticks and I was like "no I'm not very good with them anyway." And then like three minutes later he comes back and very smoothly puts down these chopsticks that have this HILARIOUS "fun chop" thing connecting the two together. It's like this bendy piece of plastic that holds the chopsticks correctly and it teaches you how to use them. Patent pending. AMAZING! I was like "I'm going to take this home" BUT THE CLEANER TOOK IT AWAY. I thought it would be too embarassing to ask for a dirty pair of chopsticks back.
Saturday was crazy amounts of talking. I also ate an excessive number of cookies. There were breakfast pastries and I ate one more than I should have. Then we had lunch in the hotel restaurant 333, and the soup was AMAZING. Also they have the best iced tea I have ever had and I usually hate iced tea. Today I could kind of taste a peach flavor in it - I wish I know where it comes from. I ate a lot of cookies and then we went to the pool to nap. Then went back for afternoon interviews and found MORE desserts. Of course, had to eat those. Felt incredibly guilty afterwards.
Then, I was already very full but we had cheese/wine/crackers with the professors in a really amazing suite. It's a corner room that is two stories - the bottom is like a living room and bar area and the upstairs is a bedroom, office and bathroom. It would be nice to live in a place like that. I love two cheeses - one is white, round, with red powdery stuff on it and is very soft. The other is bleu cheese? Did I spell that correctly? Maybe it is just blue cheese.
So I was deciding whether or not to go to a musical with Andria and Christina but decided I would rather gym. Their treadmills are ridiculous. There is a tv attached to every treadmill, with cable tv, and you can plug your headphones in. I watched POTC and some Friends. There are also inputs for A/V AND a USB port. I am willing to bet that the treadmill is more powerful that the laptop I am typing on.
Went back to my room (which I had to myself!) and showered and then fell asleep while watching SATC. Woke up Andria called me and felt EXTREMELY disoriented. But I had slept in my dress so I just went out. I pressed the elevator button and it opened with Andria and Christina in it, and they screamed "OMG YOUR DRESS IS SO PRETTY" and I screamed "AHHH WHAT? IT'S WET SEAL!" because I was still very sleepy and sudden loud noises make me very confused and I say whatever comes to my mind. HAHA So we walked over the the Standard which was basically the only place open at 10:30pm.
We had gone with the intention of eating DELICIOUS expensive entrees but we got there and all they had were semi-expensive appetizer-like foods! So we debated leaving, but where would we go? So we decided ... TO BUY A SHITLOAD of food. Imagine ... most dishes are like $12-15 ... and we had $64 for three people each ...
Our waiter was quite CLEARLY confused. Here were three Asian girls (two very thin ones and one medium sized fattie aka me) who looked like they were just out to get drinks and when he asks us what we want, we ask in very concerned voices "Can we get a dinner menu? There's NO dinner menu?! Do you know a place where we can get dinner?" At first I was a little sad that we wouldn't be blowing our money on very expensive dishes, but it turned out to be just as fun to spend this way because who is EVER going to buy $12 fries?! We shared between us:
1. Crispy Calamari ($10 and pretty good, considering I hate fried stuff and seafood)
2. Creamy Dungeness Crab Cakes ($14 and the grapefruit made it really tasty. Best crab cake ever!)
3. French fries with Gorzongola Fondue ($12 but he gave it to us for FREE and it was REALLY good ... I will probably never be able to dip french fries in gorzongola fondue ever again)
4. French Pear Martini ($15 drink that was really really good)
5. Cosmo ($10? and oddly clear but still delicious)
6. Mixed Fields Salad ($7 but he gaves this to us for FREE TOO! because he said he didn't realize how much fries our entrees had come with, so he thought we should have something to balance it out. Really good viniagrette - I did not expect to eat so much arugula that night)
7. Kobe Burger ($16 I like how I am now able to say "I had a Kobe Burger. And I wolfed it down without a thought)
8. Mac and Cheese ($12 it wasn't amazing but it had orecchiette, bechamel and parmesean cheese so that was kind of cool)
9. Skirt Steak Frites ($19 basically fries with steak. By the time we got around to it, we just could not consume any more fries and forced ourselves to eat the steak)
10. Grilled Cheese ($12 but we ended up not getting this because we were SOOOO full. It would have had truffled manchego, brioche, and tomato jam. I am kind of sad that I didn't get this because I LOVE grilled cheese sandwiches)
and then we had a break.
A guy sat down at our table and asked if we wanted to go to the upstairs lounge with him, which is supposedly amazing and has like a pool on the rooftop and crazy MUCH stronger drinks ... ok I just read the description online:
The Roof encompasses a heated swimming pool, red AstroTurf deck, dance floor, bar, outdoor fireplace, vibrating waterbed pods and a grassy knoll with sculptured topiary
But I guess Andria and Christina thought he was a little weird so we shut him down. Basically he said "Can I give you my number?" and we just all looked at each other like "uh..." and he said "... or not ..." Honestly, I was just wondering how we would be able to eat dessert if we went upstairs with him. After he left with his friends, we started the discussion that has been had with TMV, which is basically "I don't understand how we are supposed to meet guys if we don't like the people who are bold enough to approach us and if we don't make the first move."
So yeah ... by the time we had our plates cleared, the waiter came back with the obligatory "do you want dessert?" but he said "I don't suppose you want dessert?" and we were like "uhhh actually yeah we do" and he gave us a SUPER HUGE WTF HOW MUCH CAN THESE GIRLS EAT face and Christina finally went "You must think we're weird! What do you think of us?" and he was like "uh honestly? I kind of thought you guys had a little pot?" And we burst out laughing because I had totally called that and said he probably just thought we were crazy high. So we explained that we just had stipends to blow and he was like OHHH and was really nice about it. So we got dessert and it was CRAZZZZYYYY good too.
11. Apple tart ($7 and by far my favorite because I have never had something like this before. Came with pistachio ice cream)
12. Flourless chocolate cake ($7 and it was decent but I realized I am not a huge fan of chocolate cakes)
13. Yogurt panna cotta ($7 and SO good because I had never had this. I have seen this at Trader Joe's all the time and it is not appetizing looking at all. Well, I'm sure it can't possibly be as good as this one)
So yeah! Desserts were actually not that expensive. But we finally rolled out of there at 2:00 (and if you count Daylight Savings Time, it was actually 3:00) with a $126 bill. It would have been more if he hadn't given us things for free. We had $30 more dollars after tip and we were considering spending the rest of our stipends on more drinks, but I always thought that you should have a social reason to drink, so it's not really worth it to drink and just go home and sleep. So we went back ... and woke up the next day at 8:00 for more interviews.
So yeah, Sunday was more of the same crazy good breakfast pastries, interviews, lunch at 333 in the hotel (with MORE delicious soup and iced tea) and then an hour nap by the pool. An hour more of interviews, then flight home. AND NOW I'm HOME! Should probably have studied instead of writing this giant blog that most people are just going to glance at. But yeah ... ten more days until spring break! Must lose weight. Of course.
Plans for the future: Andria, Christina and I will be going to the Edison on my 21st birthday along with I'm assuming any other RCSA friends I've made who live on Socal. It sounds effing ridiculous and crazy expensive but if I have a job I am going to do it.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Busy busy week
I've been super busy this week. To the point that I haven't even had time to sit down and watch the Daily Show in the morning, which is part of my weekday morning schedule. I haven't even read the RECAPS for all the shows that I watch, which is kind of crazy. I feel like I already don't really know what is going on in the pop culture world. Did Chris Brown get arrested? Is Angelina Jolie pregnant again? Has Britney derailed before her tour? I DON'T know the answers!
This was part of my week:
In two days, I went to SF three times, which is like $20 worth of Bart tickets. But well worth it. I was a little disappointed by how few people were out at Civic Center today, but it was a weekday and I'm sure everyone was busy working. I'm just glad that I got off my lazy ass for a cause that I support, especially when it would have been so easy for me to just stay at home and have some relaxation time.
This has been the week of free food, and depending on tomorrow, might be the week of rejection for me. But I have the 3-day weekend in Socal with a $64 per day stipend for delicious foods (Roys and Cicada) I'm so excited. I just don't know if I will be eating in celebration or gorging in depression. The depression eating would require more chocolate.
This was part of my week:

This has been the week of free food, and depending on tomorrow, might be the week of rejection for me. But I have the 3-day weekend in Socal with a $64 per day stipend for delicious foods (Roys and Cicada) I'm so excited. I just don't know if I will be eating in celebration or gorging in depression. The depression eating would require more chocolate.
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