Today I went to Trader Joe's before my classes to buy milk. I haven't had cereal in so long, which was ok when I was in Socal eating croissants and pastries like it was the end of the world. But nowadays I find nothing in my apartment to eat. Anyway, I walked around the entire store, looking for something else to buy because it seems stupid to make a trip all the way to Trader Joe's ... just to buy milk. I ended up throwing a bag of carrots into my shopping basket as well. There were very few people in the store - I really like going to grocery stores in the morning when most people are at work. But I don't really have a reason to go to Trader Joe's anymore. I guess Berkeley Bowl really is cheaper than Trader Joe's, plus their fruit is better quality. My obsession with hummus has died ... so NOW WHAT? WHAT can you offer me, Joe the Trader?!
Well, I thought the person who rung me up was pretty cute. Trader Joe's has a fairly youthful workforce. A youthful
and predominately white workforce. As I left the store, I wondered how much time I had in my weekly schedule to go to Trader Joe's and flirt it up with the cashiers. Then I realized how creepy it was for someone to go to the grocery store multiple times in a week just to hit on people. So I will just shop once a week like normal people do.
Kristen said I am very pessimistic and I often blog very depressing posts. IS THIS TRUE? I am realizing how little self awareness I have. I wonder what people think of me. I didn't used to think that I was quirky or pessimistic. I thought I was very average and optimistic. What do you, dear reader, think of me?

Someone posted this on their blog and I laugh every time I see it.
i don't think you are pessimi...wait...okay no, i think you stress out about shit too much. like...OMG!! ulcer status stress. but that's also what makes you so good at getting your stuff done. berkeley bowl is a market? it sounds like a quiz game. what the's almost 2 am?!?! freaking daylight-not-savings time!!! "going to the market multiple times a week to hit on the cashiers" = barney style. anyway, i hope you buy more than just eat the same diet as a bunny. "raw spinach" "carrots" lol
i started to read henry's comment and could not finish it. HAHAHA.
sometimes you are pessimistic but it is funny. It's kind of like reading a chick lit novel but with more substance. HAHAH maybe it has decreased in sadness because you have a twitter for food now? but your food entries are kind of fun to read too. ahaha
oh yeah.. you should strike up conversations with the cashiers! and if you go every week they will remember you. :D there was this cute cashier and the trader joe's in SD and he started talking about how to make certain food
oh hush, its humorous pessimism. i didnt mean it in a bad way!
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