The thing that separates it from the other Swiffers is a little button that sprays out liquid soap when pressed. I don't know why it requires four AA batteries but it's totally worth it! I haven't ever mopped with a real mop and I never even used my regular Swiffer, but it can't possibly compare to the Wet Jet. It's so fun to just spray ... and scrub! And all of a sudden your tile floor is sparkling clean!
The only downsides are that the scrubber on the side and the velcro attract a lot of dust, so it looks pretty gross pretty quickly. I always hate it when the things you clean with turn dirty looking.
Left to clean in my apartment: the kitchen aka the scourge of my life, the living room, which only requires a few lysol wipings, vacuuming the sofa, a sweep and a mop, and then throwing away a giant cardboard box. There's also a small collection of crap I've accumlated in the hallway, which I will either be posting on Craigslist or sneaking over to my summer sublet and dumping it in their dumpster (as a thank you for a wonderful summer of living there).
I also cooked for the first time today, if cooking is defined as making a single dish. Since I used a pan and cooking oil, I count it as a cooking. I just stir fryed a few green beans with a small bit of garlic. I think it may have been rawer than it should have, but after eating plates of raw spinach for dinner, it's hard for me to be picky about these things. Which means if I ever invite you over for dinner, prepare to eat a lot of undercooked and bland foods.
Right after summer school ended I had that feeling of "BOO my summer is so short!" I have just over a week, not including five days that most other people get, because I have a retreat. But after today, it's only 2:00 and I'm tired of summer break. I basically spent the entire day in my apartment alone - not that I'm complaining about being in the apartment alone. It turned out that I was the only one who fully moved in, so for the past two weeks, I've been staying here on my own. (I can't believe it's only been two weeks - I feel like it's been a month, which is bad because I'm already counting down the months until the contract runs up.) Now, whenever my apartmentmates show up to move in a few things, I have a feeling of "Oh god ... how long are they staying? I hope they leave soon."
The weather is nice and overcasty right now - I should probably go outside and enjoy some air. I'm going to force myself to go to the gym soon. I don't know what happened but I rarely gym nowadays. It's very hard for me to get onto an elliptical or a treadmill and when I do, I don't work very hard at it. Now, when I go to the abs&back class I don't get sore the next day, which means I'm not doing it hard enough. I wonder how many summers have gone by, each with the goal of getting "fabulous abs by the time summer starts!" Probably five summers. STILL unsuccessful. :(
My mom recently got a promotion and is working in a new office that is much closer to home. She just takes the bus to work and she seems to love it, because driving really stresses her out. We ended up talking on the phone for like 90 minutes yesterday, which is well over the usual 15. I feel like I can talk to her more if she has stuff going on in her life, whereas I get very easily annoyed if she starts asking me about my life. I feel like she just decided to go for a promotion, got it, and left her old office after two weeks of eating out with friends every lunch. I hope I have as many friends as she had. But she never says anything like "I miss my coworkers" which I find strange. I think that would be the thing I worry about the most, but she doesn't even seem to mind leaving the place she spent twenty years of her life at.
Time to gym. There's a song playing on my iTunes that has no information, and I wonder who sings it and how I got it.
lol...swifter wet jet. the FAKE MOP. that's one of the things about AMERICANS that i am like ugh!! cuz like everything, eeeverything about cleaning is now: "use and throw away" and very wasteful to me. like they have the bounty paper towels or clorox wipes or swifters and it's like...how come they don't just use rags and cleaning solution? cuz that's how asians do it i guess. anyway this is a long comment and i am not saying you are vile for using swifter wet jet, if anything you got a FREE MOP! which to me is like $ yay for melly! haha...cookings...hrmmm... green beans take a while to wilt down and get soft sooo cook them a little longer they should be kinda limp or wiggly between your chop stick if you like wiggle it. other veggies are differentsss. BUT YAY you are cooking and it's all trial and error and failure until that one day it's SUCCESS!! i will blog for you soon...and not write you ridiculously long comments. haha
ALSO...that picture is so "design-y" with the purple scheme and all...her BELT/scarf thing is even purple and fashioned. gosh, yet it makes you wannnt to buy a swifter wet jet!?!? advertising wins.
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