Dude I am freaking tired. Super really effing tired. But my day was AWEEESOMEEE. I use that word a lot, I've realized. I did a shitload today. And besides the meeting I had in the morning, I didn't even touch homework and I barely thought about it. The downside is that I REALLY want to do homework this weekend, because if I can finish it all, I basically don't have to do very much for the next three (THREE!!!) weeks of school. Which means I probably won't go out tomorrow when I was SUPPOSED to go eat at la note's and schubert's and shop in sf.
Anyway. Today:
1) Gymmed. Yay! Except my body is so weak now. I can't even believe I used to be able to run on the track in the summer. Really need to get in shape!
2) IEOR meeting where we fleshed out basically our entire final project and once we actually start making the slides, we're just two presentations away from FINISHING THIS DAMN PROJECT! WHEEEE Plus Amy made muffins which were DELICIOUS. Everytime I go to her apartment, I'm like DAMN I so want to live here. I'm pretty sure it's that feeling a lot of people get when they walk into a house and they're like "this is it. This is the house!" And it's PROBABLE that I WILL live there so EEEEEEEKKKK I am excited!
3) Chinatown! San Francisco one, not the Oakland one. It was nice to see it but I wouldn't go again. MMMMMM the bakeries SO GOOD. It was a total cockfest though - six guys and me, a girl. We witnessed a verbal fight on the Bart. Two black guys going at it - I was really amazed by how many insults they could throw at each other. The conductor refused to start the bart and actually came out to scold them. I had to try really hard not to laugh. At the same time, I was thinking to myself "oh please don't pull out a gun." HAHA. We also went into the mall and Virgin megastore but we didn't buy much. OH. We also went to Pier 39 and even though the meal I got was only $7, which is fairly cheap in such a touristy area, I wish I had just eaten back home.
BUTTT I hope this trip taught me a lesson. I had kind of planned the event for just people from our floor to go. But somehow, these guys from the second floor got invited and I was kind of like "what the hell ... why are these random people going?" It turned out that the two guys are pretty cool (one I had met, didn't really like at first, but now I like him a little more; the other I think is SOOO smart and independent) and they were the only people who knew how to get around or where to go. So I was like dangg I'm so glad they went, otherwise I don't know what we would have done. SO hopefully I will learn to be more inclusive of people. I'm very exclusive. It is the TMV culture.
4) Paulo brought back a HUGE carton of his mom's spaghetti for me. I wasn't even hungry but when he showed it to me I was like OMGGG I HAVE TO EAT IT and I ate the entire thing. SO GOOD. Ground beef can NEVER go wrong. Omg. I was like "PAULO YOU ARE THE NICEST" and he was like "seriously? That's what you base niceness on?" AND YEAH. When a guy goes home and remembers to come back with a carton of pasta for you THAT'S SUPER NICE. Totally made my day. EXCEPT MY DAY WAS NOT OVER YET.
5) Met Caroline's mom which was hilarious because I always thought Caroline was kind of like Connie L in the "I <3 my mom!" way. But she was totally like "ok that's enough mom let's go" so HILARIOUS. HAHA. And of course I'm the total parent asskisser so I love meeting parents
6) WATCHED FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL. I was SOOO excited. SO HAPPY to watch this opening weekend. I was like "guys we have to watch forgetting sarah marshall" and caroline was like "we can! I have my mom's car" and I literally leapt out of my chair and starting jumping up and down. So we drove to Emeryville to an ACTUAL THEATER and not the ghetto ones on Shattuck. Driving was not without its difficulties. I love how we were just going down the street and then Caroline goes "uh.... this is a freeway. I am now driving on a freeway..." and then Paulo started giving directions and I was like "do you know where we're going?" "no, I'm just following my instincts." HAHA
Anyway, pretty good movie. Considering my expectations were so high, I'm glad I came out thinking it wasn't a waste of money. BUT part of it is because there were SO MANY PEOPLE I LOVE IN THAT MOVIE. The guy from 30 rock, Billy Baldwin, Jason Bateman, Jason Segel, and obviously KRISTEN BELL. EEKKKKK! So much penis in that movie though.
7) Driving back, dropping the guys off, intending to find parking with Caroline, and then ending up just driving for an hour up and down bay area highways. AWESOME. We blasted music and it was the perfect match because she loves to drive and I love to stare out the windows. So fun.
I also realized this in the car but I HEART CAROLINE. She is totally like, the person who made me realize a lot of things I think are not that bizarre. She's definitely not my twin, but we have common views such as:
a) We get super super sad if we aren't able to gym
b) We have both considered throwing up after eating a huge meal, but knew we couldn't really do it
c) FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS! WHO watches friday night lights?! WE DO.
Ok. I can't think of any more. FINE.
8) Conversation with Jon in the bathroom. HAHA It's a secret conversation though, so I can't say what was said. But it made me very happy. OK
9) I e-mailed someone about a sublet for the summer and it is only $400 A MONTH. That's incredibly cheap. So I guess I will just stay the entire summer. I don't know what to do with all my stuff though; there's definitely not enough space in the place but I don't know if I can put it in the apartment that I don't even completely own yet, or if I should just take it home. Luckily, my parents are coming up and I also don't have much stuff anyway. Seriously, TV is soon obsolete. All I need is the internet.
10) EGG CUSTARD. I just had one. OMGGG SOOO GOOD. I took nearly the last ones from the Chinatown Bakery. Also hilarious, apparently this was a conversation once:
Jason: Have you ever had egg custard?
Caroline: Yeah! Once in China, I had one in KFC
Jason: KFC?!
OK. I also came up with a new thing to add to my summer to do list. Go on roadtrips with my norcal floormates! We're going to explore randomass cities like Danville and San Ramon and Rockridge and Walnut Creek so I can figure out where I want to live after I graduate. Also, just so we can get to know the area. AWESOMENESS RIGHT? EEK! This summer is going to be AWEEEESSOSMMMMEMEEEE
ALSO, Caroline is pretty close to getting her apartment, which is pretty far but it has a BACKYARD so we were like OK BBQ NEXT YEAR. Also, I was like OMG we all have to come to my apartment because it is freaking close and everyone was like "yeah ... we already figured we'd do that" which AHHAHA CUTE because YAY that means they actually like me enough to spend time with me. HAHA I've already made little like costco lasagna dinner party ideas in my head. I make so many plans nowadays. Like, we're going to go to the football games together next year which FINALLY I have good friends to go with! And then I'm still pushing for us to all take a class together, but that's super hard to coordinate. OMG I JUST REALIZED IF JON LIVES WITH ME HE HAS A WII OMGGGZZZZZ. He's also my scrabble buddy. AWESOME AWESOME. College is not long enough for fun stuff, seriously. It's too long for academics though.