Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Things I love

There's a lot on my mind and at first I was like "I bet this is a lot of stress because of school" but honestly I think I'm just faking myself out because when I look at the list of everything I have to do, most if it can't be done just yet. So like today, I kept thinking OMG I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO and I felt very guilty for speaking to my floormates for two hours after I got home. But when I went to my room I was like ... ok work time ... but there's nothing to do that's assigned tomorrow.

So I figured out why my mind is just racing. Because I'm ACTUALLY very happy but I'm mistaking it for stress. And I'm stressing out because I need to make a LIST and I just keep making lists of things to do, when that's not the right list I should be making! Does that make sense? I think so.

So list time: things I love

- My floormates and how I can just knock on the door and go in and talk to them for hours and hours about the randomest things. And how I feel like I've known them for so long even though I started talking to them in mid-December and it was only for two weeks before we went on winter break and when we came back we all loved each other. Seriously, how is it that living with people makes you so much closer? I wonder if I would have been friends with them if I hadn't lived with them. Probably not because we aren't that similar and I would have been too shy to talk to some of them.

- TMV obviously and I still can't believe that I can go to school and rarely talk to most of them but come back for spring break and know that I can go out and hang out with them within a few hours of landing in Arcadia. And how despite being with each other for hours and hours when we are home, we still have amazingly a lot to talk about and relatively very little drama and I really think we will all be lifelong friends and I will be very sad when we graduate because we won't be coming home as often.

- TMV's taste in music because when I'm at school I don't know what is going on in popular radio at all, but when I come home, Danny and Will seem to always know what's up with the current music trends and I come back to Berkeley and update my iPod. Damn you Kanye West, you are oddly fun to listen to.

- Overcast weather in Berkeley! It's ridiculously cold sometimes but YES! I can wear long sleeve sweaters for a little while longer and I can start working out hardcore so when summer sun really does roll around, I won't have a muffintop.

- RCSA and having the opportunity to talk to prospective freshmen about the school. I can't believe how much more social I have become in regards to speaking to strangers. I remember a lot of adults in high school would say "I used to be very shy but after college I came out of my shell" and I was afraid it wouldn't happen to me, but I think it did. So yay! I just need to be even MORE outgoing and make the first move to people in class, which I am sometimes still apprenhensive about

- RCSA friends and how I somehow became very close to a few people and I still have no idea how. I was like a little freshmen and all my close RCSA friends are older. I wish I had made a very close freshman friend through RCSA so it would have been like reciprocating but it hasn't happened just yet. Maybe next year.

- Getting into Haas and feeling a lot more secure about my future. At the same time, I'm kind of freaking out sometimes because it's a little scary to realize just how planned out my life really was. I mean, I said last year that if I were to get into Haas I wouldn't be coming home for summer ever again and now that I'm in Haas ... I can't believe I'm actually on that road. It's like, getting into college was just a step onto a road that led to many, many roads. But getting into Haas is like getting onto that final road. Ok, that sounds very inflexible - I do plan to do something besides work for a Big4. But ... wow. I can map out my entire life for possibly the next decade. It's summer school/work this summer, Haas classes, find internship for next summer, more Haas classes, graduate, do something fun for the summer like travel or learn how to surf or if all else fails, just work more. Then ... work. Real actual income and not hourly wages work.

- Did I mention how much I love my floormates?

- How I Met Your Mother episodes and the genius that is Carter Bays and Craig Thomas. I think this is seriously my all-time favorite show, which is what I used to call Buffy, but Buffy had a lot of weak episodes (forgiven because of its 7-year run and 1-hr long episodes) whereas I feel like so many of HIMYM episodes are FLAWLESS. Seriously,, the Slap Bet and The Pineapple Incident episodes are some of the greatest things ever. The continuity in this show is mindblowing. And the cliffhangers! I wish this show could go on forever. But that we can find out who the mother is in two-three seasons and after that it's seeing their relationship. Because, AWESOME. I've listened to the song Ted Mosby Is A Jerk 3times through already, and when you can listen to a 20minute song 3 times through in a single day, I think that shows how much you love something.

- Direct Deposits and working. Wow, I'm so happy to finally get paychecks again. I don't ever want to stop working. It's so awesome that I spent about $150 in a week for spring break, but THAT'S OK because today I looked at my bank account and I have $134 added in! Direct Deposit is magic. I don't even know how to deposit checks in person.

- Asking Steven to room with me and now I feel like he really is the person I would want to room with most. I love my floormates and I think we're good floormates but when I think about it, maybe we wouldn't have made great apartment mates. But Steven is so nice! I've noticed that when I need to make a decision, the best decision is usually the first thing I want to do, but because I'm me, I always try to find other options and go into too much trouble, just to find out that my first option was best. But it makes that final decision a lot more satisfying

- Having use of my knees. I don't know why, but everytime I exercise now, I think to myself "one day you'll be too old to do this!"


jackie said...

HAHA actually exists. just goes to show how great the show is!!

i hope your return to school is going well. and yay/amen indeed for friends who come back, are called up, and then have fun like no one ever left :D

coonie said...

it's ok, i think about knees too. and obviously after i heal up i'm going to do wushu because when i'm old i won't be able to. MUAHAHA