I'm currently waiting for them to get up. Jackie just got up. I think Henry will be next, once Jackie comes back. Then Eric and then ... much later after many seasons pass, Danny will awaken. HEHE I'm sitting in the dark typing on Danny's computer. He brought it for the sole purpose of abusing our DC++ I think. I found out yesterday that Danny is RIDICULOUSLY stubborn. He couldn't get DC++ to work and I kept going "just let me look at it" for about 30 minutes before he finally gave up. I got it to work.
So they came up yesterday and I gave them specific directions to turn RIGHT on durant and then another right so they could drive west on Channing. Instead, I see a giant Durango with Eric at the wheel, going down the wrong way. They had to pay $2.00 for parking. Asian in me goes "NOOOOOO" I went up to parking and said hi before Danny turned to me and said his bladder was about to explode. So we ran down to my dorms and he peed. HAHA We unpacked and they marveled at the large open space of my dorm room and then we drove down to Alvin's. Where he was SOOO excited to see them. You could hear it in his voice. And how he ran downstairs and hugged everyone so happily. We were in the car and before I could call Alvin to come out, Danny started yelling "ALLVINNNN! ALLLLVINNNNN" and when Alvin picked up he was like "I'm coming! I HEAR DANNY!!!" *hangs up*
We ate at Gypsy's which was awesome because everyone was super hungry so normally extremely filling, makes you want to explode Gypsys was more like appropriate amount of eating. We were going to go to Papamingos but they were too full. So we went back to my dorm and they gave me a totally random gift of A CAMERA!!!
AHHH Isn't it AWESOME? When I opened the box I was like "wait where's the camera" because I'm so used to lugging around the giant one that can't even be found on the market anymore. I spent a long time afterwards marveling over everything in the box. MANUALS! Mmm they smell so nice. A pretty white USB connector that is much nicer looking than the gray one that comes with Sony cameras. Little tiny memory sticks! A cool little wrist strap. An AWESOME lithium battery. OMG I no longer have to use those giant rechargable AA batteries. LITHIUMMM BATTERIESSS!!! The charger is freaking cute too. It looks like a garage door opener. I think you can tell how happy I am.
They even got me a 2.0GB memory stick from Black Friday HEHEHE. Too bad it does not fit in my camera. At one point Eric had to pull it out with my eyebrow tweezers. BUT AHH AWESOME. HEHE when we tried to open the memory stick wrapping, I didn't have scissors but I was like "well I use Chrystal's sewing scissors" and everyone was like "no that probably won't work" because they're tiny and barely cut through paper, much less hard plastic. But Alvin was like "no! Sewing scissors are really strong! I bent them." HAHA sigh. Henry ended up using my serrated knife to cut through the plastic. It looks like a monster tore it up.
We spent the night talking and sleeping at 2. Henry and Eric were amazed by the awesomeness that is the second shower stall of my hall. It has water presure like no other - I can't put my face directly under the stream of water or I feel like my eyes are going to get slapped out. It's also insanely hot, and by the time you're done, it feels like all the dead skin cells have been blasted away. Danny was the last to shower. He didn't bring soap or a towel. I wonder if he was planning to shower at all in this week. HAHA
And now they are awake. So I must fleee. THANK YOU to my friends who pitched in for the camera. :)
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