Earlier, I had written a post where I ranted about my shitty Converses. (Seriously, who started thinking converses were cool to wear? They're the shittiest shoes ever. I can't believe I own three pairs). Before I could finish though, I left to eat dinner with two college friends and when I came back, I was in such a good mood that the ranty entry didn't seem appropriate anymore. Is this why it seems like no one ever updates? Maybe everyone types something and then leaves and then thinks it's not worth posting. Whereas I just type type type and send it in without thinking. I guess that kind of parallels how I speak to people. Speaking without thinking...
Anyway, I am in a super good mood even though I haven't done 3/5 of the work I planned on doing today. The first reason is because I ate dinner at Sushi House. And not the sushi house at asian ghetto, but the ACTUAL restaurant Sushi House. Where you aren't sitting practically elbow to elbow with a table of strangers. It was pretty funny because I had made plans to eat with my friends a few weeks ago and I had assumed we would be going to the asian ghetto one. So when one of them called to confirm, I was like "Well I wouldn't have a preference over sushi house or sufficient grounds so you choose." Sufficient Grounds is this place about 20 feet from my unit, and they have amazing garlic chicken sandwiches for $6.50. Anyway, she responded with a pause and then "We're coming to pick you up." To which I was like "Wait, WHAT?! You're picking me up? ... to go to asian ghetto?" Asian ghetto is like a 3 minute walk from where I live. And she was like "NO. We're not going THERE. We're going to the actual one! What kind of people do you think we are?"
HAHA So we drove there. As I always am whenever I'm being driven somewhere around Berkeley, I was sitting up all straight with giant eyes staring out the window because I like to see what kind of stores are around the area. We got there and it felt so nice to actually sit down in a nice restaurant with friends. I love the small little places to eat around Berkeley, but you really do need a regular, clean restaurant every now and then. Not a restaurant where you bus your own table or it looks kind of suspiciously dirty and sticky. It also feels so adult-like to eat with friends on your birthday. I think high school and younger is all about getting gifts (for girls at least) and then for me at least, there was the first year in college where some friends still sent me cards and gifts. Then second year, it's like everyone stops and it changes to just treating people out to birthdays. I'm getting older. It feels nice. For now at least.

Hilarious moment: just the night before I had told Chrystal that I've never eaten avocado in my life. And today, I was in the middle of eating a piece of cherry blossom and I was like "This isn't as good because there's so much avocado in it--" and I literally just paused and stared at the sushi in my chopsticks. And then I was like "OMG. THIS SUSHI HAS AVOCADO IN IT!" and my friends were like wtf. All this time, I kind of associate the green thing in my sushi as celery or something. It was such a life changing moment. I HAVE tasted avocado. It's like realizing ... that you have a brother you never knew about.
So that was my belated birthday dinner. :) Second year of college is a lot better than first year, and I was actually fairly content first year. I'm happy. I wonder what will happen next year though, because most of my friends are actually fourth years.
Second thing that made me happy: Brothers and Sisters season premiere! OMG. In my xanga, I had said that I thought The Office would be the best premiere I would see this year. I realize now after rewatching it that the first half is much better than the second half. I remember kind of waiting for the show to end past the 35 minute point. For Brothers and Sisters though, I was like "OMG PLEASE DON'T END EPISODE! DON'T LEAVE ME!" and I was ultra sad when I looked at the clock and it was 10:53. Hands down, best premiere! I'm so sad that I think this show is going to get cancelled because I don't think it gets the highest ratings.
Oh wow. I went to see if I could steal a picture from abc.com. Not only do they have a surprisingly low number of pictures, but the pictures they have of the cast are TERRIBLE. They're so photoshopped. Rob Lowe doesn't even look human. More like a Ken Doll.
I heart this show. I almost cried I think. A little tearing in the eyes. This show makes me wish I had a large family and I was a grownup. They have such great chemistry and their personalities are so human. They have faults but unlike the characters of Grey's Anatomy, their faults don't make me want to shoot them.
I'm 5x more happy too, because I went on Limewire and managed to find the two songs they played in the episode. PLUS I was scrolling through my folder of music that I've downloaded but haven't sorted and I found a song I've been looking for! This has happened so often in the summer because before I left last year, I downloaded just about as many cds as I could, as long as the artist had an interesting name. Throughout summer, I'd hear a song, wonder who sang it, tried to download it, failed to find it, and then a few weeks later I would realize that I had the entire cd on my computer already! Pretty awesome. They played Sara Bareilles - Gravity for the next week's promo, which I LOVE. I looked at her myspace and she's going on tour with Maroon 5. Nothing near SF though, so boo. I know that she played here last year and I wanted to go but I didn't bother getting tickets. MISTAKE! Also, it says a lot that I actually watched the next week promos. I'm kind of making a rule that I won't watch these, because I think a lot of shows make shitty promos that give away the entire episode and I end up hating the show when I should really hate the promo makers. After this episode I turned off the tv and was like "NO! I can't watch!" and then a second later I had turned the tv back on. And if I hadn't, I wouldn't have heard them play Sara Bareilles!
Now I'm playing Maroon 5's new cd and it's surprisingly good. If I don't think about how popular they got, I can like them again.
I really need to shower now, and either do work or go to sleep. I'm actually surprised I'm not more stressed, since midterms are next week. It must be all this gymming and waking up early. I feel pimples though. I should stop touching my face. It still smells of sushi.
haha i heart you! and miss you. i was reading bits of it to dee to prove how funny you were. :D
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