We went to Pike Place Market which was one of the best outdoors markets I've ever gone to. But I don't know if it was significantly greater than other outdoor markets, or if I was just with a better group. Traveling with excom is very nice - we look at things at approximately the same amount of time and multiple people take pictures. We ate really good smoked salmon samples that an Asian fish guy gave us. I point out that he is Asian, because the way he got us to sample his foods was by yelling "HEY, MY ASIAN SISTERS!" Well, I'm glad I stood out as an Asian, because that salmon was damn good.
Lunch was piroshky which was SOOOO good. I got two though, one sweet one savory. I shouldn't have gotten the sweet because it was way too sweet. Savory was so delicious - cheese, egg, and spinach. I should have gotten the pear tart at Le Panier. I hate regretting food choices :( The piroshky place, appropriately named Piroshky, had been featured on Anthony Bordain's No Reservations, as the newspaper clipping in the window told us.
We spent a good amount of time there. Then we drove off to Olympic Sculpture Garden, which turned out to be way cooler than I thought. I had imagined boring people-like statues, but it was modern. Also went to Microsoft's headquarters, which was very interesting. Helped myself to a cup of hot chocolate. Then dinner at Santorini's Greek Grill which was SO GOOD - it was featured on Seattle's cheap eats. So we had Russian and Greek. I love this multiculturism. We then went to Dragonfish, a restaurant/bar in a hotel in downtown Seattle where we had INSANELY cheap drinks. $2.95 for some pretty sizeable cocktails.
We are leaving for Vancouver now!
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